Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Nov 1924, p. 12

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11 WILMETTE L .....t · ., ... EVAN&'rO!'f Specials for . Saturday Only . FOOTWEAR FOR CHILDREN MUSCLE DEVELO. .N6 .~U.PYS . Kindergarten Faculty Gi-ves Play HREE performances of Racketty Packetty House a ful play for children, will be given bY. students of the Kindergarten and Elementary college at the Woman's Evanston on Saturday, December 13, at 10:30 in the morn~tc at 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Children, e~;nd others who rem~mbe~ the play of which was given at the Toy Carmval tn Evanston last students of the college, will find that for· vivacity, charm, Racketty Packetty House will outshine even the play. The play, dramatized by Miss Clara Belle Baker fi'OIIl ~ story by Fran.ces Hodgson Burnett,_ will be given under the dine. tion of the Mtsses Etta Mount and Margaret Farrar of the~ faculty. The program for the day will be under the auspicesof ~ North Shore Alumnae association, of which Mrs. Harry G. ~ is president. Mrs. Julius L. Gutmann, of Evanston, is inc~ of general arrangements, and Miss Virginia Solberry and Mise Anna F. Mur.ray are in charge of the sale of ticekts. T ·.,_... s-. J te · Smola:.. a ..... HW. T- M.U.w Calf WWie CW.. Baclr &«ause of the broad toea aad JDOcce·ia·like .olea, the correct shape ead amooth cOD· atruction, they are preteribed by the beat childl'ea'· phy· aiciana. .Jlljredj·RUBY.fnt On Washington near Michigan Garden Club Elects Officers HE November meeting of the Wilmette Garden club, T the Little Garden club, was held at the home of Mrs. Hardy of Evanston. This meeting being the occasion of the annual election, the following officers were chosen for the co~ year: Mrs. Charles D. Ewer, 1111 Ashland avenue, president· Mrs. Charles Hurlbut, 715 Greenleaf avenue, vice president; Mrs. Roscoe Sonneborn, 2703 Prairie avenue, Evanston, secretary; Mrs. Bl'\let V. Hill, of 2526 Hartzell street, Evanston, treasurer. At the close of the business meeting, a paper on Garden plaas and furnishings was read by Mrs. Kellenberger, followed by 1 social hour. The next meeting is the annu~l Guests Day, · will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Hurlbut, 715 Gree.lar/ avenue. Will serve a home ·cooked Satinay Hip-Hem Thanksgiving Dinner Like Mother used to make Watch for the Menu 616 Church Strret ".Opposite the Library" New Chairman for Welfare Auxiliary HE Infant Welfare Auxiliary met with Mrs. Leland V. Piersoo, T 804 Forest avenue, on Monday afternoon of this week, Mrs. Howard T. Cutler serving as assisting hostess. Mrs. H. 0. Weis· haar has accepted the position of membership chairman left vae2.nt by the resignation of Mrs. Lewis. Although the auxiliary may, in the future, be ~ompelled to have a limited membership becaust of the large attendance at the meetings, anyone now interested ia helping with the work may apply through Mrs. Weishaar. The Christmas S~al compaign for the benefit of the Chicago Tubercuand the promotion of general health· conditiotls, will begin immediately ;lfter Thanksgivin~. . The Grosse Point llealth center derives especial benefit from this annual campaign. Solicitors wit1, as · usual,, conduct a house to house · canvass. Mrs. Charles Englehardt is . chairman of the :Wilmette. activities. losis in 'itu'e -(}- Costume Slips $1.59 They're a costume necessity-these slips of satinay with the 20-inch shadowproof hem. Hemstitched with odice-top style m white and the darker shades. Mrs. H. J. Seidenech, 317 Greenleaf avenue. will entertain a number of her friends at a Hard Times on )fonday evenhtrg, The guests will be Dr. ~'\\~ Freese, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mast. Mr. Mrs. Gilbert Stone, Mr. and Mrs. U Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Emil SomtOOd· field, Mr. and Mrs. Max Leser an Mr. E. Mehring. -{)- 500 Pairs of Mrs. Franlt Ladd ' entertained Mrs. David Layer Todd ' of SaHsbury, Maryland, who is in the village '· visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Holmes, at · a luncheon and bridge given on Thursday at the Ladd residence on Eighth street. . Dr. and Mrs. Frank Earle are giving a dinner in honor of Mrs. Todd on Saturday, at the Wilmette Country club. · · Silk Hose In a Cleanl\Jp at -oMr. and Mrs. H. E. Preston of 1031 Greenwood avenue entertained several of their friends at a musicale Sunday night at the Preston home. A very delightful and pleasing program was given by the following artists , who are of national as well as local fame: Miss Gretchen Cox, violinist, Vierlyn Clough, pianist, and Mr. Preston, baritone. 