Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 18

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lX WILMETTE LIFE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1924 llfo nday-Monday Lunch club, c .. n- ~~M" T::~ic~o~di~(te"~~~,;;~ ln~!r ·7~ tral Y. M. C. A. Room ".A," 19 S. La the season. The re will also be a l>icSalle street. tui'e showing proftcie ncy In wholesome 7:30 p. m. Boy Scouts. sports by the rising gene:lUion. The program of pictures Is provide d by Tut>sda y, 4 p. m. Girl Scouts. Lec- Mr. and Mrs. Harn· Fowler, 1404 For ture on health for new and Temler- est avenue. foot Scouts by Mrs. Erlck11on. Handy 'Voman Badge work tor Second Class Scouts. 8 p. m. Thank -offering meeting ot Greenleaf and Seventh the Young Woman's Missionary I'O· William Guise, pastor det)· at the home ot Miss Dorc.thv l<~ul Services for November 16 : ler, 915 Tenth street. .A I{O<Jcl p··oforgave thee all that debt" wlll gram. Including specia l vocal ami in- be "[the Great Text In Matthew's Gos.strumental music. Every member be pel tor next Sunday. cannot Ims urE' to come and bring 'rhank-oller- agine that a Christian We will have anylng. thing other than a generous and forspirit. God calls his children W ednesday, 8 p. m. Mid · Wee k ser- giving to share His boundless Jove with their vice of Prayer and Praise. fellowmen . The service of worship beThu1·sday, The Woman's Home Mll·- gins at eleven. sionary society will meet at the home Bible School at 9 :45. Graded lesnf Mrs. B. C. Davison, 1441 Forest ave- sons. Two new names were added to nue. Every member Is ~rg <J d to at- our roll last Sunday. New scholars t e nd. and friends are always welcom e. Th ;, 7 p, m. Junior Boy Scou·ts. tor Christmas will be 3P7: 40 p. m. Miss Hawthorne's class on committees polnted next Sunday. ~~~l~ ... Psychology of the Primary Dinner tor members and frlendR next 8 p. m . Senior Choir rehearsal. \Vednesday, November 19, at 6:30. Rev. John F. Siebert. g e neral secretary of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension will be the princi""' llmette and Park avenues. Wilmette pal speaker. We al3o expect to have Hennan W . Meyer, M . A. pastor special m uslc and several short, spicy 4011 Pralrlt> avenue. Telephone 1396 talks. Please make your reservation Church Telephone 3111 at .once to Mr. Stark or Mr. Homrlghaus. 11 Club House In preparation tor th.:l big bazaar to be held December 3, an~. various committees are metlting re~u larly In different home In the parl!!h. Sunday-9 :30 a . m. Th e Sunday :>.rrs. H. Storms, 251 wool co ut·t. Is 1<1·hool In all Its dt>partments. chairman of the bazaar committee. Th E' High School department will study Friendship and Its benetlts. The hlldren's F;;e Movies w ~er·e ftll11 a. m. Morning Worship Service, t>d to capacity at both showings )'f'Sl'ou·* P~···~·,. D·Y· Dr. Stansell will terday of "Grandma's Boy" a ftve-reel preach on "Son, Give Me Your Heart." comedy with Harold Lloyd as star. The Girl ~outs, Boy Scouts, Epworth Lea- picture was provided ~ Mr. and :\Irs. guers are seeking a large attendance. r. K. Stqver, 1044 Ashland , av~nue. 5 p. m. lqtermedlate, League. 6 p. m. Epworth League. The ftrst At the Children's Free Movies Thursmeeting of Win My Chum Week. Joe day, November 20, the plcturP sh~:"·n Miller will be th e ' leader and the will be "The Call From th e 'VIld , a. topi c Is "Why Do I Need to be a ston· of a boy ca ught In a wolf trap Christian?" In a· forest. This Is a different pil)tl!re Methodist Church English Lutheran -------- St. John's Lutheran 22nd Sunday after Trinity 9:30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes. 9 :45 A .. M. First service and sermon. 