Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 13

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WILMETTE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14 1924 0 1~th Shore· Reside~ts g~r's Wedding ... Are Invited to Benefit Mrs. I. K. Stover has cards out for a luncheon and bridge she is giving at North Shore Golf club Tuesday, November 25. -o-- of 130 Maple av tnUt their daughter ,tlmette, Thursday t\.' ~ tansell officiating' ~ ing will be at the ·holllt r!ng· o r ille will be maid 01 'alter Vail of Michi ers, William L. c. y: lln, and the ushers will go. ns Social Event 1 !mette are anticipating tes to be given Satur. [)ers and one guest will e of guest tickets is will be Dr. and Mrs ~r., Mr. and Mrs. L. p' Mr. and Mrs. R. A. RS. 1-:DGAR C~ILLY . _of 375 Shtridan road, Wmnetka, IS open~1g h,·r home on Tuesday, Novem1 i<ll' a benefit bridg~ an~ mah 1 , under the ausp1ces of the :·lllxiliary of the Maternity ildn:n's Charity of the Post tL' ht>>pita l wards,. \\" nma n's auxiliary in Its short . ha s made a remarkable recln nuc year it has furnished comh"'pital care in the children's and y · wards for an average of five ·a day for 1554 hospital days. ar<' admitted regardless of creed aud the services of the doc,;urses are gratis for both medi'"rgical attention. ,nh shore members who will be ,,11 November 18, are Mrs. Edilh. ~Irs . Walter Neilson, Mrs. II. Suker. Mrs. Walter Wei!, k:1. and Mrs. Emil Staehlin of -<r- M iss Frances Scheidenhelm, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. F-. J. ScheidenCharles Mc~ue is improving from a helm, 804 Forest avenue, has returnsecond operat 10 n performed W ednes- ed from an extended trip abroad. d~y. November 5, at the Evanston hos-<rpttal. Members of one of the Tuesday bridge -<rclubs will have luncheon with Mrs. . While on their way to Florida Mr Frank Brown, 945 Michigan avenue, and Mrs. Arthur SouthwortH of 'Lak~ next week. -<rGeneva spent several days this week Mr. and Mrs. John Ling are exas the guests Gf the E. Re.nneckars. pected home Sunday from a seven ·--o-- weeks' motor trip in the east. · -<rMr. and Mrs. F . A. Rye, formerly ~f 100? Chestnut avenue , are settled Miss Mary Barrett of Wilmette is m the1r ,new home at lOIS Chestnut visiting Mrs. Percy Andrews of Bronxavenue. ville, New York, for about ten days. ·U'4C· CHILOREN"S SHO~. ~PECIALIST~ FIRST WALKING SHOES : . I '· , ·) c. VerJI Solt. Bro4tl. Pliable Sol··· Allouiin· £aclt Foot Mu~l· t9 Function - Nature lntencl·tl· ~ · Gil1in· A6·elut· SwpJIOrf to tit· T·rul·r Little Fe.t SHOP IN EV AMSTON AKPLll PARKING J'AClLiTW NO NOISB OB OONGBSTION Sl·e. 4 to 8 AIIcline Bertling, daught~r of ~irs. A. E. Bertling of 315 avenue, will spend the weekson where she will attend festivities at the UniWisconsin and see the Iowagame. -()-- coe Girl announcement recently of Glencoe of the en· es Dudley Pope. Tbt r. Pope, a graduate of me with his aunt, Miss --o-- . -<r. ~~:- and _Mrs. George Murdoch are H . S. Bowen of 809 Elmwood avevssthng thetr son-in-law and daughter, nue has returned from a week's busiMr. and Mrs. Coleman Clark at their ness trip to Des Moines. ' -<rhome in Evanston. -<rDuane G. Bartlett of 1603 Lake Mr. and Mrs. John Sumner Crossley avenue has gone to New York for are spending the winter at the Charles a short business trip. McCue home at 631 Washington ave-<rnue. · Mrs. B. F . Lewis, Jr. of 610 Wash-<rington street is entertaining her Mrs. F. H. Glover, mother of Mrs. Luncheon and Bridge club today. J. B. Olwin and Wilbur G. Glover is -<rseriously ill with bronchiti's at the The James Topps have moved to home of her son. their apartment on Ridge avenue, Evanston. -<r-<>-Miss Sylvia Leonard will arrive from Milwaukee to spend Saturday The Royal Neighbors will give a and Sunday as the guest of Mrs. John card party in Odd Fellows hall, FriCampbell, 815 Lake avenue. day, November 14. -<r---------------- Tan or Brown .. . .. ... S4.A Smoked PoayhWe. . . · . 