Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 25

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WIL E LIFE. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21 1924 "The great increase in home buildin ; locally is viewed as a reason for greater precaution on the part of the c:-r owner during the cold weather season. since private homes mean pr ·vatc garages with all the dangers incident to operating motors in close quarters," Mr. Hayes says. 2S GOLDEN RULE SUNDAY Twent y- four nations including the it t·d States will observe Sunday, c.-mbc r 7, as Golden. Rule day as n minder of the urgent need of inned contributions for the · feedof two and a half million orphans refugees . in Persia, Armenia, ia . Anatoha, Turkey and Greece. ··Jt ~t t· rnational Go_ld~n Rule Sunday a tes t of our rehgaon and our sintv.'" its sponsors declare, "a day incasuring our lives by the unilh· accepted standard of life. A 0 { plain living and high thinking on that day all persons who bee 111 the Golden Rule are asked , w ay of remembrance, to partake a ,i mple meal and then, as a pr~c1 rkmonstration, decide on an ofIll.! to help keep alive, shelter and . the many thousands of children er American care in the Bible nd . " It is the. occasion, in the words Pres ident Coolidge who wilt obit . to bring to the minds oi who are prosperous, the charitrequirements of those who are adn·rsity. "On December 7, the Golden Rule itizen' of the world will be seated, rati1·c ly, at the same table, parng of the same food, thinking the thoughts and entering into a ion of the brotherhood of Proteatant Seminary in $4,000,000 Fund Drh,·e M· · mi_ster~ of forty-eight different denommat10ns are banded together in ;> nat 'on- w' de t.ttovement to raise ~.000.~ for l.!mon Theological Semmary 111 the Ctt~ of New York. The !ocal rc:prese~tattve of the movement as Rev. Dame! Stecker, who is a "In the A. A. A. message car graduate of the seminary. owners arc urged to set their carburetors for a rich mixture and to Union Seminary is the largest equip their cars with accessories that . ~raduate school of theolo~y in Amer- assist in starting to the end that tea: an~ the only one that is both there may be less need to warm u;> stractly Interdenominational and with- the motor and thus less temptation out ?fficiat connec~ion with an~ u.ni- to. run the engin~ to the danger v«;rhttyC. It ~as anformal affiltatton poant before backmg out into the wit . . o 1 umbaa and New York upi- open. verst~tes. . · "We also emphasize that A. A. A. Thts year the semmary has en- warning against using lighted matches rolled 424 stu~ents who have gratlu- for inspecting the level of the radiator a ted f~m vanous col~e~es ~nd an; contents. Every season alcohol exprepar~ng . for the . mmtstry lf! m3tny plosion.s .cause serious and· sometimes denommattons. Ftve demommattons fatal m}ury that could easily be are repres~nted on the seminary's avoided by a moment's forethought." board of dtrectors, seven on its faculty and thirty-nine in its student body. No such representative interRECOVERS FROM ILLNESS denominational group exists elseElmer L. Young, brother of Miss where in America. The Union Sem- Edith R. Young, has recovered from inary campaign is to be carried on a serious operation and is able to rethrouglhout the country among the turn to work after an illness of ten leading Protestant denominations. weeks. J?hn D. Dockefeller, Jr., has already gtven $1,083,3JJ and another friend has given $1,2.50,000 on condition that DR. C. E. GEISS£ the entire $4,000,080 be raised. ? · Have you tried our 75c suppers, or our $1.00 dinners on Sunday, choice of Chicken, Steaks or Roasts, and everything that goes with them? Alao Stealu UMI Chops I to order Oyatera any style Car Owners Are Adviaed About Wintertime Perila O.teopatlaic Pbyaic:iaa Electro-'I'herapy treatmeats Villace Theatre Bltla. Phone WiL ZOSZ Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle Dr. Alice D. Tuttle Oet-patbic Pbyeiciaae Residence and Office 113 Ceatral AY-ue Pboae 3M Colder weather and a knowledge of what this means to the car owner is the reason for a nation-wide warn· ing to motorists by the American Automobile association, according to Charles M. Hayes, president of the I. Chicago Motor club, the local af,e children of the Ncar East filiation of the national car owners in tt-r national wards. They are organizations. law