Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1924, p. 12

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12 \VIL~IETTE LIFE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1924 Fountain Square ' Evanston Illinois !IN SOCIE Tickets Now on Sale for Kiddies' Play play of "Racketty Packetty House" to be given Decem~r~ T at the Woman's Club of Evanston by student pla_Yers of theN; tiona) Kindergarten and Elementary college; Mtss Clara Btllt Baker of the college fac~lty has adapted thts ch~rming story of Frances Hodgson Burnett s. Two performances wtll be given at 10 :30 o'clock in the morning, and one at 2 o'clock. 'Ollt The student players are always welcome on the north sho where they are well known for children's entertainments. orb: north shore alumnae of the college are ~appy _to present them · this Christmas play, the proceeds of whtch wtll be added tot~ college building fund. Tickets may h.~ procured in Evanston at Chandler' , or at Com. munity House, Wmnetka. HE sale of tickets has started for the children's Chri t Busy Week ·Precedes Miss Springer's Wedding ANY luncheons and showers are being given for Miss Char. lotte Springer, whose wedding is to take place December 4 M On Saturday last, a luncheon in her honor was given by Mrs. Carl R. Latham, 1118 Sheridan road, Evanston. On Friday, November 29, Mrs. Charles Evans of Gregory avenue is having a bridge party for her, while on Monday, Mrs. Francis McCullin of Maple is giving a tea from 3 until 5 for Miss Springer. On Tuesday, will be entertained at a luncheon given at the home of Mrs. H~ Thompson, 1219 Ashland avenue. On Wednesday evening is the dinner for the bridal party. ' Church Bazaar and Dinner December 3 CHRISTMAS bazaars are crowding the hours of church women b.oth day and · night. The Woman's Guild of St. Augustine's church will have an ail-day sale Wednesday, December 5, in the Parish house. One unique feature will be the remembrance boot~ affording old parishioners as well as new to send a gift to the ba· zaar. Glimpses at articles completed and at those in the making, foretell unusually attractive offerings. A turkey dinner will be served in the clubhouse at 6 and at 7 o'clock. Re ervations must be made with Mrs. A. E. Logie, IOU Ashland avenue, not later than Tuesday evening. C The Coat You Have Been Waiting for is on Sale Tomorrow af $58.75 A price which will be doubly interesting when you see the quality and style of these garments. They haYe been sharply reduced to make room for our Spring stocks. Y ott \\"ill wish to take advantage of such an event. There are two groups of coats offered: One group is the strictly tailored Sports variety made of imported plaids, striped and plain materials such as Kasha, Camels Hair and Zibeline. The other group consists of coats of the dressier type. The materials employed in these delightful models are Suede cloth, Velours and other lustrous short pile fabrics. Many are fur collared, cuffed and banded. Muskrat, Opossum, Kit Fox, Wolf, Beaver, Mink and Seal are the furs. Miss Viola Specht is presenting the following pupils in dance divertisements Friday evening, November 28, at the Woman's club at 8 o'clock: Josephine and Elizabeth Balhatchet, Alice Guertler, Ruth Cohen, Eleanor and Mary Kubicek, Esther Morgan, Maxine Livingston, Alice and Eleanor Friedlander, Gretchen Wetterer, Julia Weinstock, B~rtha Duwner, Vincent Weis. Jean Fisher, Jane Anne Movery, Dorothy Rush, Carolyn Cazel, Muriel Rafalski, Harriet Pollard, Madeline Schultz and Jack Berry. -o- "The Store for Children" Seasonable Suggestions Dol Dreuea Lrave your order for Dolt Dresses now to insure delivery bdore Scarf Seta in the brighter colorings are always an acceptable gift for Cluiatmu Cbriat.aa Batla Robes Jnfants', in pink, blue or white. Children's own pretty color combinations of brown, blue and tan. An ideal Christmas present. Glo"Yea and Mitteaa Every Boy and Girl look for a present of this kind on Christmas Morn. Saata Claaa wiD make til Dnia Street Uai.,....it,- 3511 ~······· Willllette Store his H~a watch for date of arriftl. TWO STORES Wilmette CARROLL RJDGWAY ' INC · n·Wilmette Wilmette Ave. sn · 1 f h b fi f A Ch nstmas sa e or t e enc t o the Presbyterian home will be held at the residence of Mrs. Frederick · Rye. 101 5 Chestnut avenue, Wtlmette, on Thursday, December 4, at 1 o'clock. Handmade articles suitable for