Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1924, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE (Formerly The Lake Shore News) Established 191% with which is combined THE w·LIJETTE LOCAL NEWS he C :\~ should not he held responstble. ~ \\'ho are not re sponsi bl e? ~ LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. Rahit-s, animals. and ins~ne pe?- ~ 122:8 Central Ave .. Wilmette, Ill. nle. The ,· can not re cogn tze plam ~ facts anci are impervious to sa ne SUBSCRIPTION .:&.00 A YEAR argument. Th~y have not the ~ All communication must be accom- JHn\·cr of . elf-tmprovement. It ~ panied by the name and address of the writer. Articles for publication ahould is u se l~ ss to ~ry to hold them ~ reach the editor by Wednesday noon to rc sponstbl e. 1 hey cannot pos- ~ Insure appearance In current lasue. sihly' come up to your cxpecta- ~ Reaolutlona ot condolence, carda ot ~ thanks, obituary. poetry, notices of en- tions. tertalnmen ta or other affairs where Th e motive for holding in- J! an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, wiJJ be charged at dividuals r espo nsible is desire of ~ regular advertising rates. their future impro vement. You ~ Entered at the post office at Wil- \\·ant to see them better in the ~ mette, Illinois, as mall matter ot the co ming days. \ 'ott let th em know i aecond class, under the act of March I, 1879. that you are holdin_g t~em respo n- ~ sihle . You do tht s 111 the hope f FRIDAY, !'\OVEMBER 7. 1924 that th e,· will make an attempt ' Separate the Grades. to do better. Enforce the Traffic Laws. 1t seem s t o us a grave error Build the Through Traffic Road. to think that holding somebody Widen tlze Busi11ess Thoro,ghfares accountable means primarily power to punish that person if CROSSING THE BAR he goes wrong. In substance Stmsrl and t'1'l'ning star, what is often said is as follows: And one clear call for me! I held you responsible. You failed. And may thrre br no moani11g of the Therefore I shall punish you . bar, The conclusion is unsound. It Whm I f>ul out to sea. should be. therefore I shall But srtrh a tide as mo'l·ing ser ms figure out a better way of getaslerp, ting you to improve. Tw.o much Too full fnr snu11d or foam . lflhNI lltal 1!'hich drt'w from nut flu stress is laid on punishment. Too bormclfeu deep little on finding good means of Tttrns again hotne. causing growth. Trvili,qhl and eveni11g bell, We admire every older person A11d after that the dark! and person in authority, like a Alld mav there be 110 sad11ess of judge or superior officer, who farmell, has broken his habit of praising When I embark; and blaming, and instead has For tho' from out our borm1e of Time formed the habit of helping an and Place erring one to improve. The flood may bear me far, (581:ED FRIDAY Established 1898 by OF :~~t c~~~~;~~n~~~:r;,o~,\:~~~,~~~f,~ 111~e ~~~ ~ ~;;l~lis~~n~? ~~ :~~a~i:~r r:~~~~~·h!~: ~ i · ~~,~::~~::~~;;~~~~~~,~~~~,~~~,~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~--do. No matter what I1e ~ WILM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 1924 L .ULIAS BR0 THE RS 1135 CENTRAL AVE. " Till EACH WEEK 635 MAIN STREET Have you bought your WINTER POTATOES? Buv son1e fine ones fron1 us -20 bushels for 20 dollar~. Also selected Idaho potatoes for baking. 30 pounds for 95 cents. 635 Maia Street Phones~lllfl ·s· ( 154 Grape fruit, size de-11135 Ceatral Ave. licious flavor, 5 for 25 cents. Phones {::: Large size, 2 for 25c, 12 for 1311 $1.35. s~all Thin-skinned oranges, juicy and sweet, 25 cents a dozen. Box of Jonathan apples (53 pounds) for $3.25. Best Santa Clara prunes, large size, 25 cents a pound. "Canada Dry" Ginger Ale with a fine tang, $2.50 for case of 12. I hope In St'r my Pilot face to face JVIrt'll I lrm·e crossed tire bar. - Tennyson. FIRE! Don't start something that you can't stop. Once we raked up some leaves and made a huge pile of them in the alley. We then applied a match, and it was no time beiore the willing breeze had transformed what W<rs DO YOU KNOW? Something m1usual is now going .on in China . It's a war of some kind, but do yott know whether it's foreign or domestic? Neither do we. Unless you are better informed than we are you don't know whether some greedy neighbor is attacking China or whether the Celestial Country itself is engaged in a benevolent assimilation of a slice of Manchuria. Doubtless some days ago you caught a fleeting glimpse in the foreign news section ,of some daily paper of a battle in Yu Pu between