Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 11

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~· On-lookers at Game to Include Several Village Residents ENILWORTH will have a number of football deyotees attending the Yale-Pranceton game that will be played at New Haven. The James C. ~ urray~ are leavin!! today to VISit thetr son, John, and to see the game. Mr. and Mrs. H u~th A. Foresman, 515 Essex road, left for the east Sunday. After a visit in Atlan tic City they will go on to '\cw Haven. Mrs. I. A. Bennett and i1cr daughter, Ainslee, will be among the throng. Mrs. Bennett left early in the week to visit her daughter at her school in the e~st. On Thursday, Mrs. Cre~ap and M1ss Helen departed for a thn:c weeks' visit in New York. ~lr. Cresap joined them later to accomp<lllY them to the annual struggle hct ,, t en Yale and Princeton. Mr. and ~lr '. Bentley G. McCloud, Mr. and ).fr~. Walter Noble Gillett, and Mr. and ~Irs. George H . Taylor, Jr. will abo be spectators. K Mrs. Richard N. Taylor 310 Cum- C!--- d 0 R ·tal n.or r<?ad, left Friday night for Cin- ~D raan eel cmnat1 to spend the week-end with at St. Luke'a Nov. 11 her husband. The second of this season's north -oshore organ concerts on the great T.he Neighbors announce a dramatic organ of St. Luke's church, Evanston, recttal November ·20, at 2:30 o'clock, is announced for Tuesday evening, by Ber.tha Kunz Baker. Further an- November 18, at 8 o'clock. The· artists nouncement is made on the Club page. are Robert S. Birch, orga.nist and -ochoirmaster of the Church of the The Home and Garden club met re- Redeemer, Chicago; and Sydnie Smith cently with Mrs. Rufus K. Porter, <428 Cooley, contralto soloist of St. Luke's. Cumnor road. Mrs. Dana Pierce gave Their progTam includes three groups the program. of songs by Mrs. Cooley, and for the -oorgan, the brilliant and interesting Sonata No.3 (Rogers); the wonderful Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr., 431 Essex Prelude and Fugus on B. A. C. H. road, left Wednesday for Asheville (Liszt); Tocacata "Tu es Petra" North Carolina, to be away about te~ (Mulct); and two difficult and beautiful 1J]Ovements from Vierne's Symdays. -ophony No. 2. These concerts are free. Mrs. R. W. Murison, 3J9 Kenilworth avenue, returned last Frida)C from a We're Not Payin1 Too month's trip to ~ornia. Much for Our Schools Many tax payers believe that expendiThe Girl's Bridge club met Tuesday night with Mjss Ruth Kasten, 220 tures for public education in 111inois constitute an unreasonably large percentage Poplar street, Winnetka. of the total amount expnded for all --o-Mrs. John Hicks, 241 Melrose ave- public purposes. As a matter of fact nue, entertained a few friends for luncheon and bridge Friday. Dr. Arthur H. T·ttle Illinois ranks Z3rd among the states in Friday Forum of ~ Central Y. Y. C. the amount of an its local and ctate f'!'l.-~ A. last week. Other promine:1t ~ pcnditures w~ich 10 fo~ public education. of the army and -~. sat at the spellkIn per captta expenditure for aU 1tate ers' table and ehand in the ~ ~ ~~ pu~. Illinois ~~ 25th, of Armistice Week B · · ~ Res117 whde m P:Cr capita ~ IlltD?IS ranks is a former raideat of ~ 9th. In Its per caprta expenditure for _ _ ._ _ elementary and seeondary lchools in 1920, c.a..w. ........... Illinois ranked 2«b. f the crack 149th Fielcl Artillery, known as "Reilly's ' Bucks," 'which went overseas with the Rainbow Division, wa~ the guest of honor and speaker at the GIVES AJtiiiSTICE T ALJC Brig. Gen.; Hem'J' J. ReiUy, le.lder of Clare O.borne Reed. Director Wilmette Braacb-tl7 11th 8t. Anna Clltnlund, Philomena lrace Private and Clue Lea110na Ptaao, Ke)'~ HannODJ', 81.rht Readln.r ."'U. Bar Tralnlaa Mala lclaool 60t 8. Wabaab Ave., Chle&ao TEACHERS m CHARGE Fint Church of Christ, Scientia~ WU...tt., m. Christian Science Reading Room UU WU...tte A't'e. T_t.. St. . . . C.atral AYe. Services: Sunday at 11 A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting at 8 P . M . Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. Subject of the Lesson Sermon --o-- --o-- ter comes leek ua freedom of the pnY aki~ of Cali. u can en.JOY ever, , carelea of time eather. orpn and Gnat Thc Narcissus club of which Mrs. B. C. Hawkes, Kenilworth avenue, and Mr~ . Wallace Serrell of the Evanston hotel are members, was entertained for two days last week at the summrr home of Mrs. Rufus Abbott at DclaYan, Wisconsin. Mrs. Cope, 239 Essex road, was hostess at luncheon and bridge last Friday. Dr. Alice D. Tattle 113 C.atral A··Piao- O.teopatlaie P ..78iciaaa Residence and Office The Bible and WorKa by llar7 Baker Eddy and all other autltwh:ed Chrlatlan Science Ltteratara NoY. 11, .. Mortala and lmmortala" ::h":.ec!