4.A White Buc:kalda ...... 4.11 1808 Chica·o A YeDue, cat Dcauu Street EVANSTON, ILLINOIS -Fashion Note: "Glaaaea by Hatt·trom & Sander·" Mean Individuality for the Wearer [ the first of the clever per. for children given by the gue players takes place at k in Chicago at the Playe Wizard of Oz," revived will include in its cas~ Winterbotham, Jr., Miss Laughlin, Miss Janet Paullara Hollis. Mi ss Frances rs . Edson Manierre, Miss n, Miss Emily Bissell, Mrs. Mrs. William Rend, Miss e. Mis s Mary Meeker and Wright. The pl:ty will be our successive Saturdays. n Sisters have written the 1ave coached the produc· -<r- umber of Wi~tka wMJ· end the Novem\)~t mei!..Entre Nous matinee club tal room of the Great tel, Chicago, on Wednes· f next week. Specia\ ·u· have been made for an fternoon. Following tht g luncheon in charge ~ Rudolph and Mrs. F. 0. of Winnetka, assisted br , Mrs. Coyne, Mrs. Far· . Miller, the members -.1 matinee performance \ Han~s Hif{h" at the Prill' e. Miss Katherine embers of the cast f honor at the luncheon. -o-- and Mrs. Phillip DeBerard have Mr. and Mrs. Adam W. Crawford the birth of a daughter, left Wednesday for New York. They October 24. The Phillip De- expect to be away about a week or are ~ pending a few weeks with ten days. ~[rs . Arthur DeBerard, at 1220 -<ravenue. Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers will -<rbe host and hostess at a dinner for Frank Robbins, a former res- 40 guests at the Ouilmette Country of Wilmette who now makes club Saturday evening, November 22. -<rin Chicago will entert,.in Arthur DeBerard of 1220 Greenclub at luncheon Tuesday wood avenue, has left for the Pacific e Country club. coast where he will spend five or six -<r\\'inifred and Edith Adkins, weeks. -o-iet Newey, and Junior TeaMr. Kathryn M. Robinson of 1029 among the young people Greenleaf avenue left Tuesday to visit from Illinois this last weeK- relatives in Milwaukee. attend the game at Chicago. -<r-<rMrs. Kerry C. Meagher entertained and Mrs. Morton B. Skinner the Tuesday club at her home on Cenring a party tomorrow evening tral avenue this week. \\"o man's club for the members -<rFellowship club and their chitMr. and Mrs. B. F. Blymyer of 626 Lake avenue left Sunday for a motor -o-trip to Evansville, Indiana. j,;: Jean Drayer, daughter of Mr. -<r~I r,. Clarence E. Drayer, 1034 Mrs. Henry Gates of Evahston will wood ave nue , came home from "nivcrsitr of Illinois to spend last entertain the' Reading circle at her home Monday. with 'her parents. -()--<rLast Saturday afternoon Mrs. Staver . and Mrs. Leonard E . Starkel, Moulding entertained a few guests Ros alie street, Evanston, " announce hirth of their son, Richard, at at bridge. vanston hospital, Saturday, No8. -<r- Dramatic Recital Next Event on Club Calendar Members of the Neighbors will meet on the afternoon of Thursday, November 20, to hear Bertha Kunz Baker give a reading of Rostand's "Cyrano de Bergerac." Mrs. Baker, who comes from New York, is a reader of nation-wide reputation. Of distinguished presence and great charm, with her magnificent voice and her great ability for dramatic interoretation, she never fails to charm her audience. HATTSTROM & SANDERS Sci-ti6c A Maau faeturia· Optidaaa 712 Claurda St.--t EVAMSTON Oppoaita Orriaatoa Hotel Plaoa· UaiYenity 1141 Ope. Th.ura. a Sat. EYe. till L.P.... PASTORS EXCHANGE PULP·ITS Rev . Richard D. Hughes, pastor of the Emerald Avenue Presbyterian ·church, will give the sermon at the First Presbyterian church Sunday morning, November 16.. Dr. George P. Magill, pastor of the local church, will give the sermon in Mr. Hughes' parish. Announcement MISS MARY K. MORAN will cond\lct classes in Expression and Dramatic Art at The Woman's Club, Evanston Beginning November 20, 1924 Phone Wilmette 3175 ;=.