Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 5

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WfLMETTE LIFE, FlUDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 Shore's Beauty Shop Ua Get StaiJe 7,190 VOTERS REGJmJt NEw TRIER GRID Moat of Struck, Says Producer IN WILMmE PRECINCTS MEN FACE TEST Strong Waukeganites This Saturday l'r i··r·, football squad is readv r \\'aukegan Saturday after,,, 1 ·· ' \\' aukegan. 11 \\ ., ·, .1 Jo to 0 victory over River_;d l.1·t Saturday, the New Trier ·n· l·h r- a re prepared to put all their ~. , r · r au d rig-h.~ int~ Saturday's. battle. , ·,,,,, 11 ·· ouke Chtlds and hts staff " ha .. dr illed the players during the ",, · putting more vigor and speed 11 11,, rltt· plays. 'I·.. \\ .au k egan h'tg h sc h ool has a · 1"·11' >.! eleven in the field and the , ,.,., a nd green boys witt have to be , " ri1l'i r toes every minute to score ;· , .. ·ro ry. The encouragement the \\·" T rier players have been receiv-· i· ·..: ' ; om tho~e interested in the -rJt,,., l .' athletics has helped them ; long rn the early season games, and 1'0" . " ith stronger teams to face, the r o rtll -hore boys nee.d both encouragen ~<·' 1 .111d good playmg. ( n.Jrh Chli~s and his assistants have drill nl that. i<lea i~to the players in nrn practice sesston. Regular ata m· ~· is required of .all the players .~\ pra ct 1ce hours and there is no lett'P oi training rules. Deerfield, Pro' i-o and Evanston meet New Trier ; itn th\.' \Vaukegan engagement. ju -t who will start the game for \· ·w Tri\.'r is not certain, but there is ;t l" '" ihility that the squad that faced l~ i1 ,·r-i·k will be in the line-up before th<· ~am .: ends. There was fine team" CJrk aga inst Riverside with no out>tanding, scintillating star. The ' ' oring wa> done by \Veld, Neir, Pan\'Oa,t . l.nner and Martin who were ;t irl<·d h~ an l'ffective interference. Cua.-h ( lrilds has built up one of rh.. -t r" " ""'t lines in fhe Suburban I.-a~ lit· . The linesmen have not only " ·· i~o: h '·ut also soeed. both needed j,,r a hil L' that will hold off the op' " l '"'~ n1t~n and be able to rush the ri1 a l li n\.' and break up plays before 1 hn an: fairly started. T ht· \' l ' W Trier line-up that faced l\ i1 l' r-id\.'. and which will probably ' 'a rt agarnst Waukegan included Phil 1: rn1111. I.e.; R. Atwood, l.t.; E. Wachs, 1:~ . ; R. Hulburt (captain), c.; Van ~rhaack . r .g. ; Burrill, r.t. ;Paul Hro" n, r.l'.; A. Martin, quarter; \'l'ir. l.h.: Weld, r.h.; Pancoast, f.b.; and Roherts. Osgood, Louer and \· tVites Patronage his beauty shop IUlent wavinga curl. process. r-no need the men. ldren's hair. ~tion. all latest appli. ·· "It is saf~ to say that 90 percent of the pcopl~ 111 America, at some stage or ?ther m their lives, have had the destre ,to . entc:r upon a theatrical As in Chicago and other sections of ca~eer, satd ~nnt George, well known Cook county, New Trier township elecWtlmet~e restdent and theatrical pro- t!on precincts experienced a busy ducer,. Ill an address Wednesday he- ttme on the two regi tration days for fore hts fellow members in the Wit- the November 4 election. Figures for mette Rotary club. the township show that 15,407 voters "The layman cannot realize the registered in compliance with County great numbers of requests theatrical Clerk Sweitzer's request as published booking agents receive from amateurs in WILMETTE LIP£ and other Lloyd who bibo~ under the impression that Hollister, Inc., publications in the they. ~ecause of the s_eeming approval township. of fnc:nds, are dest!ned to become Registration figures showed that stars 10 the theatn~al .f irmament," 7,190 voters registered in the 11 WilMr. Ge.orge added. Thetr numbers mette precincts. The registration was are legton. M~ny of them, to bel representative at every polling place. sure. do develop mto good professional ' f or th e 10 talent." . . F tgures . w· .mnet k a preMr Geor h' . cmcts gave a regtstratton of 4,651. . ·f ge gav:e a grap tc descrtp- Glencoe's total registration was 2 716 ~ 1011 0 the operations ~f a large book- 1 while that of Kenilworth was 8s0 · mg agency explamed the routing . . : of vaudevilleand acts, emphasizing the de- . I~ v~ew of _the heavy regts~ratton. termining factor in the success or !ndtcatmg, as ,tt do_es, a kee.n mte~e~t failure of theatrical productions. m the . Prestden~tal