WILMETTE 1924 5 CH SALE OF OPERA CLUB TO Start Basketball Drill CHRISTMAS SEAL· GIVE F ANTASIE 5 go Tuberculoaia lnati- "Cherry Bloaaom1 " to Be Heard December S-6 tute Begins Annual Ctmpaign in Cook County at New Trier Turkey Day ELPS HEALTH CENTER Will Continue Until Holidays The ,,_. n·nteenth annual sale of tuber' Christmas seals begins immedi:tt u: r Thanksgiving. Forty million j.,r Chicago and Cook county have rt cl'i \·ed by the Chicago TubercuitHi tute. Theodore B. Sachs, superinteni, hoping to make this the most tul campaign that has ever been in this community. Aida 1925 Health Proaram Seab will be sold by mail, by personal · ti<m, at booths, and in as many 11 <~ys as the ingenuity of man can Local committees are are or1 and expect to be enthusiastically work eve ry minute during December order to raise the quota needed for puhlir health program next year. tht.; time of the year when we I urged to buy and use all the , seals we can," writes an ofthe Tuberculosis institute, "it ing to know what reward we f11r doing so. li tt lc Christmas seal is a great to this community and the more he\\) tu support it the more it is to do for us. Will Tell Story two or three items during Decemthe new~papers will tell you what oi it.; achievements are. For one , it is responsible for the health cn·nce~. These arc held regularly at Gro"c Point Health center. t tltc,c any one who wishes to \\'hethcr child or adult, is given · physical examination by an acspecia list. He is a full time · ian employed for this one purhy the Chicago Tuberculosis in- "Cherry Blossoms," an oriental fantas :c by May Hewes Dodge and John Wilson Dodge, will be presented by the Wilmette Opera and Drama club Friday and Saturday evenings, December 5 and 6 at the Byron Stolp school. This Japanese comedy is described as unique in that it is strictly modern and ~p -to-the-minute in every respect. This ts the first productioq given under the new management. The entire club having been re-organized and placed under new leadership. The cast for "Cherry Blossoms" includes however such well known performers as Mr. and Mrs. H. Warren Show, who have starred in nearly every production given by the club, Chester Lawrence in a comedy part, 1 George Leal, who will be remembered in particular for his work as the defendant in Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial by Jury," and Edwin Winzell who has portrayed difficult roles in past performances, particularly the title role in "That Brute Simmons." The work of these actors is well known known to the villagers. They will be augmented by new talent including Miss Agnes . Bresimeier and Cecil Morgan, taking the two leading roles, who are becoming well known in Chicago and vicinity through their singing and act· ing ability. Paul Ingram, at this late date assumes a part left vacant through the illness of C. C. Henderson. 1 The work of the chorus has taken on great importance. They have put many hours of earnest work upon the mastering of several complicated but effective dancing numbers. In fact the club feels that never before has it placed such an ambitious performance before its friends. Tickets have hecn placed on sale at \Vilson's bakery or may be secured from any member of the club. Proceeds from the opera will as usual be given to charity. It is expected that in view of this fact the attendance at both performances will be large. A spirants for the basketball squads at 1\ew Trier Township high . school were given practice Thanksgiving Day. Coach "Duke" Child · issued his call for men to begin work and training on Church Donate· Food to Turkey day. ~lr. ancl l\trs. B . A . Leader attenc1ed According to the dop<! spilled by Household. of the Poor the to-Illinois game at Urbana lan Ch Ids, the outlook for the lightweights More than 200 containers' of canned Saturday. Mr. Leader 111 a loyal Ohio :s. rather hopeful, as he has some prom- goods and a generous collection of alumnua nd In spit., o! the result ot the game as enthusiastic over the de tsmg veterans back about whom to build potat'oes, apples and other vecetables "lnd lightful we k end he had spent among a speedy quintet. But the heavyweights fru.ts were contributed by members ,,£ !denda. He Is going to exhibit three do not stack up so well on paper, All reels o! moving pi<'tures which he made of the game at the Men'a Club . .n all, it cannot be truly said that meeting next Monday night. Tboae Columbia School of Muaic: "Duke" appeared to be in an optimistic who have seen these f\lms e:xpreued Clare Osborne · Reed, Director frame of mind on the eve of the seasQn. the greatest surprise at the htgh qualWilmette Branch-627 11th St. ity of photogt·aphy which Mr. Le-der TEACHERS IN CHARGE However, when the opening guns a~e ·ecured, sln!'e his friends all know he Anna Chlnlund, Philomena !race fired in the Suburban league schedule Is by no means a professional photoJ:>rlvate and Class Leaaona along the first of the year, the New ' gra.pber. He gives credit to the camera Phl,no, Keyboard Harmony, he uaea which he says Ia u eaay to Trier coach may have some interesting Sl~rht Reading and Ear Tralnlnc operate as sighting a pair of tleld Main School talent to offer. glass ea. 509 s. Wabash Ave., Chlcaco Four practice games among eight teams, all made up of New Trier basket- the First _Congreg:\tional church la=1t ball matet.al, will be an attraction in Sunday for needy families of Chicago the school gymnasium Saturday evening. and vicinity. No admission will be charged and an Supplies not sent directly into homes opportunity afforded all loyal followi!~S were turned over to Mrs. Lillian 1>. of the Green and Gray to size up thts Northam, Wilmette social service workseason's baske<ball hopefuls. 