Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 13

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tholic Woman League Plans Special Programs til Shore Catholic:- Woman's be entertained on Friday afternoon s WI Mrs. W. P. Seng of 401 Lake avenue gave a luncheon and bridge at her home on Tuesday, November 18. --o- 1924 -Fashion Note : Mrs. Arthur Yamkey of 720 Linden avenue is at the St. Francis hospital to undergo an operation. -o- "Gla··e· by Hattatrom & Sandera '! Mean lntlioi_tlaality lor tlae Wearer !\ ovember ~.ling . of the Camp Fire girls and mothers will il the play of ~v~nston last for .vtvacity, humor lltshme even the fo1111er B~lle Baker from 'giVen under the dine ret Farrar of the co~ pnder the auspices of tile ~ Mrs. Harry G. ~ f. ~vanston, is inc~ rm1a Solberry and y· of ticekts. Ul L te Garden club he home of M;s. the occasion of the anchosen for the CO'!tinf aven~e, president; Mn. e pres1dent; Mrs. Roseot 1, secretary; Mrs. Bract , treasurer. a paper on Garden plus nberger, followed by 1 nnu~l Guests Day, .. Hurlbut, 715 Gret~W was held on Monday, No17. ;t.t 2:~ o'~k, at the ka Woman s c:lub. The presir~. W. A .Kittermaster, made that the three 1otmce ment · 1 activities of the league will tim·d to the Mondays of the On the first Monday, the dass will meet; on t e third . th e club itself convene, the fourth Monday, the Social department will convene at homes. The time set for meetings is 2 :30 o'clock. the meeting of November 17, Sidney Beach sang a group of songs, and her accompanis, Ethel Flentye, played two ioJh which were very much enby the club. The speaker enior the afternoon was Gen. \ '. Clinin of Glencoe, but he not able to be there, so Rev. Repzek of the Sacred Heart ~we a most interesting illusta lk on geology. firs t meeting of the Social department wil be with Mrs. ..McAllister, whose home is at Croston place, Highland Park. datc of the meeting is Monday, ht·r 24, at 2:30 o'clock. The ;, to be done for the St. ret"s home, and it is hoped a att endance will launch the first of the department. wm The Birthday club of Wilmette was at the home of Mrs. F. B. Crossley entertained last Thursday at th~ home of. 600 Washington avenue. There of Mrs. John Mannerud .of Evanston. will also be a ceremonial meeting. --o--oM rs. E. Kinstler of 818 Ashland Mr. and Mrs. Edward Helmond of avenue is spending a few weeks in 118 Map~e. avenue .entertained Mr. and California. Mrs. Wilham Smath of Chicago over ~ last week-end. On Saturday, the RetMr. and Mrs. B. W. Lynch of 8Z7 moods entertained at cards. Ashland avenue rae in New York for --o-a week. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Miller of 1504 ...:.oHighland avenue announce the birth Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mensel of Wilof a aon on Sunday, November 16 at the Evanston hospital. ' mette entertained at cards at their home last Saturday. -o- HATTSTROM & SANDERS 111 a.-u S.... · t:VAN~ OwMite ~ H .... P.._· Uai~ 1111 ' · ~ !,......_ lc SaL£..., . . I P. II. Sdeatl6c lc ..._fect.ria· O,a' h· Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Newton of 348 Washington avenue returned on Thursday from a few days' visit with relatives in Milwaukee. -o-- antl :\[rs. A. H. Mann of Phil- uxiliary Mrs. Leland V. Piersoa, oon of this week, Mrs. tess. Mrs. H. 0. Weis· ip chairman left vacant h the auxiliary may, in ed membership because nyone now interested in Mrs. Weishaar. ]. Seidenech, 317 Greenleaf 'II entertain a number of s at a Hllrd Times event"8· Nt,.