Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1924, p. 23

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WILMETTE NOVEMBER 1924 23 MAKE MONEY USE WANT . ADS 18 WANTED--HOliSEHOLD GOODS HOUSEHOLD ER"ICIC HOUSEHOLD SBllVICB lnclualve wboae namea appear In the tele~ahone directory or are regular 11ubscrlber,. to eltht~r WILMETTE LII<~E. WINNili'TK'.i l.K or GLENCOE NBW8. ,nJr~.ll:--.:o.:_e:.·~.n.te per lln<t In one paper. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS N otice·--Claaalfted adverttaementa wtll be cbarced only to rt~alclenta of the dlatrlet from Bvanaton to WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WlN- ANTIQUE FURNITURB Rli:PAIRIKG furniture and other houeehold goods. dow washing; floor waxlnc: furntand reftnlablna. Upholater:r. KatHighest price paid for same. Croat htre pollahfng; odd painting and caltreaaea renewed. Cabinet work, Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emer11on St., clmlnlng joba. Tel. Wlnn. 1035. Fred Nltto, 1%18 Central ATe., WllEvanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTNUtfc 17LT45-tfc mette. Tel. Wll. 2410 17LI-tfc te W ANTED-MISCBLLAl'OIIOUS fATE >NDS IY Commercial %0 cente per line In all three lJINUIUl\1 CHARGE ~Me. Averaae of five worda to face type used. Ratea for Dlaplay type on app11cat1on. advertlaementa will be acto Wedn~·day U o'clock for LMETTE LIFE or "ll three papera: Thurad~v 1ll o'clock .for tbe NETKA TALK and Friday U o'clock for ~r~ GLENCOE NJIIW8. honea: WILMETTE 1U0-1t%1 or WINNE~'KA 1000·1001. dline for I naertion·-Clallallle· cepted up IWANTED-TO records. Tel. ~ WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and eells rugs, atovea. autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. 19LTN8-tfc EXCHANGE EDISON Glencoe 1055. 19L9-1tc FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD used car? We have tt-aee ua llrst. 'V ersted Motor Co. 3 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka 20LTN9-ltc in Evanston f REAL ESTATE ilmt'te Store Space for Rent \'E TWO DESIRABLY LOh 111 1H'I" FOR RENT-APARTMENTS AND OFflee rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62. 3LTN4S-ttc · _ _ _ _F_o_tt_R_E_N_-r__R_o_o_M_s_ _ __ Used Cars - All Makes $1000.00 trs OPEN AIR BALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grnve St. Wlllys-Knight and Overland 15th. Owner will furnish Jo'OR RJoJNT- FURNISHED FRONT Dealers This Is the tlrst appf'aran<'e room; private family; east side; Evanston 140 th<· ~t· rf'ntals on the market. convenient to all transportation; 20LTN24-tfc Houses for Sale gentleman only. Phone Wll. 608. tu·at'tive homes ranging In price 4L9-ltc $7.500 up. Houses !or ;Rent FOR RENT-ROOMS IN NICE HOME: FOR SALE- 1922 FORD SEDAN; fortable, con venlently located. Phone Wilmette near transportation; reasonable; good condition. and UI>. · 20LTN9-ltc board I! desired; best of home cook1184. Vacant lng. Phone Wll. 736-J. 4L9-1tp ~====~~~~=~~=7:~~ ant property In Wilmette and 21 FOR SAI.E-MISCELLANEOU8 :>:orth Shore villages fully lm- CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT, OUTSIDE llS low as $40 per foot. rooms; for transients and resloltentY. 629 Main St. Tel. Wit. 1080 & . 4LT4-t!c Wilmette Ave. Phone 1750 Opp. VIllage Hall FOR RENT- SMALL, WELL FUR1LTN9-ltc nlshed, comfortable room. Phone 4L9-1 tp 'VIlmettl' 796- W. me HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW 10 WANT;ED TO RENT-llOOMS shipment o! lovely Chinese goods lm· N. E. Winnetka ported by my nephew, a Princeton Dll> OLD SHINGLE COLONIAl. TO RENT- EMP'LOYED graduate, who has returned (a!ter 10 rooms. 3 baths. Located WANTED houseman wants room In basement in three years Y. M. C. A. work In of the most beautifully woodexchange tor tending furnace. Best Pe king) to complete his education l'S o! land In Winnetka, apot Wilmette references. Address be!or·e hie ftnal return to China. tely 1 acre. Ground value Wilmette Life 385. 