Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1924 OPERATES TOWN LIKE BUSINESS The Worthen-Carrico Cotnpany Twelve Police-Firemen Do Bulk of Work The astonishing story of the conversion of a sleepy, backward village mto an efficiently managed, up--to-date municipality-all accomplished in the space of four brief years-was related to the Wilmette Rotary cJub this week hy L. G. Mathews, commissioner of public works, police and fire chief at La Grange, Ill. From a village that was hopelessly in debt, with miserably poor streets, a delapidated fire department and a typical "Keystone" police force, La Grange, by virtue of the application to its municipal government of business principles, has been converted into a village that is the best operated community of its size in the L'nited States, Mr. Mathews declared. Comfortable Bank Balance Finding the town deplorably in debt, Mr. Mathews, by the simple expedient of applying sound business methods to municipal operation, now has a $70,000 cash balance in the banks for La Grange. Municipal bonds sell at a premium. Twelve men, serving as police and firemen, as well as in the capacities of ·sanitary, buildinr-. street and sewer inspectors work under Mr. Mathews' supervisiou, and, being well paid and excellently qualified, constitute a highly efficient and adequate organization. Vagranrs, numerous in La Grange, in view of the fact that the village is the junction point for two railroads, are apprehended under a Vagrancy Act and put to work-hoard and room providedon village jobs requiring labor. No Speed Traps There INTRODUCTION SALE Beginning Tuesday, November 18th ld fi t 'th a new name In our pl Lllning for a more complete store and for better service to you in ·· d F nen s. an ° rm gree s you wt · · ha be r \Ve assure you however that he the future an expansion oi our present business and a change m o tr name, s come necessa Y; d ha . . d · t manv thin~s vo~ ha\·e found pleasing in being served under the olJ administration, we shall reta~n: a~ we ve. m mtn many imp ~o\:ements that will enable us to give you even greater satisfacti ,.m, even better values, ~nd whtch wtll m~ke thts store .a place t.hat is e\·en more pleasant to shop in, than in the past. And now, to ce'ebrate. we announce this Introductory Sale. Read thts adverttsement carefully, because every item is a genuine value. Flannelette Coats and Dresses Greatly Reduced Our Annual November Clearance of wearing apparel comes at this opportune time. Coats and Dresses have been reduced so radically, that they ar~, without question, the season's greatest values. This flannelette is 36 inches in width and comes in a variety of pretty medi~ and light patterns. It is a firm weave and excellent weight. Regularly sold at 30c a yard, it is an excellent value at, a yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 24C Chqllies These challies come in a number of pretty new colors, and attractive patterns. They are 36 inches in width, and ar~ a quality we sell regularly at 22c a yard. Priced Coats These coats are all new styles. They include a wide variety, from plain tailored utility coat!> to some with novelty colorings and fur trimmings. They are grouped in three lots for easy selection. Valuesto$.35 Valuesto$50 Valuesto$75 !o~::s -~~~ _a_t: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blankets 18c Slt.75 $21.50 S57.SO We especially recommend the lot priced at $57.50. These are exceptional coats in every respect. Dresses A general clearance on dresses that includes practically every garment in our stock-dresses of flannel, jersey, silk crepes, and novelty silks included. Most all have been grouped in two lots atValues to $13.75 Values to $20.00 We believe this to be the best blanket value we have ever offered. The blankets are sized 66x80, are of an excellent . weight-about 4 pounds to the pair-and have a wann, nappy wool finish. Six attra~tive plai~s to select from. Pnced, a patr . . . . . . . . . . . . · SJ 89 Wamen 's Silk Hosiery These hose are of pure silk, · of fine, smooth quality. They have a narrowed ankle, and well-shaped foot, and come in black as well as a large range of popular colors. Slightly irregular, and a remarkable value, at, a pair- $1,200. Police are instructed not to lay in hiding for possible speed and traffic violators. On the contrary, they are required to remain on the highways and streets and, by their presence, prevent such possible violations. (Vociferous applause, at this juncture of Mr. Mathews' talk). The police are required to be courte~us. Discourtesy is tantamount to a hid for dismissal. Every house and business place in the village is card-indexed in the municipal records, its construction, type of heating plant 'and other details readily available in case of fire or any other emergency. The police-firemen have experienced no great trouble in handling the alarms. La Grange wanted ornamental lights on its "main stem," entitled "Fifth Avenue." Mr. Mathews secured bids from utilitie!' companies. They figured the job would cost about $12,000. With the help of the hobo gang and his municipal electricians, the ornamental lights were installed at a cost of approximately $7.95 and $14.75 Still other garments that could not bt placed in these lots, also show a decided reduction. The lot at $7.95 includes several jerseys. Millinery Mrs. Story, in the Millinery Section, has