Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 6

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2 WILMETTE LI FRIDAY NOVEMBER WOMEN VOTERS IN CON'VENTION Polling Place Workers Make Reporb Duck Hunting i& Nearly Marred by a Wary Con&table Four Wilmette nimrods-Or. Charles B. Blake, Dr. M. c. Hecht, Ro~ert Knickerbocker and Newton Ka1ser fared forth to the duck ponds hard by Chillicothe, Ill., last week-end and returned with some 100 mallards and a Ou Tuesday aftt!rnoon of this week funny story or two concerning. their a tea was given at the home of Mrs. experiences in the downstate v1llage. Lloyd C. Ayres, president of the WilIn the wee sma' hours of the morn mette League of Women Voters, to ing of the hunting day. one is told. the members of the board and those Drs. Blake and Hecht, aided and women who had assisted at the polls abetted by Mr. Kaiser. who is a native in the recent eJection. of Chillicothe. deserte<l their hotel The soci al event was preceded by beds to sec k a howl of chili con carne a business meeting at which were dis- in a village eating place. They mancussed the election day experiences aged to get away without awakening with a view to informing the league the unwary Knickerbocker. for future simi lar occasions. From Later. however, the gentleman who the report s made it was found that had heen thus shameless ly left behind. the women workers had been received awakened, witnessed the neighhoring with the g reat est courte:;y by the vacated heds and thinking the hunt judges of election, with the exception was on, leapt·d into hi s clothrs and of one precinct. where they were re- dashed into the hotel lobby only to fused admission. find all exits secure ly lock ed. Name Convention Delegate~ l'ndaunted. he tried the various windows and eventuallv found one that The delegates to the coming state the night clerk had left unlatched . women voters conven ti on to be held Tn a twinkling he was negotiating a at the Auditorium hote l, ~0\·emhcr 19. feet-first exit when there sud dcnh· 20 and 21, were lat e~ appomted. They arose upon the sile nce of the nigh-t were : Mr·: C. P. El· an~. ~Irs. Lloyd a thunderou s command to HALTC. Ayres. ~frs. Shclhy Slllglcton, ~Ir s. which Knickerbocker did aft r havIsahc I \\'eldon. :.\1 rs. T Ren10lds. · ,_ I .e . I M c !'\ H lb t :.\f . ra R 1 i T . mg 11een more or c~s prec1p1tate y rs. · · · ur . 11 · · rs. 0 Jer a)- deposited on the hotel veranda. lor. Mrs . F.. \\ . Freeman and ~Ir s. 'Ah h I" f th I' t' f tl John F. \\'. \\'ecdon. The .alternates · . · a· rom ~. < 1rcc 10n o 1e were : :\Irs. ] . P. Adkins. :.\Irs. :\fartin Ol'C\'I,ous co1.11111a1HI. Another burglar. Lauer, :\fro;. Harold K. \\'eld. :.\Irs. That s the t1me I g-ot ,.c .. I hee~ shot John Clark Baker and :.\Irs. A. \\'. 1 up so m~ . lat~ly by the likes o you. · B ov · I son. t htlt. hy .IIPlmmy, T got the drop on ye, th ' t' ·· 15 . The State convention promises to he A t time . . · . oT the !{rea tes-t interest and ,·alue and . hat JUnct~re ~a1 se r and the t.wo members of the local league arc urged me?lcos hov~ Ill s1ght, thus savmg to attend as many of the sessions as the!r . companron .from ~ deal of expossihle. On \Vednesday, the opening plan~mg and an 1mpendmg charge of day, the address will he given hy Miss huck-shot. Julia Lathrop, the league president -------famou s all over the country, and th~ Ford Jones Recuperating afternoon will he given to sessions From Append· ·t· Attack of the different fit:partments dealing ICI II with efficiency in governTJlent, interFord Jones, 1045 Forest avenue, is national co-operation to prevent war. recO\ .:ring from an operation for apchild welfare education. leg-al status pendicitis which he underwent at St. of women. living costs, social hygiene. Francis hospital, Evanston, last Thurstraining in citizenship, or