10L9-ltp This present shlt>ment contains iH $35.000 (check up on this). many exquisite pieces of hand em'41,000. brold~>red table linens, tea sets, t:eno§itTIJlll~IR(e<ID.ll\tyCC(O), _u_ _ H_E_LP_w_A_N_T_Eo--_M_A_L_E __ ter pieces In many sizes, run11er·s, napkins, etc. $1 to $80. Unique and beautifully carved Clak St. at the R. R. IN~~~A~~~rb~Ey~:;;~~~-~~t~e 11~ chains In Ivory, eandalwood, lacquer, O)lJ>USile C. & N. W. Statton Cook County to make confidential Injacle, nmbl'l', co1·al, turquoise, amIll'S 'VInnetka 1800 and 1226 su1·ance reports during spare time. ethyst, carnelian, etc., JJialn, solid or 1LTN9-ltc ~tate age and oco.:upatlon . N. P. In combinations $1 to $150. --------------Green, Box 192, Chicago. 11LTN9-5tc Hichl}' embroldt>red and brocaded ' LE-LET US SELL YOU OUR mandarin coats and skirts In many , iful 5 ~ room bungalow, la1,7ge WANTED-Jo~URNA E MAN FOR 132 designs and colors. The skirts r.re lilr<·. hu11t In tub, etc., complete 1· Abingdon Ave., Kenilworth. Phone popular as plano !lrapes, etc. $12.&0 to $65 . '$~~~~~~!~h $~~:0$ 5~h~~~ ~~~u;~:.'!. University 8350. 11L9-ltc Novelties ; Hand painted !eat her own your own lot on the fans, framed plctur·es, clolsoneu ' Shore. Investigate this bar- 1~ HELP WANTED-FEMALE vases, J··wel chests. card cases, purses, bags, etc. 75c to $15. nlt.';h~~~~lonng. SJ>ecial low price WAN.T ED- EXPERIENCED "\VHITE Earl}· selection desirable. COl'NTY CONSTRUCTION CO. lURid for gene1·a! housework; best of 10 ::\o. Clark St., Chicago wages. Phone Wlnn . 1511. !'hone State 8825 12LTN~ - l tc S. W. Cor·. Forest and 13th St. 212 W . Washington St., WANTED-WOMAN FOR GENERAL Tel. Wilmette 676 Wllml'tte. 111. Waukegan 3031 housework by week; no laundry o1· 2l.L9 - ltc one ,\. lnnetka 755 after 6 p. m. 1LTN9-3tc ~~~~-tng; home ntghts. P~~t':r~~~rc \-:=================:1 ,~~~r~~ a~~~~:~~~v~l~ orft~~sf~~~ Do You Want a Home? The Real Estate market is a bit slow right now. To the ma.n who is interested in buying and buying right this can mean but one thin.g - 1---------------IB~&1!llitnf1llln Giifit~ . Budinger Smith flf«»mm CliDii~ and InYestment LOUISE B. PANUSHKA OFFER A I.OT 5ox1S5 WITH ALL mt·nts in and paid !or with nt value at $85 per ft. WANTED- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for· general housework. Appl.~· 653 'Vaiden Rd. Phone Wlnn. 1486. e>.o.:r~!~~~ ul~nd~a~~mg~ta\~~~~e~x~ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_2L_T_N_9_-_1_tc VACANT CHRIH'l'MAS Children's Dresses UAHGAIN HALE I 1 o§itliDllb~(eaJ.llityCC(O)c c 'IlllOSI tl' C. & N. "\V. Station 1LT~9-ltc Oak St. at the R. R. ones 'V'Innetka 1800 and 1226 ===============~!FOR SALE-GORGEOU~. NEW, Il\1!lOr·ted Spanish shawl Cor evening 14 SITUATION WAN'rED-l'IALE W ANTED-NURS£ MAID OR MAID gor general housework; white preferred; 2 small children In family. Phone Wit. 174. 12LT9-ltc EA~T END CIRCLE Congn.·gallonul Church llt>cembt'r 5, 1!124. 21L9-ltc j wear. Tel. Unlv. 8397. 21LTN9-ltc Buy Now You will find that most of the reputable real estate brokers list their real bargains each week on· this page. For g~uine real estate bargains read the WantAds each week in FINANCIAL -NER I\fUST SELL on Approved ATTRACTIVE NEW COLONIAL, roof, 3 master bedrooms and cl'!-1 room, sun parlor, wate1· ht>at, lilrgt> light cheerful rooms; 2gar·ag~.>; deep wooded lot; l'enY located tor electric and steam P1·lce $25,000. Phone w ·n308. 