Christmas gifts wil be available and one table will be given over to a display -oof things made by the old ladies of The North Shore Golf club the home. All who are interested in a formal dinner and dance W this work are urged to come. day evening in celebration of -ogiving. About 200 guests were Tuesday evening Mrs. Charles Miss Mirriam Metzel, Moody gave a surprise party at her Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Metzel home in Ravinia for her husband, and worth wit be formally presented for her mother, Mrs. Wells, in cele- society on Thursday, December hration of their birthdays occurring at a dance at the Orrington hotel. -<>on the same day. The Moodys lived in Wilmette at one time, and a numMany people of the village will ber of their guests on this occasion .sorry to hear of the death of were village residents. Hon. Henry Ashendon, M. P., of -odon, England. brother of Wilmette residents are asked to re- Ashendon of Winnetka, and member December 5, as the time when Mrs. P. J. Kavanaugh. He the Wilmette Congregational church don had many friends in both wit lhave its bazaar of fancy goods and was very prominent in the and practical articles, all, most suit- of Commons during the war. tble Christmas presents. At noon -athere will be luncheon, and at night, Mrs. L. D. Edwin of Van a Turkey dinner. Ohio, is the houseguest of Mrs. -oSwanberg of 110 Fifth street. A business meeting and get-together Swanberg has returned from .... a ?f the n~rth shore alumnae of the Wayne where, he, as a singer in Nattonal Kmdergarten and Elemen- Hamilton club went last Tuesday tary college will be held with Mrs. a concert. ' Harry G. Phillips, president of the -o-organization, at her home, 1100 Grove David Nelson McElvey is the infaJ street, Evanston, Monday, December 3on oi Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Me 3, at 4 o'clock. of Evanston, who was born on -oday, November 8, on the hi There was to be a bridge farty his grandfather, Mr. given in the Sheridan room o the 821 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Edgewatet Beach hotel on Saturday, was Miss Gerda Nelson. at 2 o'clock, by the members of th -oSigma Alpha sorority. Miss Virginia M iss Betty Mulvey, who is a Krafthefer of 901 Oakwood avenue is dent at Gulf Park college, at chairman of the Omericon chapter. Port, Mississippi, did not come -ofor the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp of Evanston. formerly Wilmette residents, motored will be home for Christmas. -o-to St. John's military academy over On Saturday evening Mrs. the week-end to visit their son, Byron, of 800 Oakwood avenue wilt They had as their guest a young lady from Milwaukee who attended the the members of her sewing their husbands. school dance at the academy. -o--oM iss Helen Haack, daughter of Mrs. Frederick H. Haines of 8Z3 Greenleaf avenue, and her sister, Mrs. and Mrs. H. ]. Haack came home Ashley of Evanston, are in Lansing, Madison to visit her parents over Michigan. spending the Thanksgiving week-end and to see the game, --oholiday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schumacher Heckler, the latter formerly Miss Miss L. Lamprecth of Milwauket Virginia Haines. Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. -oM iss Margaret Sorsen of 129 Prairie Knobel of 204 Wood court. avenue is convalescing from a recent -oBand' illness. Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. ~ -()934 Oakwood avenue witl spend f Miss Ruth Winzell of 1227 Hill street giving with Mrs. Mary Band o ii spending the winter in Los Angeles. cago. Miss Katherine Parshall of 121 Woodbine avenue is spending tht week-end with her cousins at Green· view, Illinois. Mrs. Edward S. Band of 934 Oak· wood avenue will have the Crescent circle at her home on December 2 for an all-day meeting. Luncheon will be served at noon. It is all the members wi\\ attend this portant session. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meyet a\\~ Oakwood avenue had as their guests on Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Fe~ Dolder and Mr. and Mrs. ]. A. Meys of Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mason ~ C Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. A. · eron of Downers Grove, and Mrs. Mason of Chicago are the R end guests of Mr. and Mrs. oy Marquart of 218 Woodbine avenue.

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