Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 23

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·S AVES t1 FOR SALE-HOUIEHOLD GOOD8 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ...ttle4 achertiMmenta wtll ~ cb& e4 o...., _,_ Genetal Notiut--Cl to realdenta of tbe dlatrlet from BYra m~ncoe lnclualYe . whOM namea appear, · In tbe telell_Mne dlr!c~aton to centa per llne IIi one paper. JO RQttS--10 papera. MINI·u· VHAkGa .... 0 wbo are regular aubaerlbeu to either WILKlil'l'TB Llll'&, Wl~ ! TALK or GLENCOE HBW8. ····- .. - ~e sure to read OUR lassified Page the centa per line In all tbree AYeraae of flTe wo d t Jtne. No blaek face type ~aed. Ratu for Dlaplay type on appll!..:to: &clnrttaementa will be acto We4n"'*'ay 11 o'clock f tbt WILMETTE Llll'l!l or ·II three papera; Tburad~y 11 o'clock fo ~r WINNETKA TALK and ll'rlday 1J o'cloek for ~· GLBNCOJ!l ~.: Telepbonea: WILMBTTJD 1110-ltll er WIHN.-.·K.A IOOO·Ietl. Deadline fM lnurtiom-Clauta .. cepted up FOR RENT-COZY ROOM IN SMALL FOR SALJ!::.-STICKLitY :FUllED OAK KR. LOT OWNER davenport. · table, 2 chalra. reed tea QUALITY BUILDER WILL BUILD private family; centrally located In cart, child's lton crib. Tel. Wlnn. Wilmette, for atudent or peraon em· and loan entire coet of b._. re.,.,. 816. 17LTN7-lte ployed; $6 per week. Tel. Wll. 251. for spring delivery. )kay teralL 4L7·11le Write tocl&l'. A.d·reaa Wilmette FOR SALE-MAHOGANY 4 POSTER Life. 358. 15LTN5-4to do~.tble bed with boll aprln&' and matFOR RENT- TWO ROOMS SUITABLE treaa; .fn excellent condition: U5 . Tel. for Z couple· or a ·men; board If deHOU8RHOLD IERVJCia Wlnn. 160. 17LTNT-lte ST sired; near transportation. Call 688 Ash St., Winnetka. mornlnga. ANTIQUE li'URHITURE REPAIRING 4LTN7 -ltc 81T1JATIOl'l WANTII:D-.A.LE and reftnlablng. Upholatery. KatAND JrEIIALB FOR RENT-ROOM FOR 1 OR I treaaea renewed. Cabinet work. g e ntlemen. Apply lOU Main St., SITUATION WANTED-EXP. COL. ::~~~e.NI~:i. 1~~l Av;ft.;~::; Wilmette. Tel. Wll. Z109. · couple; man exp. chauffeur and 4LTN7-ltp houeeman, woman good cook, and EXPERT BOUSE CLl!lAHING; WINCENTRAL HOTEl--LIGHT, OUTSIDE all around housemaid. Beat or ret. dow waahlng; lloor walling; futnlrooma ; for transients and residents. furnished. Tel. Kenwood UU or call ture pollahlng; o4d painting and cai- - t· c::::.&l _'_2_9_M_a_l_n_s_t_ . _T_e_l_. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WE HAVE BEEN VERY FORTUNATE T HIS WEEK'S LIST _w_l_l._1_0_8_~L_T_·_·_tr_c I~~~~h~l~cp~a~g=oR=·:ic=h~a~r~d:a:,=4:7a:I:=:P~r1~--~if..:~~e=N=T\~-I:t~p~· I ! ! ~c! !im! ! ! !l! !n! !ln! !g! ! ! !j! !o! !b! !s! !.! ! ! !T! ! ! el! ! ! !W! ! ! !l! !n! !n~i~,'~ ;~ ~;5~-~t; f· 1M F~~om:.E~t~.;i; ~~S~~A~La~lte~R:!~~ Beat location. Tel. WANTED-HOtJSBHOLD GOOD!~ rner desires party Y his 8-room unfur. (1 house at Ravinia dur. ,inter month s. In ID St. 334 Linde. Ave. Wihaltlal3 lrtka 14Z NS , Vines furnished, double room. near tra.naEvanston, Ill. Phone ts!l portatlon. Tel. Wlnn. un. ULTNU-·fc possibly contains r~h~~~ ~~W~!~~ngo~:ep~~~~r~:~ t~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._LTN'l-ltc I~===!!!!!!!!============ S().lfETHING FOR YOU vestments. Among others, we ea- FOR RENT-ROOM FOR 2 GENTLE- te W ANTI!lD-.ISCBLLA.NEOtJS f:l~~a;ll~g~all your attention to the :~nW~~~~~e~herldan Cafe, :rTr-~!~ WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Six (6) acrea on State buys and aetls ruga. atow·n, autoH. (concrete) road, very choice 12 HELP WANTED-JI'E·ALE planoa, anything uaefu.. lOU Ash WINNETKA location, at '2600.00 per Street. ULTN-tfc acre ....................... $16,000.00 WANTED-EXP. WHITE GIRL; GOOD Change in business forces ownSt~:;e'(~~nc~:~~) r~c,::,a neO.~ :r~~-ea ;ro!~al!ndho~~~h. noApl:l~nd;K~ _::. _ _r_o_R_s_.t._LE__ A_tJ_T_o_lll_o_·_·_LB_s __ er to sell 8 room, 3 bath home elevated eitenslon at U· Fairview Ave., Winnetka. Tel. Win· in !'\ ortheast W'innetka; with 1921 Premier Brougham 500.00 per acre ............ ,50,000.00 netka 862. · ULTN6-ltc Eighteen (18) acres adFOR SALE-6 NEW KELLY-SPRING glazed sun and sleeping porches ; W 4]1TED-COMPETENT WOMAN FOR joining a new golf club, field ltres; A-1 upholstering; good garage ; near school and station. general housework; no laundry; prigeneral condition. $750 cash or terma. weat of Waukegan· road at '17,000.00 vate rom and bath. Apply 138 WoodPavlik Bros. Machine Shop. Tel. Twenty (%0) acres adJoinCall owner, Winnetka 244 or our land Ave., Winnetka. Tel. Wlnn. Kenilworth 280. 20LTN7-%tc Ing a new golf club, west of 1448. ULTN7-lt.c local office 564 Lincoln Avenue, Waukegan road at ....... $19,000.00 FOR SALE-CADILLAC LIMOUSINE Twenty (20) acrea on State \\"innct ka 314. WANTED-HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO i7, just overhauled mechanically, ln(concrete) road CronUng alllllt with work In tiny kitchenette terlor trim ftne shape, UOO. 1258 North Shore Golf Club at $40,000.00 apt. from 3-6 dally. Tel. Kenilworth Asbury Ave.. Winnetka. Tel. Win· Thirty-three (31) acres, GLENCOE 1866 after 6 p. m. ULTN7-ltc netka 1419. ZOLTN7-ap one-half mile frontage on new State road and fronting 1'\ew Colonial stucco, 7 rooms, GIRL FOR GEN. golf club at .............. U0,500.00 WANTED-WHITE housework; no waahlng; must be re2 bath~. with large sun porch; ftned; exp. not necesaar)'. 'rt-1. ·~hm Used Car~ - All Makes exceptional construction ; lst floor coe 1049. 12LTN7-lte OPEN AIR SALES canvassed ; Flaxlinum insulation; Cor. ShermAn Ave. and Grove St. Phone W1lmette &64 WANTED-LAUNDRESS TO WORK 909 Ridge Ave. Wtllya-Knlght and Overland 1LTN7·1tc by the day. Apply Mrs. C. H. Smith, 2 blks. to Skokie Club, 4 blks. to Dea.lera _N_o_r-th--S-u_b_u_r_b_a_n __ R_e_a_l_E_s_ta_t_e ~~~o~aurel Ave.. Wilmette. 1I::.i 7~t~ Evanston 140 sta. Any reasonable offer conZOLTNU-tfc sidered . Local Office 352 Park WANTED-AN ELDERLY LADY TO S. E. WINNETKA assist with hawk. Good home to the Ave.· Glnecoe 971. Colonial clapboard; ' bedrooms, 3 right party. Addresa Wilmette Life lo'OR SALE-MOON 4 PASS. COUPE; baths, sun and sleeping porch; at368. 1ZLT 7 -1tc excdlent condition; ftne en.-lne; tached heated garage; splendid conHIGHLAND PARK dition ;lot 601l165. Price $%7,500. driven 13,000 miles; $850. Tel. Wll· WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL KENILWORTH mette 1201. 