feet .a second, and if seen, ts a quarter of will reach the eros! een s~ond s. A heav ~ty mtles an hour tak{ in which to top, 0~ a quarter of a mile." we saw a small boy ,ycle under. the crossing fall off bestde a passing called the attention of g man to the bov. He "They do that ·dozens very day." running across the track North Shore limited is mon sight. t time you are about to racks be£ ore a train emyourself the fact that ~aching you at the rate ~ight feet a second. :::::::: WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 31 AND THERE ON STAGE AND. SCREEN. . Reviews of the Week , the Want-Ad, when · furnace tsfrom ·ng the ual hot i) Solvay High", "A~J plesauce", "The Outsider" her wistful romance with Tim Sullivan. iels' so much that he sactiftces his own a_nd Jane Cowl in "Who Knows" con - , So when fate tumbled a huge for- hope for an early wedding so that she h~ue to attrac~ large audi ences. tune into her lap she whisked out of can travel and get a glimpse of Old Raymond H1tchcock is in h is last the squalid Brooklyn neighborhood World culture in Italy. By Thespian week at. the Great Northern , which ·---::===::::=:::-~--.1 where she had known so much of hard Then there is William Powell, the house w1ll probaly o~ !ark for a week work and privation, off to a fashion- suave and ophist:cated Prince Amolfo, following h~s leave-taking. l ble boarding school up the Hudson, and Dolores Cassinelli as the scheming SCREEN The Mus1c Box Revu e will occupy hence to a beautiful villa in the !italian mistress of the boarding school. Mary ··. tRGENTINB LOVE" the Illinois beginning December 22 Alps. · Foy, Edward O"Connor, · Peter Lang, McVickers Theatre and the Dolly Sisters will probably Along came a Prince. Fate dealt a Charles Slattery and Diana Kane, who Om· intagines that "Argentine Love" ent er th e Garrick the sam e week. few cards off the bottom of the deck is in real life a sister of Lois Wit on, "The Show-Off," which has had 113 ~ wri tt en for the particular benefit .and the first thing she knew, Adele was complete the line-up of players. of Rir hard Cortez that he might such a remarkable run in New York 1 Pr.ncess. tricked into marriage by a ··Dangerous Money," directed by draw a ce rtain portion of the "Valen- is slated for Cohan's Grand following Frank Tuttle as his first production for' schcm:ng band of social conspirators. tino'" fa n s. Mr. Cortez looks like "Seventh H eaven". The London com pany is said to be the one which will Paramount. was adaptt 1 to the :screen Some picture for Debe Daniels' debut \"a lent ino. acts like him and is given by Julie Herne from tlte story by John ..ts a full -fledged Paramount star I material t? work with which has many be seen here. lt all comes about at the Adelphi Russell, which, in turn, is based on the oi the thmgs frequently found in his hcatre on Wednesday, December 17, novel, "Clark's Field," by Roberti Herpictu re". · where "Dangerous Money" will hold rick. Th t· story has to do with the affairs Neig hborlng Theate1"1 The story is said to be fast-moving :orth for two days. oi an Argentine beauty who has been The cast includes Tom Moore, as Tim and colorful romatic-drama with beautipron\i,;e d flt marriage to a young Sullivan, who loves Adele (Miss Dan- ful Bebe at her best. man of the same country but who HOWARD ha:< made up her own mind to marry Cl :re \Vindsor, who has the leading 311 .-\nll'r ican engineer who is building hridge... But Juan is no quitter and feminine role in "Born Rich," a First haunt in g her every step and threaten- National picture, directed by Will Nigh Pol.