Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 26

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26 \\"IL:i\IETTE LIFE FRIDAY. NOVEl\lBER 21 1924 BOARD STRESSES HIGH STANDARDS Kenilworth Plan Progresses Satisfactorily, Says Streed' plan further provides for the acqu!s.ition by the village, h): condemna~ : on or otherwise. of the t1er of lots tacing the railroad. f<;>r the purpose o~ widening and monng the street 12J feet. By tl· ··~ moving th e street and tl sing th e lana between the street and track s for a park, we s hall he enabled to eliminate the "death -trap" subways; the construction of sweeping curves allowing motori st s a clear view after emerging from the subway before entering the re -located str eet. The portion of thi s street through Kenilworth is to be a link in a through traffic route through Glencoe, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Wilmette and Evanston, connecting on the south with the new McCormick highway to be constructed leading into Chicago, and on the north with Green Bay road . The first four villages above mentioned, by acting in unison, have secured from county commissioners an appropriation of $100,000 to be applied on the cost of constructing the pavement. Cit izen· ' S yndicate Helpa At the time the Kenilworth plan was adopted, the railroads were not yet ready to proceed with track ele,·ation and the village was not yet ready to acquire the land necessary to carry out the plan. Therefore, s ince the land ,·alues were rapidly increasing. fifty public-spirited citizens. subscribing from $1,000 to $20,000 each, organized a syndicate to acquire all the land required to carry out the village plan which they could purchase at reasonable prices, one of the stipulations being that any land required hy the village would be turned O\'er by the ~yndicate at cost. Shortly after the organization ofl the syndicate, a 40-acre golf club adjacent to the village was put on the market for subdivision purposes. Foresees Early Elevation of Oak Park Realty Men Favor Railway Right-of-ways Through Village Training By F. L. STREED Action >trong ly indicative of the way (Village .\[allnycr, 1\.cllil'l,·ortlr . Ill.) in which real estate boards under the leadership of the National Association Kenilworth i> a re si dential subu rb of Real Estate boards are establishing of Chicago having a pop~lation ?f standards of competency for the voca- 1.700. From it very hegmnmg 111 tion they represent has just been taken 1890. its growth ha s. h.een ~egula~ed hy the Oak Park. · Illinoi s, real tstate by rigid private re stnct1on s, .m~lud~ng hoard. The hoarU has just written into building lines, min im um cost ot bt!Jidits by-laws an out and out provision ings permitted. etc. Howe\·e r , smce that all future members must have com- adjacent territory to th e west not propleted a standard cou_rse in re_al estate tect ed hy such private re st rictio_ns has practice or its educauonal eqUlvalent. been annexed . we have found 1t necThe Oak Park provision is commented essary to adopt a comprehensive zon~m hy office rs of the 1\ational Associa- ing and village plan. t ion of Real Estate boards as the most Our zoni ng ordinance is different advanced position that has yet beeu taken in some re~pects from the average. hy a member in the establishment of an In our "A" Re side nce district. we haYe ~ducational membership requirement. a 40-foot 111inimum :.e thack (building) The by-law provides that all applica- line for hoth frontages on corner lots t ions for active memlx:rship shall be ac- aS well a s for the principal frontage companied by a certificate showing sati s- on "inside" lot s. although where setfactory completion of a course in real back lines of 50 to 60 feet have alestate practice as given hy the hoard or ready been established these are tJf a similar course as given by, the state maintained . The minimum lot area universities or the Y. M. C. A. schools, in thi s district is 12,500 square feet or else the applicant ~hall satis factorily per family. which is e<1uivalcnt to a pass an examination given hy the educa- lot ha,·ing a frontage of 75 feet and a depth of 165 feet. \Ve believe we t ion committee of the board. The examinati(Jn shall cover in general can substantiate in court the reasonthe course and text s besi available at the ahleness of the se regulation s, si nce most of our building lots are IOOx time it is given. The