~e read, borrowed or ....,. Hours: Daily (except Wednesday .... Saturday) 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. 'Nednesday : 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday: 9 :00 A. M. to 9 :00 P. M. --o-Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, entertained at luncheon and bridge on Wednesday and Thursday. * Tlae PuiJlic is conlially iaorit. . to a~ tiJe C..urda S..icee ... mit the Raadi·· Room. · hiltorie Salt LUI moo Temple, Taber· · Termm.t) 8:00p.m. (3rcl day) 2:20p.m. dJrect to CaUfornia ucl !lmectioa.a for Ca1ilomia. Mi,, Elizabeth Stevens, 330 Ab- Wilmette Outweiabed but bottsiord road, entertained at dinner Defeats Cbicqo Eleven Tuesday evening for the bridal party Although outweighted nearly 30 of Mi>> Katherine McKinnon of Evanston who was married Saturday. pounds to a man, Wilmette's A. C's. Miss Stevens was Miss McKinnon's romped over the Chicago Aces at the municipal playground gridiron Sunday, of honor. claiming the long end of an 18 to 6 --o-count. Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck, Jr., 338 Captain Brown of the locals neiJworth avenue, came home last end to attend the Illinois-Chi- gotiated two touchdowns, while Johnson annexed the third counter. me. He brought with him two The game was a splendid exhibition Sigma Chi pledges, Charles al and John Browning, to be his of end running, most of Wilmette's gains being attributable to superior ests over the week-end. footwork. Johnson featured in this de--o-partment while Heinze helped with Mrs. McClintock's reading class met prodigious gains through line plunges. cdnesday in Winnetka at the home Sunday's game was Wilmette's third of 1frs. Palmer. The book under straight victory and the success of the discus sion was Walter Pater's "Greek eleven has brought out a large follow Studies." ing of enthusiasts.--o-11rs. Wendall H. Clark, 320 Oxford road, has issued invitations for a (' DR. C. E. GEISS£ · ridge party Monday, November 17, 2 o'clock to meet Miss Barbara Oateaw-tlaic Pla7aiciaa i.llf .:>J70e·ma ker. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray, 43.1 road, have as their guests, Murray's brother and his wife, Mrs. --o-- --o-- Villqe T'heatre BW.. .. ...... WiJ..U ~~~~~~~~~=:,.ll fc,~o:n~a:~nd ~man Murray of Mrs. Edward H. Stevens and Mrs. Marx of the Orrington hotel are aining at luncheon and bridge at Sovereign hotel, Tuesday, Noember 18. --o-- Mr. and Mrs. De Camp, 615 Abford roa<t, are entertaining at and bridge Wednesday, Noher 19, at their home, 432 Wark road. --o-- YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AT THE The Sewing ctub went to see Jane Cowl in "Romeo and Juliet" Wednesday instead of meeting to sew. }.fr. and Mrs. Fred L. Workman, 222 Lt·1c e~te r road, entertained at dinner turd ay evening. \li Alice S~an left Monday! a ten day visit in St. Louis with chool friend. --o-- RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY Carl C. Renneckar Opposite St. Joseph's Church Plao- FREE 30-Day Trial Daylight Your Kitchen your kitchen bright, light and cheery. Light turns on and off at handy pendant switch and you can also plug in your iron, toaster or other appliance here. 311 This kitchen unit, pictured above, is of porcelain enamel steel with large diffusing glass bowl. Makes 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE without extra charge to you Our Special Offer to increase service to Not only to hear and at also to be a larger for the tele-A. J. WOODCOCK We will install this superior light in your bouse FREEif you have a ceiling outlet in your kitchen-for a 30 days FREE TRIAL. Then. if you are as satisfied with it as we believe you will be, you can purchase this lighting unit for PH 0 N E 13 04 WILMETI'E Only $1.00 a Month payable with y~ service statement If you are not pleased after :J> days trial, we will take unit back and replace your old fixture. Could we make you a more liberal offer? 500 LADIES WANTED To let us show them we are prepared to give clothes pressing, cleaning and repairing service second to none. We aterilize your ·armenta while preaaing them and p· u sLIC SERVICE CoMPANY OF NORTHERN ILUNOI& JNO. S. REESMAN, Diatriet Maaa·· 111 Claurcb Str-t Phone UnivetaitJ 3tll EVANSTON Pboae Wil·atte zast make no charce for thia auper-aervice. . PARISIAN DYERS AND 578 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA Phont:s C~EANERS, INC. ~=::: 727 }

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