Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 6

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6 \VILMETTE FRIDAY, NO\'El\IBER 21 1924 Ba~ket hall players of ~e~~· Trier high chool will be called out tnr_ re~ ular practice December l. hy Loach .. Duke" hilds . The Suburhan lea"rue schedule wa pear Next Month drawn up early this week at a meeting oi coacheo; and ~ew T.ner apportioned ten games .. ~~· e .at 1ts gymBernard Shaw\ "Androcles and the na,ium and fi1·e on n~t1ors floor .· The Lion ," and a parody on four famous fir,t Suburban league game w11l _be Shakespearean heroines, "Place aux played January 9. between Pro\TO Dames" have IJeen selected for proand :-..;ew Trier at the local school. duction' on December 20 by the I\ew Prospect s ior the cage ~_eason are Trier High School Dramatic club. aid. Three ot the r~~ Tryout ~ for parts were held last hright. it i ulars of the hea1·ywe1ght team. \\ tlFriday and ~fonday under the supervision of ~fiss Elizabeth Stanwood liam :\fartin. Fran ci, ~ eir and Chfirles and Gordon Van Kirk, before the Lauer. and three regular" o.i the ltg-htname s oi the play' were given out. weight team. \filton Emr.11::h. Harold Wedne~ da\· the lir~t readings of the Rand and \\'addy Pal('ttl. form .the plays were given and the character.; nucleus around which Coach . Chtl~s expects to build up champ1onsh1J) asigned to their parts. "Place aux Dames." which is a par- ,qua<k In addition to the e regular:. there are a large number of la,t years ody on Lady :\[acheth, Ophelia, Juliet and Portia, will be portrayed ~ul·'litutt'i who will he out to get by Dorothy Kin~tler, \'erna Ra\·~ ns 1· ar~ity job, . croft Vrrna Hoerher and l~dna f:lciore the Suhurhan leal-{ue sc hedule Spic~hc ~ger. respecti vc ly. Th i~ piece open:.. ~ew Trier\ cag-ers ~~· ill be will he a curtain rai~cr . matched with ;chool team<; m pre"Androcles and the Lion" will be ~eason games. The Suburban league the featun· oi the dramatic presenta- ,chcdule for Xew Trier is as follows: tion s on DecemiJer 20 and will be Prod~o at ~ew Trier .... January 9 staged before alumni during the holi- \\'aukegan at Xew Trier . January 16 day val'ation. The ca't of characters ~ew Trier at Oak Park . January 17 iucludes: :>.lorton at Kew Trier .... Jauuary 23 AnrJn,clt·, . . . . . . . . . . . Robert English ~ew Trier at Evanston .... January 24 Lion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amold Thor ~en ~ew Trier at Proviso .... February 6 Centurion .... ... Emmom De llf'rard Oak Park at Xew Tri er .. February 7 Captain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Burrill ~e\\· Trier at \Vaukt·gan . l:ehruary 13 Lent ul u-, .............. .-\ ugust Ba lc izc ~t'l\' Trier at \lorton .. 1- ehruary 20 Ferronim ........... Rohc·rt Atwood J ·:,·a n~ton at Xew Trier .Feb ruary 21 Splintll', . . . . . . . . . . . George :\fassey Empc·ro r .... ..... . Dou~la -; Da1 i~~on Ma<'.l'(ara ...... . ..... Emily Durham Burglars Again Qperate Lavinicf' ........... .. Helt n Brown In Greenwood Vicinity Ox Dr ivf' r ............... Otto ' lepp Keeper . . . . . . . . . . . . Rn-cll Chapman The third house-breaking within Editnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ri c hard Hardin!{ a periocf oi t('n day ..; occurred in the Call Boy ........... Eclwarrl Ryerson Cn·enwood avenue rc,idt·ncc district Retar iu-, ......... CharJe, I.undherg \\'c dnc,day en·ning of this week when Secutor .......... Robert Shoemaker burglars t·ntered the ). D . .McGuire home at JJS1 Greenwood circle, makinl-{ away with about $400 in si lverRotarians Given Message ware and jewelry and additi~na l loot By Full-Blooded Indian compri~ing- expensi,·e wcanng apScott · Peters, proprietor of the De parel. Luxe Cleaners estahlishment on Central The ~lcGuire home had lwen left avenue, 11ear Eleventh street, who is a unoccupied between the hours of 11 full-hlnoded Chippewa 1ndian, was the o'clock in the morning and midnight speaker at the Rotary club luncheon at on \Vedncsdar. The police had not the Ouilmette Country cluh 'Vedne sd1y heen notified that the family was not of this week. to he at home during the day . Mr. Peters spoke on the suhject, "SiIt is thought probable that the beria in America," citing the unfortunate thieves opf!rated in the home shortly conditions in the Indian reservations es- after dusk. as was the case in other tablis hed by the government. house-hreakings in that vicinity durHe expre sed regret over the fact that in(.