Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 18

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WlllLM1E1r1rlE CIHilU~(CIHI NIEW§ ANJD) J!»A~ll§IHI ANJM(Q)llJJN(CJEJMIJE Our friends are Invited to worship hold the closing service The Presbyter·lan chct·o·h, loented. at with our congregation and ·liso study Chum-Week In the main Greenleaf a\·e nue and 'lnth !'treet, rnthe scriptures In the sessions of our the church. Dr. No Yonr :"t·xt Sunday, November 23, w!ll be vites \'O U to atUmd Its services. Greenleaf and Seventh 13lble School. tlve Korean, will Jecture the Runtlav nt·xt before Advent. !'here Sun<la\' School ........ 9:30 .\ 1\1. \Villiam Guise, pa~<tor cendlng of Christ In the will ht> H olv rornmunlon at Rt. Augnsr'hu:·ch S~>rvlce . . . . . . . . I i A . l\l. Ser·vlces tor November 23.. . . Park ls an authority on tin(·'s at 11 · A. M. Chureh Rchools at Intermediate C. E . . . . . .... I J' :.r. worship with sermon at .1 ? ciMk. jects. He ts a gifted 9 : 4~·. :lforning Prayer and Sermou at Senior C. E. . . . . . . . . . . ::; :30 P. :1!. The next Great Text In "!>fatlhl"" ~ G?:>ful orator and an In 11 A . ~f. Junior C. E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · · · · · lt'l will be "They that wer· ~ fo'>hsh Sundav, 9:30 a. m The Sunday school lng humorist. He Is Next Thursday, ,..,ovemi.Je:- 27. being . . . . . . . . . . W E-dnesday :!:30 1'. M. ook their lamps, and took no ull with In all departments. Special ThanksTwain of the Orient. Thanksgiving- Day, th ,·1 e will btl Holy .\lid week Service . . ...... ... · · · · · · ~ hem ." The late Dr. J. U. Jow~;tt wrote giving services. The Hrgh School de- Leaguers Invite all Communlor1 at o'clock anrl ;\fot·ning . . . . . . . . . . . . Wednesday s P. :\1 ;everal years ago concernl~g thos~ partment will have for Its theme, and enjoy this unlqu Pt·«~· ~:r with short addl'olSs at 10 A. M who profess Christ but soon rail away "Thanksgiving for our Country, Wha.~ with them. e mel become engt·osR·~d in wnrldly she has been and what she Is to be. Monday, 12:30 p. m. )(onda ' Th· Union Thanksgiving Servicf' in ·ares. "They hav tak~>n th ··h· lamps, a. m. Morning \Vorshlp Se,r,vlce . Club at the Central Y. M C. wh1ch the dltrerent eong-re..;·ationH in 11 The Junior ('holr will meet tor t'E' out they '·a.ve taken on oil wtth th em Dr·. Stansell's subject will be, Able "A," 19 S. LaSalle streets. ..., th.- villag-e tak e part, will h t> hL·ld this h Parsal tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. They are trying to do :;plritua· exerh L 7 30 p B s y .. ar the night lit>(ot·e Th>wksgivlng :\11·. ea- S. : · m. oy couta, TrooPt Burtner, director. Mrs. L . F. rises on a starved soul. 'rhey ,,..e try- To Save Forever." The Epwort 1 'Vl·dt.t·srlay, November 26, nt K P . M:. <.atl·s, choit· mother . ng to do Christlau rluLv wlthou~ the ~u, will attend church and sit In a In th.· BaJ>list ch urc h with 't<l'J. 'VIJ!.