Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1924, p. 13

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WlLMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 1924 .I unior Leaguers Announce This Seasons Performances Busy Week Tudson avenue, Evans. mnae .of the National lock tea Monday, No. association of the col. he .afternoon and eve. Frtday, November 1 4 ;:y N. Arden, 722 Wil: roceeds are to be used e use of hi s new store past, the Junior League ha- gi1·en kiddies of the north shor<' as well as ~rown-ups many oi pleasure w1th the1r clever ior chi ldren produced by a very cast. The announcement has corne of the productions for this r Three plays of four performe., ··a ch, will be given during the 1 ~r. These will be given on Saturmnrni ngs at 10 :30 o'clock at the house on Michigan avenue. The 1 n ·nture this fall will be NoH ' r 15, a revival .by request of \\ tza rd of Oz." And what will thi- performance differ from the th presentations will be the a nd dances written by the Dunan Si·tt·rs who are coaching the play. Inclutlctl in the cast will be Mrs. R. \\' intt>rhotham, Jr., who will en" Dorothy" of the well beloved t :1 ,. kading role in the produc. The Lion. Miss Harriet Metill: The Scarecrow, Mrs. Janet The Tin Woodman, Miss 11 n.r: ra Hollis; Toto, Mrs. Frances OliC: ii nda. Mrs. Edson Manierre; \\' uch of the North, Jane Scri. Thl' Witch of the West, Emily II : The Wizard of Oz, Mrs. Hunn: Glinda Girls'. Mrs. William . .\I;,, "\fary Cooke. Miss Mary n and Miss Brier Wright. < ' other two plays will be "Ten inut"' hy the Clock." starting Demher 3. and "The Golden Goose,.. ing January 10. -o.\lr-. Thomas Lindskog of 221 Dupee ace gace a dinner-dance at her home, .\!untl:.ty, in celebration of Mr. kog'.; birthday. Among the \\'l'rc: l\fr. and Mrs. August F. n and their daughter, Virginia. Grove; Roland Dooley of Shore, Chicago; Miss Edith and Mr. and Mrs. Herman D. sc;~- 11 n's Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Ahara returned street after a ten day visit in WashOn Monday evening the men of the Whist club were entertained by Richard recently to their home at i35 Eighth ington, D. C. Jordan at his apartment in the LindenCrest. At the same time Mrs. A. J. Mouat of 616 Lake avenue entertained the women of the club. Mrs. David Baird Todd of Salisburv Maryland, is .vi~iting her pllrents, M~: and Mrs. 'Wilham Holmes, 622 Central avenue. Last Friday evening Mrs. George Dormand and Mrs. Holmes gave a Hallowe'en dinner and bridge for Mrs. Todd, and on Tuesday, November 11, Mrs. Holmes will be hostess at luncheon in her daughter's honor. -oMrs. A. Lonnquist, 418 Central avenue. was hostess at luncheon and bridge at her home Tuesday for her sister, Miss Blanche Patterson of Detroit, who 'eaves for her home the last of this week. ' PCDL & PIPER ·U-tC· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS -o- George Cramer came from Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he is attending college to spend the week-end with -o-his parents, Mr. and Mrs Henry Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Gilchrist ex- Cramer of 1431 Lake avenue . pect to return to their home on Lake -oavenue November 8, from their EuroBradlee Pruden has come from Illipean ~ojourn. They left England about nois where he is attending college, the m1ddle of October for Paris by way to spend the week-e nd with his parof Holland, Belgium and the Battle ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Pruden Fields. of 631 Central avenue. CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOE~ UESIRABLE DARK CHOCOLATE WASHABLE ELKSK.IN NON-SCUFF ABLE LONG-WEARING -o-- -oMrs. Paul L . Roche of 801 Central avenue has returned from a ten days' trip to New York and Boston. Her iittle nephew, David E . Roche of Boston, will spend the ' winter with her. SHOr IN EVANSTON A!lll'L£ P-'1\KINO FACILITIES t "Cynthia" will turn its interest "Cynthia" Friday and On November 20, the Ladies' Aid and Missionary society of t.he St. John's Lutheran church are giving a sale and supper at the church for the benefit of the building fund. Mrs. G. A. Reinhardt is in charge of the plans. NO NOISE OR OONGitSTION SlafiM It~ tet 11 ....... $4.