Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 27

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WILMETTE LI 1924 N THIS PAGE IS WHAT YOU WANP ' . 12 HELP WAN'TED-II'EliiALIC 11 II'OR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS 21 FOR ALE-.18CICLLAIOC011. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS G netal N oticea-cl. .slfted advertlaementa wUl be cbarr;ed only t to rtisldenta of tbe dlatrlct from Evanaton to a~o<ncoll lnclualve whose names appear In the tele~bone directory or who are regular subscrlber.a to eltbttr WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 10 cents per llnot In one paper. 30 cents per llne In all three t , __papera. )IJNUIUlll CHARGE lee. Average of ftve worda to the line. No black face type used. Ratea for Dleplay type on appllcatton. HAVE A ROOt4 ON MY PREMISES; 1-'0R SALE-TWO ANTIQUE, CHERRY. chests of drawers: large drop-leaf good home and wages for nice, recherry table suitable for dining or fined white woman or foreign girl (German J>referred) In exchange for li~lng room. Tel. Wlnn. ::tTN -ltc: 8 househofd duties: must be plt-~l.lumt and fond of children. Good Oll\lOr- FOR SALE-KERMANSHAW RUG 11 tunlty fo··· ··lght party . Apvly 637 x17 In pastel and medallion design. ~![~!nd1 ::tr·· Winnetka. 1 tl~;N~'.:~~~ Tel. Edgewater 1300. 17LTN8-ltp ANTIQUES The Edna May Colonial Shoppe What coul'lt" bring · 11weeter memo·lell of the ftrst Thanksgiving Day than to enjoy your Thank81rlvlng dinner by the eoft ftlckerlng glow· of candle light? Old brass, silver and wooden eandles~tcks arfl feA-. tured . · 1332 Foreat Ave .· . Wilmette · Z.1 LTN8-t tc Deadline iller, proprietor of the ·race, did the honors in excellent luncheon. s is the right time to and buy trees, shrubs rerennials. Prices arc n.ow than in the ~· WANTED-WHITE GIRL I<~on - uEN. FOR SALE-OAK SIDEBOARD AND housew01 k · 4 In family. 384 Hawbuf'tet. Tel, Wlnn 1236. thorne Lar:e, Winnetka. T>,!l. Wlnn.l 17LTN8-ltc 969. l2LTN~ ·ltc FOR ~tALE-BLUE AND GOLD VEfor nsfrti~na-Cla.aalfte. advertlaemente will be accepted up to Wedn~aday U o'clock tor WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. lour, loose cushion, Karpen daven-' the WILMETTE LIFE or 11.U three papera; Thursd~y U o'clock for the housework; no wasbh:tg ; must be report. Tel. Kenll. 1999. 17L8-ltc WINNETKA. TALK and Friday U o'clock for ':.t-~ GLENCOE NIIIWS tined; ext'· not necessary. Tel. GlenTelepbonea: WILMETTE UJO-ltU or WJNNE~...·KA 1000-1001. . coe 1049. · 12LTN8-ltc FOR SALE-DAY-BED; 4 POSTER FOR SALE-TWIN BABY BUGGT. very good condition; large victrola: mah. bed; Iron bed. 908 Greenwood mah. library table; Erlanaer couch: WANTED- "MAID FOR GENERAL . - Ave. 17L8~1tc new round bathroom mirror, orla:lnhousework; white preferred Tel. al cost $75; man's heavy Ox tori r;re'y WI!. 2746. l2LTNS-ltc 18 W ANTED-HOUIJIDBOLD GOODS REAL ESTATE REAL ES'l'ATE Jerrems ulster, alae 41. Tel. Ken11WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND worth 1831. · ULTN8-ltcs 14 SITUATION WANTED-l'IIALB furniture and other houiehol4 gooda. Suburban Real Estate An Unheard-of Value Highest price paid !nr t~ame. Croat FOR SALE - HERE IS YOUR S. W . WINNETKA Furniture Store. 