Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1924, p. 18

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1924 St. John's Lutheran -v.·nmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W . Me)·er, M. A. pastor ... 06 Prairie avenue. Telephone 19"96 Church Telephone 3111 Second Sunday In Advent 9:30 A. M. Sunday school and ntble claslles. 9:30 A. M. Preparatory service for communicants. 9 :46 A. M .F .Irst service and Holy Communion. 11 :00 A. M. Second service and setmon. Sermon: The Signs of the Times. Luke 21, 29-31 MEETINGS fliER VICES Friday, December 7, Junior Walther League at 8 P. M. Sunday afternoon and evening, North Shore Zone of the Walther Lea~ ,gue of Glencoe. . Trinity Lutheran Church. ~oe:dk.:ra~(r· F~ict!~~"a ts ~f c~::Se~a~:~ 1 'The Future of Religion In China" to the fullest and all present had a 11peakable Gift." The morning service will be the topic presented on Wu<lnul'lmost enjoyable time. will be at 11 o'clock. da:v evening, December 10, by Dr. l'llUl On account of the bazaar the reguThe completely graded Sunday School Hutchinson, editor ot The Christian lar wee k))· meeting of St. Augustine's meets at 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Century," In the last of a series of six addresses In the church school of Troop No. 4 of the Boy Scouts had to be ajourned to the following week. The Ju·nlor B. Y. P . U. meets In missions. The hoys are delighted at the rapid Children's hall at 3 :30 Sunday afterconvalescence of their leader, Mr. noo n. On Friday evening at 8 o'clock Dr. Clar k e Leach. W . Edward Raffety will conduct t!le The High School B. Y. P. U. m~>ets third of the seulons of the seminar In At th e Children's 1\lovies yesterday, .It 5:30 o'clock. 1 ellgtous education now In progress. given by Mr. and Mt·s. Robert E . Stoddard, 524 Lake avenue, the children The Charter B. Y. P . U. meets in Today is Christian Americanization were delighted with the miscellaneous Children's hall at 5:30 o'clock. Day In the calendar of the Woman's program specially 11elected for c hilsociety of the church. Miss Alice Brimdren, a 2-reel comedy story, "Mud," This church cooperates with the Wil- son, Americanization secretary of the another story "Joanna" and a beautiful mette Sunday Evening club which thi11 Woman's Baptist Home Mission sopicture entitled "Childhood." Sunday presents Clat·a Clemens In a ciety, will speak at the afternoon sPsmusical recital at the Congregational sion commencing at 2 o'clock. LunchAt the Children's Movies, December chut·ch at 7:30 o'clock. eon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. 11, the children will be shown "Pen<'Od," with \Vesley Barry as star. Thill The Church council will meet on The \VIImette Baptist church Is lopicture will be given by 1\fr. and Mrs. Tu.,sday evening at 8 o'clock In the cated at the corner of Wilmette a.nd W . A. Pridmore, 339 Oak Circle. The church. Forest avenue. It welcomes to any pictu·re for the following week will be "Dandy," with Jackie Coogan, given by 1\fr. and Mrs. Lester \Vood, 707 Washington avenue. part of Its program all who deelre th ministries of the Christian IJospei Its minister, Francis C. Stifter, stana ready to serve, as far as his time strength permit, any one who may ~~86~ i'tes~~~~ce Tphheon~~u[i.n,. phone !e an: an: Methodist Church Sunday-9 :30 a. m. The Sunday School In all Its departments. The Mt>n's Dible class Is conducted loy Prot ~f:s~';;;rt~~n~~nf:le Ste'::~.en's Bib!~ ~ ce~~lo~ ~~- ~':!be~:.mmunlon auct He- the ~~~~~~~sch~~ri'e ~~llx!~ap~~~:.ted 6 p. m. The Epworth League. 5 p. m. The Intermediate' Lo3ague. A by & Uni Nor Spe of I Monday-Lunch club, 12:30 p. m. at 1, i De a "Cu don to an~ (Continued on page 19) whil pres children. Tue.day at 8 P. M. Congregation :Muslnetts meetln&". Greenleaf and Seventh Thuraday at 8 P. M. Senior Walther William Guise, pastor League. "What Christ sa:~-·s concerning True Friday, December 14 at 8 P. K . Preparation for Christmas" will be the Adult Bible Class. sermon subject for next Sunday. The Holy ' Communion Service will be worship begins at 11 o 'c lock. Members lteJd at St. John's In the first hour of and fri e nds are urged to hear what worship at 9:46 o'clock next Sunday their Saviour advises concerning the The time Is morning. The general confessional of above