by-law further provides that all 175 feet. a~s(x:iate members, a classification prinP lan T r a c k Elevation cipally made up of real estate salesmen The steam and electric interurban employed IJy hoard members, shall within lines, ha,·ing parallel and adjacent two years after their acceptance into the right of way through the village, plan l>Oard, produce similar evidence of hav- to ele,·atc in about a year. at which ing satisfactorily completed such a time they expect to provide for four course or examination. tracks each. If only the present right The attorney for the board is made an of way were available, un sightly verex-officio member of the C<.lucational tical concrete retaining walls with committee, and is given the duty o f their attendant "death-trap" subways ~upervising <til examinations <ts to edu- would he the result. To circumvent cational qu<tlifications of applicants for this. the Kenilworth Plan CommisJnembl'r~hip . sion worked out a plan. accepted hy The new by-law s not only give the the Village board and the railroad ofeducational commitee the responsibility Jicials. which provided for the ac<Jf preparing a suitable set of tjuestions quisition b) the railroad companies to be used in a;certaining the education- of the right-of-way of the streets al fitness of prospective members, out paralleling the tracks on each side, they charge the committee with the duty thereby permitting the construction of carrying on a campaign for the gen- of gently sloping earth embankments eral eOucatlon of boarQ members and of whfch wlll 11«: lanoscaped and treated the public for the uplifting of standards from an architectural standpoint. The in the business of real estate and for the advancement of real estate as a prof ession. At the same meeting in which the bylaw creating educational membership re<JUirements was passed, the Oak Park I>Oard voted also to acquire its own board A trip to Mexico City is being considhome. First steps toward the purchase of ·· central business property .suitable to ered by some members of the party of officers and members of the National! the purpose have already been taken. Association of Real Estate boards who will make a mid-winter cruise to Cuba,' Two New Residences in Panama and Central America leaving Wilmette Permit Record New Orleans January 17. The cruise is planned to follow the anPermits for two new dwellings were nual meeting of the National association issued at the Wilmette Village hall dur- at Dallas, Texas, January 13-16. ing the week. One was for an addition The regular cruise as planned includes to a home and six for garages. a stay of some days at Havana, a drive John P. Chapman will build a twv- over the mountain region of Jamaica story brick dwelling at 251 Liwlcn from Port Antonio to Kingston, a trip avenue for $15,000 an<! Stanley J anaes across the Canal Zone, a thirty-hour stop will construct a two-story frame dwell- at Port Limon, Costa Rica. with an oping on the Kenilworth First Addition for tional trip there of 103 miles into the in$8,000. John P. An~erson will mak<! :tu terior, visiting the capital city of the :addition at 1618 Elmwood avenue for Central American country, and a return $1.000. to New Orleans February 3. The garage permits issued mclude Among early reservations for the trip those to Stanley K. Gage, 932 Elmwood avenue, $2,000; Henry L. Flentye, 729 ington, D. C., and Leonard P. Reaume, those of William E. Shannon, J,ake avenue, $1,025; Robert L. Richdnl- arc of Detroit, members of the board of di son, 722 Greenleaf avenue, $380 ; R. D. rectors of the association, and of Mrs. l,yman, 1506 Central avenue, $.300; C. R. Shannon and Mrs. Reaume, of Fred E. Smith, 1722 Highland avenue, :p300; Reed. of Oakland, California, vice-presjohu G. H. Thalmann, Seger's Sulxli· ident elect, and Mrs. Reed, of William E. vision, $100. Lyons, of Kansas City, Missouri, former secretary of the asscxiation, and Mrs. Lyons, and of Charles W. Fairfax, of Tax Commissioner Takes D. C., and Mrs. Fairfax. Up Real Estate Course Washington, All members of the national associaThe home study course' in real l!!'t:lte tion and their families are eligible to offered by the National Association of join the cruise. Registrations are made Heal gstate bords through the Amcri<::ltl at national headquarters, Chicago. They neal Hstatc Institute. Chicago, a special will be closed early in December. branch of the association, is to he sent to the license commi~'>ioncrs in every -state having a state real c~tate hcense Jaw, according to a vote of the dirccto;·s cJf the association. Frank S. McCaffrey, deputy ·:ommis:.ioner of the New York Tax Lommi3sion, which admini~tcr!