{ .ilif. pa,st two weeks. ~ Unhcl ettt~ 'ttas not seen fit to reASthe result of a reqtiCst for coopen the Carlisle School for Indians operation from th e householders in after it had heen closed and converted h('lpinR to prevent burglaries, the into a hospital during the World war. police haYe IH·en receiving numerous The Reservation system , misinterpreta- notifications from families leaving tion of Christianity to the Indian and their homes unoccupied during the bad whiskey were mentioned as being day and evening. It is urged that largely responsible for the retarded this cooperation continue. progress of the Red men in this country. lf vonr home is to be left unocMr. Peters asked the Rotarians to cupie{l for any appreciable length of "put in a good word for the Indians" time during the day or night, just who. he said, were anxious to learn tl~e call ·wilmette 2700. The police will white man's ways and become intelligent then he in a position to maintain a law-abiding citizens. ' special watch over those premises. TRIER READY FOR I;;;~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-DRAMATIC CLUB NEW1924-25 CAGE SEASON · PREPARES PLAY · New Trier Thespians to Ap-:627 MAIN ST. PHONE WILMETTE 1870 CITY MARKET CO WHOLE~ALE MEATS We aim to keep our prices LOW ENOUGH to be within the reach of "'.17 housewife. SPECIAL SALE-FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NO:VEMBER 21-22. Fancy, Fresh Kill~d Spring Chickens Lb...................................... · · ·· Veal Legs, milk fed Lb. Special-Pork Loins, half or whole Lb·............................................... · ...... . Armour's Star Hams Half or whole, lb. . .. 26~c .I Armour's Star Bacon Half or whole, lb. Native Rib Roast Beef Lb. ..................... . Small, Lean Pork Shoulders Lb. ..................... . PLACE YOUR TURKEY ORDER NOW! Our Turkeys-Ducks-Geese and Chickens will be the finest the market affords. FOUR DAILY DELIVERIES-9 A.M . - 11 A. M.-Z P.M. -4 P.M. WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, GLENCOE, WINNETKA ----------·1----------.. - DODGE BROTHERS SPE-C:IA~ TYPE -A ·SE-DAN Dodge Brothers craftsmanship is evident in every detail. They have achieved an effect of pleasing smartness, while conforming strictly to the dictates of conservative good taste. Every item of special equipment is obviously an integral part of the basic design-not an afterthought Five Balloon-Type Tlrea 25% Discount Telephone Wilmttte 278 Univtnity 277 Highland P11rk 920 When Chriatmaa cornea you will want your Home to Look ita Beat. \\·e arc making this offer of t\\'enty-five percent discount to get acquainted \\'ith the many people \\'ho have recently moved to \Vilmette. \Ve want them to know from experience the superiority of our \\'Ork. This discount applies for the next thirty days to cleaning or repairing of both Oriental and Domestic Rugs and Carpets. Only skilled, native workmen arc employed in our Plant. These men know rugs and carpets. They understand how to trc~t them, ho": to :estore the brilliance of the colors by cleansmg the fabnc "'Ith a pure soap which \\'e make for this purpose. Jn cleaning rugs many concerns remove the Sizing with the result that the rug becomes limp and easily wrinkles. As our method docs not \\'caken the sizing, the rug will lie flat .on the floor. just as it did "·hen purcha. cd . . Our Repairing is. also. in the hands of experts \\'ho spend patient hours. replacmg broken threads, thus preserving the original Pattern. Our Guarantee of Satisfaction is based on these facts. C. M. McDONALD Dodge Broa. Motor Vehiclea 1019 DAVIS STREET TEL. UNIVERSITY 224 EVANSTON THIS OFFER EXPIRES DEC. 21, 1924 Evanston Carpet Cleaning Co., Inc. L. H. KOSHGARIAN, Mtr. l2t Cbunb St....t, E~aaatoa ·

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