timel)' subject. prepartory service begins at 9:30. All short. Every hour Is precious. Better those desiring to receive the Sacra- hear what the Son of God has to say ment are a11ked to Inform the pastor before you begin Christmas shopping! on Saturday next December 8. Bible School at 9:45 . Many returned In case 'The quarterly Rally of the North their "banks" la~t Sunday. Shore ~one of the Walther league you have not already returned your takes place at Trinity Lutheran chureh, offering for the Orphan's Home at Glencoe 11ext Sunday, beginning at Nachusa . kindly do so next Sunday. One of our faithful S:30 o'clOck! The church Is located at Thank you! Hawthorn and Gree~wood avenues. A church members enrolled' In the Bible class last Sunday. · All parents and verytf.neaft~<;.~~~':; I'~~ b,e::nl~~ip~:3 adults who are not kept at home beeYery Jea.-ue abouJd attend. rl'he speak- cause of Illness or equally good reaer at the lnaplratlonaJ eervfce le Mr. son should throw their personal InfluTennis a prOtnlnent·· layman of the ence toward Mr. Gash's class. Lutheran church, who has many years The Every-Member VIsitation will of experience In conducting Bible take plac~ during the week of De~lasses among th'e young people. The council assisted by · A very Important business meeting cember 7. of the congregation will take place on other men of the congregation will 'Tuesday evening next, and every vot- visit every home. The financial and er should be there. Election of otftcers spiritual Interests of the church rewill be held. The ftniUlce committee quire this annual presentation or the -will also submit a budget for the com . needs and work of the church. In&' year. A canvass of all members The members of the Missionary so~ ,Ill follow shortly after In order to aet subscriptions from every membe-r ciety are planning an auto drive to the ~or home and outside purposes for thu home of one of their former members Mrs. George Larson, Elgin, Ill., Thurs~ ,Year 1925. day, December 11. All who desire to enjoy this splendid trip and all ""'ho have machines to drive are requested to make the fact known to the sec"I Give" Is the subject of Dr. Lloyd's retary, Mrs. Scott Smith. Phone : 2600. ·ermon Sunday morning and will be Catechetlcal clas7 Friday afternoon. fn~~;u~~~b!~r c~hnO::.swr~ t~:k:tt~~~ Also rehearsal for the Christmas pagenoon, and will include a service of ~.~~oc'i:. the same hour. Choir at 8 consecration. English Lutheran An Oriental Rug for Christtnas Christmas Shopping Days will soon be here, and even now thoughtful buyers are considering the question of suitable gifts. There's one gift that everybody will be glad to receive, ·and that is a fine Oriental Rug. play ovet T Oriental Rugs are an ornament to any home. As a present to an entire family nothing could bt more fitting. Come in and see our splendid assortment. See Our Display of Oriental Ruga. at Worthen-Carrico Co. Aram K. Mestjian North Sbore'a L-dinc Rue Wilmette 1141 £yanatoa stSO a.,..... Congregational Church 511 MAIN STREET WILMETTE lt. Is the custom In a rumber of ci\urchea to aim to raise thfl budget o the coming year on the ftret Sunlnance committee, aeslst··d by ··teams," members of the Church, will -vlalt the homes In the parish on Sunday afternoon. Those planning to he away may send In their pledl)':'e& betore Sunday and save another <1all by a Canvasser. ; The Devotional service will be held Wednesd·~y ov~nln~. and the report of the Finance committee In regard to the Every Member can'VIUIII w111 be given. Come and lt>R.rn bow well the Church parish Is )llan~:~f. to support Its Interests dur!ng at 8 o'clock First Presbyterian Church day, December 9. The sewing will be In charge of "Spoke" No. 1. The women are quested to come at 10 o'clock to help with the sewing. The members of the executive committee will meet at 11 o'clock. A very ftne luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock by "Spoke" No. 4. It Is to be a "Man~~: facturea' lunch." Mra. Georl'e P. Magill will have charge of the devotions. The program will consist of Christmas music and readings. The Presbyterla;;- Union dinner will be at the Hotel LaSalle, Monday evening, December 8, at 6:30 o'clock. Professor S. An&"ua of New South Wales, Australia, and Dr. John Timothy Stone are the speakers of the evening. This will be Dr. Stone's