women in day. industry. Mr. Jones was taken to the hospital R e p ort· by P reaid en b early last Wednesday after having put The Wednesday session will be given in a str~uous day Tuesday as .a jud~e to reports hv local league presidents o_f. elections. at one of the votmg prein Illinois. At 12 o'clock will he held cmlets at Vlllag~ hall. . the "Law Enforcement Breakfast" in Although .no!1ceably 11l on ~uesd:1:y, the ballroom of the Auditorium hotel. Mr. Jones ms1~ted up~>n fulfillmg Ius Mrs. Gifford Pinchot will speak and a duty as an electwn offic1al. part of the program will be the portrayal of our law enforcement rna- Homeless Youth Selects "L" Station u DO n !..udot·r ·c:hinery. On Friday morning there \viii be an opportunity for greetings from political Jacob \Vilner, who was arrested by party groups, many of which have the Wilmette police Saturday night been staunch allies in the general Get- at the "L" terminal station where he Out-the-Vote campaign. Election of was ma~ing his abode for the night, officers will take place and other im- was returned to his father in Chicago portant business will be transacted. and later turned over to the juvenile The topic of the last afternoon will colrt officers. be "Le~Zislation of Interest to Women Young \Vilncr spent three succe~sive in the Next General Assembly." An nights in railroad stations and a approaching session of the state fourth night at the Wilmette police legislature arouses a lively contempla- headquarters. tion of the measures to he introduced and the iss ue s now faced hy candid'ates. How Much COULD You Save? F igure it out; so much for nece sary expenses, so much for reasonable amusements, so much for church and charity. \Vhy can't you saYe the rest? You can. of course, if you really want to, and start in. The hard part is starting, if there IS anything hard abont it. A dollar opens your account at this bank. I ' ··vouJ· Ill I /lome Bdnh·· Ill I · Fire Causes $5,000 Loss at R. B. Taylor Residence A fire emanating from an oil burner caused about $5,000 damage at the home of Robert B. Taylor, 423 Central avenue. Saturday evening, according to fire department officials. Of the other calls answered hy the fire department, a ra,bbit house was destroyed at 914 Greenleaf avenue, an old automobile was burned at the Terminal garage and three prairie fires were extin uished . CITY M.ARKET CO. 627 MAIN ST. -:- PHONE WILMETTE 1870 RETAIL WHOLESALE MEATS Look foT the PENSAL Auto It will leave a FREE sample of this new wonder cleanser at your back door. For Salll bv A. S VAN DEU~N WM. BRINKMAN & '-·' ' KLINGE & WHITE WILMETTE GROCERY &MARKET Selling the Beat Grade of Meats at Low Prices ia a policy we adhere to strictly. This weekly "Ad" ia a Bulletin of Money Savers. SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 and 15. F....., Sprine Fryin1 or Roaatin1, lb. Genuine Sprina Lamb l.ega l.b· .... . ... . ............ Pork Loina-Liabt and Lean Special, lh. . ............................................... . a.--. 36c N IC BLESER BEN GERSCHEFSKE HOFFMANN BROS ) . W. KEREVAN ) . W . SCHLOESSER Use PENSAL throughout the household . For washing d ishes, clothes, floors, windows, everywhere you' ll find splendi d results. PENSAL is harmless to the skin or n~ ost delicate fabrics. 23lc 36c ISc Po~!C:~f, lb. ........... 22c f N~~~e. ~i·b· .~~~ .~~ ...... 32c Ar,i~ir~: !t.~cie: lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Armour's Star Hams Half or whole, lb. .26lc I sit.~~.~~~~~~~.. Pork Sboulden, Light and Lean, lb. . . . . . . . &ro. Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. Philadelphia, Pa. }8C I Armour's Cover Bloom Butter Pound prinb ............ . 44c AU! FOUR DAILY DELIVERIES-I A. M. -11 A. M.-Z P. M. --4 P. M. WILMETIE, KENILWORTH, GLENCOE. WINNETKA

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