30 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1924 1 The pattern of the oak is more irregular but still harmonious and 1 Form.,rly The Lake Shore Newa) agreeable. l!:stabllahed 1912 We must confess that it is only with which Is combined THE WILIIETTE LOCAL NEWII when our eyes range upward that Establlahed 1818 they encounter any even distant liiUED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK hints of the beautiful. The streets by LLOYD HOLLISTER. INC. and buildings are dull and un1ZZ2 Central Ave., Wllmdte, Ill. pleasing. Human beings on a ... ... ...... wn..ette tno rainy December day are small . . . A YEAR vertical splotches of black, 8UBIICRIPTJON All communication must be accom- topped by ug~y umf:>rella~, .men panted by the name and address of the and women ahke bemg dtstmctwriter. .Articles for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon ta I y under the weather so far as Insure appearance In current Issue. I.o oks are concerned. Th.e grass Reaolutlona of condolence carda of and shrubs have lost thetr fresh thanks, obituary, poetry, notices of entertalnmenta or other atralrs where greenness and have taken on a an admittance charge will be made or dry faded appearance. And vaa collection taken, will be charged at cant lots are littered with old recular advertising rates. cans, papers, and miscellaneous JCntered at the post omce at wn- rubbi sh. mette, Illinois, &II mall matter of the aecond cla11s. under the act of March But we ought to look upward. I, l8Tt. The sky is not dirty. The tree SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1924 etchings are good to look at. We shoutd look downward only just Separate the Grades. Enforce the Traffic Laws. enough to escape stumbling. Build the Through Traffic Road. Looking upward we shall escape Widen the Business Thorou g hfiares being lower animals and shall -----------~....;......- find beauty even in the gray DeGO THERE FIRST cember sky. - - - - - - -VVe urge north shore shoppers OUR AIM to visit north shore stores first. It is not our aim to make our The consequences will be bene- paper the best suburban weekly ficial not only to the store-keep- in the world. ers but also to the shoppers. In It IS our aim to make each isthe fir st place the shoppers will sue better than it predecessor. probably find just what they We are working to make this want and they can get it in with- paper better than last week's. in a short distance of their homes, an advantage that means It is our .object to be continually a real saving of time, money, and surpassing ourselves. We have good evidence that strength. And sometimes it happens that they can buy articles we are growing. We know it. near home at a lower price than ourselves. But what is more convincing, we have -often been told in the ctiy. so by others. If shoppers will give their We have ideas as to what neighbors, the merchants, the 'm eans will aid our development. first chance to serve them the merchants will be encouraged to More adequate knowledge of expand in various ways. Th ey various events taking place on wiJJ do what a number of north the North Shore, clearer and shore men have already done, more interesting telling of this namely, establish stores in sev- news, more pleasing arrangeeral di.f ferent locations. This in- ment of news and ads, more crease of stores and consequent- forceful, timely, and well-written ly of stocks will naturally benefit editorials-we know that all these are means of improvement. the shoppers. we are using these means. It must be admitted that some And 'B t tfte~ aTe ~ tnean3 art\ctes cannot yer be fO'Und tn local stores. They cannot carry which y.ou, our readers, can sugthe same ammmt of merchandise gest to us. You look at our work as metropolitan stores. But they from your own point of view. are growing. And your patron- You see blemishes that we .overage will stimulate their growth. look. Won't you tell us what we Visit the north shore stores can do to improve? Tell us our faults. FIRST. WILMETTE LIFE Te····-· of success by "inspiration but by cool logical analysis. He does not say that money is the measure of success nor does he measure success in terms of .objective amount. The question is not how much did the candidate for success do nor how much money did he make butwas he satisfied and if so to what degree? Not quantity, not money, but satisfaction. It he was satisfied he was successful. Babson's idea of success allows for individual variation. Each one may be a success in his own SATISFACTION unique way. What satisfies one may not satisfy another. Don't Roger Babson finds the es- try to gain the same kind of sence of success to be satisfac- satisfaction that some one else tion. Babson is a hard-headed experiences. Satisfy yourself. statistician who plots curves of all sorts to. show th~ UJ?S ~nd Tt downs of bu.smess. He t~ sctentd1c SAFETY FIRS · n_?t rom~nttc .. So he dtd not ar"A train moving sixty miles an driver should collide with. the cu:b or another car the cychst agam would be responsible. Children, and most often