-tm~r will be Dr. a\\~ "V.u. and Mrs. A. F. Kloess. rs. A. G. Mast. Mr. t Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. r. and Mrs. Emil Sommer· and Mrs. Max Lese r and hring. --{}- M iss Peggy Tawse, who is a student at Northwestern, attended the foot:\incteenth District ot the P. T. ball game at Ann Arbor last weekt la ~ t Friday at Blue Island. end. an· t·ighty-one associations and --ot half of them were represented. Mrs. J. C. Tawse of 730 Greenwood ~IH: <~ke r of the day was Mrs. avenue gave one of the series of "A, a~ Kdbride of Springfield. B, C" teas, on Friday, at her home. -ohe ~orth Shore Musical society meet :\ovember 25, at the home ~l a rie Moll Pettibone of 2519 a rc nue, Evanston. Mrs. Wildof Winnetka and Mrs. Neukrantz ass ist the hostess. -o-e Misses Reinhart of 1217 Hill h~ve returned from Green Bay, consm, where they were called by death of their sister, Mrs. Phoebe -o-- ia spe nt a few hours with Mrs. C Reinhold of 1005 Ashland on Friday, en route to Silver l\ew . Mexico, where they will their home. Mr. Mann is Mrs. nephew. -of. H. Gibson of Rock Island gue't of his daughter, Mrs. ]. Waugh of 812 Ashland avenue. the t'l ~: n ing of Thanksgiving, he learin g on an around-the-world to he gone about five months. · .., The gymnasium classes at Kenilworth conducted by Robert Townley, athletic director of the Joseph Sears school, Monday and Thursday afternoons and evenings, have shown a marked increase in attendance. Classes -oare being held for junior and senior Dr. C. ]. Colling of Sherman, Texas boys and young men. A special class spent a few days of this week with for leaden is meeting on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Pftillip E. Siggers of afternoons. 1533 Highland avenue. -oAIR MAIL TELEPHONES Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Moore of Long distance telephones for the 1038 Greenwood avenue gave a dinner and bridge party in honor of their convenience of air mail pilots have been established at several of the daughter, Edith. emergency landing fields in the West. -oMrs. Herbert Morin of 629 Maple The telephones are for use in connecwith the air mail between San avenue will return soon from the St. tion Francis hospital where she underwent Francisco and New York. If pilots are forced to land they are thus able a serious operation. to communicate immediately with -o-Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Klunder of 1531 their regular landing fields. - - -· Spencer avenu.e entertaine,d several Announcement guests at five hundred on Saturday MISS MARY K. MORAN evening. will conduct classes in -oMrs. M. Taussig of 1000 Chestnut Expression and Dramatic Art at The Woman's Club, Evanston avenue returned on Wednesday from Beginning November 20, 1924 Minneapolis, where she had been visitPhone Wilmette 3175 ing for a few days. Kenilworth Gym a .... Gainin.. in Populari'- -o-Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McConnell are staying at the Gillson home, 706 Forest avenue, for a time. Mr. McConnell is an attorney in Chicago. Business Mms Lunchlon· 75F Phone: 12'111inutts en J3artelme~ ~ftlortbtitlO WAUKEGAN ROAD 6p MotOJ" ~ a:t orthbrook NOKrHBROOK Inn -o-- ATwATER. :KENT I 0 D A R Guilds of St. Augustine'! church met at the home of R. Cochran, president, of ut avenue on Wednesday day meeting. The C11\\l\$ ng for a bazaar to be held at the Parish house. The ish to announce that there ny very attractive thinKS ch will be "just the thing" as gifts. -orothy Fuller of 915 Tenth rtained the forty members 1 ng People's Mission ary so· er home on TuesdaY el't· and Mrs. Fuller wil( spend e days of next week in