20LTN7-1tc 109xl50 feet, well wooded', housework; with or without washBeautiful Colonial clapboard of Ing ; 6 In family. Tel. Wlnn. 1991. Calif. redwood; 4 bedrooms; 3 bathe; northeast section; near schools, to'OK !fALE-¥18UELLANEOtl!l ULTN7-1tc ;:a 2-car garage; excellent location. Lot trains a nd lake. $35 per ft. ; no W ANTED-EXP. WHITE MAID FOR ANTIQUES 100x165. Make oft'er. GLENCOE 1 h k d OLD BRASS AND SILVER CANDLE'· assessments.; will divide. Local Colonial brick; 6 bedrooms ; 3 s1 ~=leWlnn. 0 : 5 etor ; go~ZLTN7~let~ ttcke, tea services, trays, clocks, old 11 office 382 Central Ave., Highbaths; on wooded lot, 110xl87. Beat brlc-a-brac, lamps, chalra. and odd value In N. E. Glencoe at U7,600. WANTED.-NURSE MAID; GO HOME furniture. 1332 Forest Ave., Wll· land Park 268. VA CANT WINNETKA nights. Tel. Kenilworth 1399. mette. ULTN 7 -1tc Indian Hill grounds. 2 splendid 1 1 pieces of pty; 160 and 200 by 226 !!!1!!1!::=:;~~=""':'~"::=~:::::== ~IL~T~N!!7~-=::::tc:_\FOR L&-FLA'I' TOP ANDREWS pEERFjELD eeptng vtew of "'Q 1.. · lJlTUA~N ~ANTED-·A.LE desk and - cnalr In - pel'f:~ llri-Jt .'1~--++-i'Of-....,_,,..,..J.'h,f sunset; UOO Der foot. lnal cost $83; will sell fot· US. fiG9 Heavily 'f"' Acres, Beach Righta; 100x200 wooded; a WANTED-RELIABLE WHITE MAN Vernon Ave., Glencoe. cePtionally desirable homesite, on tlLTN7-ltc aplendld piece of pty. $15,000. wants otnce cleaning; refs. Address s. E. Wlnnetka-uo per rt. private white eruhed stone road; Wilmette Life 170. HL7-ltc OUR CHRYSANTHEMUMS ARE NOW 8. W. Indian Hlll-$70 and J80 per southern exposure; neighboring ft. ln. Pompoms and large flowers In all colora. Edwards, Florist, 917 highly restricted. Local Willow St., Winnetka. Tel. Wlrl,ll. lS85. ULT5-3tc Deerfield Ave. Deerfield mediately west: of the North Shore auburba, aome of U on state roads, ~~ ~~~~~n:er~h~h!i~c~~r~1 ~ac~·t:!~ I·F~O-R-... R-E'"'N ....... T-----LA-R'"'G~E-.-::L""I""G""H""T=, -::w=E""L-::-L Wllm:Lt.rN~~::~ W ~~J~~!!.e ~~~~ft11~r/r~~!re':a~~04~~[ ..~~~:~o:?r:~.~ !~d :~~;-:::~~:~.:1 ~:o~~ IWNI VS. OHIO Great Fiaht ON NOVEMBER 22 Buckeyea Sure to Put It doesn't make much difference how Ohio · and 11\inois rank when they make ready to meet in the flnal 1ame of the season on November 22. The fans look for a tight battle and in 13 years of warfare between Zuppke and Wilce, they never have been di.. appointed. Ohio has been called the "tieingest· team in the Big Ten. They tied Iowa and Chicago at the start of the season. It is said that Wilce has a stubborn outfit that only needs a littw time to develop into a redoubtabt. aggregation. Coach Robert C. Zuppke of Illinois and Coach John Wilce of Ohio bot11 began coaching in 1913. The recor4 is as follows: llli-u Vletoriu t914-Illinois 37-0hio 0 (lit. Champ.) 191s-IIlinois 13-0hio 0 (Ill. Champ.) 1919-IIIinois 9-0hio 0 (Ill. Champ.) 1921-IIIinois i-Ohio 0 l 923-IIIinois 9-0hio O (II1. Champ.) Ohio Victoriea 1916-0hio 7-IIIinois 6 (0. Champ.) 1917-0hio 13-IIIinois 0 (0. Champ.) 1920-0hio 0 (0. Champ.) \922--Qhio 3 t91 5-IIIinois Illinois 5; Ohio 4; tied I. Championships won: Illinois 5: Ohio 3. The Ohio game will be the farewell appearance of Capt. Rokussek. Miller, Slimmer . Dick Hall, Roberts and several other lllini stars. Illinois will do honor to them. "Don't believe any story that tickets are all sold," is the warning which Director George Huff issued. "Before every big game in the stadium rumors spread that all tickets are gone. With seats for 67,000, the Illini will be able to take care of all comers for the Ohio game. It will be safe to wait to purchase them at the ga~e but most}ans prefer to !:lave them m advance. 