11:00 A. M. f!E'cond service and sermon. SERVICES The Mlsslonar)· society did meeting last week. by Mr. Bramkamp of timely and Inspiring. members were received. had a splenThe address Chicago was Several new The pastor will be the speaker at MEETINGS the Banquet In the .Ascension church Monday at 4, children's classes. next Monday evening. Tut>sday at 8, the church council. Thursday, the Ladles' .Aid ;md !'disCatechetlcal class Friday after 1'1-te alon. school hour. Friday at 8, thP Junior Walther Lea--------gu;·t·lday, November H. Adult class and Sunday school staff. Bible Bov Scouts Troop 5 will ruePl i\lon- are closed, the Girl Scouts will be very clav 'at 7:30.' Ju·nlor Scouts meet on happy to have any who care to attend Friday at 3:30 P . M . the demonstration in the main part of The wes~mlnste;-Gulld will meet for the church at about 8 :45. A detailed dinner and regular meetiug at th~ chut·hch Tuesday, November 18. at ,~.\~0 program of the evening's. events follows : o'clock . The Misses Mary Jan <! Dinner-Girl Scout Camp Songs. son and Helen Bell will be the host"Character Building Elements of the esses. Scouting Program," Dr. Norman E. "Spoke" No. 7 ;;( the Wom en' s 1'0- Richardson. Exhibit of Scout Workciety wlll meet at the hom e ot 1\frs. Knot Boards, Craft Work, Flags, _PhoJohn Fink. 1329 Elmwood aven·Je, on Demonstrata~ Tuesda.v. November 18. tor their rc!!'U- tography, Pioneering. Iar m eeti ng and lunch eo n. Knot Tying Contest, Representattves "Peter DellveredFrom Prison," .Acts from each Patrol. "A Scout is Prepar12, will be the topic of discussion for ed," First Aiders. "The Jumping Jack," the midweek service Wednesday at 8 (Dancer's Badge), Scout ~ane L!ons. P . M. Bandage Tying Relay, Ftrst Atders. Girl Reserves, Triangle No. 1 meets Mlusician's Badge, Violin Solo-"Preon Friday at 4 and the Junior Reserves ludio," St. George, Scout Corrine Satt· meet at 3:30 on Tuesday. derson. Piano Duet - "Parentella," The Presbyterian church tocatefl at Reineke. Corrine and Mrs. Sanderson. Greenleaf avenue and Ninth street Ia "The Three Trees," A Playette, Troops In the community to serve. You are II[ and IV. Scout Songs, Glee Club. Invited to attend. "Play Fair. Win Square," "Girl Scout Sunday school .......... 9:30 A. 1\f. Hymn," "Tree Song." A Group cf Church service .......... 11 .A. M. Intermediate Christian .... ....·.. Piano Numbers, Miss Lema Davis of Endeavor . . . . . . . . . . . . t P. M. Chicago. Investiture-Entrance of Scouts. Senior Christian ....... ......... . . Entrance of Flags. Cotor BearersEndeavor .......... 5:30 P . M . Junior Christian Endeavor ..... . Theo Hirsch, Eugenia Jones. Color Wednesday .. .... .. 3:30 P. M. Guards - Virginia Werden, Martha Midweek service ............... . . Erickson. Dedication of American Flag, Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . 8 P. M. Dr. Stansell. The Flag Speaks, Marjorie Braymer. Pledge of Allegiance. "The Star Spangled Banner," Girl Scout Promise. Girl Scout Laws, Girl Scout Motto, Girl Scout Slogan, "Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies." InvestiBy SCOUT RUFUS ture of Tenderfoot Scouts, Miss Thoorsell. Investiture of Second Class Scouts, This evening the doors of the Wilmette Methodist church will open wide to Miss Thoorsell. Presentation of Badges, "Goodnight Lullaby," Girl Scouts, their parents and their Miss Thoorsell. friends. The splendid dinner will be "Taps." followed by a short talk by Dr. Nonnan The following Scouts will receive E. Richardson of Northwestern univer- Tenderfoot pins: Virginia Lehle, Marsity on "The Character Building Elt:- jorie Mergenthaler, Florence Mitshell, ments of the Scouting Program." Girl Margaret Routson, Annette Thompson, Scout <;amp songs will be sung in the Dororthy Taylor, Margaret Belote, real camp way during the dinner. Martha Erickson, Isabelle Haskins, Helen Through exhibits and the demonstra- Randall, Edna Stiles, Jane Gaffney, Virtion the Scouts