1LTN9-2tp IT))aJ.ll'il~<e MlliD~ii~ For All Occasions Booking Agent !or TED MORSE'S ORCHESTRA E. E. BIGELOW Tel. Wll. 3035 ULTN4-ttp INSURANCE THIS II:> THE BURGLARS' BUSY SEAson. Someone Is ma1·ked today. It may be you! For a small pn~ mium we can plll<'l' a blanket coverage on your· household contents as well as Insure the members o! your familY against !lersonal hold-up. Insure today and lllspell the fears causinK sleepless nights. Telephone us: Wilmette 1750. Riveraicle Rockford Rock laland Urbaua Waukegan W eatern Sprint· Wheaton Wilmette Winnetka OR RENT-5 AND 6- RM. 1~ SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE : new; big lots; close to trans ., g·>lf course; $10,000 to $21,000. SITUATION WANTED- REFINED lotl! for sale $30 a ft. Owner·. woman as companion to chlerly womOpp. Village Hall tr Line Rd. 2 blocks west o! an; home, California or Florida: 1177 Wilmette Ave. 22LTN9-ltc n Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Park references exch. 6606 Woodlawn Ave., ChiCago. 15LTN8-2tp(----------------3. 1LTN42-tfc Clore Budinger & Smith MONEY TO LOAN SITUATION WANTED- LAUNDRESS wants work at home; finished, 1·ough dry, wet wash. Will call for· and deliver. Phone Wllmetc.· 1351. 15LTN9-ltc ~· HAVE A FEW THOUSAND DOLIars to loan on gooct 1st or unusu::tliY good 2nd mortgages. Address Wlimettc Ll!e 3!<6. 22J~TN9-ltc LOST AND FOUND LOST-ON NOV. 8 A BROWN LEATHI'r handbag containing $42 In blll11 A.ncl some silver; also owner's card and other marks or ldentlftcatlon. Very badly needf:d . Write Wilmette Life 3M9. 24L9-ltc NS given. ICK COLONIAL RESIDENCE S AND BATH. Hot water good location. Immediate posn. $100. FOUND-SMALL BU <CH OF KEYS on Linden Ave. nea1· Catholic Church. Owner may have eame by 1dentlfy~~~Kan~U~~~~~t water SITUATION WANTED- CLEANING lng and paying ad. Inquire at Lloyd -car garage. Immediate posand washlng done by the day. Phone Hollister, Inc., 1222 Central t:L9~ttp 21 UG. WI!. 338. 15LT9-ltp Plum puddings and cakes of all kinds baked to order. 1073% Gage St. Phone Winnetka 1333. 16LTN8-6tc ----------------111 FOR RENT WORK AT LOST- BUFF COLORED, PERSIAN 16LT9-ltc cat wearing blue collar. Reward. Phone Kenilworth 1689. %4LT9-1tc r doctor or dentist. Large room 16 SITUATION WANTED-MALE 25 CONTRACTORS AND .JOBBERS AND FEMALE d h:~~P}~~ru~:J~; ,~'f.ht, water, gas HARRIS BROS. PRESTO - UP GA· SITUATION WANTED- COLORED rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph couple; man exp. chautfeur and \Vatt11, 1722 Greenwood Blvd., EvIHio CC(O)o hou·seman, wife 1st class cook and anston. Tel. Unlver11lty 1707. InRidge and Lake Avenues spection h lted. Cash or terms. Inexp. maid . Phone Unlv. f:l~Ng-ttp Phone Wilmette 364 formation , adly !urnlshiti.TNSO-t!c 2LTN9-ltc FOil SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS GARDENING FOUR ROOM FLAT I dl WANTED- LAUNDRY 2nd floor, stove heat. mmc · home. Tel. Wll. 2S93. s~;~~~E $~CATION §~Ihl&<eJf<eJr ~ e who do not care b their own planting. lvill deliver, plant and ~ntee. ~a tes NTRY HOME; SIX ROOMS; STOVE One and one-third acres; lo- F R SALE-MOVING AND WILL SELL pntlre contents 5-room apt., lnclud2 miles west of Winnetka on 1 Rd. One year at $40 per mo. ln fine grand plano; living room eufte: fireside bt>nch; upholstered ne Winnetka 828. 2LTN9-ltc chairs; lamps; mirror, rarE' rugs, large and small; hand decorated bedroom suite; French walnut twin beds; etc. Tel. nlv. 79~2iLTN9-ltc FOR SALE - ANGEL~S PLAYER plano with orchestra attachement built In the Instrument. Thle plano Is In storage. Can be seen by appointment saturday ar~gnosr· W'f~= dress A. F . Battey, 708 T7LTN9-ltP nt>tka. FOR SALE- FURNTTt' R~ A~h;~! Woodland Ave.. Rav n 17LTN9-ltc Highland Park 2115. MOVING SOUTH ·~·· Cheap labor means ~heap work. poorly done. Have your treea and shrubbery trimmed by experienced men. Let me Inspect your trees and explain our method. WILMETIE LIFE Robert C. Bolinger Tree Expert We also do surgical work, spraying, fertilising, planting. Let us rearrange your ahrubbery for better etrecta. 1230 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wll. UU IILN4-tfc ~ or write now. reet, Chicago, DL Main 3113 1

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