f., Indiana. On Wednesday ~ Mrs. Fuller ga \'e a iormal r at ~home. -ors. Allison N. Miller of WashingC., who has been a guest at the D. Small home, 411 Maple aveniue, th e past ten days, will return t on Tuesday. -o-- . a nd Mrs. Michael B. Morris th eir daughter, Joan, have moved tht· Evanshire hotel, Evanston, for winter, having sold their home at Linden avenue. -o-- After Sun, Wind and Dust- Murine ln aummer the EYES frequently become blood - ahot from the irritatlnc eifec:u of wind and dust. Murirae relievea this unattractive condition alm01t immediately, as well as eye-strain cau.ed by the elare of the sun. If used night and morning, M11rine encourage· a clear, briaht, healthy condition of the EYES. Contains 'lO belladonna or other harmful lnaredienta. s..d roday tor~~- ~ ot~ ill~ book- B,_ C.No r. an d Mrs. Howard Feltman of ~ht·ri dan road have taken an rtment on Forest avenue, Evans. Pa ul Feltman has entered the litary sc hool at Lake Geneva. -o-- -You c·n't buy better puform· ·race tit price/ ., G. F. Holm of 1012 Greenleaf returned Sunday from an enc European trip, having visited -Hne 7ou wiU get real Radio Satisfaction/ ert Hecht, her three chil· Fr mother, who have been 1for the past months, ar· w York this week and will Wilmette shortly. ner than they had pia of u::rable condit1 Mayo has been visiting . and Mrs. R. S. Pattilo st avenue, for the palt one to join her hu sband. rlier on a business tr~ From there they " Ill go spend the winter. . --o- r vard nd, Germany, France, adn the andinavian countries. -or. F. B. Crossley, Mr. John Fisher, . C. Crossley and Mr. Robert rd spent Saturday and Sunday ncr Lake, Wisconsin, on a g and fishing trip. s Florence Douglass The Murine Company l)epC. 19, Cbicap of Wauspe nt the week-end with her :\l rs. D. R Lockhard of 627 h street. -o-- 1ft lJRfNE, f.ORyouR EYES OU need only ezpreaa a preference and an earnest effort la made to uaiat you in the selection of radio equipment at the Atwater Kent atore. There ia an intelligent appreciation of your requirementa. Your questions are cour· tet)usly answered and every detail in the operation of Atwater Kent inatrumenU. is carefully ezplained.You also find a wide asiortment of atyles and sizes, tocether with an extenaive price range to choose! from. Always, there is. the ~arne ~igh q~ty that haa WOD for Atwater Kent equipment preferred cons1deration Wtth radio buyen. Y .. Model 20, 5 tube De Luse Model, $100.00 $120.00 Van Schaack of 614 Lin· entertained Mr. and Mrs. ing and Mr. an d Mrs. of Hubbard Wood ..:. Mrs. n of Wilmette, an d Mrs. of the Fortnightly club, a box party at ~f o nda! --ors . 0 . L. Mohr and their PO)L & PIPER ·INC· CHILDReN·s SHOE SPECIALISTS .· ~odellt, 4 ···· . . ... ~ . . .· Tube 185.00 BOYS' STURDY SHOES PLlAIILE. SERVICEABLE. HEAVY. NON.SCUFFABLE --ors. E. Gower of Bifo;do re the guests of Mr. an~ ~artman, 1305 Sheridal_ nday last, the Hartmalll twenty-eight guests at ·or of the Gowers. -o- ~ ~ MODEL 10, 5 TUBE $85.00 4 Tube · $65.00 6 Tube · $105.00 Sixth street will s pe~ with Mrs. Mohr's ne Oliver of Chicago Mohr has returned frolll here he had been for I a business trip. Afii~J~or ELICSICIN BROAD TOES AND SOLES SHOI' IN BVANSTON AXPLB PAIUU.lfG rACU..ITID lfO JIOI8B oa OOMQ~IOW · PIERCE RADIO COMPANY Opoaite North Shore Hotel SZZ Davis Street Uaiveraity MIT EVANSTON ILLINOIS ~oy. Hill of Wilmette d Winter in Pmrida. --=-~· EVANSTON, ILUNOIS 1808 Chicap A..aae, ., ,_.. StrM .... . . . lltolS~ .......... . . . 1 ......... ......... ·~a. 1"'······ ...,.

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