77 <Gnlllli>e~rtt ID> o J@lffi~<O>Im & JffiIf<O>o Exclusive Agents Office I ~0 S. Dearborn St. Randolph 0112 1LTN7·1tc NEW 5rm.. 2-story brick residence, English castle-cottage type. Master ~ l11g . chambers, Well-McLain h. w. ht>at. all tile bath, built-in tub and showt-r: steel construction. Lot 75 ~t. fronta ge; hedge, trees. ConvenIent terms and attractive price to desirable applicant. This choice reslc.l<'nce Is located In the beautiful new village Golf Club adjacent to the Gle nview Golf Club. 5 min. to new Northwestern Community Golf eours~: 30 min. to Loop, low fare; 15 mtn. by highway to Wilmette beach . Apply owner's otnce, 1 block east of Waukegan Rd., 1 mi. north or Dempster St., or tel. Uunl 9347. 1LTN7-ltc r-------------HONESTLY! WINNETKA'S BEST BUY. A 6-room colonial, almost new, sun and sleeping porches, Water heat, bath wUh tile walla. ~t 88d87, beautifully wooded, In e most choice east section. ReIUced < to $%0,600. o lffi~enn & Kir<O>llllllnM!o W1nnetka 254 1LTN7-ltc ~:--:-:--------------- R SALE-\VILMETTE 141 I liY COZY LITTLE HOME LOCAT· 1 n extreme east section of Wll~1~'·tt .. ; gla.sed sleeping and breakra71t _J)Orchea; 2-car gara.ge; beautl~ ~ landscaped lot wltb abundant ~ rubs and several ftne trees. Land 1 · 0 111' worth U,OOO. This Ia actualt~ best buy In W.llmette at $10,000. ,~{ appointment phone Wilmette 2 6· 1LTN7-ltc ~~~ 1733-17J4 Wil.333 have one with garage; property .:~U!!t be In good condition. Wlll pay ;ne ht~~das UO,OOO If property suits · re1111 Wilmette Lite 372. 1L7-ltc 1 ~use, near Catholic Church; prefer \r\TEO TO BUY-6 OR 7 ROOM f QR-Q';~;;---;::-::~.._-_:1,:L:.:T:_:N::.7 ::-:_:l:_:t.::c nJode~~LhEom- PLET ASAHT e. OLD HOUSE SUIT· or remodeling into seven or roome. Addreaa Wilmette Life 7-ROOH 1 'W'Inn. 6t6-J. e. 1LTN7-1tc FOR SALE-1 00 TONS EXTRA QUAL· Also W . of Indian Hill Statton For All Occasions tty spilt oak and ash wood; cut Wlnn. 1800 Wtnn. 12!l6 ; aultable for ftre place. UO.OO per 1LTN7-ltc \ E . E. BIGELOW T,;l. WI!. 3035 ton delivered but not carried ln . T e J. F::::O::-:R:--:S:-:'A":"L:OOOE--19-6-FT ___ V_A_CA_N_T__:.I.:.;,N I 14LTN4-tfp Wlnnetk!t 2090. 21L'l'Nfi-2tc Winnetka, suitable for three houses FOR SALE-EDEN OOPPER WASHeal!t side, convenient to transport&· SITUATION W ANTED-EXP. CHAUFIng machine, $30. Eureka vacuum tlon. Owners want property lmprovfeur, good mechanic. Call 688 Ash St .. cleaner, $15. Both machines In good ed and will sell entire piece at $65 Winnetka. HLTN7 - ltc condition. Tel. Wll. H86. per foot. Phone Winnetka 1609. 21LTN7-1tc ~~-::--::--:----------1L_T_N5-tfp WHITE MAN WANTS DAY WORK OF FOR SALE-FLAT TOP ANDREWS FOR SALE OR RENT- 5 AND &-RM. any kind. Tel. WI!. 3254. desk and chair In perfect condition. houses ; new; big lots ; close to trana .· J!!!==!!!!!!========~1~4~L~T=N~7~-~l~tp~l Original cost '83; will sell for $35 . lake, golf course; $10,000 to Ul,OOO. lG SITUATION WANTED-JI'E!IIALE Call 669 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Also lots for sale UO a ft. Owner. Glencoe 743. 