Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 7

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WILi\IETTE LIFE FRIDAY, OC'!OBER 1924 7 OPEN . &MPI.OYIIENT AGENCY Leaming How to Ride to Hounds tir~t New Trier Senior Clau . Outnumbers F orerunnera TROOP II meetin" of the "Court thi' fall. Troop II made a ,ho" iug. Scout E. Seymour t:'<' "inning the rank .of. Eagle th<· highest h.onor, 1t ts posa ,cont to WilL Scout Burge ,t'cond ·· Ea~:~:le" in the troov ~nd Llll'rt' are set"e ral ?ther scouts ;tJ\a nced toward th1 s r!lnk. 111 lhtrgc abo earned SIX other ha dgcs-Laurin Bennett won l'ar l Yost-fi\·c. Emmons De ~tf-in nr. Lloyd Lourie-three. oort· and Clark Shabino-two, Burtner. Bradford Hutson. , Jlutfman and Harold Spinney ·~· ... d one each. lw m,·rit badges won by Troop II th e aho\'e meeting exceeded in h,· 1 those won hy all the other in the Yillage combined. 1 ~ troop spent one of their rc!lt<'dings on the lake front , two <couts being sworn in in an im-ill' ceremony conducted in the of a huge camp fire. AfterMaster Daughaday of Winnetka will scime day join his father, C..Colton ' the scouts enjoyed a marsh- Daugha<lay (hoth pictured above) in following the fox hounds of t~ Wmnctka llo\4 roas t. This is the second of a Riding club. Mr. Daughaday is master of fox hunods of the club w.h1ch recently oi spec ial meetin~s which the ;, holding this fall. Classes engaged in its annual riding exhibition on the Indian Hi ll Country club paddocks. nerd scout work are being conand fine progress is being · · tration for the troop has been to ~cw York headquarters. The now numbers 45 scouts all , <' . ~l.!W scouts arc heing admitted tht· an·ragc of two e,·ery week. The Wilmette Clamber of Coaamerce wt into operation its very own employment agency for the New Trier high school has the largest senior class this year in the his- es~cial convenience of its members. tory of the school. The other classes The. agency headquarters are located in the "Chamber of Commerce o tlices also show small increases. The first part of this week there were in the Wilmette State Bank building. 247 seniors attending classes, the girls Only clerical help will be handled, outnumbering the boys by 27. In the- it is explained. other classes the boys outnumber the BUSINESS MAN ILL girls. The freshman c:lass had 200 C. E. Rehneckar, proprietor of the boys and 189 girls; the sophomore class, 196 boys and 163 girls; the Renneckar Drug company, Wilme.tte and Central avenues. has been conjunior class 160 boys and 151 girls. fined to his home for se\·eral days because of illness. The E. ]. Lundins have rented their home on Oakwood avenue and have WE A R E FOR ,, 100% '\'OTE. moved into the Linden-Crest apartWILMETTE OP TUIItiT CLlJB . ments. -Adv. · na Announcement I ·( n addition to our regular line of Confections, we are n.ow serving TROOP I .\ great treat is in store for the memnf the First troop and other Scouts their friends on Saturday evening. 25, at 8 o'clock at the Byron ·lp school. Captain Jesse B. Gay S. X. Jn,pector of Ordnance for na \·al di,trict and a resident of WitIt'. will gi\c the first of a series oft . , (lit th lllt:~ oi interest to ooys (and 11 icoJk., too) . Saturday's talk will ·m "Liie on a Torpedo Boat DesH·r during the \Vorld \\'ar." Later nain Gay will talk of "Life at the \<tl Academy," "A Trip around Cape ·rn." and "In Alaskan \\':aters." All ·ut' in Wilmette are cordially invited tltt·sc talks. ~lr. Light Lunches ~and\\'ichcs, ~alad, Cakes, Pies and Coffee We serve nothing but the beat Boy·' Pure Wool'Tbree-Quarter and Mrs. W. G. 1foore of 1038 enwood a\·enue, motored to Urbana ttcnd the lllinois-1lichigan gam< .U U.; " ' OK . New Trier Confectionery 639 Main Street Bo·e In plain or heather mixtures with fancy tops. Sizes 6~ to 10. A very exceptional value- \\I·; 100 '/, W11·.11J,JT'I'E O P ""UIJ S'l' c ·~· l · B. ' ' OTE. -Adv. ' sx~ For the Broken lot· and aiaea of our finest qual· lty I.JDported ~ wool boH, in alna 7, 7 ~ . i oaly. Valuea to .3.00, aow ·1.25. Hard Road Vote "YES" State Bond Issue Be aure to procure, mark and deposit in ballot box the amall ballot like thia Specimen. Road Improvement Ballot. !-;hall an A<·t of the n.-n e ra.l A!:l· >'l'fn bly ot Illlnoil! entitled, 'An Act in relation to the construction b~ lhe Statf.> of Illinois. of durable hard-surtacecl roads upon t>ublic highways of the State along de!:lignatf.>d routes. and the tn·ovislon nf means for the payment of the eost thereof bv an issue of bonds nf the Slate of Illinois,' which, in " Ub!!tance JH'OVI<Ies for the con!<t ruction b\' th e State acting through its ·Department of Public \'v"orks and Buil<llngs, subject to th e Govet·nor's at>proval. of a Statf.>-wide system of hat·d roads, on routes de!<cribNl; for control and maintenance, and for condit lonal compensation for roads aln·ady paved; gives such department full powet· to execute such .\ct; authorizes State to contract a. debt for such puq>ose and to is~ue $100,000,000 of serial bonds, . b··aring inten·" t at not to exceerl four per eent; appt'OJH'iates said sum to said dc)nntment; levies a tax sufficient to pay said interest ali It shall accrue. aud to pa. ~· on' said bonds within 30 years from tssunnce, but provides that such payments may lJe made ft·om othf>r ;~ources of revenue and requires moneys In the )!Otor Yehlcle Law 'Hoad Fund' to be tlt·s t usetl for !o<Uch payments (subject to its u-se f·H· payments of principal and int··n·st of prior State road bonds) :trod such direct tax to be omitted in any year In which sufficient 111oney from other sources of rev' ' " ue has been RPill.OIH'illted to met·t such payment for such year; P··ovides for publication and for ><ubmisslon to tht> People; makes the provisions tor payment of such interest and bonds Irrepealabl e; and pledges faith of State to the malting of auch payments; go Into run force and effect? Election~ November 4th Boy·' Blouse· ·r Polo eol· tw 11tlr11Cti1t· ""'·$· M.J· .,;tr. Eto· w, I· ~-· colors Six lor $5.50 S1.ZS X Paid by Auto Fees No Direct Tax Make Illi~oi· Fint in Good Roads Improved highways decrease the hauling coat of every load hauled over them and increaae the value of land wherever they penetrate. This bond issue will insure the completion of the 9,800 mile State highway system, which will reach practically every community and will carry at leaat 95 per cent of the State's highway traffic. Rake Up Your Leaves \\·ith one of our rakes made for that purpose. If you need a fire basket, ash can, garbage can, remember that we carry the best. Failure to Vote · IS a Vote Against 11 Thia Advertisement Contributed Toward Permanent Road lmpro"emeat by John Millen /llt'· Hardware, Millen Htu It" lZit-ZIW......Aa The Autocar Sales and Service Co. 125 w..t Jackao D Bl"d., Chic:aao Direct Factory Branch of The A.utocar Company, A.r..._.e, Pa.

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