Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 15

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THERE By T}us;itm ,,. , -~ R Boy r) ...... Priced . . ......... Priced 21.11 · ........ Priced l1S · .. ·· .... Priced 3.11 . . . . . . . . . Priced 115 1. · · · · · · · · Priced 1.1$ . ........ Priced 1Je . ........ Priced 7.11 ~c. ADELPHI "Contraband," Alan Crosland's new The radio plays a big role in "The production for Paramount, has ~ beStory Without a Name," which is gun at the West Coast studio. The ICI'ftll Back to civilization t booked for the Adelphi theater for play was prepared by Jack Cunniqbaaa Sunday, November 16. The two lovers, That was the cry of the Irwin Willat from the novel of the same name bJ Agnes Ayres and Antonio Moreno are company which left Houston, Texas, Clarence Budington Kelland. able to communicate by use of the radio which is on the boat and on the island. Also by broadcasting a call for help when most of the stations are dosed to allow the president to deliver an address, saves the couple from the villainous men. M-.. Tuoa., ...1 Wad. "The City That N~ver Sleeps" will be the feature film Monday and TuesMarie PNYOet straightforward story about a queen day, November 17 and 18. Ricardo who would a-wooing go. M-to aa.. Cortez, who has become one of the Wm. Fos preMala WILMETll: most sought after screen stars, is star"HER NIGHT OF ROMANCE" 1M Wilmette red in this film. Wednesday and Thursday, NovemChicago Theatre WiL 311 ber 19 and 20( Milton Sills and Alla Stripped of all its embellishments Nazimova wil be seen in "Madonna this story is about the daughter of a of the Streets," which marks the revery rich man, who thinks all men turn of Nazimova to the silversheet are fortune seekers, and a titled young after an absence of several years. !CEWS COMEDY man who would marry her. But they Nazimova performs in this picture have surrounded the simple story with with her usual emotional and clever Titan., Fri., . . . Sat. so many different bits that it carries acting. a considerable interest to the very Willi Ralph Lewie - · "Merton of the Movies," adapted Ap· Ayrea and through the e;res of love end. In the first place it employs the Pauliae Stark each other in a new hght. He is services of Constance Talmadge as the for the screen from the stage play of Aatoaie Moreao her, a strong healthy and hand- young woman and Ronald Colman as the same name, shows the difference A ·pec:taelo of .....a a ......... man while she is to him the the young man. Both are refreshing. between what !;orne ambitious thest7 ba.ed oa tlae claaaic of lilwa· beautiful of women. This feel- Then it adds various complications pians think they want to produce and ture. strongly entrenched, so strong- which must be over-come before the what they actually portray. Merton fact, that they literally believe wedding can be arranged. The girl (Glenn Hunter) wants to act in the ALL STAll CAST ation has taken place. But pretends to be homely because she serious and highbrow films but when is a rude awakening when those hates all men until she falls in love he sees his finished product he sees NEWS Comedy himself as a comedian. Patlae w ..ld7 COMEDY them fail to see any physical with Colman when she goes to the in their make-up. other extreme. The young man NEW EVANSTON play, beautifully written, in- through peculiar circumstances is a dream, staged and executed taken for a physician which only helps Two classes of religious devotees manner seldom seen on the him to see more of the fair lady-. Even who have come to be known by the stage. In fact, the staging of her father, a butler and a chauffeur terms "modernists" and "fundamentalre production should be com- figure in the mixups with which the ists," because of their belief or lack of and the cast certainly had ex- picture is filled and a broker who belief, in the existence of Hell as a direction. would arrange the match nearly sue- place of eternal punishment fo! earthly outstanding performance of the ceeds in breaking it up. sins are found to be equally mterested ing was the interpretation of the It ii just a mad love race with in .:Dante's Inferno," which will be seen cripple by Mr. Guy Stuart Bailey cupid winning as per usual. The story at the New Evanston theater for a limgave as finished a portrayal as was written by Hans Kraly and di- ited engagement starting Monday, NoContlnuoua ve been privileged to see in con- rection is by Sidney Franklin. First vember 17. ···~ D&y-lt1.l to ~~lU with the Theatre Guild. It National put it out. Incidentally, no one will deny that R. W. IIJ.