1 er, for distri tion through the Board of Local Ch i . I . No. 3 of a aeriea ol atatementa by local citizena The Church in My Life By By Edwin Phelps JT has been the means of expanding in tne the best itnpulses and at l~ast contracting, if not elitninating, the less desirable impulses. In the earlier years of n1y life there ahvays seetned to be an indefinab le sotnething that associated the church with the finer qualities of living. That, n1ore than parental requiretnent, accounts for the early practice of church attendance ~hich has no\v heco1ne a habit as controlling as other life habits. With these twenty years of regular church attendance, participating in its worship services, teaching in its Bible school and sharing in its general con1n1unity efforts, there has come t~ me an enjoytnent of life greater in content and meaning that I an1 sure I would have not possessed had f neglected these things in a tnore centered search for the n1aterial values of life. I chest specialists are .scarce. It very particular skill, training cxt>er,·:_.,.,. to dct- by ea.- 'Whether GUILD OFFERS · r ----Y is Week t can sleep and utiful Holiday Select yours r, tinsel cord, tuberculosis or other disease is . For this reason the Cliristm:ts offers to everyone a chance to tind out before it is too late, as cady Appear Tuesday in Evanston/ """""r"' and care for trouble of this Benefit absolutely essential if it is cured. Examinations Important The North Shore Theater Guild, the addition to this examination the recommends other tests by X-ray, first organization to present "Mary thr ratory analysis, etc., if he thinks Third" on the north shore, produced the 'ary. He also advises whatever play at the Evanston Woman's ;:lub mcnt is indicated, sending you to Tuesday evening, November 25, for the own physician, to a sanatarium or benefit of the educational fund of the further specialist is neces- Business Women's club of Evanston. His business is to examine and to The play is considered one of Rachel and to see that you get medical Crothers best comedies, and the players enjoyed a crowded house. time. The play was ·presented in New docs not give medicine or treatol any sort but co-operates in every York in 1923, and ran for six months. with the private physician to whom It has never been given in Chicago, phase of the work belongs. He is execept by the North Shore Theater hy the institute's registered Guild. The Guild actors have the reputanurse, who is also a tuberculosis , although she provides care for tion of being the most experienced sorts of other health conditions as group of non-professionals in Chicago. as she is able. This nurse assists at The cast for Tuesday's comedy comclinics, makes home calls both be- posed Mrs. Laird Bell, who has and after the conference with the long been known as an expert player and tries to see that everybody of comedy character parts ; Mrs. Erma community is made well .md Blaine McKendry, of Evanston, a professional actress and reader; J. well. Williams Macy, who has been in more Valiant Health Trio Theater Guild plays than any other public health doctor, the public person; Miss Virr(inia Fitzhugh of and the Christmas seal are Lake Forest; Ogden Cook of Ken itin promoting better health worth; H. Neill Skinner and Wesley cornm.un·ity. Make use of them McKey, two excellent juveniles of Evyou can. Do not let your anston. suffer for want of an opporThe cast was coached by Atof securing their help. Back exander Dean, professor of dramatic 11 up as generously as you can 1 art and literature at Northwestern sions. university, who has directed the Guild now the best way to do it is for the ·past year. Before coming to buy Christmas seals. All the Evanston, Mr. Dean directed comraised here is used here. munity dramatics in Dallas, Texas, ain' gonna be no mo' T. B. and Missoula, Montana. ain' gonna be no mo', all buy plenty of Christmas seals Knights of Columbus Have ain't gonna be no mo.' Frolic with Their Kiddies 'MARY mE JRD' * * * * Never Forgetthe church needa You You need the church 11 a. m. is the hour of morning wonhip DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: The W-.Iaette Baptist Oaarcla Forest and Wilmette Aves. 703 Greenleaf .Ave. ° Rev. FraMis C. Stifler Rev. William Gt4ile ties. Hold Chriatmu Bazaar Next Wednesday "edncsday, December 3, will be with activity for the Guild of St. Augustine's Episcopal who, on that day, will offer WitChristmas shoppers a remarkable of gift suggestions and other and attractive commodities. Guilds have been working for weeks in preparation for the ·m. and will keep the door Pansh House at 1140 Wilmette open from 10:30 in the morning 11 10:30 at night to accommodate Prospective buyers. n conl}ection with the bazaar the .wtll also serve the annual Family Ill the Club House, beginning at Co. Tuesday of this week witnessed an unusual event in Odd Fellows hall when the members of the Ouilmette council, Knights of Columbus, entertained their children. Each father was called upon to offl.'r a "stunt" in conjunction with a child, a departure which produced many humorous situations. George White served his celebrated 1 brand of coffee and "hot rlogs" to the as emblage. Fll'lt CoJ111'e1atioaal Oaurch Lake and Wilmette Aves. The Fnt Metbo6t Oaarcla Lake and Wilmette Aves.- Rev. Stephm A . Lloyd Rev. Gilb,.l StaMell 1\e Fant Presbyterila Oaurch Ninth and Greenleaf St. Aatastiae's Episcopll a-a 1140 Wilmette Ave. pelivery r p.m. Daily I Rev. G'orge P. Magill Rev. Hubert Carleto,. W. A. C. DANCE The Wilmette Athletic club announces its annual dance to be held Saturday evening, December 6, at Odd Fellows hall Main street and Wilmette aven\te. Ev~rybody is welcome to this dan~e. an~ the music will be of the be t vanety, 1t is promised. St. Jolm's Latheru Caarch Wilmette and Park Aves. R,v. Herm4Pf W. Meye-r .e