>read ot Christian truth." body. · ha~~e~:.Y·Jo~~:·tt'fehe<Y __ ...,~--- .. llam Guise, pastor r,f th <, English On Sunday, the Church School meets 5 p . m . Intermediate League. "A th J.uthernn C' hurc h, as 1>reachE>r. .l\tem1 1 8 Bible school at 9:~5. ·..iraued lessons. Thankful Attitude" will be the sub- ~.;~:rs~ nlt:tfo~u~!t.;,. lr .. rs ot th e various '.!Ont;r·egn ti(Jns of at 9:30: Junior Congregation at 10:30 \-oung people and adult~ nrll Invited ject. Miss Ruth Pease, Supervisor. preparation for the th e villa-ge are sr)~>clally Invite;! to at- and Morning Worship at 1 t o'clock. to attend Mr. Gash's '>lble ··lass. 6 I> m . Mr. Porter Warrington Heape Merit Badge. lend this Union Service. Mr. Herbert w . Loomis will spc:Ak at ThL· catechetlcal clasa will n.P.et Frl- will give an organ recital, preceding Wednesday, p. m. 8 the lecture by Dr. Parks. Union Service will this The Gir·Js' c hoir will be given a sup- the Junior Congregation service 8un- day after school. morning. Mr. Loomis Is the asE th 1 Ill 1 th B tl t h h per and )lflrty in St. AuguMtln,;'s Club day 8 House, Satur·day even ing, Novomher sl tan t ed uca t1 on a 1 the d 1rector of the ~~T;;h;e;;:;c;h;o;l;r;;;w;l;ll;;m;;ee;t;;;F~r;l;d;a;y;;e;v;;e;n;ln;g;;.;;;;:;6;:O;;O;;p;;:;.;;:;m;;.;;T;;:;h;;e;;;;;p;;:;w;;:;o;;;;r;;;;e;;;;a;;;;g;;;;;;;u;;;;e;;;;w;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;n;;;;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a;;;;p;;;;;;;s;;;;;c;;u;;;;r;;;;c;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mld-\Vest district of Congregation22, beginning at 6 P. M. IJnnrediately al churchee. alter the eluse or th e practlc.· which is helu In the Parish House on SaturDr·. Lloyd will -;;peak on. "Joyt.Jl days at 4:30. Miss W ·lnltt···d Ml.::kPy Thanksgiving" and the choir will have will be In charge. a pr·ogram ot special music for the occasion at the Morning worship. During tht> recovery ol :\f1' Clarice L t'ae h fr{Jm an operation in St. I<'ranMay ther·e not be a large nu·mber or ds' hOSJJital. Evanston, Scoutrnal!ltdl" of parents or little children In the autllSt. Augustint>'s Hoy licout T1·oop No. ence because ot the services of !lrl!ls 4, the Troop will I.J e specially Jonhe<l Dorothy And e rson and her aesldtants, after by llfr. H . J . L<>ach, ..t mPmi.Jo·r <>t trained to conduct a StOr}· Hour moRt the Scout Ext-cutlve committee. lnter·es tlng to little folks. St. Augustine's Parish English Lutheran I I Methodist Church Its Congregational Church I II ,, 8 li An Oriental Rug for Christmas Conffrlllatlon Talks to boys anfl !(iris of Confirmation ag-f' ar·e belug given by the rector· In his study each Sunday afternoon at 4 :30. He es p .. clally (iesires to n·cl'lve lrnme<ll.lt.·ly the 111\mt>s of any men and wom e n, boys or ~11'111 who would likl' to be presf'lrto>ol for eonlirmatlon when th e Bishov Vil!lt!! the Pari~:~h th e Hunday h efore ('lni Rtmas . An J10y:-1 On 1\fonday, the North End Clr<"ie, Mrs. l\I. C. Hecht, chairman, will me e t at th e hom e of Mt·s. H . C. Toeppen, 1206 Elmwood avenue Lunch eon servE-d at 2:30 o'clock, assisting hostesses, Mrs. Llo>·d Yost and Mrs. Cla!'k ~. Hollist<.'r. All members are ur'l',; ,l to bring thimblE> and help in the 11nl~n i ng of th e many attractive articles f·'r tne sale, December 2. Christmas Shopping Days will soon be