Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1924, p. 6

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WILl\fETTE and Wednesday at the Byron C. Stolp SCHOOL DENTAL TESTS school. KEEP DENTISTS BUSY Sanderson Music Pupils FRIDAY DECEMBER 1924 SCHOOL NAMES OFFICERS RAISE 1925 BUDGET . The Byron C. Stolp school assembly An every-member canvass oi the Wilmette Lutheran church parish will has elected for its officers George be made during Jhe week of December Brown as president and Richard Mann as vice-president. The assembly has Give Delightful Recital 7, it is announced by the council of been Local dentist report an unpreinstrumental in organizing the the church this week. The canvass cedented rush by school children for \\·ork in the music classes for chil- is made in the interest of the 1925 Travel. amp Cooking, Art and dental services this week, following dren under the Miessner method of budget of the parish. Dramatic clubs. the announcement by ]. R. Harper, instruction is progressing satisfacsuperintendent of schools. that a sur- torily as evidenced by the rccita.l !ast vey of all children's teeth must be Saturday at the home of Mrs. \Vdham made. Parents seem to be extending Sanderson, 914 Central avenue. the heartiest cooperation possible to The pupils did the ho_nors that af~cr the schools. noon, and were a cred1t to the pamsSo many children haYe been in for taking instruction of their teacher. examination that it is interrupting the it was said. There was no embarregular practice of the dentists and rassment. The children took the!r they have set aside Saturday mornings places with calmness and played thc1r Make your selection now and we will hold them and deliver when as the special time for the children to piece with case and self-assurance. come. They have also arranged to This mav bl.' partlv due to the fact spend a great deal- of extra time on that ~Irs. Sanders-on announced no the children during the Christmas names, so that "v\'illie," if he made holidays, according to Mr. Harper. a slight error while playing his piece, "These examinations are free," said went serenely on. knowing that the Mr. Harper, "and it is to be hoped mistake would not go down forever· that all parents will see the benefit s more as a blot in the family escutch to be derived and send their boys and eon. girls for an examinatio-n." Mrs . San<lcrson has two classes of children and another for mothers whn "Penrod" Will Be Shown wish to "brush up" on their music is soon to he organized. in Children's Movies The children are tremendously inShades "Penrod," a picture based on Booth terested and even look forward to Tarkington's celebrated story of that practice periods, she explains. title, will be shown at the Children's .;. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.., Free Movies in St. Augustine's Parish House Thursday, December 11. Wesley Barry is starred in this film which is provided for the children by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pridmore, 339 Oak Phone 2491 circle. · Treea-Shrubs-Perenniala The picture for December 18 will be "Daddy," in which Jackie Coogan This is the right time to has the leading role. Mr. and .Mrs. plant and buy trees, shrubs Lester Wood of 707 Washington avenue are to furnish this film. and perennials. Prices are This week's p(ogram was provided lower now than in the by Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard of 524 Lake avenue. Linoleum and Congoleum Rua· ARE WELCOME CHRISTMAS GIFTS you desire. Paints Brie a Brae Wall Paper Hangings Made to Order Interior Decorating Plant Now Carl E. Sterner spring. "The Wren" Adds $1,350 to Fire Pension Fund Wilmette firemen were gratified to announce this week that the benefit performance of "The Wren" Booth Tarkington 's three act corned~. net ted the department's pension fund $1 350 The Nort h Shore Players prese~ted the comedy last Monday, Tuesday John Ostrowsky 1487 Aabury Avenue Hubbard Wooda Phone Winnetka $.M.J CITY MARKET CO. ' 627 MAIN ST. -:- PHONE WILMETTE 1870 RETAIL Pure Linen Handkerchiefs at only $2.00 a dozen 100 dozen of these handerchiefs were bought to sell at so cents each. we·re selling them at · the· rate of less than 17 cents each. They're pure linen, hemstitched, white and colors. WHOLESALE MEATS Plaid Stockings, Silk and Wool 75 cents a pair Our Beef, Latnb, Veal, Pork and Poultry Are Unifor111ly of Good Quality. Our Prices Are Always Low. Below a Few. Dresses and Coats USEFUL XMAS GIFTS AT LOWEST PRICES We fit girdles and corsets free of charge Specials for Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5-6 FL1,:· .~~~s.~ ~~~~~ .~~~~~. ~~i~~~~..·............................. 3Sc Veal Legs, milk fed Lb. . _...... _........... . Special-Pork Loins, half or whole Lit....................................................... . Unique St7le Shop Wilmette 2403 1126 Central Avenue Wilmette 27c 20lc CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Beautiful Polychrome Mirrors (Large or Small} Armour's Star Hams Half or whole, lb. . .... Star Bacon Half or whole, lb. . .... 26c I Armour's Native Rib Roast Beef Lb...................... . Framed Pictures Maxfield Parrish·s "Day Break·' and many others Easel Swinging Frames, Candles. Beaded Bags and Purses Glass Tops for Furniture, made to order Bring in your pictures, we will frame them Plate and Window Glaaa, Mirrors Painta, Oila, Alcohol, Etc. Storm Sub Open every eveninc 'til Chriatmaa Lean Pork Shouldera 18c I Small, Lb...................... . Beat Native Sirloin Steak Veal Breasts Lb·..................... 45c I Lb . .................... . Small, Lean Spareribs Sauer Kraut Lb .. ................... . 16c I Quart .................. . Small, Lean California Hams Lb.. .................... . Fresh Eggs, every egg guaranteed, dozen ....... . Clover Bloom &Oc I Armour'· Butter. Lb............. . Wilmette Glass & Paint Works Phoae 2518 FOUR DAILY DELIVERIES-9 A.M. -II A. M.-2 P.M. ---4 P.M. WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, GLENCOE, WINNETKA

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