· Statiea at H . . . . . him as a finished actor in Dante, in writing his great classic "The St."nse of the word. Miss Ele-, Divine Comedy," including as it does khart, with a marvelous make1t..T LL~three all..,.ories describing the hereafter, No·o·IMr II the homely YOU!lg' arirl who lieigiHIUrlf'l6 ~neaten ~.. I hi· wife. Her pathetic proved himself a consistent fundamenta Ape. Ayra and Apea Ayrea mad ~';;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;~~~~l~~~ were especially interesting. ist. It is said that his conception of Aatoaio Mor.o ~ J. Williams Macy, who was the Aatoaio MOI"eDD blind major, did an excellent piece HOWARD work despite the fact that some Agnes Ayres and Antonio Moreno Na~e" ' lines failed to carry to all parts are featured in "The Story Without · auditorium. There were others a Name," which will be the attracMoa. aa.l T-., NoY. 17·11 cast who should not be over- tion at the Howard theater Sunday, Ricardo Corta including Mr. Percy Eckhart November 16. The picture was diMoa.. Tuea,. Wad., Tlaur,. Brown, who, as Mr. and Mrs. rected by Irvin Willat from Arthur and oiling I wilt conduct an Authorship Nov. 17-11-lt·ZI furnished a number of Stringer's Photoplay Magazine radio Class this winter. is just across y moments. tale. Subjects to be studied: The J. KeniaiiD rdless of your particulat ideas The old days so famous for adfrom our aovol, tJ.e allort ·to.T· tlae oaw ... -· n ..... N..... tt-· ing "The Enchanted Cottage," venture and down in history as the -r, and tlae article. and is under Miltoa SiDa aDd Nuimna play, there is no disputing that days of the birth of the American The course comprises fifteen anagement. Theatre Guild is to be congrat- nation, have been turned back and are weekly sessions. ed upon starting its new season shown in "The Covered Wagon," It is especially adapted as a most satisfactory manner as far which comes to the Howard theater finishing course for women who Fri. aad Sat., Nov. ZI·ZZ ircction, stage management and for four days commencing Monday, have had some training in writ- · Fri. - · Sat,. Nov. Z1·ZZ ing interpretation of lines is con- November 17. The great stretch of in g. lreae Ricla and GlenD Huntel' aDd d. the western plains forms a most For terms and further inforsignificant backgropn4 fnd five hunRicardo Corta mation write or telephone to Viola DaDa dred or more covered wagons or SCREEN W. L BALLARD "prairie schooners." add greatness to "FO RBIDDEN PARADISE" MRS. this· picture. There is a love tale of Zlt-ttla St. McVicker-s Theatr-e Wilmette. Ill. Paramount picture with a spicy th«: desert wastes, tong and enduring Tol. WiL Z41Z e taken from the stage play with its thrilling climax, leading to Cza rina, by Biro. It stars Pota the reunion of the young couple, played by J. Warren Kerrigan and Lois · a nd is directed by Ernst Luwho handled the same star in ." It is atl about the woman of a small kingdom who seems to IH·en a woman of many love afanci has a particular hankering ch new and handsome man who her path. Most of the story her affair with Alexei, play~od LaRocque. He is a you~ m the R'Uard and in love with dy-in-waiting. But that matters to thr Queen who uses all her glasses must not only Improve to win him for herself. A revoluvision or relieve eye-strain, but must be properly adjueted, f\t intervenes, Alexei learns a few snug over the nose Car enough . about the queen, joins the away from the eyes to clear the utronists, is condemned to death eye-lashes and no farther, and juet enough tension on the bowl sa,·ed hy his ruler because as Wpflll _... I to ,prevent them from sliding says, he is not worth all the down on the nose . L ... .., . r of. killing. Then she starts an Thle Is the work of an expert rr " rt h a visiting ambassador and Is second In Importance only ka'1., Alexei for his original and to a thorough examination. No AMATEUR F £ ,VCHANTED COTTAGE" · 1 ;~. 