1004-6 !4::meraor. St., chance! Will sacrlfic,e extra cholce 11· ·l ··corated 6-room stucco house Right Here At Home 8-grave lot, section c. 130 tt. from Evanston, Ill. Phone 1S1sLTNZ···fc ·nttra c tlve lot 50x187; hot water LOCAL GROUP HAVE ROOM FOR : l-ear garage. 30 day posseepossibly 5 or 6 who have cash for ~~~~~glnfo~ew~~~·· ~~~k Q~~~·t:!f.; 1'rice $15,000. e ach 208 ft.; at $3()-to complete purFor All Occasions $800. Terms. . Address Wilmette WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS t> TA~ HILL CLUB GROUNDS chase Immediately Value $85. Very Booking Agent for Lite. 377. 21LTN8-itc ia l < ·lapboard house on :V. acre rare opportu·nlty FOR THE HOME TED .MORSE'S ORCHESTRA s w eeping view of golf course; WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE OF IMPORTANCE. High, some woodE. E. BIGELOW Tel. Wll. 3035 !roo ms and 2 bathe on second bu)·s and sells rugs, etovee, autos, FOR SALE--SEVERAL HIGH CLASS ed sltee, splendid views, easy disHLTN4-ttp pianos. anything uaeru.. 1045 Aah dresses, 11lzes 18-38; also black and ~ bedrooms and bath on 3rd. tance to station , C. & N W. R. R. Street. 19LTN8-tfc white ftamlnao coat. 637 Garland large southwest eun room. Only main line. Immediate action nec~>s prope1·ty available at the price sary. Address Wilmette Life 382. Ave., Winnetka. Tel. Wli't"i.T~l~ito SITUATION WANTED - CLF.ANT:>l'G WANTED TO BUY-LATE MODEL $2i .~ OO. 1LTN8-ltc gu·tter spouts, baseme nt whiteFord coupe or roadster; good condiVACANT washing. Inside job painting, furnace tion; reasonable. Cash. Address OUR CHRYSANTHEMUMS ARE NOW Hill- 150 and 200 feet overlook- FOR SALE - WILDERNESS CAMP work, repairing of vacu·um clcanerA, Wilmette Life 381. 19LTN8-ltc ln. Pompoms and large tlowera In l' OU rse ; priced at $100 per foot . sltee. No. Minn. ou·t from Ely; 18 other odd Jobs. Tel. l\lr Caine. Unlv. w.·s t- 100x225 feet overlooking all colors. Edwards, Florist, 911 hours 'from Chlt:~ago: big game; game 3016 after 6 p . m. \4L8-ltp WANTED TO BUY- DRESSES AND Willow St., Winnetka. Tel. Wlnn. . : heavil)' wooded In exclusive fish ; spicy tang of pine; plunging coats In good cond. Address Abra885. ULTS-1to loo l'llOod. A snap at $90 per foot. rapids; lal>Ping waves; dreamy peace; SITUATION WANTED-BY RELIABLE hamson. 1403 Jarvis Ave., Chicago. :. uxt 87 at $90 per foot. where you may enjoy the mystery Tel. Rogers Park 3137. 19L8-ltp FOR SALE-FINE OIL PAINTING BY man as walter or doorman In resand g1·andeur of nature. The wontaurant. Tel. Kenilworth 2763. well-known German a.rtlllt; Carl ders or the wild are calling you; < HLTN8-ltc WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND. Hubener, 1870. Tel. WllT ~~~i-\at~ large, hot air furnace. Tel. Wil1 t lak St., East of R. R. :~~:;;~~akt:~ro~~~ge, :r:.~ngd~v~te bl3~~S~IT~U~ ' A~T~IO~N~W~A~N~ ' T~E~D~-~F~E=M~A=L~E= mette 186. 19LTN8-ltP just west of Indian Hill Station apiece. W1·lte for partlcula ··s . Hoyt FOR SALE - HOOVER CLEANER: \\'inn. 1 00 Winnetka 1226 King, 711 Forest Ave., Wilm<Jtte. FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES 20 good condition, $20 TeJ. r~~s}t~ 1LT8-ltc 1LTN8-ltc Ra eo I lMI 1!ll~ll~ o §itl1Illl~~~&llity(C(Q) U:g 21 SACRIFICE SALE R00:\1 HOUSE, SUN AND SLPG. \Vilmette-For Sale · 2-car garage; 50 ft. lot. $8,800. fail to call eal'ly H interested RENT'ALS 7-room stucco home; rlor and slpg. porch; h. w. In east Wilmette, 4 blocks to !'hore and