will show their various ginia Sprague, Margaret Bickam and activities. During the very impressive Lieutenant Dorothy Fuller. Investiture Service the new American Marie Koepke, Lenore Palmer· . Jane flag will be dedicated by Dr. Stansell. Weiller, Ruth Livingston, Josephine Although reservations for the dinner Pridmore, Harriet Pollard and Virginia Werden · Badges. will Betty Funke will be gila! Scholarship and Handcraft Pollard will receive her C...a:.. Badge. ,...,. About Briddayinc Now Ia · Done by An electric bricklaying which it is claimed lays 1,200 an hour, is the latest app\itation electric energy to industry. Upon rails placed around the side walls of a building, a boom is set, and upon mortar tank and laying driven by a 3-horsepower eleetrit tor. The laying wheel rotates, two bricks from the carrier, while other wheel spreads mortar as the rier moves along the boom. At the end of the wall the changes direction and proceeds fore until it has laid one row of entirely around the boom is then raised the one row of mortar and another trip begins. Our Girl Scout· Con~regational On Saturday evening Church the Junior The annual salf' for the benetlt of ~r~lrB~:~~:r.eef~run:e~e:~seal?lrectlon of the ('burch will be given bv the Lau1es' Aid on Thursday, November 20. The Sunday morning services are as Supper will be served at and aftt~r r; :30 usual with Church school beginning o'clock. promptly at 9:30; Junior Congregation at 10:30, at which tlme the three The Young People's sale for the older departments assemble for worbenefit of the church will be given on ship assisted by the Junior Choir diThursday, December 4. These two rected by Mr. Burtner, with Dr. Lloyd projects have had to to held :~e)>a:-at\lly In charge of service. tor lack ot sufficient space in the church rooms. At the Morning Worship at 11 :00 o'clock, Dr. Lloyd will preach on postponed subject of last Sunday, "Be Ye Reconciled To God." The second of companion sermons In During the service at 11 :00, Miss celebration or Father and Son W eek Anderson, klndergartener, will be given at the morning service Dorothy at 11 o'clock. Last Sundnv the theme will conduct a Children's Hour of was, "Father and Son-the. Religion ot story, simple dramatization and quiet Jesus." The theme for this Sundav Is games, for the little folks whose par"Father· and Son- and Our Religion." ents attend the morning worship. ParThe Men 's club Is lntel'estlng llll lath· ents are Invited to bring the children ers In th e congregation to attend on to the church parlor. Sunday morning with tht:lr sons. Dr. Edward .A. Stlener of Grinnell The Bible school wHit Kraded In- College, Iowa will speak at the Sunday structlon for all ag s m -'els &.t 9:30, Evening club at 7:30 o'clock. thE' adult class convening at 10 o'clock. The annual Father and Bon banqu-et The Cha1·ter B. Y . P. U. will malle will be held Monday evening In the a visit to thE' Oak Fo·'<'Rt Infirmary on church dining rooms at 6 : 45 o'cloc k. Su·nday, leaving the <'hUrf'h at J 0:30 Followed by a program "without a dull o'clock. There will u ~ no meetln~ at minute." r, :30 o'clock. On Tuesday the Neighborhood Circle. The Intermediate anrl Junior B. Y. Mrs. A. H. Howard, chairman, will hold r. U.'s will meet at 3:30 c:cltH'k, and an All-Day meeting at the home ot the High School B. Y. J>. IJ. at 5 :SO Mrs. M. H. McMillen, 1010 Linden avenue Luncheon served at 1 o'clock. The as<·'clock. sisting hostesses will be Mrs. William On Monday evening, l>lovember 17, at E . Suits, Mrs. James Watson and Members 8 o'clock, the Women's society will en- Mrs. George R. Harbaugh. tertain the women of the church who. are Invited to come early as there Ia because of their regular emplo~· ment plenty of work tor all. Baptist Church ~~a~fi ~~ :~~ ::! t~~e r:~\:~i:\~~=et~~:~ 1 1 ot the