> the New Y·nk real (·state liccn!>e law, was om· of the first person to enroll for membership in th Institute. Mr. McCaffrey writes that he is of the belief that the course will give him practical knowledge to aid in the administration of the real estate license law in his state. The highest bidder was a real estate I It will no doubt he 5 tverat firm whirh olann~d to subd1v1de 111 . ~ Lefore the enttre plan is rtaliz sm:tll lots ami bu1ld houses. _for sal. on account of the coope raf100 td, purposes. a developm~:rt wh1_ch w ~s 1 railroads, Village hoard of not up t? the stan dar~ establtshed 111 ( ~ nd. Plan comm!ssion. it' is the re:nau~der of the vtllage. In ord~r teas1hle, and 1s being c . to mamtam that standard, the synd!- step by step~ arrltd cate purchased the propert~. ~ubdl· -From The American Cit vided it, and is developmg 1t m acN Y cordance with the village plan. A ovembtr, 40-foot strip on the north end ~f the subdivision was dedtcated w1thout Optimiata Are Hoata to cost to the village to allow the con Rotary Cl·~b at struction of a two-way street called w -·IIII::DI!~~oo :or in the Village Plan . Special as · sess ment proceedings for paving these st reet s have been started. Condemnation proceedings will soon be started to acquire these lots , not al ready owned by the syndicate, which are needed for the through truck traffic route. Most of the property east of the tracks shown in the Plan as "park" is already park. The Park board has already purchased the only ~ice. two commercial buildings east of the tracks and propose to purchase the Fred Miller, proprietor of the few residences now located in the Shore Terrace, did proposed park extension. viding an excellent .. ., I . . Here You Are 8 Room Stucco, 4 Bed Rooms, 2 inclosed porches, hot water heat, 1 car garage, fine southeast Win.netka location. Best buy in town at $17,000. Plant Now This is the right time to plant and buy trees, shrubs and perennials. Prices are lower n.ow than in the spring. HIIJ. & WHEEUR, Inc. 736 E lm St. Winnetka 14% 334 Linden A ve. John Ostrowsky 1487 Aabury Avenue Hubbard Wooda Phone Winnetka 54t-J W ilmette 13 George H. Taylor Real Estate Mortgage Company Loana on Chicago and Suburban Property l $2,000 to $1,000,000 or More-S¥2% to 6% Installment ICNmS on reaidenc. . and t-o-tlate lhnited to . . . . . Liberal prepayment privileges with all loana 312 SOUTH CLARK ST., CHICAq o TOURING REALTY MEN TO VISIT IN MEXICO TELEPHONE WABASH 1246 REAL ESTATE LOAN CORRESPONDENT, THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA We Conaicler Application· Throach Ou r Repreaentatives for Loan· on Approved Properties in the Following Cities: RiTeraide Eut Mo:me Glencoe LaSalle Aurora Belleville Rockford Eut St. Louia Gleo Ellyn Maywood Rock laland Moline Elgin Highland Park Berwyn Urbana Blue laland Elmhurat Hinaclale Mt. Vernon Waukegan North Chicago Jacksonville Champaign Evanaton W estem Springs Decatur· Forest Park Joliet Oak Park Wheaton Desplainea Freeport Park Ridge Kenilworth Wilmette River Foreat Winnetka Downera Grove Galesburg LaCrance Wash· ~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B A R G A .I N S Cash and Carry Buy Now CASH AND·~ CARRY Big reduction to those who come to our Nursery and get the stock. Freshly dug; roots not dried out. Nursery just west of Lincoln avenue on Peterson road, Chicago. Peterson road is the north line of Rosehill Cemetery. GOOD ROADS Telephone Evanston 1434 Trees, Shrubs, Fruits, Vines The land of the Peterson . Nursery has been sold and we have a short time to sell off the stock-This is your opportunity. WE DO PLANTING For those who do not care to do their own planting. \Ve will deliver, plant and guarantee. Estimates given. Phone or write office. F OR ETHICAL STANDARD S Copie of the code of ethic of the Nati nat Association ot Real Estate boards ~·ill be furnished to every member of the Korth Carolina · ture by the North Carolina Real E auociation in order make ~lear that objective of the tate assoeiatioa Ill ..-cine the paasage of a Mate real license law ia the ~ of an ethical t.audard of nat tltat.e practiu. Do it now.

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