Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Dec 1924, p. 28

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WIL:\IETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1924 People Seldom Look for Trouble But That's Our Business Are you having your Radio troubles? Call us for quick ,en·ice in repairing. installing. rebuilding. \'\'e have a number of Christmas bargains or place your order for your built-to-order Christm4s Radio. Chandler's Book Nook Books for all tastes and ages. (tiN.SOCIETY_ ~Triangle Club to Give Evanston Performance HE TRIANGLE CLUB of Princeton university will present its forty-second annual production. "~he Scarlet Coat," an original musical drama, in Chicago at the Etghth Street theatre on the afternoon and evening of Monday, December 29, and also in Evamton at the Evanston Country club on the evening of Tuesday, December 30. Although the club has playe~ in Chic~go during Christmas holidays for a number of years, thts marks tts first appearance in Evanston. All seats for the three performances are to be reserved. The Evanston arrangements, including the allotment of tickets, are being handled by Robert T. Sherman. 1629 Judson avenu~. ~vanston, while J . Russell Forgan, 105 South Dearborn street. ts m charge of t!te Chicago performances. "The Scarlet Coat" is a musical drama of the Royal Northwt8t Mounted Police. and the scenes are laid .in the Hudson Bay country. Every featur~ of the P.roduction, .inc~uding the. w:iting of the play, rlialogue, mustc and Iynes, the destgmng and pamtmg of the scenery and the devising of the lighting effects, is the work df Princeto~ T rose> ·TRIER RADIO SERVICE Phone Wilmette 2187 ·01andlers · rounml"' S9uo.,.e · . EVANSTON ment g-rotu lor :\1 tor :X ,ell. mony Thi Things of Beauty Which Endure DIAMONDS O COMMODITY on earth-:-well bought-dt::preciate~ so li~tle with time and wear as d1amonds. You may enJOY-With pride- the intimate possession and use of nature's masterg-em for a ).{e neration or more, at which time its value may ha,·e enha nced. Do you know of another article of luxury of which this may be said? ~tudents. N In addition to the Chicago and Evanston performances. the club will play in Boston, Morristown, Rochester, Pittsburgh, Ci Louisville, Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, Washington and N York. Villagers Invited to Smart Dresses for all occasions. Satin. Canton, Bengaline and Charmeen. ~~The Old Maids Return" The experience Every diamnnd that we offer is worthy of its price and of your approval. and judgment gained therein are at your service today. \Ve hav~ been diamond merchants for 67 years. MATINEE performance of "The Old Maids Return" will be A given tomorr.ow afternoon for children especially, .although <dults will be admitted. This clever farce is being given at the v\'oman's club, corner of Tenth street and Greenleaf avenue, by members of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette, assisted by outside talent. The initial performance is this evening. The cast includes Mesdames Hanna Crush, Stella Pahlman, Maud Tarnow, Matilda Seng, Bess Kavanaugh. Marguerite Krafthefer, Ethyol Mills, Retta Tisdelle, Eva Ronan, Rose Barton, Florence Br.oad, Gertrude Ludwig, Frances Patterson, and Orpha Royston. Charles Bunte, Edward Kelly and Frank Oelerich will add their bit to the fun of the production. Miss Helen and Miss Madeline Lamkey will impersonate the Duncan Sisters in song from "Topsy and Eva." Miss Virgi11ia Seng and Miss Patsie Krafthefer will dance, and Eugene Sweitzer, baritone soloist, and Joseph Chopic. violinist, will take part in the perf.ormance. The Winnetka Attic Puppets are North Shore society took great in· giving their performance of Dicken's tere t in the Grenfell benefit dance "Christmas Carol," in Winnetka, on given Thursday evening at the EvWednesday. December 17. at the anstQn Woman's club. The werlc Christ hurch Parish house. There done by the Grenfell mission on the are two shows, one in the afternoon coast of Labrador has engage~ at 3, gi\·en for the Arden Shore boys, interest of residents all along the and the other. in the evening at 8, north shore. Some of the youn g peofor the general public. The tickets pie have given their services during for the latter performance are to be the summer to work among the nasold by the Girls' Friendly society. tive 1>eople who earn their livrlihood Another show will be given at the 1 by fishing and trapping. The intraWinnetka Woman's club on Decem- duction of sheep into their midst neeher 22. t>ssitated a barn. and it is for the This is the thiPd year the Attic building of this that the dance was Puppets have been giving their de- given. This afternoon, home-sp uns, li~htful shows along the north shore. hooked rugs, baskets, mocassins · and Everyone who saw "Dr. Dolittle". Eskimo dolls, the hand work of these which they gave last year, will long