here, and even now thoughtful buyers are considering the question of suitable gifts. There's one gift that everybody will be glad to receive, and that is a fine Oriental Rug. PS JH·clally apJH·allng- pietU"'o· 10 Hoost>\'e lt Tr·oot> No. 2 met>ts at h eadaud girls showiug tlw adv c· JJtur ..,. quarters 011 TuL·sdays ancl th e Sea f.kouts on .l<'l'iday t"ve ning at 7 o'clock terduy at the Chihll'eu's F,.,.,. :\lovlo·-< iu .St. Augustine's Pa··ish HouHe. Tht· pic- uuder the tlln·ctlon of th e Scout mastur e was "The Call From tht· "'llrl." ter·, Ewart Cook. Th ere was also a pictur· .. showl:1g the \Vt>dnesday at S o'clock th e Protesl>rot1do' IH'.\" of uoys and gir·J~:~ In many SJ>OI' ts. Th.. pi ct ur·(·H Wf'rE' gi v .. n try tant c hut·c hes will unite in a u·nion .1\lr. and MrM. Harry Fowler, 1401 Jo'ot·- Thanl<sgiviug se r· vice a~ th e Ba,>tl:lt church. o:st av nue of a I.Joy and his dog was slluwu Yt·s- Oriental Rugs are an ornament to any home. As a present to an entire family nothing could be more fitting. Come in and see our splendid assortment. Aram K. Mestjian North Shore'a Leading Rug Cleanera Wilmette 1949 Evanston 5050 511 MAIN STREET Th e rP will bl' no showln,;s on ThaukHglving- Day at the <'h!l<lt·en's .l\[ovl<·s it haviug Ut"t·n found in o-tliet· years that the afternoon showings were loo t>ar·iy for a grf'at many lwys ar.d girl!:! who ar·e at hom .. at 'J'hanl;sgiviug- f es tivities. ' On Friday Th e \Vashington aveuue t·in·h·, !\1rs. S . L. \VilliamR, chainnan, w iII be held at the honw of Mrs. \V. J . King·, 611 Fot·e~:~ t avenue. Mrs Ft·edt'rlek Tilt and l\lr·s. \Villiam E . Dutr, assi~:~ting host esses. :11embe t·s at·e ::t.slct·d to IJr·iug articles for· th e h:tl'l'el to ht· ~:~ent to Pleasant Hill A cademy. WILMETTE ~~ \Wiri'gr ~orVNfi'k-tJ s~~~t~es "\;'~IL'th,. -~~ "W-\lTn~ H .. r·rnan W. 1\feyer, M. A. past'H' ceding Hunday, Nov.·mlwt· 30, OJ' in the 4tJG Prairie avenue Teit"phon t' 1396 atter·uoon of Sunda~·. :"\ov .. mi.J,·r 30, in Church telephone 3111 th .. l'al"iMh House I.Jt'tWt'en 2:30 aud SERVICES !i:30 Wht>r·e a (·urrunitlep of those in 22nd Sunday after Trinity t'lmr·ge of the canvasH will be in at9:30 A. l\1. Sunday school and llible tt·Julnn('P. classes. 9:45 A. 11[. First service and '!tl mon . The women or the AssociatPtl Gullde 1 :00 A . l\[. Second set·vice and Si!l"nr·e all WOJ'king for the big U!Lv.aa.t· to be held at the l'a.rish Hout:Jo the dn.y mon. "The Unreaped Corner, and !h t· l."nIHHI tJVt·ning or lJt-cember 3. A Parish dlnnet· will be servl·d In the Club gleaned Vineyard. " Jious e on the e\'ening or thrLt tlay. 'l'he p :·ognlm for Vl'c~:mber· 4 will be Th e Guild Sale will be held on Frl··~1ud," ~ rt"t·ls, "Joauna," 1 reel and ..Childhood,"J J'et·l. These will I.Je given <lay, December 2 at the church. Many ll.v .\1 1 ·. :ur d Mt·s. Hob .. ··t Htotld1u·d, &24 Wio:ful and fane)' ar·ticles and balced gooliR nra~· b t> had at reasonable ?>l"ice!S. Lak e avenue. 1 her·e will also be a ··fish-pond" for A light lunch will be 'rhl· Annual Canvass of tloe f:unilic·s tiH· chlldt·en. In the t·veni.H{, thl! of :-it. Auguslllll·'s fut· JJh·<i!