&1 SllleK II ~ to ! . .. . .. . · l.to 1608 Chicago Avenue, at Dauia Street -o-M iss Arline Woodcock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Woodcock of 503 Central avenue is back from Detroit, where she has been visiting friends and relatives . EVANSTON. ILLINOIS -<>Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Norris and their daughter, Joan, of Linden avenue, arc moving to the Evanshire hotel for the winter. Mrs. Kate Duffin of Beloit, Wiscon sin , has been visiting her niece, .M r s. Norris. Mrs. Ralph T. Huff, 706 Washington avenue, will entertain the Comanci club -oMr. and Mrs. Frank Widger han at luncheon and bridge Tuesday, Nojust returned from a week's motor trip vember 11 . -o-through Wisconsin and Minnesota. They Mrs. John Campbell of 815 Lake avare planning to drive to Notre Dame enue gave an informal lunch eon and this week-end to visit their son, and tu see the l'\otre Dame-Nebraska game. bridge on Wednesday. . -o-- -oThe Woman's guild of St. Augustine's Episcopal church is busy at work for the large bazaar to be given in the Parish house, December 3. In the evening a turkey diner will be served in the clubhouse. Mrs. Gordon Hannah, 1120 Elmwood avenue, is entertaining the directors of the Town club at her home this evening. -o- -oMrs. W . E. Ingersoll, 518 Central avenue, was hostess at luncheon Tuesday to the members of her bridge club. have been antic\\)'!.\.· king place tomorrow e. Among those who dinner will be the H ichs, and \\'. S. Kings of friendly ex-service men for uh of Wilmette. of whil rs. C. D . Ewer of nue is chairman. met me on Monday for lu siness session. The ing the coming year were th especia l emphasis on r-Get-Me -Not dav which ember 8, a benefit 'tag Sheridan veterans. Mrs. n Kline, president of the h was a g uest. and the the committee as follows: re Breyer. :\lrs. n. M. C Charles Eldridge. Mn P-n, Mrs. Frank Koontz. Topp, Mrs. Emmett Snidenneckar, and Mr s. Leon -o-- ~ r Shore r hoard is starting rain this season with an ti ng Thursday. November ne of l\'lrs. Willis Hutson, d avenue. The me111her; t 10 o'clock to begin ,ew· girls of Cinderella I. families. f the hoard are :\frs . ·. chairman; Mrs. . sttrer: Miss Edna J,ewt sewing; and Mesdarne s, Myron \ Vest, Edward E. A hley. Archie Mac· Becker, Frederick Tih. , Leslie W. Millar B. F. L. Stoddard. Joe Davis. n, Willard Thayer, Hayes ay mond Simmons. Frank ster Mee, Gordon Wilson Heinszheimer. Mrs. R. J . Sensor of Covin~ton, M iss Lillie Mae Humphries of 255 Kentucky. left Monday for her home Wood court is convalescing from an --oafter a two weeks' visit with Mr. and appendicitis operation recently under~fi:;s Kathryn Parshall, dauRhter of ~[ rs. L. P. Sykes of 825 Lake avegone at the Evanston hospital. and ~Irs. John Parshall, 127 Wood- nue. art·nue. gave a surprise Hallowe'en -o++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + J>arty Friday for her little Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Coon of 707 + + · farguerite, who was seven years Linden aYenue, announce the birth of + Thc guests invited were Evelyn a son, James Aubert, at St. Francis' + k. ~fargaret, Otilie and Julianne hospit'al, November 2. Mrs. Coon was + h. Jane Ferguson, Lora Jane formerly Miss Audrey Beem. Jean Kuhl and Virginia Snois. -o+ -o-. Mrs. J. H . Johnstone of Toronto, .\I r~. ~r erie C. Nutt of Moline, Illi- who has been spending two weeks at . will arrive Friday for the Chicago- the home of her brother, Robert Crawli' game and a visit with her par- ford, 919 Ashland avenue, will remain s. ~lr . and Mrs. John D. Small of in the village a week longer. .