co-operated with us by offering two big special lots. These hats show great reductions, and have been grouped under two prices at- sus and sus 66c 8~ Union Suits Ladies' cream colored, medium weight, cotton union suits, woven with a mercerized stripe. They have the appearance of silk and wool. These are without sleeves, and knee length. Sizes 34 to 42, choice .. Sizes to 10 Terry Cloth BlotmUen Women's serviceable short bloomers at a very small price. They are made from a lustrous, soft quality sateen, and come in 27 inch and 29 inch lengths. Black, and five popular colors to choose from. Priced during s1 TowD of Good Streets Four years ago the town boasted only a few paved streets-most of its thoroughfares were in terrible condition. To~y, every street. in the village is paved, wsth t~ exception of two in a newly subdivided tract, provisions for the paving of which have been made. .Taxes? The ~ft_icient business operation of the mumcspal departments will make possible a 20 per cent reduction in taxes next year, according to Mr. Mathews. "The average business would not last six months if conducted on the wasteful and careless basis on which most of our municipalities are handled," Mr. Mathews. declar~ .. "If you will only apply busmess prmcsples to the operation of your m·Jilicipal government, you can not o1dy save money, but actually make money for the community. You wouldn't tolerate wastefulness, inefficiency and in~mpetence in your business. Then why m the name of goodness permit such conditions in municipal government? Know that your community is governed e,ffici~~tly and. that every one of your mumespal offic1als and employes is competent!" "When we need anything that affects d\e community as a whole," Mr. Mathews ~xplained in conclusion, "we simply go ~1rectly to. th~ citizens through their vanuus orgamzatwns, explain our needs and desires, show facts and figures in black and white, and, I am happy to :~ay, h~ve never yet failed to secure cooperatiOn, once the matter is presented in an intelligible way." Gowns Novelty flannelette gowns for women, made slipover ~tyle from an exceptional quality of flannelette. They are trimmed with hand embroidery and are very attractive garments. All regular sizes at · This terrY. cloth is a heavy quality, and is eighteen inches in width. It comes in plain white, gold mixed or blue mixed. Ideal for making towels, bibs, or for making gifts of many kinds. Priced, a yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .· 36C Cotton Batts Cotton batts, made from new, white cotton. These are full size 72x90, and weight from 2Yz to 3 pounds. Choice Kotex :h~i~~~·. -~t~ ....·........· 75c sI 95 25c :~t:~:~ ~~hn ~~ .r~~~. . . . . 9Sc :n~:~~e-~~~- ~~~~·. ~~ .... JSc Kotex, boxes of one dozen, is of· fered at about half price. Not over two boxes sold to a customer, and none delivered. Priced, for Tuesday Handkerchiefs A booth filled with new handkerchiefs just unpacked. Many are linen, and plain, embroidered or novelty styles are represented. Select your Xmas supply now-they are attrac· :~:i :e p~i.c~~. ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . Curtains 1 Curtains like these will do much to dress-up your home. They are exceedingly attractive in lace voile design, with generous ruffles, and tiebacks to match. A limited number of pairs, at a pair . . . . . . . . . . . . · sI 29 J6ll '/2C Sheets These sheets are truly an exceptional value. They are a generous size72x90 inches-and are of excellent quality material. Priced each ................................................. . All Linen Toweling This is an all-linen crash toweling that has so many uses around the home. It is white, with a colored stripe on the border, and is about 17 inches in width. We must limit teo yards t~ a customer, at the low pnce of, a yard . . . . Pillow Cases 89C Exhibit Health Film u Education Week Feature In connection with the observance of National Education week N,ovember 1722, J, B. Koppel, manager of the Village theatre, is co-operating with the Crosse Point Health Center in carryout a part of the program for Wilmette. ~rou1h Mr: Koppel's courtesy, a .apee1al film Will be shown on Friday :and Saturday, November 21 and 22. :Priday is designated as Health Day each day of the week being given ove; to some special phue of education. The American Dental usociation has JWepared a film 1ivir.- interesting inlltruetion in mouth Ju-Kicae. This picture is now on eshlbltion at the national convention of the Dental association at Dallas, Texas, but will be returned in time for showina' m ~ ",..~te :~~: h~~·~ .~~~~. ~.~.i~i~~~ -~~~1~~.~~ .s~~l.~~·......................... Towels They match the above sheets in quality. They are sized 42x36 inches in size. 27C 45c ~~c~~t:~chT~~~ -~r·e· ~~~~~e.~~~~-~·. ~i~~ .. -~~ .i·~~~~~·. ~-i~~ .~~~~ -~~~e.r~. You will like these towels well eno~h that you will be proud to give them tf posstble, smce first select10ns are alway the most complete. ~le. You ":tll have an op~rtunity to save money on a great many purchases of things you need at this time. Come in Tuesday, In additi?n to the above, there are many other items throughout our stor~ we will have specially priced during thi~ introductory Worthen-Carrico Company Sucee.10n to McAllister-Worthen Company WHmette, Illinois 1141-1141 Wilmette A"'e.

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