59c Splendid hose formerly selling from 8Sc to $125 being cleared at 59c. Colors include Black, White and Brown. Sizes from 8~ to 10. Some are slightly imperfect. -First Floor HE Chicago & NorthWestern T -Union Pacific is the route of maximum interest through the real West-the old Overland Trail, Echo and Weber canyons, Salt Lake City, Great Salt Lake, the Nevada canyons, the California Sierra and the orange groves. Double track, automatic l&f'ety aipa]a and road-bed amooth aa a boulevard, provide the utmoat in comfort and dependability of service. Travel on the luxurious aU-Pullman -oThe North End Circle of which Mrs. M . C. Hecht is chairman, will be entertained at luncheon on Monday, November 24, at 12:30 oclock by Mrs. H. C. Taetgen, 1206 Elmwood avenue, assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Yost and Mrs. Clark Hollister. It is hoped the meeting will have a large attendance. -(}- Miss Elizabeth Thompson is expected home next week-end to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, 811 Ashland ayenue. Judson Thompson attended the Michigan-Northwestern game last week Saturday. Mr. R. Thompson has been in Iowa the past week on a business trip. All the Guilds of St. Augustine'! Episcopal church met at the home of Mrs. John R. Cochran, president, of 470 Chestnut avenue on Wednes~al for an all-day meeting. The C\l.\\u\ are preparing for a bazaar to be held December 3 at the Parish house. The members wish to announce that there will be many very attractive thing! on sale which will be "just the thing" for Christmas gifts. -oMiss Dorothy Fuller of 915 Tenth street entertained the forty members of the Young People's Missionary so· ciety at her home on Tuesday eve· ning. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller will pe~d four or five days of next week 1n Huntington, Indiana. On Wednesday last Mr. and Mrs. Fuller gaye a formal dinner party at their home. -oMrs. Albert Hecht, her thre e chit· dren and her mother, who haYe been in Europe for the past month s, a!· rived in New York this week and w11l return to Wilmette shortly. returned sooner than they had on account of unfavorable cOilidltiOniJ in Italy. -oMrs. Edward Mayo of Pa California. has been visiting ~~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. PattJIG of 620 Forest avenue, for the pall week, has gone to join her hu sban~ who left earlier on a business trlf to De Kalb. From there they "ill gO to Florida to spend the winter. . -oMrs. C. P. Van Schaack of 614 Lin· den avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Victor Harding and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ickes of Hubbard Wood <. Mrs. E. Wrightson of Wilmette, and Mrs. W. K. Kenly of the Fortnightl y cJulJ, Chicago at a box party at ~fondaJ night's opera. -o- $1.00 6 ~ Tea Kettle ·...·... $1 12 . Oval Dish Pan ..·. $1 6 ~Percolator ........ $1 2~ . Rice Boiler ...... $1 Ova Roaster ····.....·. $1 6 Qt. ~vex Kettle ...·. $1 3 :Piece Sauce Pan Sets ·. $1 -Third Floor-West Room 706 Forest avenue sailed last WednesLv.Chicaco (C .· N.W. TcrmJDai)I:OO p.m. lv Lo. AD&ela (3rd clay) 2:20p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Gillson of Three other daily trains direct to California and two to Denver with CODDec· tiona for California. Stop at beautiful, hi8t:oric Salt Lake City. Fw · · · r · r ._,._,. 6oellel.,. a ..~,..Utlo.,.,..,._. ..It: B. B. ON., TleUt ~~ day for Europe. They will be gone about five months and will visit the Panama Canal, the Philippines, and journey through the Suez canal to India, where they will spend a month or more. -oMr. and Mrs. 0. L. Mohr and their son of 101 Sixth street will pen_4 Thanksgiving with Mrs. Mohrt brother, Gene Oliver of ChicagO Heights. Mr. Mohr has returned frolll Janesville, where he had been for 1 few days, on a business trip. -o- PI 1 WU....,III. T......... 4 ····· ~., Da¥1. IL. Ev.-.t.. Mrs. Daniel Stecker of 423 Eighth street will return from Ohio next week some time. She has been giving addresses of Thank Offering to churches in various towns. Last Sunday, at Finley, she gave an address, and will --<)-.. deliver one in Lima at the Trinity ~':· ~nd. Mrs. E. Gower of Bilo;do church, this Sunday. Mtsstsstppt, are the guests of 11 r. ani -(}Mrs. John Hartman 1305 Sheridal Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Brown of road. 9n Friday last, the Hartmalll819 Ashland avenue entertained ewen- e!lterta~ned twenty-eight guests at ty-four guests at dinner on Saturday dmner m honor of the Cowers. niJrht. Next Wednesday, Mrs. Brown will have her club for luncheon and !!,~ L~ Roy of Wilmette it 1 bridge. e ·ne winter in f'torida. P .. 'Hiit

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