Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 14

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1+ ·\VILMETTE LI such people, for the yare beating themselves out of the very be\t that life has to offer. We wouldn't change places wit_h them for all their wealth. It ts much better to live in Flint than in Wilmette, for after all wh~t does it profit a man if he wtn great wealth and lose hi s ability to make friends." FRIDAy NOVEMBER 21 1924 WILMETTE LIFE (Formerly The Lake Shore News) Established 1912 with which Is combined THE WILMETI'E LOCAL .N"EWS Established 1898 FRIDAY C111JED UU Training in Authorship The course comprises fifteen weekly sessions. It is especially adapted as a finishing course for women who have had some training in writing. . f For terms and further tn ormation write or telephone to novel, the aho~ atory, the eaaa)', and the art1cle. by OF EACH WEEK LLOYD HOLLISTER. INC. I will conduct an Authorship Class this winter. . Subjects to be stud1ed: The Central Ave., Wllmt:tte, Ill. . ....... ... Wllaette Tele····e :&.- ·cBICRIPTION pa.nted t:.M A YEAR All communication must be accomThe opening paragraph is acthe name addreee ot the bl t for the word ' Artlclea -l.or and publlcatlo~ should cepta e excep writer. by reach the editor by IVedlieaaay noon to "plutocrats." So far as w_e k_n?w llleure appearance In current issue. there are in· Wilmette no tndtvtdReeolutlons of condolence, card· ot uals of this unpleasant sort. As thanks, obituary, notices ot en- for the remat"nder of the partertainments or poetry, other atralrs where an admittance charge ' will be made or h cer t am · I Y Wilmette is a collection taken, will be charged at agrap recutar advertising rates. finer than some small cities and ;,;,::B:;.;;n;,;;t;;er~e.;;d;.;.;.a,;;,;t..t_Ja_e.;;p;..o· ·t·o·tn~c·e-a~t·W=.I:'"l_l without doubt is one of Chicago's 11 mette, Illlnoi·, u mll.ll matter ot the finest suburbs. aecond clasa. under the act ot March a. 1879. T'he second paragraph, howFRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1924 ever, is rank with error. In the fir st place good will is not lackSeparate the Grades. ing in Wilmette. It is extended Enforce the Traffic Laws. even to non-residents and strangBuild the Through Traffic Road. ers. Book agents and insurance WidetJ the Bunness Thoroughfares solicitors are not excluded. To be sure we do not leave our silver A CARDEN? on the front porch for the greater A Gardc11 ." 011, pcr,a/'s a rose or t-zvo convenience of indigent burglars. Strrt_q_ qlilr.q and d11sty , for tlte soil is Yet we are not an inhospitable lir~ltt ; community. Not quitc tht' spot where roses uem It is quite true that parking to do, space along the lake is. reserv_ed Tir o' ltcatlrs and pi11r trcrs get aloug all for Wilmette cars. Thts restrtcriglrt. tion has been found necessary not A Gardl'n .~ lt"s more like a norrow strip. only here but in other north shore towns. And the reason is not But .ro,,cwlll'rr for a quiPt evening's that we fear contamination "by stroll; 1 " A f'lacc to mi'Ss about in, dig, to clip; the presence of common peop e. North shore people are common A placr- 1l'Cil! if you like- to sa't'e my · 1 soul! people, as democrattc as peop e in Michigan or elsewhere in A "buffu state" which guaralltees my America. The reason for this rehcort , striction is that if there were no That God and Mammon shall be krpt restriction, out-of-town visitors .flfJ4rt. -WtLI.JAM ARKWRIGHT. would monopolize b.oth beach n-IE NOVEMBER TICKET and parking space. And if the The lawn is covered with with- question must be one of discrimered leaves, and it doesn't seem ination between Wilmette resas if we'd ever have the time idents and out-of-town visitors, to rake them up into pile and is there any doubt as to whose burn them. Perhaps the early claims are to be considered patdays of December will afford a amount? suitable opportunity. Flint, Michigan, . has evidently , Autumn is waning, and far no problem s~h as this. But if away can be heard the threaten- there--were in Flint a -lreaut~ul tng drums o"l win er. A few pre- p~c.ntc grov would she a ow er cocious snow-flakes alarm the c1ttzem to be crowded out · by timid householder. Already he ~hose who live ~lsewhere?. And sees January's cold white walls .C she took act10n ac~~rdmgly, closing in about him. He dreams w~o would class the ctttz~ns of of the mercury falling down, F}mt am.ong those. who are .snobdown, finally losing its identity b1~h! ~old, devotd of frtendly . in the bulb below. He is tor- spmt.?mented by nightmares of the furThn~k bett~r of us, 0 edttor of nace fire dying at midnight, the the Fhnt Dally Herald! We .are water-pipes freezing, and home not. plutocrats or snobs but. JUSt congealing into one solid ice- ordmary benevolent Amencans block. · like yourself. But the November ticket is a ------delicate blue. It cannot be tft&t BElTER RELATIONS "Better" always means imwhile it lasts Nature will be cruel. Robin's-egg blue prom- provement. "Better" is better ises mild days