Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Dec 1924, p. 25

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 25 lllN TIHIIE for Lakt> Mi h ghth ftoor of th e La~ lgtn) B. Michigan Ave e Vte'tr waves of Joy an<i' ·en~~t e city In the form PeriiOn. ~at&-such all Urlng Of bh&ta u ever seen her shop' au! i hats are so b · You Indeed! And Just n~~mlnf. lale, and everything 1 ·hea L bout half prlct> · re. another winter · hafetl dea, do. · 1 ou a body glove? Why It oreet-yet not a corael test ever made for re<t the Invention of a grad lie. It moulds and slende:J:te et allows H to move f et athe. Doesn't that so~:d Of course It does F ~ove Is Interesting-ft. 10~~ ·n, In fact. Why not 0 Prices are very moderaf I Is Room 332 In the R e. ding, at Adams and Sta~· raduate nurse will lit you~ ~rm CC1LUIB5 WC01R1L1D> Woman's Club of Wilmette Meets ._ Next Wednesday 'I__Wi_-_e_tk_a_w_o_·_~~~_,_a_w. _ _. T T HE Woman's club of W\lmette ·w-T·e Bocl7 Gton t Jweate-At t·e Ha· will hold its regular meeting, December 17. Tlw morning session will be under the direction of the c~ild and home department. At 11 o'clock Miss Laura Ullrich, teacher of history at Xew Trie r high school, will speak on ~Hist o ry and Social Science at New Trier." Jn the afternoon at 2 o'clock there will uc an open meeting. Mrs. C. Percy Skillen, a former resident of Wilmette, will speak on the subject ·Who is my Neighbor?" Jaroslov Gons. ce llist, will be the assisting artist. I largest and best men· ~n the city Is The Hu~ blvd. And to llie g thing In tbla , Is the sweater !-such l)arbarlc ! And such lovely any man might !)e. the moment he sweaters, whe Christmas and ·mall-the ett:er·-l~d(lre them. TbeJ> ve you see--pooro ldn't they. Prlcea sweaters range from are also leather Jarcollars, cuffs and garments, thell&ftrst ftoor at the men's handkerwlth hand embrold· cents to U. Mrs. Irwin Rew Next Wellealey Oub Hotteaa O more Mrs. Irwin Rew will open her home at 217 Dempster street, Evanston, in gracious hositv to the members of the North · \\-"ellesley circle on the occasion the Christmas meeting M!?f1daY, af- ~CE SALE enables you to buy as advantageously nowbefore the holiday season-as later. # FURS heels the particular phoalaf o'clock in the morning andpresented, 2 in the ;· c~a~n~p:e~o~p~lei·~W~~e~c~a~n~e~it~h~e~r~s~to~p~i~m~-~~~;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ afternoon, a play wilt be ----· "Racketty-PaC'ketty House." This is --a splendid children's play and is given by the Student Players of the National and Elementary Kindergarten college. Tickets may be obtained from Miss Williams at Community House. The proceeds will go to the building fund of the college. Mrs. Milton and Mrs. Ward were the club's delegates to the Tenth District meeting on November 17, and both gave interesting reports. Tea was served bv Mrs. Charles 0 . Aspenwall. Mrs. H. C. Ballen,ller. Mrs. -Photo by Stanton Wilhite Barret Conwav, Mrs. Dorr C. Price. Mrs. James W . Prindeville and Mrs. Mra. William Sbermall Hay Frederick B. Thomas. ternoon, December 15, at 2:30 o'c.loc~. Each year the club meets at th1s t1me with Mrs Rew whose home always catches the atmosphere of the Yuletide season and imparts it into the hearts of those who assemble with anticipation MORE than 80 women came to for the Christmas music, and the singing the Winnetka League of Voters of carols well loved for their beauty luncheon on Monday to hear and their association with college days. the many speakers of the program. ~Irs. William Sherman Hay of Win- Mrs. Morris Greeley, chairman of the netka will play several violin selections. day introduced first, the presidents of Refreshments and a social hour will the 'various women's clubs in Winnetka who were allowed three minutes follow the program. ea~h to tell of the work of their organ izations. As each club has many memAnnounce Proaram Change bers who are also members of the At Winnetka Woman's Cub league, each president took the ocCHANGE is to be made in the casion to point out where and how her organization and the league could program of the Winnetka Wom- be most mutually helpful. an's club for the afternoon of Mrs. Eloise Wortley of Community Thursday, December 18. It is impossible House spoke first , then Miss Ruth for Miss Grace Abbott to speak on Matz. president of the Woman's club, that day. Mrs. Moon and her co~ and Mrs. W. A. Kittermaster, of the mittee have been very fortunate m North Shore Catholic Woman's league. securing Miss Ruth I. Stone to take Mrs. Hugo Hartman spoke for the Parher place. Miss Stone was abroad ent-Teacher association in the absence last summer with the Sherwood Eddy of Mrs. Walter Fisher; Mrs. Ralph party, and will tell. the club of ~he Childs spoke for the Circle