>t'S for th~· ~P I 'Vl' tl at noon . <·omlug· year will be conclueLt·d by a Nor·th End Circle will serve a bounti<"Ommttt~;._. of ~;; laymen Bunda:v af- ful dinner. l t> l'noon, DPct·mi.Jt·r 7. Par·isiorwrs who l>rere t· to <lo so at·e askt·d to he pt ' ·! - &erchants! St. John's Lutheran Make YoUr Show ·Windows Sell More Goods The eye naturally stops at what it can see most readily. That is why crowds of people look at the window display that is well lighted, while they ignore the darker windows. It costs very little to illuminate a show window properly. Compared with the rent you pay for the window, the cost of even the best lighting is small. We know that bett~r THANKSGIVING DAY f4ER\' f( I!! Tllunday, November 27', at tl u'cloek "A Nation's Declaration of DepenThE> special quartet which so plens- dence" MEETINGS lngly rendered our Harvest Home proFriday, November 21, Junior "Valther gram will be with us again next Sun- League day morning. Anticipating ThanksMonday and Friday, at 4, Chlldre·n·s giving Day, the musical numbt>r will classes. be r·endered ItS !ollowa: Organ Pre\udl!: The set·vicE> next Sunday mo··nlng Is "Allegretto" . . . . . . '\Volstpnhohnp designed to be one that sh ttll prt"parc Anthem: hear·ts and hanrls to1· a true Thanks"I Will Magnify Thee, 0 God" giving. Its ke , ·note will be "bE>llt'VOAnthet;,·=· · · .. " · ·· ··" · ·' Mosent.hal lt>nt·t·," which aeconling to th e Div111c will, has always had so promirwnt tl "Bless Our Land" .. . .. Ch.·rulilnl part in the lives of God's chlldn:n. <ltrHtory Duet: ::; "tJ Lev. 19, 9-10. "Oh Lovely Peace· ............. . <Judas Maceabat·us) .. . ... llat~tlel. . The regular annual Thanksglvln.{ Mrs. Pierson and Mrs. Hwlrrdl·ll Day serlvce will bt> held on tho Na()rgan Postlude: tional Holiday at 11 o'c:l J<.!k. A ver·y \Velsh M e lo;dy ......... . .. .... . heart~· welcome got.'s out til all \VilArr. I.J¥ Uout·gault-Du .:ovlll"l.y rn.-ttl·ans, par·ti<:ularl~· tiiO'H· who have , Th e nremberH of the (JU.J.r··,·t at'l?: I·.mpress Tr·ewar·thtt l'lerson, soprano· no church affiliation ro (Jart·elplt.e in thill set·vic~. Co m;>, y!' thant(ful p eoEthE-l M. Sw'lndeil contralto· (.'11\l'k~ JJle, come! 1: Shipp, tenot·; 'chcstt>r L~wn·nce: bass ; Enna K Hound!!, organist and Now that the Ladles' Aid and Mis<:lin·cto r. , sic.,nary soelety has given Its ~ale, tile H~· nlor and Junior Young PooJ>lc's ),·a. The commuhity 'l'hankgivlng- lu-rvlel', g-u~>s will occu·py the -::enter of the according to · tlw <·us tom for· St'Vl·t·al stnge tor a. whlle. These organlzn;:\ears past, wl11 lit· Wednel'ltfa,· ( v.-r11nF, tlons are to give a sale tor the bene!lt November 26,1 at N o'clock in 1h ,, llap- ut the church on Thursday, Decemhe1 tiKt church. . Tlw Ht·v. \.YilliRm Guise 4. t.1 the afternoon and eveninl{. 4Jf the Engll~h Luth ...