\laple a1·enue. Mr. Nutt is mak--<>+ an extensive business trip Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M . Puhlh the northwest and will join man, 623 Washington avenue, have refc in Wilmette at Thanksgiving.! turned after a short trip to Columbus . -oOhio, where they visited friends and The Lake Avenue circle will meet attended the Chicag-Ohio game. + Monday for the second time this -on, at the home of Mrs. John Gertrude and Olney Brown wiiJ spend + n of 1630 l.ake avenue. Last the week-end at the home of their the members sewed for the in - parents. Mr. and Mrs. · Frank Brown, + 1lepartmcn.t of the Hinsdale sani- 945 Michigan avenue. They will at+ hut tht s year's work will be tend the Chicago-Illinois game. the Grosse Point Welfare station. -o-oMr. and Mrs. John Lewis Page, + hr Friends in Council of the Tenth 1012 Linden avenue. have announced + + rict will meet for luncheon at the birth of a daughter. October 18. + · 1\·rk's Tea Room on Sheridan at the Evanston hospital. The baby + . Friday, ::--:ovember 14. In the has been named Louise Helen. t·rnoon a prog-ram given by Mrs. -o+ thur l~uehe on "Ariel, Andre MauThi s afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the + + t~" \\ill follow the discussion on par - philanthropy -department of the Womcntary law. an's Catholic Club of \Vilmette is giv- + + -oing a card party in the auditorium of · Tht· mcmhers of the Young People's the St. Francis Xavier school. thh· class of th(' Baptist church spent -on ·ry ddightful afternoon and eve~[r s. J. B. Olwin of 820 Lake aveng-. on Saturday. at the George nue ha s returned from Evanston rm. west of \Vilmette. The chil- where she was ill with grippe. took their own lunches, and had -o+ '· horseback and hayrack rides. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Dingee have · + + -o-come home from a motor trip to \Vau~[r. and Mrs. \Vhipple Jacobs, 622 sau and Kilbourne, Wisconsin. : THERE is no more sat- : "'n a1·enue, Evanston, announce the --o: isfying article of home : h oi a son, William Latham. OctoThe Royal Neighbors will give a furnishing than the well chosen : 28. a~ the Evanston hospital. Mrs. card and bunco party in Odd Fellows : 1 h~ was Miss Mary Latham. + hall cl<x:k. Beautiful, stately + hall, Eriday, November 14. : and permanent- it is a au: : preme expression of good taste. : -<>- -o-- Wot1ftG~i· / 616 Church St. "Opposite the Library" . ....... . ...... ........ rr ·· H £ tl"S tltouyht he lrimself fwd a good ·waffle capacity, but after sceiny lite bo_vs and girls training for the contest, he decided Ire ···as a bark-number. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · "The Pitt Junior" A two or three-button suit in the new E n g 1 i a h t w e e d s, cheviots and homespuns in many new colorings. Coat, vest and two pairs of long trousers, or may be had with one · · ~ · · · pair of ion~ trousers and one pair of plus (our knickers . A choice assortment at ! GllehXPRUJM ! ! DIGNITYo/iAe ! ! HAll<10CK ! · u~r ~. A good assortment at Prep School : + : : + Business Mens Lunchton. : : + : : -o- ~ . ve its annual benefit at tht of Managers of Eli Batts 7;t? · + : + + : ~ re on December 22. The will be the opening night c Box Revue" which comd e highest recommendatioll ork. The sale of seats for i11 commence on l'\ cwembcr ts may be procured frOIII the Winnetka committee aJ + + + No less delightful than its appearance are its mellow, fullthroated chimes which sonorously announce the paesin& of each quarter hour. Too, there is a world of satisfaction in ita absolute dependability; in the manner in which it continuea to keep perfect time year in and year out. Such clocu are not neeeuarily expenaive. In our dillplaya you will find model· exactly auited to your requiremen~. All of them are priced well within HDiible limiu. '\'<> nre the exclusive North Shore DP:tlers tor the Colonlat l\1anu!neturlng Company. There Is a. Colonial Clock ·lesiglw<l to : + : : + : : + : : + : : + ~r\j , : J1t· ,\loo/ · ._. colors, including looseback coats, itt single or double-breasted and the n e w .. English Guard" models. : : · + : : : + )I + + : + · + flt Into every home. ~m B. Hale, chairman: Mrs. fable. Mrs. Francio; Butler, ~n Bovden, Mrs. Charld ~. Phillip \V. Moore. Mrs. on and Mrs. Arthnr Wo&i- i ~rown~\lntlnnM f.!.~' i + · + : · · + · · + + + This is the best store in Chicago to completely outfit your boy, becauat we carry the belt metchandiae at reasonable price· and ht"'t ~he molt intelligent and painstaking saltiPfOplt. 1561 Av.-au.'l'f'lf'phoae Ualver·lt7 u.:·oo E,·aaatou, 111. !'··r··· : : enterta ined t6t her club at lun cheon ant sday. ~. Se~ an WAUKEOAN 1\0AD at I: · NORTHBROOK 1 ~lph A~TARRBEST and Wabash · · ··························

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