C. & N. W trans. month. · ··m., h. w. heat, sun parlor 11g. porch ; In best Hubbard residential section. $125 per Company 11)· attractive, partially !ur5-room house In Hubbard ods ; for 6 mos. $100 per mo. or further Information concernth ese and other properties see r· phOil t' Clore. Budinger & Smith 1177 Wilmette Ave. 0I>I>Oslte VIllage Hall Te l. Wilmette 1750 1LTN8-ltc ATTRACTIVE AND UNUSUALLY Plum puddings and cakes of OPEN AIR SALES well built stucco house with 8 large, all kinds baked to order. Tel. Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. light airy rooms; hu·ge living room; Winnetka 1333. Wlllys-Knlght and Overland bt·eakfast and sleeping porches. Dealers 15LTN -6tc 13eautlful landscaped lot wl th severEvanston HO al fine trees; ga1·age. In one of the 20LTN24-tfc best east sections; convenient to WANTED -YOUNG transportation. You will have to see SITU AT ION woman, :-lo1·thwestern student, as It to appreciate it. Exceptional value companion after class hrs. In exch. at $19,000. For appointment telefor rm ., hoard, small com11ens. Ad1921 Premier Brougham phone Wilmette 2066. 1LTN8-ltc dress Wilmette Life, 378 . ;LTN -ltp FOR SALE-5 NEW KELLY-SPRING1 8 field tll·es; A-1 upholstering; good For Sale-Kenilworth general condition . $750 cash or terms. SIT! ATlON WANTED- REFDlED Pavlik Bros. Machine Shop. Tel. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL CLAPBOARD woman as com1>anlon to elderly womot Call!o1·nia redwood; 4 bedrooms, Kenilworth 280. 20LTN7-Ztc an; home. California or Florida; 3 bath!!, open sleeping porch, living references exch. · 6606 Woodlawn FOR SALR-CADILLAC LIMO. 67; room 19x28, best construction. 2-car Ave., Chicago. 15LTN8-2tp ju!lt ov.·rhauled: Inter. fine eha.pe; ga1·age. Lot 100xl70 surrounded by $700. 1258 Asbury Ave., Winnetka. privet hedge, $35,000. Phone Wlnn. EXP.dinners COL. Tel. 1419. 20LTN8-ltc 828. 1LTN8-ltc SITUATION woman willWANTED cook and - serve and luncheons; ~~o day ~r~k. Tel. :u JI'OR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS KING'S SUBDIVISION IN THE Mrs. Sandel'S. encoe 15LTN8-ltc :.:..;_.:.....::..:..;......:____________ woods. Safe nook for children, 1 block to school; sewer, water, side0 ~ & '\\ ff"'!. "&~n~:o Used Car~- All Makes FOil SALE- MAN'S OVERCOAT IN excellent condition; very reasonable. Tel. Wlnn. 954. 21LTN8-lto l.OST AND FOUND LOST - FEMALE, WlRE - HAIRED terrier, white with brown markings on head and ears: answers to name of "Whiskers;" Nov. 17 near Glenco· school; reward. Tel. Gle~~L~J=~itc LOST-ROUND AMBER PIN AND paint brushes between 824 Lake Ave and North Western depot. Reward. Tel. WI!. 341. 24L8-ltc LOST-AIREDALE DOG, 7 MOS. OLD male, near 777 Prospect Ave., Winnetka. Tel. Wlnn. 640. 24LTN8-1tc :~:__c:.O:.:..;N...:T...:R.:.:A...:C_TO_~R-8_A_N_D_.J_O_B_B_Iil_R_S_ 1 H~~!~ B:o~~ st:::;sT~~~~ Watts, 172% Greenwood '1'·\. R!i:b Blvd., Evl.'tO't. ;~~~ g::e.tY~~d: 1 ~::"\<,;'9.~~ t$t;'?~~- ~<e~\ID~lJ.li. \Ulll ~Till~ FLORIDA WABASH 1246 THER INDICATIONS--FOR WILcold and stormy; Davenport, a talr and warm Let me tell lthout any obligation) about WANTED-HIGH CLASS BRICK RESIdence; must have 5 bedrooms and ·h<~.vA inn,ort on the top of the ridge garage. Must be well located for 11 and Lake region of Polk transportation. Strictly cash propoGood hotel, golf, tennis, sition. Owners only, no brokers. Adfishing and motoring dress Wilmette Life 384. W. G. COLVIN 1LT8-ltc Elmwood Ave., Wilmette Tel. Wilmette 1149 . 