Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1924, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LI Our Village ia Listed Among Christmas Caroling Pioneers Outdoor Singing Movement Finding Favor Throughout the Nation Draper Thrills Audience With Character Sketches On Monday evening, November 17, Ruth Draper, the £amou~ impersonator, )Z"ave a se ries of origmal c~1aracter skl'tchcs to an appreciative aud1cnce m Jane Kuppenheimer hall, Winnetka. The rrocceds 01 the evening went to ~elp defray the expenses of the Cradle society. . Miss Draper's work is umque. It cannot be classified as entef1ainmen~, although it gives great pleasur~ .. It · IS no ordinary performance, for 1t IS ·1ot a mere exhibition of skill. Its purpose is not solely to instruct or teaeh, although one leaves the hall with a vastly increased knowledge of human nature. Perhaps it is enough to acknowledge that her presentations are in a class by themselves. Even her stage accessories are unusual, Miss Draper using no furniture except a card-table and a chair, and for costume onfy one or two ~mall shawls. But what she did wit h that meagre outfit was surpnsmg. She most effectively disguised herself as a Dalmatian peasant-woman, a Scotch immigrant, a telephone operator, a debutante, a Philadelphia mother, and a wife after one, fifteen, and forty years of marriage. ·when she appeared in her various roles the audience forgot Ruth Draper and saw only the indiv1duals represented . Her's was an artistic recital that can really be called unrivalled. cent of the total. In two years, therefore, sales for industria I purposes i~ creased by nearly 22,000,000,000 cub1c feet, a ratio of increase of 30 per cent." considerable advance, and in the first edition of the booklet, a year after efforts were made to revive the movement, j Q cities and towns in which the outdoor caroling had been introduced were included. There were undoubtedly more than this number, but the bureau had not full facilities for tracing them. By \Vilmette and Winnetka are included in the time the second edition was puba lengthy list of towns and cities an- tished in October 1920, the list was nounced by the National Bureau for the more than trebled' and it has continued Advancement of Music as the locations to grow with astonishing rapidity ever of anual community Chr!s!mas ca.roling. 1 since. More than 1.200 commumt1es are mclud-~ "The response of the public, scattered cd in the record as the result of a sur- from coast to coast and from the Canavery rec~ntly made b~ the bureau. In d!an border. to. the G_ulf of Mexico. furcomment.mg on the remarkable develop-. mshes convmcmg ev:dence that the outment · of this Yuletide movement, the door Christmas caroling has st ruck a bureau report states: , popular chord and fulfills a popular de"Teu years ago outdoor Christmas sire. . Eve Caroling, especially by itinerant "Some of the cities were large, others group5 through the streets of town and small. Some had caroling groups enough village, was almost unknown in this tn cover the entire area. others for but countn·. The beautiful old cu~tom that one or two districts; while in sti ll othe rs had 01;cc been universal in England had carols were sung around the community all but died. 1 Christmas tree only. The information The 1\'idespread adoption of the Com- was gathered from newspaper clippings munity Christmas Tree did much to ' from all parts ot the country, as well bring the carols to public attention again. i as by direct correspo!ldence, and it is Yet the singing oi the charming Old probable that many c1t1es were overlookYuletide songs for the public benefit ed. No places were included where the was all too infrequent and the general carolmg was si mply an indoor or church abseuc<: of "waits," the traveling bands event." Fuel Conservation Grows : of. carokr.;, in their P.icturesq ue red cam-j · · Industry Showing Progress bnc capes, was part1cularly regrettable. Cp pc!::e Careless L1stmg The manufactured gas industry of "The National Bureau for the Adf L }B · F" vancement oi ::\.fusic, which is interested 0 oca U& lness 1rms the nation has crossed the mark of ir extending more widely the influence Objection to the listing of business 400 billion cubic feet of production and utibation of music among the firms on the north shore in the classi- n one ·I'~ r. acrorrling- to 192~ fig-nres American people, saw in the Christmas fied telephone directory under th ~ just made public by Alexander Forcaroling one of the most inspiring uses \Vilmette heading, was made bv mem- ward, secretary-manager of the Amerof song, as a satisfaction to the singer bers of the Winnetka Chan1her of ican Gas Association. "Gas production in 1923 was double a joy to the commun ity, and a means 0 { Commerce at the regular meeting held express ing tbe Christmas spirit. In 1917, Wednesday night at the Community that of 1913," he says in indicating the wide step America has taken in cont~erefore. shortly after its own incep- House. William T. Wersted, secretiOn, the bureau, at the suggestion of tary of the Chamber was instructed to servation of fuel resources through use C. A. Grinnell of Detroit, began work- write to the Rueben H. Donnelley of concentrated fuel. "In this decade, i~g ac.:ively for country-wjde expan· corporation, which makes the listings, the usc of manufactured gas practicals1on ot the custom. It pointed as a requesting specific town classifica- ly equaled the total use during a!l the preceding forty years. model to the splendid organization for tions. "Tn 1923. the gas industry placed Christmas singing that had been worked A report by the membership comout on a city-wide seal~ in Detroit. As mittee indicated a ready response to 417.0CO new cu stomers on its books and a further aid to the movement the the raise in dues. Soon the organiza- approxirr.ately 3.500 miles of add :tional Bureau iss ued its booklet, "Christmas tion will launch a "new member mains were added to the distribution systems. Eve Caroling Being Revived," giving drive," it was announced. ·'The analysis of sales according to a brief outline of the hi~tory of the cusPaul Reschke and C. T. Northrop tom and instructions for procedure t.o ~ere appoi~ted members of the legisla- users indicates that 24.02 per cent of thosc irHerested in carrying out the plan tJve comm1ttee of the association to the total 1923 sales, or slightly over locally_ fill the vacancies caused by the resig- 92,000,000,000 cubic feet, were used for 'B nations of F. Smith and Thomas ]. industrial purposes. In 1921 the in' Y this time the movement had made Lynch. dustrial sales represented 21.62 per Skokie Arranges Annual Art Bazaar for December The annual Art bazaar of the Skokie school will b~ held December S. The proceeds will go to Christmas charities. In this bazaar will be articles made by the children of the art department under the supervision of Miss Alta B. Gahan, needlecraft work done under the direction of Miss Helen and Miss Ruth Siefkin and art metal products made under the supervision of Warren Carter. Candies, cookies and foodstuffs prepared by the domestic science pupils, in charge of Miss Hazel Wissman, will Mr. and Mrs. Fred L 222 Leicester road , and Mr Merritt H. Dement of 337 ford road, are spending ten d French Lick. ays TAYLOR'S "The Satisfactory Store" Ladiea ', Men 'a and Children '· Furnish inp Carter'· Knit Underwear Shoe· That Wear I CONVERSE RUBBER FOOTWEAR 1125-1127 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette lb WE DELIVER Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 721 Main Street WILMm'E, ILL REO EDAN MOTORS SERVICE, Inc.. J EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE It'1 beginning to look like , 9 Slippery Weather We have a full line of Weed Skid Chains For regular Tires, if you wiah them for Balloon Tires ORDER NOW J. C. SLOWN A. B. VAN DEUSEN ·~Oth ADDlvnsuy Model AUTO STORAGE \Vhere do you keep your car during the cold months? If you have no storage space, we have. N . D ISP1AY ~see It In o.u s.·RooiDS ......s ... at~o·.--,........... $10.00 Per Month General Auto Repairing REO EVANSTON CO. INC. 1101 Chicago Ave. Telepboae Univenity 6194 WILMETTE MACHIN£ AND AUTO WORIS at IZZS Central Avenue, Wilmette Phoae Wilmette 115

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