el~ctton, ctv!c leaders m the vtllage mterested tn J Bank I getting out a record vote percentage, · · ppe ' er, S took renewed courage this week and Optimist Club Speaker determined to put forth every effort }. M. Appel, president of the First to get every eligible voter to the polNational Bank of Wilmette was the ling place on November 4. speaker at the Wilmette Optlmist club Wilmette's registration by precincts luncheon at the Lake Shore Terrace was as follows: Precinct 13-416 i 14Tuesday of this week. 724; 15-556; 16-756; 17-507; 18-701; 19Mr. Appel discussed the general sub- z07; 20-839; 21-1034; 22-596; 23-554. ject of banking with particular refer0 ence to the relation of the bank to the w~ 1 t::~o~~M~:T'h> CL~ ~· 8 community. -Adv. PASSES BAR EXAM. James Brownlee, son of Mrs. James Brownlee, 1624 Spencer avenue, has passed examinations successfully and was recently admitted to practtce as an attorney at Montpelier, Vt. PLAN~~~ P.. , ·. The Wifmetfe ·· '0Pffnt1st· club'!· hokl a Hallowe'en party at the La Shore Terrace Thursday evenin·, October 28. George Olewine will be Ia charge of arrangements. ' t1lr . wQ e ·G ra·11 :f! . / . M A I C lwoz·c to increase our' productio1J. outcstants for the clwmpionsllip belt arc pouriuy into the ·wafflt' slwp dail\'. If tflis goes on. ·wr 'zt·ill soo11 616 Churc h St. "Opposite the , Library" ---------------------------------.:_==-----------:..:. _____. :. ____. .:__________ s th Shore Hotel pvanahire hotel The Cadillac Custom Built S\lburbaa ~aturda~· afternoon, November 1, th~ Xew Trier squad will journey to J~:r~b. ~ubstitutes. Hrghland Park to play against the Deerfield team. Wilmette Men Purchue Large Northbrook Tract -yndicate composed of E. R. :-\our-c. G. T . Hellmuth and others, ha, pnrchased a block of land in \'o rt hhrook at the junction of Waul. , ·~,o· road and Shermer avenue both ··i, ." hw h ar~ pav~ . highways. ' I h" loc~tton. tt ts explained, is to hr th\.' prmcipal business district of t h,· rapidlr growing west north sh· o re 'llllllrh. which is provided with sewer, ~~" and electric light service. Many new homqs are under ·construction ·IIHI lotreets are being paved. Til~ purchasers, about a year ago, arqtttrt·d 20 acres on Lake avenue, 1\t'\t of Ridge avenue. Wilmette, I\ h tch has since been resold for sub!livi!>ion at a substantial profit. it is · xplaincd. Dtcfate Your Car's Appearance B E·anaton Branch 1111 Ridt· An. Plan to Radiocut Real Stories by Little Tots ~· 1-cr the Tribune radio (W.G.N.) dur'~ K Skeczix Hour, 5:30 to 6 o'clock, EN and women who have seen the new Custom Built V-63 cars tell us they consider these the most beautiful automobiles produced. What pleases them particularl~is that they have their choice of twenty-four rnast¢'r 'color harmonies and ten upholsterypattet ns in either cloth or mohair. In fact, Cadillac invites them to dictate their cars' appearance. \I i~s Frances Cutler of 347 Hazel ·" ·<"nue. Highland Park, will tell stories Satt1rday afternoon, October 25, when program will again be under the ction of the National Kinderen and Elementary college. . t week the stories were told by .'~' Christine Heinig of Hubbard \\nod~. who made the interesting announcement that if children will write ~ or h:l\'e some one write down for hclll-a really. truly ori~inal story, d ~ l·nd it in to the Kindergarten dy , Tribune Radio, Drake hotel, the II<'L:l will pick out the best story ch \\'rrk and have it told over the a din. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY Cbic:aaro Branch Dimioa of Geaeral Motors Corporation ·., 2301 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE COMMUNITY BRANCHES: W·t Side Bl'llllch , 4111 W. Waahin.~n Bl.d. BreadwaJ' Branch Sl3t BroadwaJ' W~wn :, 1 1152 Final Report Ridge Zoning Scheme R\.'commendations to the Village oard hy the Board of Appeals on ?nlnK regarding the zoning of the lllgl' a 1enue area recently annexed t hl'. ~ illage, were not forthcoming anttctpated, at Tuesday's session 'of hoard. large group of interested property nrr-; that had made its appearance' !h.e council chambers to hear the ton of the board in the matter, di~appointed when President Zipf ounced that the recommendation decision would be deferred to a date. c " t· ' I Cotta·· ! Branch Grove A··· LAC I: '. Standard of the World

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