Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 2

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2 \YIL~IETTE Ll FRIDAY, NOVE~IBER 21 1924 KOREAN EDITOR· BOARD PONDERS TO SPEAK HERE MAIN WIDENING No Yong Park Will Lecture Entire North Shore InterAt Methodist Church ested in Highway On Sunday evening, November 23, at 6 :30 o'clock, in the Wilmette Pari~h }.1 ethodist Episcopal church, a lecture will be given entitled, "The A cending Christ Over the Orient." :\n expression from the Villag.e board in a vote Tue,day night vf thts week indicated that Wilmette' J official s ~re anxi!Jus tu proceed without delay ~~· tth the widentng (Ji ~lain treet to ~0 teet a~ a part oi a prop< l>ed thr .. ugh htghway to extend irom the projected new ~~c Cormick Highway, Aanking the .d ramage canal, tu the north county hmtt s. Seek Prompt Action It was the ~en~e oi the board' · vc ?te that steps be taken without delay to. 111 stitute proceedings to bring the pr~ Ject hcfore the citizens of the nllage 111 a public hearing at an e~rly .date. The vote to draw up rcsolutrons Ill the mat ter wa~ unanimous. Widening of Main street to comprise a link in the proposed highway has been discussed for some time but Tuesdav's action was the first official consideration of the project. More than a year ago the Cook county commissioners appropriated the sum of $100,000 as the county's s h~re toward !>UCh an improvement when rt was tentatively agreed by the various commur~i ties affected-including Evanston, W·lmette, Kelllh\ Orth, \Vinnetka and Glencoe-that a through highway he located immediately adjacent to and parallel with the west line of the Chicago and 'orth Western railway right-of-way, extending from the new ~1cCormick highway on the south through to the north county line. Kenilworth and \Vinnetka have proceeded with definite plans for their links in the highway, while Evanston and Glencoe are prepared to follow suit. It remains for Wilmette to officially carry through its part tu complete the entire project. Would Con centrate T r affic The truck highway, it is argued by tho e who have studied the traffic situation a!> affecting the village and the entire north 3hore, would sen·e the purJ!u~e of relieving Sheridan road of a "'" tio11 "i tts hea\'y load oi motor traffic, W!lllld lessen the tendency for heavy traffic movement over residential streets in the comn.unities and. in general, would prov.de a concentrated route for the overincreasing traffic through the north shore. The highway 1\'ould provide an art<.'ry (~uw.. .c~.. : How About Tomorrow? T O-day the man who spen~s _all h.e earns is all right. He ts m hts prime. he makes plenty, and he has his health. But to-morrow, when he's on the other side of the hill, with a constanth ·-decreasing earning power, and the l~andicap of ill-health-what's he going to do then if he hasn't saved? It's worth thinking about! t No Yonr Par k The lecture will close ut:fore the tune for the opening of the Sunday Evening club. The lecturer, o Yong Park, is a recognized authority on Oriental !.ubjccts. a man who has studied the conditions at first hand, thcrehy acquiring information that has made him complete master of his subject. He was formerly editor of a 1-:orcan lihcral newspaper. ~o Yong Park ~aw the menace of J apa lll.'st· imperia Ji,m and condemned the iron -handed policy of the Island ~: mpin·. lfe pu!Jli-,hcd his views. ( ' on,eqnentl~ hi~ paper was ~eized hy )apalll"l'. ancl 1,1rcltT., Wl'rl' gi\"l'll tor / ' arK" arn·sl. He '"'x"i'nl J.in1 ~df ~h a cnoli·· and continut'd to is~tll' his 11<'\V'>p:tper '>l'cretly in a cellar. Finally he wa-. caught and impri~oned. hut l'!lcaped and tled beyond till' reach of the Jap-, . Sinn· his ne<tPl' he ha~ travdt·d around tht· world, pas ... ing through China, India, :\ frira. l·:urovc tht' ··vou1· Ill I tricts through 1'\cw Trier township inPark is the only Korean kcturcr to l.akc county. in the Lvn·mtt anrl Chautauqua circuits. China and Japan have contributed Jllany puhlic spl·akers, hut High School Band Gives Korea has yielded hut 'ont·-No Yong Concert Saturday Night Park. Ht· is a gifted speaker, a powThe New Trier band will give its ~rful orator, and an inteuscly interesting