1LTN8-ltc FOR SALE OR RENT-5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans., "' · · · ~"'-···HE BEST HOUSE I CAN 11\ke, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000 ase In east Wilmette for $18,Also lots tor sale $30 a ft. Owner. Preferably In St. Francis parCounty Line Rd. 2 blocks west of. Will act quickly, Address WilGreen Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Park Life 383. 1L8-ltc 898-Y -3. 1LTN42-tfc wrlte for P~t and terms. F. H. Gathetcoal, 607 Main St., 'i:r~s~W~; Rhreraide Rockford Rock laland ELECTION'S OVER-BACK TO BUSINESS East Winnetka, distinctive English Colonial; large English type living room, sun, sleeping and breakfast porches; 6 bedr_ooms, 3 baths, hot water oil heat heated garage, attractive, large, beauttful landscaped grounds, near lake, schools and transportation. Reduced to $40,000. SPECIAL NOTE-Sooner or later practically every prospective purchaser of North Shore property inquires at one of our offices. If you have not already listed your property with us it will pay you to do so at once. Urbana Waukegan W eatem Spring· Wheaton Wilmette Winnetka MR. LOT OWNER HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW QUALITY BUILDER WlL~ BUILD shipment of lovely Chinese goods Imand loan entire coat of home rea.dy ported by my nephew, a Princeton tor spring delivery. Easy term·. graduate, who hae returned (after Write today. Address Wilmette three vears Y. M. C. A. work In Life, 358. 16LTN6-fto Peking) to complete his education before his final return to China. GARDENING , 28 _ _ _ _ _ This present shipment contalnsl.:..::._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ many exquisite pieces of hand embroidered table linens, tea seta, center pieces In many slzee, runners, Cheap labor means cheap work, napkins, etc. $1 to $80. poorly done. Have your trees Unique and beautifully carved chains and shrubbery trimmed by exIn Ivory, sandalwood, lacquer, jade, perienced men. Let me Inspect ambe1·, coral, turquoise, amethyst, your trees and explain our carnelian, etc., plain, solid or In commethod. binations $1 to $160. Richly embroidered and brocaded Robert G. Bolinger mandal'ln coats and skirts In many designs and colors. The skirts are Tree Expert popular as plano drapes, etc. $12.50 We also do aur~rlcal work, spraying, fertilising, planting. to E'::~Y article Is pet·sonally selected Let us rearranae your shrubto match color schemes or costumes bery for better etrecU. and you will ftnd these Christmas 1230 Wilmette Avenue gifts unusual. moderately priC"d nnd Phone Wll. IUS sure to satisfy. You are Invited to make early selection. ULNt-tfc lFrr~mm CliDiiii'll& apectlon invited. Casa cr terms. Information gladly ·turni~~L1rNGO-tfc na~on. Un.lv·ra\~y lD- LOUISE B. P ANUSHKA HEINSEN & KROLL, INC. 558 Center Street, \Vinnetka, Phone Wlnn. 254 Chicago Evanston Highland Park \V. Madison Street 1611 Sherman Avenue 520 Central Avenue State 4165 University 8908 Highland Park 406 S. W. Cor. Forest and 13th St. Tel. Wilmette 676 Wilmette, Ill. 21L8-1tc %T HOUSEHOLD SERVICE NS ·ts, Vines a short time se who do not care heir own planting. 