last message betore he leaves for a trip around the :f0 ~hde r::;rv-:io~s. Colvin has charge ' Boy Scouts, Troop No. 6 meet Monday evening at 7:30 and the Junior Scouts Friday at 3:30 o'clock. Girl Reserves, Triangle No. 1, meet Friday -afternoon at 4 o'clock and the Junior Girls Tuesday at 3:30 o'clock. There will not be Midweek service of the cgnfer- .. ~IDMr. .._lld,. .ly, thoa atl:ay w~:~~;,. ~'f'r~~ ~~~c~~u:S~ The Christian Steward Is one whose J)OaesHiona are a personal trust delivered to him to be admln!ste1·od. The Woman's Gullet 'IVlll meet on Jl'rlda.y afternoon at ~ ll' "·~cl-: at whlcll time reports will be ~iV'!II hy th':l vul'lc.ua committees. Let thct·~ be a full attendance. The Annual Sale of tht> Woman's ()ulld Is held today In the church parlore. The regular meeting of R·.Josevelt 'Troop No. 2 pn Tuesday at 7:1& o'<'lock and of the Sea Scouts at 7:30 on l<~rl4!ay evening. Pardee, ot Evanston, who spoke on ··Hun tins Big Game In Africa," tllueBible Classes for men and women 'lra.ted by hla talk with a number of each Sunday morning at 9:C5 o'clock. :ftna pictures. On Saturday night at 7 o'clock the The Men'l! Bowl!;;. club has changed .Junior choir will meet for Its re~ular Its evening from Monday to Tuesday. relleareaJ ot hymns for the Junior (:onSunday morning -;,Ill be Communion fr!';~at~~ ~~r!~~3r~ :rre~t~~dai'ndmMrns: service and reception of members. Oatea, choir mother. The Presbyterla;- Regional Conference for the north-central states wllJ be held In the Fourth Presbyterian Next Sunday, December 7, will be the church, December 9-12. Many prominHCond S~nday In Advent and the ftrat ent leaders of the church, both ministers and laymen, are announced for r.d.:;..t\~nth!t m~:::· c;:~~nfo'~l :: ~ this conference; among them Is the moderator of the General Assembly 46 Dr. Clarence E. McCartney: Dr. Rob~ l\liti!ILNi .. 8un. .y will be the corporate. ert E. Spear, secretary or Board of munlon Sunday for both the Boye Foreign Missions; Mr. Will H. Hayes, prominent business man and chairman aM Girls' Communion lea.-uea. o( the Presbyterian Penelon fund. It The rector's class for boys and girls Ia expected that between 800 and 1000 wbo are preparlnl' for confirmation delegates will be present from outside will be held In the Rector's office Sun- the city of Chicago. This will constitute a gathering second In Importance day afternoon at · :30. only to the General Assembly of the Or. Sunday, D"cember U, there will church. It has been announced that ~ a public Baptismal service at St. only those wearing registration badges :Aquatln~e at 11 o'oelock. Parenta will be admltte~ to the popular evew..aln· children baptlated should send ning meetings. Register at once at ta their name· to the R"'tor, and any once at our church office. ·Ua·r aclu-lte In acldttlon to those whose The First Preab;:terlan church loD&blee bave been received, ebould ..,. .k to the Rector juat aa aoon as cated at Greenleaf avenue and Ninth street, welcomes you to Ita services. poealble. Sunday school .......... 9:30 A. M. Church service .......... 11 A. M. The Yl·lt of the Blebop on Sunday, ~ntermedl&tft C. E. . . . . . · . . 4 P. M. DtleeiDber Jt, for Confirmation, a class J en lor C. E. · . . . . . . . . . . 6:30 P. M. ot bo~· and slrle and ot &4ulta will unlor C. E.- ......··.. .... ....· preeented. The Rector would like Wednesday .......... 3:30 p M namea of any additional adulta Mid week Service ......... , .·. : .. .' M deelre to be conftrmed just aa Wednesday ............ 8 P. M . ...lelr.ly u poselble. Lut T~Jesday evening Troop No. % next week because 1la4 lUI Ita guests Troop fi to hear Dr. ence In the city. XMAS GIFTS When You Have That List Ready St. Auaustint' s Parish ~"!~ct&c.!:.:~n 'a\ ti o·c~~~ Rem. ember We Have All Kincla of Suitable Gifta for Mother Dad Sister Brother Good-Practical-Sensible--Serviceable Reuonable Prices-Satisfaction to All Xmas Cards 1125 Centnl Ave. Boys' G8mes Phone 1914 Tbe Bauar for which the Aasoclated O.Uda ban been preparln· for a lonl( u... wu lleJd In the Pariah Houee WedDMCiay, December a. Tbere WIUI a - . . aamber of buyen and the re~ .-a& of &1M baaaar were -yery ntla· ,._..,. I..._. to tlae woaaea, wbo are IN .....-tulated oa Ita aucceA. TAYLORS' "The Satisfactory Store"

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