humorist. ln many Canadian fir ~t concert of the vear at the school and American cities he has been auditorium Saturda); night, );'o,·enlhl·r called the "Bryan of Korea," and the 22, starting at 8 o'clock, under the direction of ]. C. Schumacher . .. Mark Twain of the Orient." Several instruments are needed to No Yong Park is the first Oriental fully completc the hand and the rewhose message has been broadcast -:eipts of the concert will be used over the American continent. to purchase the necessary band inThe press has been profuse in its struments which the members cancommendations of this leader. The not afford to bu'· for themselves. Chicago Daily News said of him: The program for the evening will be ~l'JA y~ng, __Pa~~. has. w,o,n ~ r!put.a: y,~[i~~.!~':?_.~~e~. ~s~~~c~i~~ ~~~~.8~ for his humor and rare gift of ex- a real musical treat for north shore pression ." The St. Louis Post-Dis- citizens and students. patch reported Park's address as having been delivered "in the manner of OPT IMI ST T HE ATER PARTY our best humorists." The Atlanta journal regarded him as a "humorist Members of the Wilmette Optimist with an exceptionally keen tiuch, com- club and their wives enjoyed a theater bining American spic·· with Oriental party Wednesday evening of this week, settings." The News of lndianapolis attending the performance of "The 11amed him "one of a very few among roosc Hangs High" at the Princess the Orientals who can speak English theatre. with natural fluency a a gifted native speaket and thinker." Mr. Park was a Koreau official at the Versailles confen·rH·e. He not only knows his own lands hut also the Holy Land and Europe. His lecture, according to those who have heard him, will he verv instructive as well as entertaining: """' Tll"\ca. ........ . . o.nd .... ~~""--~ d>·- Home IJtJnh·· Ill I I Thanksgiving Candies As a Token of Friendship As a means of expressing your Thanksgiving wishes to your Wife, Mother, Sweetheart or Friends, these Chocolates will be found exacting in the various assortments- Suffers Skull Fracture When Struck by Machine Rohert Borre. 9 yl.'ar old son of Nic Borre, proprietor of a meat market at \ ihHt·ttc and Hidge avenues. was still unronscion~ late this week as a re~ult of ht·ing struck hv an automobile driven hi' F. D. l{cv.nolds of Hubbard \Voocl< last Friday. Robert was crossing Ridge avenue when he wa~ struck hv the antomohile and wa' immediately takert to the Evan!lton hospital by his father and 11 r. Reynold~. Examination showed that his kull had been fractured. LIGGETTS- Little Bits from the EastA choice box of delicious fruits and nuts blended in a wonderful' chocolate coatirtg. 1 ~ lb. box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 Home Made Pie For Thanksgi~ing Tastes Best Let Aunt Mary help you to make the most delicious pie you e\·er ta~ted by using LIGGETTS ORIGINAL CHOCOLATESFamou for the assortment of wonderful centers .............................. $1.00 WHITMANS CHOCOLATESSampler, Treasure Island, and the Fussy Pkg.-As advertised .......... $1.50 a bos: AIJHC MARYS HE CRUST Just roll out and bake Ask your grocer for a package today MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES\Vhat would be nicer on this occasion that1 the e old fa hioned chocolates. 70c lb. SPARKLING BEAUTIESA 3-pound tin' of crisp chewing candies-famou for the flavor. T HIS THREE POUND T IN $1.19 DISCUSS RIDGE PAVING The Village board is prqcccding with plans contelllplating the paving of Ridge avenue, from curb to curb, throughout its length in the village. Definite action in thi connection is expected in the near future. Aunt Mary'a Pie Cruat Co. T e l. U n iveraity 10466 Evanaton, Ill. Good recipes for tilling on the box. Scatter Sunshine with Christmas Greeting Cards. Personal Et:graved Card. -The lines you should see before placing an order and Now i the time to place it. Regular line of Christma Card. are now on sale-This careful selection of unu ual cards invite your inspection. (Metal seal card are different) ..-----RADIO TROUBLE?---REPAIRING IN YOUR HOME DaYd L. Elam t~:r~== University 3609 J RENNECKAR DRUG CO. ,..,esdl, ...... Phones 28-29

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