iul legacy of the World war. si mply want a chance to live we must continue the task of that possible for the sake of pe ace in the future. These n will be the leaders in the :\ea r East of tomorrow and with rica n ideals they will help make better world and will preserve peace wha_t is now the plague spot of Phone un tl·erse. 588 ·W elcb's Cafeteria and Cafe · Wilmette The Worthen-Carrico Company I HIO-IWNIIN SEASON WIND-UP Looks Forward to Hectic Club The Ohio State-Illinois gridiron maker of past champions and pregnant with thrills as the classic of the midwest, looms up the season closes this week when ckeyes and Illini meet in 'Mem 1 stadium at Champaign to setfor another year the annual riv- :.,___w_ilm_ett_e__---'· Suc:ceuon to McAlliater-Worthen Company 1146-48 Wilmette Avenue I D . eli ":~er I . 1...._ _ _ _ ... _ __ _ _ _ . . It isn't too Early to Think of Xmas Gifts . And a visit to this store now will be of help to you in deciding what to give. Every day we unpack and put on display a number of new arrivals-things that were bought especially for Christmas selling, and that have come to u~ a little earli·!r than usual. The variety we arc showing now will surprise you, and probably you will find many suggestions that will help you solve your gift problems. Nooember Clearance of Ready-to-Wear You Will Like Theae Towel· They are so different chcs Zu_Ppke and Wilce, long annual nvals, are banking their for a successful season on this le, and are driving their teams d all this week in preparation for As to the outcome, everyone ws better than to guess at it, these two aggregations have ght the football world not to take for granted. ·z up" knows and fears Ohio's passattack, since it is Wilce's most nt threat and has upset the Illini re than once in the past. Hoge rkmaq;, who heaved the aerials the Bucks for the past three rs. has finished his college career, "' Cookie" Cunningham, a 190nd end, has proven himself a y successor to him. Ohio has had a highly successful season i in a fighting state of mind, ined to beat its ancient foe. will be trying to get Ollie the back who dashed 60 yards at Illinois in the last quarter in into the open and pass to him. the lllini count on Grange. ECIAL LIMOUSINE SERVICE & Buchholz, well known Evundertakers, have arranged so class limousine ambulance be supplied at all times, nounced. I t ~ I f 2JemdifuL ~weiJJesigns HE Artec:o towele bere T will to the feaunme love of beauty. Made of fine fabric:e, and decap~l A final November clearance of Women's and :Misses' coats and dresses, offers values that are surely worth while. If you have delayed your purchases because of unseasonable weather, do not wait longer-come in now. .Take advantage of these low prices. ~·t.rated Drea·e· Reduced Wool frocks of serge, ftannels and jerseys, as well as silk dresses of crepes and novelty materials have been reduced to about half their original prices. They have been grouped in two lots, and priced as follows: TADI.E LINENS DINNER SF.T"' LUNCHEON SETS BEJ:I ~PPf.A.OS DRAPE." SCARFS 8RIDC£ COVER! orated by bead witb lovely deei1na. tbey are att.-actiYe eDO~·b for peet towele in aay bome. Yet tbey aro tborou,hly p~ctical for every~Y" · Tbe claiatr cleaaca· are put oa m colora tbat aro ~ .........._ Fr... queat launderias. lJoilia1 witb orcliaary lineae. 1-vee tbe.. colore freala and unfaded. Tbey will remaia eo tbrou1b year· of bard eerYice. .Arteco Fabrica are a conetaat eource of ·tiJaction ia tbe home. Combinin1 beautr witla practicability, their uee boueebold taeke more plea·nt. TIMy are made in a variety for every ..eeL all laaad l.ecoratocl, pre-ellrunk. aad furniehed ill the oatural laundrF Lotl Lot2 $7.95 Coat· $14.95 We at o are offering children's and misses wool crepe and flannel dresses, sizes 4 to 14 years, at $5.95. _.lt.. 6aiala. You will be surpri cd at the quality of the materials, furs_. and workmanship in these coats. We thought them remarkable values at their original prices, and now, since they have been so radically reduced, they are all the more so. \Ve especially recommend the lot of high-grade coats at $57.50. The prices are Lot 1 Lot2 Lot3 LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES $19.75 $29.50 $57.50 A special lot- just ten garments of misses coats from 8 to 14 ~·ears , ha s been pr iced at $9.75. Others up to $17.50.

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