11 by Sir Arthur Pinero ~nd L'd in north shore towns durmg crk of November 5, by the North Thea tre Guild. Reviewed at school, Winnetka. Presented iollowing cast: ~I in net ....... Margaret Fabian Pend leton .... Eleanor Eckhart Hillgrove . . ]. Williams Macy cr Bas hforth . . . . . Stuart Bailey Re,·. ~fr. Corsellis . Thomas Rollo Corse II is . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · . . ...... . Mrs. Alexander 0. Mason Smal lwood .Mrs. E. V. L. Brown Small wood .·.... Percy Eckhart ....... ....... . Kenneth Maltby are some who may not be with the "Enchanted Cota play. A few will call atto the fact that it lacks thrills that there is little action. Others happened to see it as a motion will note the difficulty of out on the stage many of gs which they saw on the They will also point to the th ar on the screen the two leadcharac ters actually showed, in a 1 manner, the change which licved came over them, where; the stage these physical defects ined. story concer:ns a war crippled man and a homely girl. They similar situations in that it is not Wilson, in a frontier homestead in dripping with sentimentalism and Oregon. preaches no sermon. It is just a Irene Rich, Louise Fazenda and Ricardo Cortez head the cast in "This Woman," which will have a two days' run at the Howard beginning Friday, November 21. The story tells of a beautiful and talented girl alone in New York, friendless arrd broke. The depths of despair and then a sudden meteoric rise to luxury and fame. Carol Drayton, the student of music, is saved from suicide by a girl of the streets ~nd later finds a patron. · future fe fUKl an the various cireles and gradations of Hell and Purgatory, are largely in aa:ordance with the Cathotic version of the time. 1 Whether his conception· as picturized in the film meets with the beliefs of present day "fundamentalists" has caused much controversy since this picture has been released. Th.e se "Yho believe in a hereafter of celestaal biJSs or of eternal fire and brimstone are pointing· to the picture as a true and faithful representation of what sinners and saints have in store for the future. The "modernists" have expressed an opposite opinion. last week en route t Ho~· after two months on a strenuous location.. The company, headed by producer Irwin Willat, Jack Holt, Ernest,. Torren·- . Lo·'s Wilson and Noah Bee..... '1 were in the southwestern part of Texas filming the drive of four thousand cat.tie for Emenon Hough's "North of J6... . h reUpon ~he arrJVa1 t e com~)' · surned ats work to complete the sntenor scenes. New Evanston Hoyburn "DANTE'S INFERNO" "THE LOVER OF CAMILLE" "The Story Without a Name" NEWELL &: RET CHIN HOWARD ADElPHI s-u,., w---------------.,, Training in Authorship "Stoll' Yrdl.o.t a Na.e" "Sto..,. Wdheat a w. "at, 1\at NeYer Sleepa" "Covered Wqon" "IIMoua ol tile Streets" "THIS WOMAN" "Merton of the Mo'fies" To Be Satisfactory IWNOIS ........ :'t ... _ -=1' :t1'zd c.·e ,_ ....... 7·· IO\t ·, r pirture is a cle\·er one and coml l!ood acting with fine direction. 1 ~' a me time it is not a mastere rn the commonly accepted meanof that term. You enjoy watching m .a nouvers of the queen and the tng of the young soldier. And wrll revel in the wonderful work by Adolphe Menjou as the chanof the kingdom. It is the finest . I .have seen him do. Miss Pola rt, rs .far from being over-taxrd thl thmgs she is called upon to nut she does them with much matter how careful the exa.mlna.tlon or how correct the lense1, tht>s e can be otl'eet by t>oorly adjusted or Ill ftttlng fram es. Examining eyes and fitting glas!les Is all we do but we do that right. ................... .............. ,. ._.tlaat,.. ......... .......... COLISEUM t40V. 1&1:!:! TO 23 82 JUaM)' 7D ~, 1/'la.UIIVE 15 }'cars of Success/Ill Practice Dr. 0. H. Bersch Optometriat FH.n M,r. o,.icallH*I. c. D. p,,otj,/ru c·r~ though it is said that the pic- .ron it is still a somewhat sotca~ed' endeavor and some may a lrttle that may cause a momenshoc k. But it differs from many you have sem containing ~as been tempered in its screen AOMI5510~ lUII'HOM (fiOV, 1'1, TO 2'5) IIIIIIRISDN ~800 50~ 1177 Wdmette Ave. For . . . .lauaeat ft-e WU.1'J. . or a-w-eo Wllaaetto tfM Bean ·aUF ,..._ s.- A. . . to laM P. 11. ll:ft'a ltJ' - .. . . .m..at. Phone Wilmette 654 1124 Central AYe. Wilmett~

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