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;; Wnffif G~ill Try our Dollar Di1111er, served every -week do\' from 5 to g P. M. It's homelike ani generous. r·r r .. , . / and Mrs. J. K. Hughes of Withave taken an apartment in Ca mpus," Evanston. Mrs. was formerly Miss Margaret -<r. Only Twenty Minutes Y ott' II like it. 616 Church St. "Opposite the Library" Genevieve Emrich, who is atIllinois this year, spent last with her parents, Mr. and G. L. Emrich of 625 Eleventh by Motor from the North Shore Business District ent has been started in o have a Bookfellows club that in Evanston, which r during the month to dis· and literature, to outline . A short social hour ·fol· eeting. Any Wilmette res· [wish to join such a circle re about it, are asked to Mrs. Charles Travis. who rs of the Bookfellows of --oannual luncheon of the North Sewing guild will be held on , November 17, at the Winnetllllttnity House. All members a,ked to save that date. -<r~[isses Florence, Alice and Johnson of 1303 Hill street will tain 24 of their friends at a barn e on Saturday, at the Johnson Steak 6 Chiclun Dinners LUNCf!ION IIIW&O AT. NOON' ATWATER KENT R AD I 0 Business Men's Lunch Seventy-five Cenb -o-aers' association of Gamma ill be in charge of a food e bazaar the sorority will e ballroom of the North fI. Saturday, December ~ Wells and Mrs. A . A among those making for the food sale. R ciation gave a luncheon at the home of Mrs. -<r- -or. and Mrs. N. D. Pancoast of spent the last part of the wt!ek . and Mrs. A. J, Pancoast, 1301 avenue. -<r- i\·al N. Cutler of 1016 Ashland is recovering from a serious performed November 3, at St. hospital. -<r- Get away £1om business by taking time off at noon for a run out into the country. At Homethe Spirit ofthe Game Prevail· HERE is a break in the line T a hard-fought gain. The air grows tense with nervous excitement. You move with the players and shout with the crowd, for every detail of the game comes to you--clearly and accurately over Atwater Kent Radio. ment has been made of f Miss Katherine Ka~ f Mr. and Mrs. Charlt! e of the Lake Shore Dri1·1 obert Cavanaugh, \\"ednes· mber 12, in the Kant'! Mr. and Mrs. Ca,·anaug· g a house in \\' ilmette. and Mrs. William F. English, re _h_ac k from their eastern trip . vtstted relatives in Connecticut stan for about three weeks. · C. Miles Mcl);,nald was hostess ~heon Thursday at her home, fclm\\"ood avenue. Her guests thl' members of her bridge club. -()- At all First class Orocers will li_ye. -<r- . Kaumeyer of 601 Lin~tD e a dinner and recepttoa day, November 5, for he! rs. Minerva Wrig-ht, wl!O that dav. Mrs. \\'right d 'ther of Mrs. D. M .cDougaa andmother of Mr'. Walttr -<r- rs. ~[artin Jacobson of· 1117 Cen\l'nue gave a shower for her sistf'r, Ruth Edinberg of 305 Nanzig Monday evening. ss ~tarie Arnold, daughter of Mrs. Arnold of 1410 Gregory avenue, home last week-end from Madito attend the Chicago football gJ.me. --o-rs. H. V. Beem of Hardy, Nebrashas come to spend the winter with and Mrs. G. A. Beem of 707 Linavenue. r~. Charles Sanford Clarke of 526 -<r- Ask forSEIDEL'S Macaroona and Lady Fincera You'll not be disappointed! --Your Grocer has them- You should have an Atwater Kent Receiving Set and Loud Speaker. Whatever your preference in size, type or price, your dealer can supply you. -You can't buy better performance at any price! Buy your Atwater Kent set from the authorized dealer in your neighborhood. t B. Watson , son oi ~{r: 20 Watson of 1007 L·ndtt been elected to membtr· e Alpha Zeta honorar1 I fraternity at Iowa sutt 4 - -o-- PIERCE RADIO CO. CHICAGO ngt~n avenue, is giving a dinner mg for the members of her ay club and their husbands. 910 EVANSTON and Mrs. A. E. Digre of 1625 avenue anounce the birth of a Jacqueline, November S. -o-- AVENUE 522 Davis St. Phone Univ. 5067 FAMOUS FOR MACAROONS & LADY FINGERS

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