1 deliver, plant and r~);T-SINGLE RM. OR LARGE ·· ··oom; attractive and comhie; East side; reasonable; 1 k to VIllage Hall. Garage It den·· J. References. Tel. Wll. 844-J. 4L8-ltc 4 FOil REN'I'--ROOMS 1:-'0R SALE - PREMlEH VACUUM cleaner, $10; 2 cabinets; pictures; cut glass; reed turn.; mah fernery; odd chairs and rockers; lamps; two h:6 ru·gs. 1332 Fore st Ave., 'it_IL'T~.U~itc ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPAIRING AT · WANTED- LAUNDRY WORK 1!iLT7-2tc homP. TPI. Wll. 28!13 . nnd refinishing. Upholstery. Mattresses r newed. Cabinet work, FOR HALE- COAT AND DRESSES TO SI'I'UA'I'ION WANTED-MALE Fred Nltto, 1288 Central Av~., Wilfit 14 yr. old girl. Tel. K2fi!-rJ9~itc AND FF.MALE mette. Tel. Wll. 2430. ~7L2-ttc Hl~NT-QNF.: 0 ~-------------FURN. RM. k: ~~~m rtr~~~cp~er~affon~e~l~ft~;bl! 2 men or cout>le; moderate 1130 wood Ave. Tel. Wll. 3014. 4LTN -ltc HOTEL-LIGHT, OUTSIDR : for transients and resident.,;. !\lain St. Tel. \Vll 1080. 4LT1-ttc OR TWO PLEASsunny, front rooms next bath- ~:-:::---------c_e_n_tr...::.:L:.:/_.:.:.::.;t~ NT-THREE UNFURNISHED Tel. Wilmette 616. 4LT8-1tp FOR RENT - DE~HRABLE FRONT rooms. single or in a suite; reason- 17 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS able. Best location . Tel Wilmette SALE- TAUP'E CHENILLE 1940 4LTN7-ltc FOR wide-loom rug, l2xl3 Ct., like new: upholstered couch with adjustahl FOR RENT-LARGE, UGHT, WELL ends; mission magazine stnncl ; mls· furnished, double room, near transslon high-chair; brown velour porportation. Tel. \Vlnn. 164!LTNS-ltc tieres and valances; sanltar~· couch and cover. ~16 Greenleaf Ave .. Wilmet tf'. T,·l. WI I. 3031. 17LTN8-1tc FOR RENT-FUJ=i.NISHED ROOM; ALL con\'enlences; l.'b\ock from C. & N. BREAKINn l'P HOU~EKEEPING \V. station. 629 Park Avenut.>. Tel. For Sall'-C'ontentA of handsomely Wll. 2345. 4L8-ltc furnlsht·d N n11. apt . ;~ dining room !;l·t ell·c t··k Baby (,rand J>layer FOR RENT-FURNISHED RM. WITH i>tn'no, hcrh·oom set. nil paintings. wall tappstr~, lamps, n ·ed porch set, kitchenette. Tel. Wlnn. 63!L~N8~1tc mahogany vietrola. All li!'S!I than oni!' ypar olrl. St·t·n b~ appointment ES afts and t·V<' S. Thll·d tlom·, 1641 1 U:__.....:"~F:..O=R:..:.R:.:E:.:.:N...:' _'--<_·_ · A_n_A_G_·- - - - - J Hinman Ave., E\'anston. Tel. llnlv. S947. 17LTNS-ltc FOR RENT-GARAGE AT 710 LINden Ave. $10 per month . Tel. '\Vii. FOH HAL~~-YIH.NG CIH ' PLE \VILL 6L -ltc 3344. !Wll turn . of beau. 4 rm . a1>t.; real hnrgnln ; nil or will s.-parate : also l:_:l~_.:":.:E:':L.:P_:W~ '\.::.:N_T_~>;_o__ "_"_L-:E~-::"-:7. 4 tulw ratllo. Tel. Sheldr~~f.i~:~ltc t NHrRANCE H.EPOHTEH.H- !\lAX rx Pach suhurhan town and vlll~~e In FOR HALE OAK ROCKER. SPANISH 1.-atht'r twa.t and back, $ ; sanitary Cook County to makf' confidential Incot; 2 willow J>Orch chairll. Tel. sut·ance report!! during spar.- Ntlm ~· Olen. ;:;::;o. 17LTN -ttc State age and occupation · 't · Green, Box 192, Chicago. llLTN -o c FOR AAT.. E-LAROE ROCKER WITH lea.thl'r seat. 2 porch rocker11, dining W ANTEb-:-COMI"ETENT HOUSEMAN room table and chairs, 2 rugs: reas. by e day. At>PIY 912 0fif_~~1~~ Tel. Wll. 3Z 1. 17L8-ltp Ave One user of Want-Ads said this week: "I could have sold every item that I advertised a dozen times." I 1 Are you using this Community Market Page?

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