Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1924, p. 7

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WILMETTE L FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1924 NIORPOUCE .BEGIN DRILLS Charle. A. Ellia, New Commander, Givea Boya Army Regulationa d:tsies~1ven 'nstruc~ ion period, class instruction concerning their police Declare Team Work Beat for Merchant and Buyer An advertising campaign designed to develop an increasingly more satisfactory relationship between the Wilmette buyirig public and the local merchants, has been launched by the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. One of the advertisements in the campaign series is found in this issue of Wu.M~Tn Lin:. It's keynote is "Team work." "Join the Home town team," it challenges the buyer. "As!list commercially and socially toward mutual civic progress." The advertisements will appear for several weeks. Captain Ellis detailed each member present last week to inform the abse!'t member.s, unless they report for dr!ll a!'d pohce instruction on regular dnll mghts, their Star badges will be recalled and their names dropped from !he roll~. ~egular attendance for th=s mstruc~lon IS one feature that will be recognized under the new merit system. for awarding prizes and promotton. Hot Buttered Toast makes the foundation for a . mighty tasty and satisfying breakfast. Delicately browned slices of good Wils.on's Bread take ori a flavor in toasting that · is great; you·ve got to try it to appreciate the goodness. Be sure there's plenty of Wil~on's Bread in the bread box for hreakfast ; your family will call f.or plentr of butte~ed toast. LLS EVERY FRIDAY Invited to Witne·· ·· Training 'Xilmette Junior Police held r ti1 ' t meeting for practical inctiou . last Friday evening at the H. Howard school gymnasium Cha rles A. Etlis, the new com~ di 11 g officer, announced a tenta,rhc·dule of weekly "drills" and of instructittn," for each Fri'l'Jling in . the current winter The boys witl meet regular- departm~nt. iter at the Arthur H. Howard Boys above the age of 16 years are . dass i?struction beginning I pref~rrcd and. those desiring to enptly at 7 o clo~k . roll tn the Jun1or Police are reque!lted thou ~h a steady drizzling rain felt to r,eport at ~he school. gymnasium at Friday evening many poys turn- 7 o clock Fnday eventngs. out and braved .the inclement "It wo~l~ be a splendid thing if her ior initial training under their all th~ d.tgtble boys. would join this in,tl uctor. The fundamental de- orgamzatton for the physical and of ··ll' mentary drill in the "school !flOral benefits derived from this train, oldier," strictly in accordanc~ mg, .as well as from the standpoint of iant ry drill regulationS> of the hetpmg lo make Wilmette a safer r army, were carefully explain- place it:~ which to live, with increased tm· hoys and several movements protection through it's police departent to "platoon drill" were ment. The actual drilling and .......__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Salea Room and Se"ice Statioa of close order drill inspired 1010-11 Chicap An.. EY-atoa, Ill. Read the Want-Ada a greater enthusiasm and t1u·ir eagerness for this kind instruction. Emphaaise DiacipliManufacturer of Fine Fun h th~ assistance of Lieut. HarHopp. Captain Ellis displayed \'im a nd snap of a regular army r. when giving commands :md rati ng movements, that caused ys to realize they had graduated their previous Boy Scout trainA beautiful auortment of high grade . Di s~i pline is the keynote with furs on hand for yoar inspection. sc army instructors and "strict attion" to explanations of drilt movets p1ores it's necessity for effirc~ult~. Both Captain Ellis and . EVANSTON tenant Hopp appeared in full uni and intend doin~ so for future Telephone 916 Cbicaao uction periods. This alone adds UniYeraity 3722 AYenue it_r to the work and maintains rt'<p('ct of Junior Police members their instructors. After the drill Viaitara laYited Parents of some of the Junior ·PQiice we.re present last week for the first dn!l Wf:'rk and expressed complete ~ahsfach?n over the manner in which tt was g1ven. The instructor has extended an i~v.itation to all parents and RECTOR IS ILL to all the c1t1zens of Wilmette to atDr. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. tend these meetings, believing they should. ~e interested in the character Augustine's church, was confined to of trammg extended. It is planned his home several days this week bed~pendin.g _u_pon t~e pepgress made, t~ puse of illness. ~lve ~xhtbttton dnlts by the organiza!·on, ·t.t the near future, that the cittzenshtp. of the village may appreciate what thts work is accomplishing both for the boys and for the protection of homes and school children allied with the duties of the regular police §llX LAKE .- SHORE AUTO SALES 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE without extra charge to you .----FURS-----. H. A. ROPINSKI A. J. WOODCOCK P H 0 N E 1304 WILMETTE the you cordial strong to Our 50th· Anntversary The Officers and Directors OFFICERS F. J. SCHEIDENHELM, President \\". A. DYCHE, Vice President and Chairman of the Board H. J. WALLINGFORD, Vice President G. H. TOMLINSON; Vice President C. ]. LUTHER, Cashier L. ]. KNAPP, Secretary and Assistant Cashier F. 0. POTTER, Assistant Cashier A. K. SCHEIDENHELM, Assistant Cashier · of the STATE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY cordially invite you to visit its banking rooms on Sa~rda_y, DIRECTORS SEWELL L. AVERY President, United States Gypsum Co. NELSON L. BUCK Vice President, Wm. Wrigley, Jr., Co. WILLIAM A. DYCHE Vice President and Chairman of the Board OSCAR H. HAUGAN Vice President, State Bank of Chicago C. H. POPPENHUSEN Newman, Poppenhusen, Stern & Johnston F. J. SCHEIDENHELM President PHILIP R. SHUMWAY President, Paper Mitts Company H. J. WAL~INGFORD Vice President CHARLES P. WHITNEY Critchell, Miller, Whitney & Barbour C. FRED YEGGE President, General Box Company November 29th this comtnunity, one of the leading suburban districts in the :rvHddlewest. This bank-the Oldeat and Larpat on the North Shore-has always stood for the highest ideals in banking, commanding the confidence of the community and the respect of its business neighbors. Remember, the bank will be open Satur- · day, November 29th, until 9 p. m., and a cordial welcome awaits you. between the hours of 9 a. m. and 9 p. m. Saturday, November 29th, the institution is keeping ()pen House for the residents of Evanston and the 1\! orth Shore in celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of its establishment and the Tenth .A.nniversary of the occupancy of its present building. For half a century the State Bank and Trust Company has been an important factor in the growth and development of STATE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Olde1t and Large1t &nit on the North Shore

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