groups; women she met m reconstruction Mrs. George E Levy for the Jewi~h work. On this occasion she will dwell Women's society, and Mrs. Davtd on the personality of the women Lasier for the Woman's society of the on their work. As there are Con~regational church. Other organpay a limited number of men left, izations which were invited, but were burden of reconstruction falls up- unable to send representatives, were the women. the Masonic Lodjl"e, the Evening EpisThe program promises to be very copal guild, the Swe~ish church, t~e attractive and those who expected to British-Amet"ican soc1etl; the Chnst hear Miss Abbott will not be disap- Church guild and the ~astern St~r . ·as M L a d 'tc, 4. tx3 .5 · · · · · · · · · · S 38·II Caraja, l0.4xJ.9 ...··... $ ISM pointed in Miss Stone. This grouo of short and very mLila han, 19.0xl0.4 . . . . . . $ ... · 52 t1 Kurdistan. 13.2x4.2 . . . . 7S.It 0 9x4 5 a .. M teresting talks was completed at 1 :30 . . Sparta, 17.6x11.2 .. .. .. . ecc · · · · .... · ·.. · lzt.ll Sparta, 26.7xl4.2 .. ..... 1 .-o'clock, and Mrs. Waite~ Benson, 60 90 k h 0 us a , · x · · · · · · · · · Lilahan, 26.5x11.8 1,551.11 Arche Oub Starts Fund president of the league, mtr~uced Kazac 69x5 5 121.11 Arak, 18.0x12.0 · . .. .. .. 7Se.ll . A n t 1que 1.... Sarouk, 20.0xl0.8 ...... Z, . , · · Sl.lt Art Building Panel Miss Edith Rockwood of ChJ~ag?· 7511 Khiva, 10.0x8.0 . . . . . . . . . I B ergamo, 71x410 32 .50 Bokhara, 3.10x3.0 .... · · · · · · · · · · 1zttl · Anatolian, lJ.OxlO.O ... . . . , . H E public spiritedness and at- executive secretary of the Iltmms 48 K azac, 710 35.. League of Women Vote~s. Melaz, 5.10x3.7 .. .. .. .. · · x · .... · .. · · · tractiveness of the Arche club, 375M Bokhara. 13.2x7.8 . . .. . . . 3ZS.II 96 Miss Rockwood explamed how the 150 G Oushak, 5.4x32 . . . . . . . . 35.10 orevan, . x . · ·· ·· · one of the largest dubs in the state and national leagues are financed ... K h t610xl0 4 1,7St.ll Sarouk. 14.4x9.3 .. ·. · · · · 17S.It 55... second district of the Illinois Federa- and just what part of t.he bu~den !he Afshar, 52x4.0 ........ · a an , · · .... · r 20.3 12 0 7St.tl Mclaz, 13.lxl0.10 ...... · 37S.It tion, has spread to the North Shore Winnetka league bore m conjunctton A na t o tan, Shiraz, 3.6x3.4 . . . . . . . . · 4t... x . .... m.15 7 910 375.11 ~irlaz. 12.6x9 5 ...· · · · · · .. where women interested in the advan- with other local leagues. Many memBergamo, 6.0x4.0 . . . . . . 17.50 erap1, . x . ····· ·· tages its various departments give in bers were astonishrd to learn from Anatolian, 5.2x3.6 32.01 Sarouk, 21.lxl4.5 ....... 1,451.10 Caraja, 11.6x2.10 .. .. .. · 75.11 classes in art, music and literature, her that the whole or~anization of the have become members. The club is League of Women Vot~rs was less AU ruaa purc:hued here may be retamecl at any time within a year at fall parchue .price. taking great pride, it is stated. in its than four years old, as !t seemed allatest achievem~'Jlt, the establishing most impossible to belteve that ~o of a fund for the first panel in the re- large and widespread a member~h1p construction of Fine Arts building in could have grown in s_o short a tim~. Jackson Park. At the close of M 1ss Rockwoo~ s The Arche is said to be the first talk Mrs. \Valter Dodd gave h_er thlr_ d club to establish such a fund and was less~n in citizenship. Thpe subhJecBt · fft~ among the first in the movement to month was "The People ay t ~ t s. the preservation of the Art Mrs. Dodd gave figure s showmg the EetabUthed 1190 of the Columbian exposition. almost unimaginable sums spent by s of the club also carry on im- the government, and then sh~wed how Z8 and 3G South Wabub A·-philanthropic work. the governme!'l~ got all this money CHICAGO Founded in 1~ with 18 women as Sultanabad, P.-.ia us, the Citizens. charter members, the membership at from She explained furt~er h~w the presd the present time numbers 600, with a ent system of taxation dtd now an Waiting list. a lways would cause wholesale evasion mediately its use in Christma decor- ful additions to our Christmas de(orand pleaded w it h her aud ience to wr ite ating, and so save it for all time, or ation find a substitute for a few years. the representatives at Springfield urg- we can continue using it for two or and trust that nature will make up ing them to work at the January ses- tHree years longer and then be forced our unthinking devastation." sion for the revision of the taxation to discontinue using it because of its H E regular meeting of. the Win- system. complete extinction. SHINY HOLLY netka Woman's club was held in The meeting was proceeded by the "The holly ,like ~he Christma everIn arranging hotly for the table it the clubhouse on Thursday, De- u ual