21LTN7-ltc County Line · Rd. 2 blocks west of COLLEGE GRADUATE IN DESIGN· Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Park lng and dressmaking speclall:r.ea In FOR SALE-BOY'S OVERCOAT, SIZE 898-Y -3. 1LTNU-tfc college women's and high school H , like new; ltv. and din. room Ingirls' clothing. Home or out. Tel. direct electric light ftxturea; cheap. FOR SALE Wilmette 806·M. 15LTN7-ltp Tel. Wll. 1909. 21LTN7-ltc EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN IN WILmette; seven room bungalow; two- FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKER. INDI· GREAT BARGAIN IN BOOKS. YOUR car garage. Price $13,500. Cash choice at 15c a copy. A wonderful Editor, vidu-al designer; experienced In fur ,5,000. Frank P . Mlea. Attorney. work, excellent remodelling. Mrs. chance to ftll your library. 1832 For- Wilmette Life: Randolph 3102. 1L7-ltc est Ave., Wilmette. 21LTN7-ltc Greer. Tel. Sunnyside 8399. Cannot your paper make a plea for 16L7-ltp FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE - EDEN GALVANti'.ED the lives of our squirrels? Have you In Glencoe; about 8,000 sQuare feet. SITUATION WANTED- GRADUATE washing machin e and Hoover r.l -Jan- noticed that they are far fewer io Terms eaey. Address Winnetka col. nurse will take care of children er. Will sell both for $40. Tel. Wlnn. number than at this time last year? Talk 371. 1LTN7-ltp or Invalids; will help with house1793. ULTN7-ltc I have been noticing for some time work ; ref. Tel. Drexel 46~~·LT7-ltp FOR SALE-BLUE, REED, GONDOLA when walking along the streets that FOR RENT-FIVE RM. COTTAGE ON baby buggy; reasonable. Tel. Win- where former!> hat£ a dozen of the Dundee Rd.; 1 mile west of Glencoe. Tel. Wlnn. !74 daytime; 1601 WANTED- WASHINGS TO TAKE netka 1356. Z1LTN7-ltc little denizens of the forests went evenings. 1LTN7-1tc home; ftnlahed work and rou.-ht dry: also wet wash. Wlll call for A.nd FOR SALF--PEDIGREED GERMAN scampering ahead Qf me, or peeked deliver. 418 Prairie Ave. Tel . Wll. pollee puppy. Tel. Kenilworth 16811. around tree trunks, that now I often 2 JI'OR REN'II--HOtJSES ____ __ ...:;.:....:,_::.:.:.:.:=:..._-1361. 111LTN7-tfc ULTN7-ltc see but one or two in t.he course of two or three blocks' walk. FOR RENT-FURNISHED BOUSE Longwood Avenue, Glencue. Over- MATURE W'OMAN WISHES POSITION FOR SALE-TWO MAH JONGG SETS What has become of them? as houaekeeper ; good plain cook and at U2.50 and Ull. Tel. Wlnn. 2149. looking the lake; choice location. Once or twice I have seen boys practical nurse. Tel. Wll. 2fllT-ltc 11LTN7-ltc ' bedrooms; 2 baths; sun and aleepthrowing at them, but 1 do !'ot be· lng porches; attch. garage ; facing FOR SALE- MAN'S OVERCOAT IN lieve this is a common practtce. c;,.o ~bJ:d. ravine. 1 1/S acres heavily EXPERIENCED WOMAN WILL DO very good condition; reasonable. 0 Also I have heard that some have oooklng and serving for dinners and Tel. Wlnn. 95f. ULTN7-ltc been trapped, but this I am in no Gilbert D. .T ohnson & Bro. luncheons. Tel. Wll. 312 ti11LT7-1tp FOR SALE-THOROUGHBRED, IRISH 352 PARK AVENUE ter:rler puppy, 6 mos. old. Tel. 