Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1924, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER S, 1924 TELL One of the worst type o eggars is the one who seeks money or help un~er fa!se. pretences, t~e Tlllll WIL.ICTTI!l LOCAL J.IIEWI one who hes, atmmg to get atd Eatabllahed Uti by hiding under llltJJCD ramAY or EACH WJCBK . Allthe b cloak of real ork by worthmess. .eggars w LLOYD HOLLISTER. ll'fC. up.on the sympathtes of a susuzz Ce!'tral Ave., wnmette, IlL ceptible public but the class "hle····e . . . . . . . . . . . Wllaette tae mentioned abov~ represent themIVBICRII"TION ·s.oe A .YEAR selves as unfortunate friends of All communication must be accom- humanity. ~";.~::~. 'Zr:l~~e:·~~ ~~~l~c~~~~~· ::o~~~ Since the War the commonest reach the editor by Wednesday noon to of these .lo. w-down. beggars have ln·ure appearance In current leeue. I sol been so tcttors posmg as ex- - l177 Wilmette -Avenue, Wilmette Resolutions ot condolence, card· of diers. They appear at the front :!:t"a~~~~~~::a'Jr, ~~t;!· :~~11;:· ~h:~; or rear door and fasten theman admittance charge will be made or selves .on the patriotic sympathies a collection taken, will be charged at Th regular advertising rat··· of the lady of the house. ey Entered at the poet otnce at Wll- deliver a hard-luck story of havmette, Illinois, as mall matter of the ing been gassed and left to die eecond claee, under the act of March in the trenches. They go on to ·· 1879. say that after having been exFRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1924 posed to awful dangers they· Separate the "C:rades. escaped barely with their lives Enforce the Traffic Laws. and now to support a wife and Build the Through Traffic Road. large family have taken to the Widen the Business Thoroughfares selling of self-threading needles. These so-called "soldiers" bring W. C. OF C. SEAL discredit on genuine soldiers. 1 Upon the official seal of the People who contribute to the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce help of the former perhaps wonis printed the motto of the organ- der why it is that any veterans ization-"Civic Pride, Co-oJ*ra- of the Great War find it necestion." One stands at the top, the sary to act as begging salesmen. other at the bottom, both of equal It seems a degrading occupation for those who such a short time importance. h'l d .· . d' Th ese two p h rases m tea t e the ago T were so ·wortL 1 y ·engage · aim of the Chamber of Commerce . he Amenca~ egwn !s acttve To be able to enjoy life, to get all 1 · · · 'd d, 10 the suppressiOn of thts abuse can out of it, to enjoy your work name y, ~o mcrease ~lvtc pn e a!l of the American uniform. It has you as well as your recerations, you must co-operatt_on. . It w11l ~ork wtth published the fact that any dis- have keen vision free from strain. the end m v1ew of havmg every bl d · h d Enjoy the approaching holiday.s by be f th · . a e ex-servtce man w o so emem r 0 e com~umt:y n?t sires can put in a legitimate claim treating your eyes to a new pa1r of glasses having the satisfaction of only feel a greater pnde 10 .has for a monthly compensation of knowingoryour old ones are correct. own home town but of havt!lg $80. The Legion is doing its best Our examinations are scientifically every member co-operate wtth to put war sob-stuff out of busi- perfect. For appoiatm-t, Phone Wil. Z7M every . other for the greater good ness. The real soldier wants only of W~lmette. what every man wants-a square It ts a worthy motto. Wh:tt deal. other ~ords could have been The best thing that the housechosen rthat would . have so w~IJ holder can do for all parties c9nexpre~sed . ':"hat . th1s commu~1ty cerned is t.o report offenders . to ~eeds . CIVIc pnde and co-?pera - the officers of the local Legion, tiOn when fully aroused and tn ac- who will at once take action tion will push \Vilmette forward against them more effectively than any other ---·----agents. WINTER Let us as citizens take a real How to pa s tbe winter is a step in co-operation by giving lo- question answered in several difcal business and professional men ferent ways. One way is simply a fair trial. Let's do business with to endure the chilly and the wet them. and the slippery. Another favorite recipe is to flee to warmer HERBERT B. MULFORD climes and there wait for spring. We congratulate Wilmette on A third is to enjoy it from start the election of Herbert B. Mul- to finish. We have a fourth deford to the presidency of the vice to 'offer. school board. In the death of Our scheme is to shorten it by Arthur H. Howard the cause of an easily applied method. Here education in Wilmette suffered a we go. It is usually understood severe loss. A citizen of proved that winter has already lived a ability and unusual civic spirit considerable portion ~fits allotted was needed to fill the vacancy. span when the shortest day of the We doubt whether a better per- year has passed. That day is Deson could have been found than cember 22. Well, it often hapMr. Mulford. pens that good weather ~tretches He served the community well almost up to that very day. So on the Board of Education, much f.or the front part of winter. the executive