people, will be on sale at the club. remember the ease and skill with The patronesses for this affair from which the characters were portrayed. our villages were Mrs. Rufu s tolp The two outstanding ones this year of Kenilworth, Miss Harriet Houghare Mrs. Emmons Blaine as teling of Winnetka, Mrs. Arthur Cahle "ScrooRe." and Mrs. Nathaniel of Hubbard Wood, Mrs. William Blatchford as "Marley's ghost." The Dawes of Glencoe. whole troup is unusually talented. -oft has given performances in Chicago, Korth shore boys and girls, and Saturday it is to perform in Ev- and small. will thoroughly enJOY anston. After the holidays the group Racketty Packetty House, the play is going to Lake Forest and Lake to be given by students of the XaGeneva. tiona) Kindergarten and Elementary Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Jr., is man - colleg-e in the Evanston Woman's club ager. on Saturday. December 13. Even the -oRacketty Packetty house doll s and Novel in the usual afternoon meet- the Tidy Castle dolls are unanimous ings of the Neighborhood circle was on this point. The fact that half the the old-fashioned party given on cast is garl:!ed m rag-tags and tatTuesdav afternoon of last week. This ters. and that the furniture is apt group ·includes in its members the to lose a leg or a pound of stuffing residents of the Twelve-hundred at any time. merely adds to the gcnblock on Lake avenue, who gathered eral interest and fun. Of course, together costumes reminiscent of the children who insist on having every· oeriod between 20 and 50 years ago. thing in order all the time may look Leg'o'Mutton sleeves, bouffant gored only at the Tidy Castle dolls and skirts, high waisted coats, broad furniture. brimmed leghorn hats, quaint old There will be two performances striped shawls, were features of the the play, at 10:30 and 2 o'clock, a~d attire worn by many of the circle tickets mav be secured from ~f1sl members. Because they were so un- Virginia Solbery, University 1801. or usual, votes were taken, the choice on Saturday at the Evanston \\'om· fallin!f to Mrs. Tucker and Mrs. an's club. Blaylock for the uniqueness of their -odress. One woman wore the bonnet Mrs . Thalia A. Rochlitz and her that had belonged to her husband's daughter, Frances, gave drama tic great-grandmother. To carry out the readings last . Thursdav at the home !'oirit of the occasion. charades and of Mrs. Krock, 520 Diversey parkoH fashioned games were played un- way. Mrs. Krock, who is the mother til refreshments were served. The of the editor of the New York \\'orld, r>;>rty wa~ given at the home of Mrs. gave a beautiful luncheon in honor John R. Vallance of 1225 Lake avenue. of several members of the T!linoi5 -oPress Women's association. Among M iss Marjorie Sheffield of the A. the guests were Mrs. Blue. a ,hort r.. Ames school, Riverside, a gradu- storv writ'tfr and the daughter of 0. "t" of the National Kindergarten and P. Read, Mrs. Thalia Rochlitz. p~t Elementary collep-e, will have charge and contributor, and Mrs. J)pheha of the program for children on the Blair, well known lectu~er, writ~r an1 Tribune Radio station, WGN, next poet, whose · poem, "L1ttle Gtrl .o Saturday. December 13. from 5 :30 to Yesterday." was recited by Mus 6 o'clock. The program. which is Rochlitz. given each week under the auspices -oof the cotle~e. will include Christmas Glen Buck of Evanston spoke last ~tories by Miss Sheffield and Christ- Sunday at the Bookfellows aboul p~r mas songs and carols by students. sonal relations and acquaintan c~: ~tth -oJohn Burroughs. The famou ~ wnt~ r Holiday plans are already in the and naturalist gave to Mr. Buck tr. makin~ for a gay season for the young manuscript form, his last book. "T,__. oeople. Helene Seibold, Katherine Harvest!' A movement to haYe aD Stolp, Betty Harwood and Phyllis interesting circle like the E\·anstol Ruf will be hostesses at a dance Bookfellows to which Mr. and Mrs. Tu~ay evenine. Decttnber 30, ta the Charles Travis belong, has bee n start· Oudmette Country club. ed in Wilmette. CHARLES E. GRAVES & COMPANY Diamond Merchant. and Jeweler· MADISON STREET AT WABASH Eatabliahed 1857 AVENUE~ CHICAGO Hata ... $5 Coats .. $50 and up The BRADLEY SHOP 3D SOUTH STATE STREET eN. E. Coraer Moaroe) Room· '7'02-'706 Meator Bid·· A Cozy Home for Holiday JF you ha \'e friends or relatives coming to visit during; the holidays you can arrange a happy home. The home-like furnishings, quiet and exceptional comfort of :th..- O..ria11ton appeal to people who want better than the ordinary accommodations in the best _..k1lvironment. Vi~itors A -uite to accommodate an entire family or single rooms for one or two persons may be had at exceedingly moderate rates. Telephone Uni\'ersity 8700, or call and see these attracti\·e accommodations and schedule your reservation now. Gfhe 0RIUNGTON llVANITON.LUIIOlll

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