monthly board meeting at 11 :30, green tree, is universally known and cember 4, and to many minds one of at which the n~mes of the following loved, and no one would wish to see will repay you to wipe off the leaves the ":JOSt interesting of the al~ays at- new appointments were ratified by the either gone forever. Yet neither can of the holly with a cloth dipped in a tracttve programs was given. board; Mrs. Frank Solomon, chair- long survive these annual attacks very little olive oil, says the Ladies' Mrs. Sebastian Hinton told of her man fourth precinct. west; Mrs. War- made upon them at Christmas time. Home Journal. This will give them cruising in the Hebrides. She placed ren Shoemaker, chairman fourth pre- Let us all now, when yuletide is ap- an especially bright and glossy appearon the curtain a large and com- cinct, eas't; Mrs. Roger Sherman, proaching, decide that we will sacri- ance. prehensive map making clear to her chairman precinct 10 ; Mrs. William fice our O\Vn pleasure in these delight - (C., 1924, We11tern Newspaper Union.) audience just where this land was, and H . Nichols, chairman social commita clever drawing of her experiences tee; Mrs. Leslie Gooder, chairman ---utllllllmlllllmtuttHtmutnmnmuunmnunnuuntntntntnMntmtuutunumn"" in mountain climbing. luncheon committee; Mrs. Harry \V. ~, I"'L...L -~ Her thrilling talk was followed by Moore, chairman social hy1icne comV.KTOTU . ye "Christmas Customs in Sweden" by mittee; Mrs. Cushman. chairman edr;t· Miss Frances Von Hofsten, who ucation committee, and Mrs. Charles !i charmingly related the pretty customs Strong, chairman child welfare com- ~~EI a6ntrn:fie·a. of that country; how Christmas goes mittee. lr:lio-o··· ·· ,. on for weeks. She told of the quiet domestic life of the people, and the Women's Clubs Launch joy she and her friends got from ,..__ · t 5 H 11 1 skiing. . '-AIIlp&lgn o ave o y 1 From Sweden we were taken tnto R EPORT has come from Spring- j Icela~d on the Fourth of July by Mrs. field of the warning voiced hy Harns?n _Me_ttler. Mrs .. M~ttler was Mrs. George Thomas Palmer enthustasttc m her descnptton of the of that city, president of the Illinois lovely, simple people who inhabit this Federation of Women's clubs, that the hotly, always a beautiful symbol and i_ island in the far north. Sci-ti6c A M-ufactariat ()pticlaae Mrs. William C. Boyden was most a part of our Christmas festivities is ~ entertaining in giving "Glimpses of in great danger of extinction; that it ! 'IU Cla111'Cil Su..t EVANSTON Oppoaite Orriattoa H...l can only be saved if people wilt re - ~ some European Capitals." Pboae UaiYeraity 1841 ()pea Thur... A Sat. E ... till I P.M. Mrs. Tohn Montgomery then told £rain from its purchase . This matter her audience some of her experiences has been considered of such import- ~lllllllllllllllllllllttntniHiftiiiiHtnlllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII in England. She had only praise for ance for future Yuletide celebration the way that England received the that the General Federation of membt>rs of the American Bar associa- Women's clubs has inaugurated a tion. It was a fortunate time in which campaign in an effort to prevent this to visit that country as so much of extermination. The statement Mrs. interest was available that is most Palmer made follows Formerly Gairing Fine Arts ::.!ways cut off from the regular tour"We dislike exceedingly to be num1640 Orri-.ton Avenue ist. bered with those who are always tryAn appeal was made for clothinJr ing to take the joy out of life, but we EVANSTON for the Park Ridge girls from 6 to 18 do. want to remind the people of years. Books, also, will be very wei- Illinois that unless we cease buying A choice selection of Christmas Cards come. Shoes are not requested be- holly for Christmas decorations there and Gifts f.or your approval <"::tuse of sizes not being ri~ht. Miss will be an almost coiJlplete exterminMatz will 11ladly receive these gifts ation. -Plcn.JRE FRAMINGfor Park Ridge. "The situation in regard to our naPhone Uaivenity 770 On Saturday, December 13, at the tive holly is now such that there are Evanston Woman's club at 10:30 only two choices open to the Amer- £ A Fiine Line 0f L orgnettea, Gl a11e1, rae ld Gl a11e1, B arometerl Tlaermometera, Etc. for Xmac I HATTSTROM & SANDERS F I 8 ART SHOP I W'UIIIdka Leagae of Voten M A Exquisite Beauty, Wonderful Service, Real Economy in Oriental Ruas That Come to You Direct From the Orient The1e lew value· are typical example·: That one word "direct" is the answer to the aatoniahing valuea ofmiddlemen's fered in this eatablishment. You are not aaked to profits-and that is a big item in rug coats. For T s · NabiSiAPBtQ!!lers,/m:

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