board of the SunNow for the tail end. It is not day Evening Club, and as presi- rare for Man.h to be quite a comdent of the New Trier Orchestral tortable month. We have known Association. He did not spare several very mild Marches. And himself in his devotion to the February is a short month, barely work of these important organ- four brief weeks. This handy izations. What they have ac- method of decapitation and curcomplished is due in large meas- tailment leaves only one real winure to his act;vities. ter m.onth, January, about four The North Shore owes much weeks. . . to the loyalty, wisdom, enterStand it until after Christmas, prise, and enthusiasm of such and spring will be upon you alcitizens as Herbert B. Mulford. most before you know it. (JI'ormerly The Lake Shore New·) Eatabll·hed ltll with which Ia combined WILMETTE LIFE 111.£ LEGION f b Iscape. If you are a home-.owner into whose parkway has been 1 t d an immense post or P ~n : trees have been trimmed foro:he benefit of the wires you .11 ish that your town had bwt een was fortunate as Wilmette. No "high voltage cables carried . th . ,, m e atr. . t A well-lig~ted town ts no only ~ safe town but also a pro~g_r..:.es.:_s:_t_n~g-to_w_n_._______--::'_ North Sbore'a Only ExduaiYe Optometriat C7HIS Fllmo -./ moving picture outfit- Father' a Chrllt11laa etft to the family-ia already producing big dividends ofplcaure. Mother eafoved taking the picture Christmu morning-the kiddies enjoye(lacting-.ndnowcotneJtheaupreme f'\leuure, a few days later, when they all aee their · fint picture. And think what a pricele. treasure auch pictures will be to them In ten or fifteen yean. An evening ar home is a real joy tn this family now. They have a dozen films they want to make right nway. Mother It already _planning to surprise her club by ahowtng aome of her own filnu. Father baa thought of a dozen uaea for hb own moving picturet in his buslnaa. TheFtlmollproduc:edbythele..--..r--of.odoa picture camer.. ln the world. Oftr "'-" of the DkNlel y_ou eee In theatrH pbotapaphecl br a B. &: H. prolwa.. aionalcamcra. 1t I Julil't irom And Co11l the o ima ~ i she 111 ~fax "Wl Drop a llne to the address any be1ow or telephone Welling- eoekct. ton 3410, FUrno Division, for flldterlcat full J.)'artlculare regarding plcturea this wonderful moving plc· of theam. tute outfit. We will either calbdlllan1 efer you- to a dealer conveniently located or arrange - · up to tor a demonstration. Aot now-in time for Christmaa. 9 feet X 12 Ret, :!erA:; DO IT EARLY! Shop early and mail early. It goes double. Buy your Christmas gifts early and mail them early. Wrap your Christmas package securely. Address it fully and plainly. Put your return address m the upper left-hand corner. Then mail the package early. This advice is for everybody but especially for those who are eending gifts to far-,o ff places like New York, San Francisco, and China. Two splendid reasons for shopping early and mailing early. Here they come : ( 1) Your gift will reach its destination .on time. (2) You will make the Christmas load lighter for the postal clerks and postmen. Maybe they will be enabled, by your co-operation, tC? eat ~~rist mas dinner with thetr famtbes. ·SO shOp earty a il early. FIAT LUX! Let there be light and there was light! Wilmette is to have a modern electric street lighting system. That's settled. The dirt will soon be flying. A Wilmette man starting now on an extended tour of the world will, if he return at night, find a transfigured Wilmette.· He will think that by some strange mistake he has been set down in New York's great white way. Looking down one of our busy thoroughfares he will be convinced that he is viewing a Christmas illumination. One improvement that Wilmette has made over the lighting system of tier ister suburbs is the unde ound feature. All cables and wires wUl be hidden in underground conduits. No ugly ~sts stickinJ;" up in the air. No ina diugunn« the land- North Shore Merchandise Despatch TbrM!Ih lftYice to Shebor~l Burllftll0n1 Watertown and al pointe Oft tne Mllwaube Northern R. R. and T. M. E. R. 6. L. For fttea, dellverlea, etc., write or telephone local North Shore Street, 'phonea Sane 5nJ and Central 8280; Milwaukee oflice, ~~:~~~h~=~~ Owr-nl,ht eei'Yice lor al.lppert tfli~to~e~?P~.~t~J.'!!; ~:.!i990~~~i~h011CI When you travel on the North Shore Line your safety is in good hands. The Maintenance of Way department, for instance, is composed of men who thor. . oughly know their business. It is the duty of this department to constantly inspect every foot of North Shore track from Chicago to Milwaukee- to keep the 100 lb. rails and rock- ballasted roadbed in first class condition. Classes are held after the day's work on every detail of maintaining tracks. For foreign-born employees, there are classes in language and American citizenship. North Shore section men are literally specialists in their line of work. Safety instruction is given by a Safety Director in a lecture car which travels over the line. oi val · \\il .ChicagoNorthShore andMilwaukeeR.R.Co. Wilmette Puaenaer Station Tel.plaaae Wilmette ZS14

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