'W'Il- position to verify. But something evidently has hapGlencoe 971 Ran~~~~l7~~l! WANTED-WASHING AND CLEANmette 62. Z1LTN7-ltc pened. What is it? Cannot some· lng by the day. Tel. Wll. -1tp ,. GARDENING 7 1 thing be done about it? II'OR RENT-.t.PART.El'ITS Yours truly, FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS, COLE. B. FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED APT.; 2 ored, wanta day work; ref. Tel. Cheap labor means cheap work. rooms and kitchenette: janitor aervUnlv. 5045. 16LTN7-ltp poorly done. BaTe your treea Ice, steam heat; Immediate occuand shrubbery trimmed by exDrama to WOMAN WANTS WASH· ~ae~~~- 18~~- Mr. Walter Ne~"LTNr~:~ SWEDISH perienced men. Let me lnapeet lng, Ironing and cleaning by the day. your treea and explain our FOR RENT-s 25 .l1TH ST. f-ROOM Tel. Wilmette %488. 15LTN7-1tc method. A definite date for the first performapartment; eteam heat ; In-a-door HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, COLORED, Robert G. Bolinger bed In dining room. Janitor service. wlahes position after school. Tel. ance of the Wilmette Opera and Tel. Wilmette 2399. 3LTN%-ttc Unlv. 8811. 111LT7-ltp Drama club this season has finally been Tree Expert set. The Japanese fanta!>ie "Cherry FOR RENT-APARTMENTS AND OF- ORDERS TAKEN FOR DELICIOUS We also do aurgtcal work, Blos~erns" will be gi,·cn Friday and flee rooms. G. F. Gonaalvf'a. Tel. brown bread and homemade dou1h· spraying, ft>rtlll:r.lng, planting. Winnetka 82. 8LTN4S-tfc nutl!. Tel. Wlnn. 182. 15LTN7-ltc ~aturday evenings. December 5 and 6. Let us rearran.-e your shrubThis is the first offering given und~r bery for better effects. 4 FOR RENT-ROOMS WANTED- LAUNDRY TO TAKE 1230 Wilmette Avenue the direction of Cecil Morgan of Chi· home. Tel. Wilmette 2130. --------·--------Phone Wll. 1163 FOR RENT--ONE OR TWO PLEAS· 15LT7-1tc ant, sunny, front room11 next bathca~~-e cluh now number 35 members, ULN4 - tfc room; use or kitchen If desired; 2 WANTED- MENDING AND PLAIN all of whotU have be n working wi b blocks from transportation ; suitable se,.. lng. Addreaa Wilmette Life 357. an enthll$iastic sincerity, seldom seeo tor 2 men or couple; mod erate. Tel. 15LT7 - ltc Wll. 3014. 4LTN7·ltC %3 l 'ONTRA("JIORS AXD .JOBBER in amateur organizations uch as thi-a. WANTED - LAUNDRY WORK AT Mr. Morgan's geniu h s manifested FOR RENT- LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING home . T 1. Wll. Uta. 15LT7- 2tc HARRTR BROS. PRESTO-UP OArooms with kitchenett e; furnlahed. rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph itself in cenic effect and chonas work Sijch as the club ha never before atTel Wlnn. 631-J. 4LT7-1tc 17 FOR 8ALJJ-1101JI.HOLD GOODS !'r:!~~~- H~!l. GU~~~:.~rty ~~o~'.' tetnpted. The club as ures all patroas FOR RENT-ROOM, SUITABLE FOR FOR SALE-OVBRSTUFFED LIVING alpnerocrtlnoaantlolnnv~tleadd.ly fuarsnhlab~~. ter. . . that an eJCceptionally plea ant entercouple or 2 men; near tranaportatlon. room aet and otber furaltur.. Tel. .. · Tf'l. Wll. 1416. 4LT7-1tc Wll. %5. 1'fLTN7-ttc I&L'PNIIO-tfc tainment is in store for them. EolE:o~~~s~~~~~R~y(C<O>, J I PUBLIC FORUM I =t\. ;:=========:::===:::; Opera and Chllt Give Performance Dec. 5 ,::

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