\. Ne2ri In the Ernst Lutitsifl Pmdt~:t~ca ing dire things should she not live up for Garrick Pictures Corporation, which ·Forbidden Parad ise · to the original bargain. he makes pos- will be at the Howard Friday and Sat-· A P.ramount Picture sihle a rather interesting last half of urday, December 19 and 20, relates an the pict ure . interesting story of how she started her Contln uou· Ma tinee· Tht' "cenes are South American in film career. as the human pawn. who is used by the t<.;very Day-%:16 to ll :U 8aturdaya, Sundaya, Holiday· · ry detail, the direction is excellent Five years ago she was a struggling hu band in daring exploit to keep his N. W . "L'. Staboa at How ani 7074 Nort h . Clarla St. most of the cast is about right. little extra girl. It was not that she wif e from making a fool of herself . arc\ Cortez is a good actor even felt the call to act nor that she could Movieitcs will have an opportunity of t· v do make him imitate Valen- make Mrs. Fiske or Mary Pickford r. !i:unol a)'. lUm1d ay, T u ··d·T S n nda)·, :)l uad a,-. T · ·IMI· l' e- see ing "The Fast Set" when it plays at Dt'l'f'Dibt'r 14- t :S-liJ Rehe Daniels is better than in ' ire in despair when she started in. Her the Howard next week \Vednesday and n~·h·" 1.4-u~- · · any of her recent attempts and James appearance in a picture studio was due Thursday, December li, and 18. Also Pola Ne1ri Gloria Swanaon Rennie. a s the American engineer is to the somewhat unromantic necessity of the Gumps will be seen in "'Andy's Hat." "The F ~rbidden Paradise" -Inm·ep table. money making. Pola 'cgri has not forgotten the days AI. St. John li 10u have not seen "Sainted " I have a little boy, you know, " she when she was a strap-hanger in Berlin "Never Again" On il" yo u will probably consider this said. ··and I felt that I must do some- :· ml rode to the studio every morning ()11C of the best of the South Amer\\.l"ol n··d ny nnol T hu r·d n)· thing to make a living for myself and in a street car crowded with working ican pic ture s. If you have seen it you Betty Comp·on 11ill ma ke a comparison not so favor- baby. We were slaying with my mother people and extras going to the lot. She in Hollywood. and one day the daughter was reminiscing at the Paramount studio al>l<' to "Argentine Love." "The F aat Set" o f the woman who ran the apartment in Hollywood with Ernst Lubitsch who Bebe Daniela 'l'ak·aa fr ODI t h t' Mt&M;t' MU 4.'('t'88 house where we lived told us she had directed her in "Forbidden Paradise," ·· Tiff] ONLY WOMAN" -ln... Sp rl n lf ( "I I"IIDIDIJ.. made quite a tidy income in the picthe picture which reunited their profesw ith Chicogo Theat1·e turcs. She urged me to try my luck. sional efforts in America and which is Adolphe Menjou ~ or m a Talmadge and Eugene "I went to a photographer and left due next Sunday. Dcccmher 14, at the aad (Yil rien is the combination here . They Elliott Dexter make a prett y good job of things with my pictures at the various studios. The Howard. ·cne Go-Getter" very next day I was engaged as an "lt was an' hour and a half's ride," The Gumpa in ·unw o nt s tan<lin~ help from Edward extra girl. I worked at this for three she said . " Nearly all the time I had Da1 i, as the father. "Andy'a Hat" It is not the newest story in the months when Allan Dwan saw me and to stand. hanging to a strap. People F rid ay ancl Saturda y 11n~ ld hut the author manages to put .tvld me he thought I had a future on walked all over my feet and I usually Constance Talmadire <.tare W indaor, Bert Lytell a tc w new twists on things which the screen. Then came four months of arrived at the studio adiing with bruises "Bom Rich p np interest most of the time. <mall parts and fin ally my big chance and tired before I started th e day's work. "After I played in one or two picSat u r tlay mathlt'f' oal y In a thllHarrington is a successful busi- with Lois Weber." tlun tn th · re~r ula r a llo w . At the Saturday matinee