·ran chu,···h will Remember Thank~>&lvlng Day! ]Hench the st·t·mon. First Presbyterian Church window lighting will pay you. We want to make it easy for you to have it. Estimate of Cost Free We will have one of our window lighting specialists survey your premises and submit, without c/iarge to you, an estimate of the cost of his recommendations. f Thank·glvlng music and a. 1.'hank>~ glvlng sermon theme will mark the l\ten'11 Bible ·class has charge of the 11 o'clock worship hour ac the clnrc.n. program and I arrang~:mE>nts. ThiN ser- l\Ir. Stlflllr will preach from the 34th vice will I.Jp hPlrl n··xt Thur·sdal· morn- Psalm. Jng at 7:30 b'clOl'k. '\.11 :lH·r,;hPr·s ot !.~:ed~hurch ~ud t·on,.p·,·g-atlon are InThe Bible school convenes at 9:30 with graded Instruction tor ~11 ages. The member·s ot th · Women's Stt<'letv Junior and Interm·~diate B. Y . will meet tor lunch on anol regular P. The u·s wlll meet at 3 :30 at the ~burch. meeting at the following homes 'l'uesda~·. Nov mbt>r 25: "HJ>oke" No. t, to The High School B. Y. ?. 11, will be announced latt·r· ; No. 2( :\fr·s. H. K . meE)t In the Assembly room at 5 :31) Rrown, 1125 fort>st avt·nue; No. 4, Mrs o'clock. The Charter B. Y:. P. 11. will T. B . Gibson! 429 Tenth strent; No. 6, m t at the same hour In Chihlren's Mrs. Nash ~nu Mrs. Holllst.lr, !'ol!i hall. Greenleaf a1!t>nue: No. 9, to ))(· unnounced Iattr; No. 10, Mrs. J.'. H. The annual }'athl·ra O>hl don~ tanQuayle, 38 Ctescent place; ~o. 11, :.\Irs. QUt't will be SE'I"Ved under th .. aus!Jices G . A. Halls~ln G9G J.'lr str~·,..t. \VIn- of the Ml·n's cluh at tht> church \Vt~d netka; No 12, Mrs. Wrlghton, 419 nesday E>vt>nlng, Novembt··· 2ti, aJ,. 6:10 'Tenth street "Spoke" No. 6 ·~III hold o'clock . Dt·. 1'. R. Hay 1vn ,. l, gen~>ral an afternoori m(·t·tlng at th.; homo> of Mre. Charles L. Hayes. !Ill Lake ave- ~~~reh~r}~h~f s!~~~k~~.~·s SummH c,~.mp, nue. The n4e~>ting or "Spoke-:;" N.J. 3 and 8 have, bt>en posttJOnPd ror· one The Pnlon Thanksgiving servlc~ ot ~;) week. D <'elflber 9 Is th tim.: for the the \'VIlmette churches wlll be held ln next met>tlng of tht- Women'! Roeletv this church on \Vednesday ev nlng at :nt the. churc". This Is to I.Je a Sflt'cial 8 o'clock Rev. 'VIlllam Guise, pastor :neetlng, 'Vfch !or futher ::t.nPounce- ot the \Vllmette English Luth,·ran ments regar lng lt. ehurch, will 11reach. "Definite lms For '.rhe Sunday !School Teaclier" will be the tuple under consideration at the Sunu.1y l'l<·hool conferPnc~·:.Onday, November 24. Dfr,. ner will _a.&..-i;.W, ~k ·Mielne·· me u·elon an·i Departmental e wlll follow lmmerllately, All · cere and toacbere are The next session of the 3u.tday School Seminar, under direction of Dr. W. Edward Raffety, will be held from 8 to 9:30 o'clock on Frida)· evening, Ne~ber- -!8, ·In Chlhh-en'e ball. · The Wolf-Cubs will meet tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock at the church to start on an ali-day hike. \~~ ~~~c;!:~gif~~ceta~r B~~~ki~~rchT~! One of the most uniqu-e and Interest- Baptist Church will handle every deta,il of wiring,. equipment arid installation. ~e Be Prepared for Y ou~~Busiest Season You can pay for this window lighting in monthly payments -with your electric service statement. ' Pusuc SERVIcE ; , OF NORTHERNi ILLIN~IS JNO. S. REESMAN, ~iatrict M.r. Ill Cluarc:b UD.iY. 3M EVANST'T Wit. 21St CoMPANY sr CoM~~.~ ·er.:sd --~ . -- ·- r qu ·te4 to atta...

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