society or the Frlendshltl Llntu1. tor Instruction at Headquarters at 7:00 o'clock, Tuesday evening. The Church School omcers and teachers will meet on Wednesday at the church at 6 :30 o'clock. The business meeting and devotional service will be followed by the departmental meetIngs. Matters of Importance will be considered. Roosevelt Troop No. 2 will assemble The Quarterly Business meeting of the church wlJl be held on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Th~ third lE-cture In the Sch6ol ot Missions by Air. Paul Hutchinson will be lelfvered at the opening, and the quarterly reports and other mattt>rs or chu·t·ch business will follow. HIGH QUJ\LlT~Y AND MODERATELY PRICED -READY TO WEAR OVERCOATS All men want in an overcoat all the good things, such as; wannth, comfort, all-wool fabrics; and good tailoring. While moderate prices may be an inducing factor in the purchase of clothes, it's the quality of these overcoats that we lay stress on. You 'may rest assured that any article that Schultz & Nord offers you, comes well recomtnended. The Sunday School Seminar under The Cos:r Corner Circle, Mrs. J.....,J;. Dr. Ratrety will hold Its Hecond session A. Anderson, cha_!!m~me~t ~t Saturday evening, Novembf\r 12, a~.t 8 ~l~l bchurch__2!1,. ~sday:-· Lunch.,on o'clock In Children's hall. do ,. ~ ~··ved at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Theo. . ~ 0. De lang, chairman. On Thursday evening the choir will Next Sunday, November 16, will be meet fur rehearsal at 7:30 o'clock unthe 2Znd Sunday after Trinity. There der direction of Mr. Cain. will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., The Seascouts will hold their reguChurch School nt 9:45, and Morning lar meeting at Headquarters at 7:00 Prayer with audress at 11 o'clock. o'clock on Friday. Owing to Mr. Clarke Leach, };coutmastl'r ot St. Angusttne's No. t Troop of Bo>· Scouts, having to unll tlrgo an The Rev. Richard D. Hua-hes or the operation at St. Francis' hospltl\l on \Vedneaday or this week, :r.fr. H. f. Emerald Avenue Presbyterian Church, Leach of the Pxecutlve commlttr!e In Chicago, and Dr. Magill will exchange cllarge of the troop took charge of pulpits next Sunday morning. This Is the boya at their regular meeting on the day tor the general exchange of pulpits among the Presbyterian minWedneaday night. Isters of Chicago which has become an Clusea In preparation tor the ··omlng annual custom. vlalt of tbe Bishop to St. An~u«thH!'s 'A real live Men's Bible claas mef3ta oil the 8un4ay before Christmas to 1· conftrmatton will bea-ln on next Sunday, under the leadership or Mr. Ralph H. ovember 16. There will be a talk Durham each Sunday morning at 9 :to. to boY· and lflrls at t :10 tn the l'eeThe Women's Bible cl .... with l(l'a. tor'a oftlce, and to adults In the same _,lace at T:IO P. M.. These will con- Frederick R. Quayle aa teacher Is one tinue eYery 8un4ay until the Conf\rllta- or the enthusiastic classes of Sunday ~lon. Boys and girls and adults are school. It also meeta at 9:45 .A. l'll. welcome to attend theae talks whethThe Rev. Clyde Smith of the Exer they Intend to ~ contlrmed or not. tension Board of Chicago Presbytery Tbe annual meetlnc of the Daugh- will speak at tlloe Sunday school sertera of the Kine will be helll today, vice Sunday morning. Jl'rld&)' NoYember 14. after lunchnon at tbe' home ot lira. Robert Stoddard, Mlaa Vera Johna;;: will lead the Senlor Christian Endeavor meetlnc. .Any flf Lake ayenue. younc people seeklnc Christian fc'l"fte ...._.,.. ot tbe G·llcl are :to~~; \~::_hlp will tlncl It tn our c. t;, meet........ldUOWIIF eYer)' Tbttnday First Presbyterian Church Hi-Grade Dry Cleaning Preaaing SCHULTZ & NORD THE NORTH SHORE'S LEADING TAILORS 1152 Central Ave. Phone 320 . . ,. .,I. .. . .., .,

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