only, in ad- tures which were success ful, I went up man who drives a hard bargain "The Sawdutt Trail" is usually on top after each clition to the regular show, "The Saw- in the scale of importance and after that the studio used to send a car for tic: . He has a son, not of much dust Trail" will be shown. Go to your rival for the best advice me in the morning. The same car accou11t as is usuallv the case at least in pic tures . But his affection for the on how to win hack your wife! 1£ you picked up the important players in the R.pre~e~~tative can·t steal hi s thunder, ask him to loan picture. lt was built for five passengers y4lung drunkard is sincere. He knows It is done in "The Fast and ten of us rode in it every morning of a certain young woman who proh- it to you! could make a man of him. Her Set" in which Betty Compson plays the lor five months . It was wonc ridina: .,. . .wwawwww --·~..-r·. er is in trouhle and he offers to wiie, Adolphe Menjou has the part of than in the street car but the prestige A .mJI Je,_;t ltolJ· your ·t until Cltrilllma· him out if daughter will marry the intriguing "great lover" and Elliott which went with the honor was so great . on. Its ahout the last thing in Dexter appears as the husband. none of us would have given it up for wprld she wants to do but to save The situation is said to be one of worlds." ~·r fclther she consents. the most unique in motion pictures, and. Rod La Rocque, Adolphe Menjuu and The balance of the story deals with as handled by William de Mille, who Pauline Starke play opposite Pola Negri th e things which happen during their produced the picture, is delightfully in "'Forbidden Paradise," adapted by married life and some of them are satiric. Han Kraly and Agnes Christine Johnsquite interesting. Perhaps tlie most "The Fast Set" was written by Clara ton from the stage play "The Czarina." r~a li ~ tic hoat wreck of the moving Beranger from Frederick Lonsdale's AI St. John in "Never Again·· will Picture season takes place toward the stage success, "Spring Cleaning." and complete the first half of the week's euc--a> Tw..Dial C..tnl t'Jtd of the picture. At le~st it seemed presents the brilliant society comedy in bill. all too real to me and if they "faked" all its sparkle. Constance Talmadge will be the star Cfll· tllro.,.lt l-al· Ulitlt -.e nY part of it thl"'y managed it beautiThe husband, as author, prefers "high in '"Her Night of Romance·· which will ulh·. lw 1-. J i·tance ,...option brow" company and is hurt that his wife he the week-end attraction at the Adelphi . T.here is much action, good direc- docs not feel flattered by his attitude that theatre Friday and Saturday, December witlt lo_, .......r "'-ne. ton and capable work on the part of h Miss Talmad~e and Mr. O'Brien. hi s friends can elevate her mind. She 19 and 20. Solei oa Our t3 W -k Pia a ADELPHI hances are that you will think it is i!. bored by the men and women who recite their own poetry by the hour and Gloria Swanson, sometimes known as th seeing. seeks more cheerful company in other "The Glorious Gloria," has in "\Vages circles. of Virtue," which will be at the Adelphi "I AM THE MAN" She becomes involved in a "fast set." for three days beginning Sunday, DeStale-Lake Tlteafre 'Vith Lionel Barrymore. I say that A notorious philanderer pays her mark- cember 14, a role for which she is use he is the heart and soul of cd attention and when her husband in- peculiarly well fitted-that of a poor picture and displavs an ability as sults her and her friend s by bringing a little !italian orphan girl. Norman Trevor, now playing in "The actor that is worth going quite a girl of the streets as guest at a dinner Goose Hangs High" at the Princess, is tance to see. The story by itself party, she decides to leave him. Then the author goes to his rival for among those !