Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1924, p. 6

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WILMETTE JN anything-it's team work that counts. No matter how atrong the individual, he becomes more po-werful with teaJD co-operation-team work. Have you, u a citizen of Wilmette, joined the home town team? Are you making your co-citizens, the business and professional men, realize your desire to assist them commercially and socially? · Are you helping them to feel the advantages of living in this good town of ours? Are you extending a cordial heart and hand? If you do-they will pass the good word along-it becomes an endless chain. The team work ia strong and will thus attract others-who in turn will lend their hands, talent., resources and energies to mutual civic progress. Now is a good time to "join up"-the only initiation fee is a resolve to do your part-and the dues come back to you in personal dividends. WILME'ITE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXPRESSING. Herboa Br-. CONFECTIONERY. Ke7·toae CoafeettoaeW7 Co, FLORIST. Wlllta .. P. Parka A . .J. Felke vn·a~re Cltoeolate Sllop BANKS. .Joha Wellaad Firat Natloaal Baak CONTRACTORS AND Wilmette State Baak G .,RAGE AND AUTOBliiLDERS. MOBILE SERVICE. BARBERS. C. H. Bretltold Rraaa Dr-. E . .J. Belroae Cllrlaty Browa E·ll Heu T. BlaiiMiell .Jolla Davie· Lladea ~Ltu:e Gara&'e Ro7 G . . .w .. .J-pll Kaelp L. A R. Aato Servlee H. ReriN!rllols C. E. Olewfae Robert Helat}'re BIRD STORE. DAIRY. Hiller Br... Wll·ette Bird Hoaae Wlaaetka SaaltaPJ' DaiPJ' A.. H. llf. .lae Motor Se...tee, lae. BLACKSHITH. PAINTERS AND Peaaa}'lvaala 011 Co. Hear,. Rotll DECORATORS. Slloreea Motor Co. S. H. Browaell We...te· Motor Co· CAFE A.KD .1. R. Jlae Farlaae Wll·ette A·to Eleetrle RESTAURANT. A. P. HUla Slaop Lake Sllore Terraee H. W. Paalaoa Wta.ette BatteW7 SerYiee Sllerlll- Cafe Wll·ette Deeondla&' Co. Wll·ette Motor Salea Welell Cafe Wll-RW&"e hrvlee Statloa Wll·ette Cafe DENTIITtl AllfD Wll·ette F... IIOJII PHYSICIANS. DRY GOODS, liEN'S Dr. 11. R. Barker CIIILDREN'8 SHOP. FURNISIIINGS AND Dr. E. F. Clart..tle Carroll RI·&"W·l'· lae. WOMEX'S APPARBL. Dr. W. W. Bawklaa Paal Ble·er CIGARS. Dr. L. w · .Joaea Ba.._ T._eW7 R. H. HeDaalel Dr. E. E. M-re W. A. Ha-. Co. Dr. D. W. llaJIIJII CLEANERS, DYERS R-·beP&"· De111t. Store Dr. D. K. Roltl-oa AND TAILORS. a. H. Sellen .a Co. Dr. W. II'. Sellar De Lase Cleaaera W·. Ta7lor Gee. .J. EIN!r U·l··e StJ'le 8110111 DRUG STORES. Knau Cleaala&' A D7ela&' Wortllea-Carrleo Co. A··- Plla~W~aeJ' Pa~ta&'eorce B.-Beaaeekar hltaUa A Nortl GROCERIES. HEATS, R ...e A~eaae Plla...aC!J' AND v&GETABLE8. Salder-Caael D .... Co. COAL. LUMBER, BUILDW-. Brlakaaa A: Co. ING ATERIAL. ELECTRIC SHOPS AND <.·ttl' Market Al-rt Broa. CONTRACTORI. B-. Ceah'al C-1 A Jlaterlal Co A · · - Eleeh'le 1110111 E-t Ea· Market Coa. .·era Co. W. G. Be7rer Keallwortll Store IIWJapr A . _ & A. Daaaeaark .lolla Kere··· EYaaatoa L-Iller Co. Eleetrle Co. Klla&'e A Wlllte H······ Bros. Lake llore Eleeute Co. Lallaa Broa. Kattea Bros. Nertlt Saltarka Eleetrle F. w. Moore He7er Coal Co. Sllo~t A. C. Pea..... E. C. We...eallleq Paltlle lenlee Co. .1. w. hlal.e-r BAKERIES. Vllla&'e Ro.-e BakeW7 Wilmette Home Baker7 Wll·oa'a Baker7 Wlaaetka Coai·L-ber Co. E. Starllal 8aaltar7 Grocer7 A Market A. S. Vaa De. .ea Wlllte Caall Market Wll·ette Groeei'J' A Market HARDWARE. Geor.-e Bal.wla w-. Edwaru · .lob MIUea Te... taal Hdwe. WoUI'-Grl. . HOTELS. C·au.l Hotel Wll·ette Jaw ICE. WU·ette lee A Tea_..· Co. .JEWELER. Prlatl·· Stlldlo RADIO. H · .J. Braaaelt REAL ESTATE INSURANCE. F. <:olema· Barroq. . Clore, Ba·l·&'er A S·ltll Eddla.aoa A Allea F. H. Gatllereoal Kra . . . Realty Co. E. A. Petttboae .J. H. Seltaefer A Co \1-·nmette Realt7 Co. RUG I. A. K. He·Uiaa IHOE!!I. Wllaette Sit- Store SIGN PAINTER. Tlto. . . BeJr&' 8TATIOXERY SHOP. Wll·ette Sta"J' A: GUt SIIOJII STORAGE. Warble 8t·-&'e Co. THEATRE. Vtlla&'e Tlteabe TIN SHOP. .1. R. Sweet w.. Sea This is the second of a series of advertisements to be published by the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. The purpose is to promote better relations between residents of this community and the business men. THE WILMETTE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ENDORSES EACH OF ITS MEMBERS AS BEING HONORABLE AND WORTHY OF YOUR PATRONAGE. D. P . .ltaralo LAUNDRY. Ho·e Laaa....,. · Klea···· Laaadi'J' Nelaoa MUSIC. Wll·ette · - · · Slao111 La···l'l' NEWS AGENCY Sllortl"· Newa Staad WIJ·ette New· qeac:)' OPTOMETRIST. Dr. 0. H. Beraell PAINT STORES 8teraer Palat aad Wall PaJIIC!r WU..ette Gla- A store w ·· UNDERTAKBR. Seott o-.. c.. VARIETY S'l'ORE. Wll·ette Varlet}' Store c-··· PUBLIC UTILITIES, MISCELLANEOUS C···erelal Refereaee Palat HeDP7 co~en . _ 11. DeOtto Falk PLUMBER. llllaola Bell Teleplaoae M · .Jaeo. .oa Hoyt Kla&' W. B. Laeke Peter F. lleCall .Jolla .1. lloraa PRINTERS AND C. E. Tllo·..PUBLISHERS. L. c. Torre, LIOJ'd HoUJater, lae. M. \VIllar·

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