Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1924, p. 9

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est e 29t11 hanks giving nitted Suits, Go ~;ns ng tc. OOtJl fDJarriving outhern Two years ago the club produced the masculine characters excelled that "The Old · Maids' Convention" with of Roxanne and the feminine roles, and great success, and this new play "The were exceedingly fine. The entire readO~d Maids' Return," is its sequ'et. A ing was very intelligent and will always glimpse at the names of the cast dis- be remembered with pleasure by those closes the fact that the "old maids" will who heard it. be assisted by four very clever actors, 'Mr. Edward Kelly, Mr. Gerard Biehl E Federation of Clubs of the Mr. Frank Oelerich and Mr. Charle~ Music and Art Theme of Tenth Congressional District Bunte, well known for their humorous Wilmette Club Meeting of Illinois spent a happy day characteriz;ttions. the guest of The North End PROPOS of the opening of the ;\nvember 17. The spacious parOpera season, the music departwith their warm colorings and Cheerologue and Music ment of the Woman's Club o £ ful oi l paintings gave welcome to F eaturea of Club Program Wilmette will devote next Wednesday · ic gathering. An outstandT the next meeting of the Wom- morning to an Opera Interpretation. Mrs. fc;~ture of the board meeting was an's Library Club of Glencoe on Harold B. Maryott wilt discuss Maspas,;age of a motion to admit and Thursday afternoon, December 4, senet's "Manon." She will be assisted : in to the federation Our Lady 11 by Gertrude Farrell, soprano, who will es club. This club wll be a there will be a prelude of violin and illustrate the opera by singing numerous piano music. The violinist is an artist selections. The department has also sehv ad dition. he . dist rict meeting was opened pupil of George Dasch, conductor of cured the services of Mr. Chas. D. IsaMiss acson of the Chicago Civic Opera coma greeting from Mrs. Darius T. the Little Symphony orchestra. illiP'· the charming, enterprising Elizabeth Brooks Gray, artist-pupil of pany to discuss the opera movement in ident of the The North End club. Edna Richolson Follitt will be at the our neighborhood. He will speak prompt. Frederick Blocki, loved by all piano. ly at 7 o'clock . Mr. I saacson is a well At the conclusion of the music, Major known authority on Opera movements ten thousand followers, responded her us ual warmth. A short busi- Thorton Anthony Mills will give a and wherever he has appeared he has llll'Cti ng was followed by three cheerologue on " Fiddles and Fortunes," made a profound impression on hi s auker ': Mrs. E. A. King spoke on an inspirational lecture that deals with diences. He does no solicit subscriptions s of the Great Lakes Hospital;" life's verities based on a stirring classic for the opera. F. ~[. Brazelton, on "Inquisition theme, alive with humor and vibrant This meeting will be followed by \\ ." a nd Mrs. George T. Palmer, with "healthy-mindedness." Hearing it, luncheon at 1 o'clock. ident I. F . W. C., on "American - one is fit for greater things. Mrs. James Dudley Crafts Watson will be the ion of Club Women." The morn - R. Henry will be hostess for the coming speaker on the afternoon of Wednesday, sr,,io n closed with the Tenth month. December 3. La Petite Causerie will meet next rict song. For years Mr. Watson was director tcr an appetizing lunch, served Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Auguste of the Milwaukee Art in stitute. He ·nth· hy the hostess club, the Babize, 484 Sheridan road. Field Museum Day was pronounced has directed pageants in several cities, session convened. A brief by those who and in recent years has conducted Euy \f rs. Samuel Horner was fol - "a wonderful treat" hv the musical contribution availed themselves of this opportunity ropean art study caravans. At present r. Ea rl Alexander. Mr. Alex- of making the tour planned for their in- he is extension lecturer for the Art In\·oice is a great gift. The terest. Three bus loads of women left stitute of Chicago aud in a recent interof the a'fternoon was Mr. from Glencoe and these, joined by others view expressed himself as enthusiastic ·omerford, whose subject was in Chicago, composed a group of about over the outlook in the field of art, not Legislation." Mr. Comerford 100 