>Upporting Gloria Swanson ath er weak and somewhat convenal. In it, James McOuade is a help. He is coldly informed that inas- in thi s thrilling picture. Ben Lyon ineering politician who alwavs much as the husband did not pay his play s the lead as the handsome Foreign what he goes after. He wants - a wi f c the attentions she deserved, he, the L.:gionnaire. Adele Clark thought money was everyain young lady for a wife and so philanderer. should be praised for havgoes after her in the approved .ng shown the young woman appreciation. th ing. Slaving away with the pots and D·liHTe4 in Your Home ie fashion of "framing" her fath()r in a delightfully humorous manner the pans of her aunt 's dingy boarding house, such a way that daughtr to save husband and wife arc brought together with scarcely a nickel to call her own, 0 Adele was sure money would buy beauty m succumbs. Thev are married and again ·· ·· In .the featured cast with Miss Comp- and romance and freedom. She didn't balance of the picture deals with life they lead. But into that life son, Menjou and Dexter. is Zasu Pitt· stop to think what money might do to ted some exciting things. Mrs. o1lu&iJI1~~ FAMOUS CROSLEY is persuaded to try a little TRIRDYN DE LUXE e. there is a murder. a trial TIN co..t-to-c--' ,..eeiuer witlt H · net a subseQuent exposure of the an;:,'). ' \ lectic.oity tltat u uncanny. tec e{\ents of Mr. McQuade. This ·- ~ la tt t· r item paves the way for some of Sold on our oaay paymeat !h l' hest dramatic acting seen recently plaa of $3 a week. Price .... M o n., Tue1. a n d Wed. Startina Monday !n the movies. Mr. Barrymore does tt and does it right. "Wonder" Speeiala "Crosley" See na Owen and flora le Breton are J. WARREN KERRIGAN LOIS WILSON Radio Shamrock Harlmeu I · of considerable assistance as is Martin Faust. But from start to finish Operates wltb In ide LOIS WILSON JACK HOLT Jl·n·e coaat to cout; the ~i!':~ kl:n· aerial; no tubca, bet· ).t r. Barrymore is usually the one who beat ono·tube eet manu · teriea or expen5e; com· factured. Complete with re re i\ es your attention. ERNEST TORRENCE plcte. ready to use wf~ ERNEST TORRENCE ~~t. ~~~~~~.r.~~~ I At The Howard HOW'AraRD ADELPHI NEWELL . & RETCHIN Wages of Virtue -··- Dangerous Money Her Night of RomaDce -··- The North Shore'· Moet ..............,.,...,.,..... P I The AmraJ Sensation Theaten New Five-Tube Neutrodyae I ~ ~ ~. ~~~~ ~ $85 New Evanston Hoyburn $7 5 . One-Tube S26. 75 VAUDEVILLE MAJESTIC THEATRE :\n excellent collection of jazz n!1mhers played by Nellie Jay and her ett(ht Jay Birds topped the bill at the J.[ ajestic this week. Sylvester and ~ ance, with an original offering which tncluded several songs and some comedy moments, seemed to please. ).[axfield and Goldson, a funny couple with a burlesque of Romeo and }uhet made a big hit while "Broken Toy. " a novelty acrobatic act also caught the fancy of the audience. Smith's Animals, a collection of I trained dogs, monkeys and bears to fill out a very excellent pro- ...-- "North of 36" HARRY LANGDON James Cruze's and complete aeri·l equip· meat, DOthl n· elM to buy .····· ~~;~01b:~tc~~~b:;[ph~!~~ s19 $25 equipm~nt. head phones and aerial Notbio· elM ~~. ~~~ . . . ....... s10 lS "1\e Handsome Cabman" D 1 "The Covered Wagon" Pomive Money Baclt Guarantee witla Ever~ We We carry Royal, Fada, Murdock Neut1"041,--, R...Uola Superlaeterodpe aacl DaJ·Faa. all Ial·la· ....- Mh. A complete line ol .t·rtlltlftl ~-~.:;~i\1 rAluqvii.llDJl'lU11 218 W. Macli10n St. Telephone Sta _, · STAGE No changes this week in the Chicago theaters. "The Goose Hangs ··1 . SL aowa a t · 4 7 a . . ......Saturda~ Contiauou 2 to 11 P . M ..., , ~~~----ori.N &V&N INCOI utiTIL I, J UNDAYS 10 TO - - - - - ·