boys, ride without lights at night. But they are not legally to blame. The parents, and probably the father, should be held legally responsible for damages and injuries caused by their children's actions. We thing it high time that the police did something to stop· the riding of lightless bicycles on our streets after dark. eighty-eight feet a second ~~ . a quarter """" when fi rst seen, ts of mile away, will reach the eros a ing in fifteen seconds. A hea ~ train at sixty miles an hour 1,800 feet in which to stop, ~~ more than a quarter of a mile." Recently we saw a small boy ride his bicycle under the crossing gat~s and fall off beside a passing tram. V-(e called the attention of the crossmg man to the bov. He rt:marked·, "They do that -dozens of times every day." A man running across the track before a North Shore limited is also a common sight. The next time you are about to cross the tracks before a train emphasize to yourself the fact that it is approaching you at the rate of eighty-eight feet a second. ta;y man One Ill> \ I oi Ri draw tino" \'a lrn mater oi tlu pirtu r Tht· oi an pro n ~~~v~e~art~h~ts~e~s~tt~m~at~e~o~f~t~h~e~n~a~tu~r~e~h~o~u~r~t~·s~c~o~m~in~g~~a~t~th~e~~r~at~e~o~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read tlae Want-Ada ha> n; an :\ 1 hridg haunt ing d tO thtl ·ihle ;he p( li Orril (\l it' II iran ill ahll' is what you buy What you want when you buy fuel is the heat producing , element-the carbon. Smoke and ashes are waste-and a costly nuisance. You pay only for heat [carbon]-when you buy Chicago Solvay Coke. · For nineteen years Chicago Solvay Coke has been this city's own efficient, economical and clean, smokeless fuel ·Chicago Solvay Coke is higher in heat producing element than hard coal, bums under more moderate draft, and costs 20% less than hard coal. A GRAY DAY Even a gray rainy day in early December has not unlovely aspects. Yesterday the western sky was covered with a multitude of tiny rosy clouds, each as regularly formed and as beautifully touched with shading tints as the scales on the brook trout's slender body. But to-day there is no color in the heavens, not so much as a remote suggestion. Still it pleases the eye. The black twigs are etched against the uniform gray of the sky. The thin black lines cross and recross one another with delightful distinctness. And yet all this complexity combines into one unified pattern, its form varying as the tree is an oak or elm_ The elm pattern is somewhat triangular with the point downward, spreading upward and outward. LIGHT YOUR BIKE We suggest that when the; police find a person riding a lightless bicycle after dark that they confiscate the bicycle and keep it until the owner comes to the station and equips the bicycle with a suitable light. Such acti.on would perhaps be justifiable in view of the fact that the riding of bikes after dark is illegal, this being a violation of an ordinance. After dark many drivers moving along at a good clip have suddently come upon a bicyclist riding without a light and have barely averted an accident by a quick turn to one side. The driver is troubled, to say the least, by the narrow escape; the rider too, is probably pretty badly scared. If the cyclist were injured or killed he himself would certainly be to blame. If in turning aside the For nineteen years our corps of skilled fuel and furnace men have been showing people how to get best results from their heating plants, they have been recommending the proper size of Chicago Solvay Coke for each individual hot air furnace, boiler or stove. Are you burning Chicago Solvay Coke? Have you benefited by this free service? Order a few tons of Chicago Sol"a'Y Coke from your dealer todii'J Give Fireplace Furnishings for Xmas Lllt'gf' st Bf'le ctton In Chicago tf' choose from. Factory prices. You will feel fully rt·JJaid it you drive out In vour car to ~;e e our display anli Kt>t h e lpful suggestions. C C' lont nl Andirons. Fireeete ancl other fireplac e furnishings aplll'Opl·iately complete, th 1· rt>nuln <.' fireplace eQulpPI'd with the Colonial Head. Th·-oat and Damper. $200 COLONIAL HEAD THRO.T The only Dome Damper made that takes care of Expansion and Contraction ln Itself-eo important to the life and proper working of the fireplace. Four styles, 12 al.zes, $5.00 and up. Insist on ColonialAvold substitutes. SEND FOR BLUEPRINT SHOWING THE COMMON MISTAKES IN FIREPLACES. Colonial Dampers at theae dealers: ME"ER VOAL AND MATERIAL CO. WU.ett·· UJ. IN PRIZES For the bE>et nreplace photowin a prl:-:e. First prize $100.00, Second prlz · $50.oo: eight oth 1- prizes totaling $50.00. Contest closes January r;.. In case of tie, each get p1l.ze. Three judgell, one an architect. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIR· CUL.AR AND ENTRY BLANK. A uniform a~ clean, smokeless fuel for home heatint plants. Made tn Chicago from carefully selected coalS. AND DAMPER ~~~~~k ~~fndt 1 ~ifih~t~fr!~~ HOFFMAN BROTHERS Phone 131 Colo·'·' ftaaeplaee Co·paa~ ..S-17 ROOSEVELT ROAD, CHICAGO, ILL Open Tueaday and Friday Evenings Until 9 o'Clock