and uncJouded than "best," because "best" imskies. The future wilt not be too plies that things couldn't be any severe .on thin-skinned mortals. better. "Better" is better than The Lord will temper the wind "good" because "good," like to the shorn lamb. "best," is stationary. Bu.t "better" means growth, and growth WILMETIE is a great thing. In the Daily Herald of Flint, It is the object of the Wilmette Michigan, for October 28 may be Chamber of Commerce, with its found the following editorial : almost 150 members, to promote "Wilmette is one of Chicago's BETTER relations between its finest suburbs. Situated on the members and the residents of shore of Lake Michigan, adorned \Vilmette. with beautiful patks, graced with How can the members of the magnificent estates of plut.ocrats C. of C., the business and profesit would seem to have few rivals sional people of Wilmette. help among the finer small cities of to bring about better relations the mid-west. . between themselves and Wilmette "But the sptrit of good will is people? They can improve the absent. Signs inform the traveler quality of their goods and also that only Wilmette cars are to improve the quality of their sales be p<lrj{ed on the driveway along and delivery service. They can the lak~. Strangers are made to make ure that what they sell is feel tha~ their presence fs · riot exactly what they say it is. wanted. "Keep moving-we are Moreover, if they are not fairtoo good to be contaminated bv ly certain that a certain article the presence of common people,' can be delivered on Monday they is the city's slogan in fact if not will not promise it for Monday. in word. And on their side what can the "The people who are respons- customers do? They can ac· ible for this \Vould hardly be know!edge that they're getting as worth noticing regardless of much as they're giving. They banlf accounts if it weren't the can make the transaction a fiftyattitjude in far to,o many Ameri- fifty affair and not think that the can ,cities. For some inexplain- customer is always right. They able reason a large portion of can believe that the men on the city dwellers including those who other side of the counter are tryhav acquired enough money to ing, just as hard as they are, to Jive 'n luxury in the suburbs be- be perfectly square. come snobbish, cold, devoid of If you notice that relations' bethe .friendly spirit whjch is re- tween Wilmette buyers and sellquired to make a town a good ers are getting better, give some of the credit to the Wilmette town. "We can only: feel aorry for Chamber of Commerce. MRS. W. L. BALLARD 2lt-tth St. Wilmette, Ill. Tel. Wil. 2412 To he sure of comfort A Hart Oil Bumer keeps the ·home comfortable, clean and refreshed,even on the coldest days of winter. You do not have to spend your time running up and down the cellar stairs, trying to keep pace with the changing tempt,.. ature,- bccau.1e Hart Heat is nuirftJ cautonaal"k- no dirt, no soot, no nshet. J)csigned and built by engineers with thirty-follr years of manufactuna, e.xperience. And that ia why the Hart Oil Burner it perfect-the best. use HART HEAT Gasoline and Oils Tires, Tubes, Acceasoriea Hood, General, Goodyear Jobbers for Wadham'a Oils Three Stores BRAUN BROTHERS 723 Oalc St., Winnetka lSCS 621 Main St., Wilmette 3%43 Rid·e and Wilmette A-.,ea., Wilmette ZIO AYRES TEFFT CO. Tel. 1146 556 Center St. WINNETKA UORTH SHORE 11 LINE for bravery under fire, our decorations-but for service under N OT pressure. Not medals, but friendly letters from folks along the road, like you. We are very proud to have them. We won the first Coffin Medal for excellence in transportation last year. But we value most the letters that come to us as a continuous stream of honor decorations from the people we transport. "I never, to my kno~ledge, saw a group of employes who were so anxious to loolc after the comfort of their passengers. I want to compliment the management for having such a well organized group of trainmen." "One of your mottoes reads: 'The Road of Service', and you are certainly living up to it." "I wish to acknowledge and thank you for the prompt manner in which you located my coat which was left on a train. Your road certainly merits the good will of the public." "You people are indeei to be congratu· lated upon having honest passengers and trainmen." · "In all my experiences with traffic em· ployes; I have never met a more capable, courteous and considerate outfit." These are extracts from some of the letters we have received. There are many more like them. They indicate an extraordinary apprecia~ tion of North Shore Service from the North Shore residents. We will be grateful if you too will give us your opinion of our service. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Company Chicago Traffic Dept., 72 West Adams St. Tel. State 5 723 or Central 8280 Milwaukee Traffic Dept.,403 Security Bldg. Tel. Grand 990orGrand2762. Wilmette PUHD&"er Statiaa Tt-lephoae Wilmette Z514

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