spectators who later had luncheon alone in painting, in which he is primarily interested, but in drama, in music, ul and colorful, an orator of at the Piccadilly Tea Room. :n poetry, and in sculpture. scholarly attainments. His roeswa s fired with a lofty purpose, Dr. Jean Zimmerman Next I for service. A pageant was Miss Elizabeth Freudenreich, daughNeighbors Program ter of Mr. and Mrs. William r. arranged by Mrs. Daniel b of Highland Park, and showing HROUGH the courtesy of Mrs. Freudenreich of 314 Abbottsferd road, acti vit ies accomplished by worn Walter Noble Gillett, chairman of entertained a dozen of her young club s. The keynote of the pageant the philanthropy department of The friends at a dinner party at her home "Service." The presentation was Neighbors, the speaker on the next club Saturday night. bolic of the Tenth District. program on December 4, will be Dr. Tenth District, following this Jean Zimmerman who comes from the of service, has formally adopted Chicago Woman's Shelter to tell of her Gr eat Lakes Hospital. Mrs. E. work. Mrs. Flora Hardy Burdett of Kin(.!. our Chairman of the Divi- Chicago, contralto, will sing during the of Friendly Cooperation with Ex- afternoon. e \l en. has mothered this cause Bertha Kunz Baker of New York un se lfish devotion. She urges gave a reading of Rostand's "Cyarno \·idual club to adopt a unit. de Bergerac" at the last meeting of the tal is arranged on the much club. According to report, the opinions cotta!Ze plan. The boys love voiced of her renditions of Cyrano, <t-nd '!odo~tett," an.& t.he comin~ year se. much happiness. program wa.s arranged by Mrs. Hebel, fir st vice-president of Tenth District. Among the guests the day were: Mrs. George T . . president I. F. W. C.; Mrs. F. Decker,' state chairman of icity, and Mrs. H. S. Remington. cnt of the Park Ridge Woman's vidual Clu: bs Urged to A 'ssume a Hospital Unit -Fashion Nott': "Gla··e· by Hatt1trom & Sander· " Mean Individuality lor the Wearer A A HATTSTROM & SANDERS Scieati&c A M-ufacturiac Opticiaae .112 Clt.arclt Stnet EVANSTON Oppoeite Orriactoa Hotel Phone Uainrait7 1148 ()pea Thua. A Sat. E·e. till I P . M . Is .)'OIV' 11a111c dot' 11 ou the ~(Jaffli! coutnt roll! Just like ouy other co11trst. a tt·affh· contest rcq11ires trai·~i11g in order to gain tlae pri:u. )' o"'d better st01 t IIOt(J before it is too late. On T 616 Church St. "Opposite the Library" Today Club of Wilmette, of which Mrs. Charles Barton is presidel)t, is meeting at school at the corner of Ninth street Linden avenue, Friday, November C!uh members are anticipating the as they are to be entertained junior members of the organizaA reading will be given entitled 750, 1924," which portrays the girl yestl-rday and today. Anna O'Brien I represent the modern girl, and Miss Tarnow will characterize the fa-,hioned girl. Miss Hillis Krafthewill play a violin number and Mi ss dine Watt is to sing a solo. Mrs. 11ills and Mrs. Albert Reichman he the afternoon's hostesses. ways and means committee under ion of Mrs. Barton, is making mcnts for an entertainment to presented Friday evening, December ami Saturday afternoon, Decem13. 1--: Woman's Catholic ERVICE in our profession means strict and considerate attention to everything desired and directed by the bereaved. We know how to fulfill all requirements. ~Vc Un.derstand S R~Jl.il'c~~ Evanaton ~~ An Effective Dining Room At all First class Grocers Extension Gate Leg Table and Windsor Chairs After the meal is over and you feel like resting at the table, and finishing your conversation, you will find that a Windsor Chair supplies you with a feeling of real comfort. The Gate Leg Table i 42x54 inches with three extra leaves, giving a six foot extcn ion. The Ba e is solid \\'alnut. The top i built up tc. give it strength and beauty. Th chairs shown in the l:>ketch have genuine rush bottom seat . They may be used in the living room as well as the dining room. Table, $65.00 Side Chait, $19.00 Arm Chair, $25.00 m Bende) ch models When vou want Macaroon and Lady Fingers that will delight you and your guests, Get "SEIDEL'S" Seidel's Macaroons are made of the best materials. Seidel's Lady Fingers are flaky and delicious. Ask your grocer tor "Seidel's" I I ~ to $40 ~25 ~phone EVANSTON --~- orest 82 (, 1517 SHERMAN AVE.

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