Y eng Seng and Seng Yeng. But you couldn't say just why they were fighting and you were not much concerned with the issue of the fight. However, if you heard the lecture given last Wednesday evening at the Wilmette Baptist church setting forth some reasons for the present upheaval in China you are much better informed than we supp,osed. And if you continue to give yourself this opportunity for every successive Wednesday evening up to and including December 10 you will be able thereafter to read Chinese news with real pleasure and profit. . . The l~cturer, Paul Hutchmson, 1s espe_ctally well fitted to speak .on Chma, f?r . he has see!"l fi~e years of 1111. stonary servt~e 111 t~:I:t dark land and. has l:ad 111 ~ddtt10.n m.uch expenence 111 ~he 111, vesttgat10n and explanatton of Chinese problems. His three books- The Next Step, The Spread of Christianity, and China's Real Revolution-tell the truth about China as Mr. Hutchinson sees it. -a mere pU~ ot leaves into a roaring bonfire. Just here we made a mistake. In~ tead of standing guard until all danger of the fire's spreading had passed we answered the call of the dinner-bell. When we returned to the alley we found to our great surprise and consternation that dried leaves in the shrub border had caught fire and had already destroyed several full-grown barberry bushes. The next time we burn leaves we shall remain on the scene until the very last leaf has shriveled into its final blackness. \Ve urge others to profit by our experience and stand by any fire they start until it can no longer do harm. A fire beyond control is the devil's own agent of destruction. ' Keep your outdoor fires well within your control. .LIMITED HICA&D ALL DOWN! N tl f t · .I do sotoner taSrel .lde sa e dy tsdan ~ se up a . . 1en an roa an Kemlw.o rth avenue than along comes a wild automobile and down they go again. Some gay driver. when he comes within !leeing distance of the e two lonely lamp-posts. must imagine them tenpins waiting to he toppled · over. \ We have often Sow led merrily along Sheridan, feeling the passihility of eliminating these twin Kenilworth guardians. But we have never yet exceeded the possibility. And now comes a man from RESPONSIBILITY Evanston and demolishes the "An irresponsible person," says posts. According to the police a recent writer on ethics, "is one record his car traveled 105 feet who, like an idiot or a lunatic, after it struck the first one. Our will not recognize plain facts, friend insists that his speed at and is impervious to sane argu- the time \vas only 20 miles per ment. You cannot hold him re- hour. It's worse than any probsponsible simply because the at- lem put to us in descriptive getempt will not work." ometry to represent graphically What this really amounts to is these three factors: (I) Two this: A responsible person is not posts down ; (2) 105 feet from responsible for the past. He is first post: (3) 20 miles per hour. re J>O';ll~~le ~or the future.. ReCould there be a fourth factor? ponasbshty " n.ot a questton of Possibly he - Impossible! He t he HAS done but of what lived in Evanston. The Man Who Pilots Your Train North Shore Merchandise 'Despatch Over-night service for shippers between every important point on the North Shore Line. Through service to Sheboygan, Burlin1~ ton, Watertown and all poinu on the Milwaulc.ee Northern R. R. and T.M. E.R.&.L For ratea, deliveries, etc., write or telephone local North Shore qenr, or Traffic Department: Chicqo office, 72 W. Adame St., 'phones State S723 and Central 8280; MUwaukee oftice, o403 Seault' Bide·· 'phona Orand 990 and Or .Uld 2762. ORTH Shore Line motormen are carefully chosen. It is a rule of the North Shore Line that a man must work at least two years with the railroad, in the train service, be... fore he can even qualify as a motorman. He must be a man of high moral standards- a clear thinker- a man of alert senses. He must pass a searching medical examination. He must undergo these examinations not once, but periodically as long as he is in the service. The North Shore motorman must have full knowledge of the mechanics and science of train control. Compare his qualifications with those of even the best of motorists. Thus will you realize you are truly in expert hands when you ride behind the North Shore motorman. N you v been Pra thing on th thi s fi Chicaao North Shore&. Milwaukee R.R. Co. Sl Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514

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