Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 4

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·I WIL~1 ETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 192-J The fir~t of the special parties sched uled by the Tuesday ~·~nonmnity . Dan~e organization at the \\ rlmette \\ oman s will he in the naturr o f a HalVillage Increases Appropria- New Trier P. T. A. to Visit club lowe 'en frolic Tut·sday evening. October with Instructors tion for Clinic Work at 2~. . On that occa ~ ion thl' clas:' lesson w.ll Gro11e Point he omitted and tht· dance will begin at ~: :o o'clock all(l continut· until 11 :30 l'are ll!- o f children attending ~l' W o'clock. T r ia high ;, chool will go to school These dance~. it is 1>ointcd <l Ut, preASSIST T. B. PATIENTS \\'ed nt·,cJa.v niKht . Kovenrher 5. start - sent an opportunity f<~r ncig~borly ga!hing- a t i o'clock. A.t th .t t time th e fir st m ee ting o f the t r ings that broaden acquamtanceshtps enti re Pare nt -Tea cher a :.svciat ion will and make for the uphuildin~ tlf a genuspirit. Weighing and Measuring of he held. The par t· nt s will ~o to the ineIncommunity As an introduction to the merits of this beauty shop accordance with custnm. the annu. e· Ba'g Item da--e s regularly att ended IJy their Babl al election of officers was held at the we are giving special rates on permanent waving· children and med the teachers. They will di-nt s ~ the courses offeree! in the opening dance recently. Officers and Bobbed hair SOc a curl, long hair. 75c a curl. ~chool curriculm, and the valu<' oi the committees named were as follow s : George E. \\.est, chairman: \Valter ·ariou s studies. They will al so ex Th r <:ro"l' Po int H t·alth Ct·nter 1 aq r nded to IZ nell' ca:.cs und 61 old prt> ss their opinion s on the preparation Gore Mitchell, vice chairman: George We u'ae the famous Lanoil process. ra~ es at tht· clinic held this month. of the student s for higher education M. Hubbard, secretary-treasurer : who The tuher<· ulo~i' report for September and for vocations. The classes will cunstitute the executive committee. Advisory committee-Mrs. E. lL 'hows that 29 iamilies composed of terminate at 10 o'clock and the entire We specialize in bobbing .~dies' hair-no need ttl adults and 4-J children were examil)- group will later meet in the school Burge, Mrs. L. E. Ashley, Mrs. A. E. Gebert. John A. Borncamp. Robert l'd and cart·d for. Thc,t· ca,t·s wert· auditorium where Superintt>ndcnt waiting in barber ab~ps with the men. \:Ontinuatiom from the pre1·iou s month Frederick E. Clerk will ex1 lain the Pease and John l.. Page, and the officers . with the excevtion of one new family. uew marking ,y,tem adopted. Of these cas<· ~ te n url' pulmonary Social committee- ){ r,. , J. B. DenThe new marking system to he used We also specialize in cutting children's hair. tuherculosis in adults ; one adult and at New Trier this year is similar to man, chairman; )fr,. F. P. Proctor, one child Ira ,.e tuherculosis; 85 are systems employed by most of the col- Mrs. G. E. Reid, ~frs. ). A. Borncamp, tuherculosis "contacts;" nine others leges and universities throughout the Mrs. E. D. Lyon, Mrs. A. B. Sweet, Hair goods of every description. are under dailv observation. One countr}·, and in many high schools, it Mrs. George E. West, Mrs. George M. patient was l'en·t to the hospital, an- is explained. It is commonly referred Hubbard, Mrs. \Vatter Gore Mitchell, other moved from this community. to as the point system. We do beauty work of every kind-aU latest appli. Mrs. E . C. Cazel, Mrs. E. H. Burge and Two new ca~es wae admitted to care A specific number of quantity Mrs. Robert Pease. :tnd three Wt're discharged. ancea, all expert workers. credits are required for graduation, as The general purpo~~·,. oi the social Miss Norcross, the nurse. has been in the pa~t. Courses totaling 85 c"mmittee, it is explain<'!!. will he to inttuantity credit:. must he completed, hking care of the children during trvducc those attending, to promote the clinic days and also at other times on and under 1he new system, the stu- ,.pirit of good fellowship, and to generh.e r regular visits. During September dent mmt han· earned 170 quality ally aid everyone to have an enjoyable the nurse made eight visits to the pub- poiuts. The quality points are count- time at each of the weekly dances. lic schools and li1·e to parochial insti- ed on the basis of the grades received tutions, weighing and measuring a by the pupils. The grades will he gi\·en A CORRECTION total of 458 children. Those who need- in letters instead of on the percentage 509 Main St., Evanston Opposite Evanshire hotel Announcement in last week's issue ('d medical or dental attention were basis as in the pa st. The marks on of \Vn,Mt:TT·: L1n: stated that Dr. \V. the students' reports · will be A, B, C, 1mmediateh- ad1·ised and those who Phone 10402 were under weight were placed under D or F, denoting the quality of the W. Hawkins and Mrs. Beatrice Hawkins, who have taken offices in work done by the students. ohserva t ion. A grade denotes excellent or super- the Rockhold building, arc dentists. In past years Dr. M. C. Hecht gave .\1-u at loiO ChicaKo Avenue, opposite ~orth Shore Hotel medical attention to those visiting the :or work and earns four quality points This is an error.. Dr. and ~~ r~. H<&wkins are physicians and surgeons. for each quantity credit ; B, good or health center, but recently he had to Phone 729 ~ive up his -services. because of the Jhove averagt- work. three quality WE ARE FOR A 1 . . % VOTE. demands of his private practice. An points fo read1 quantity cre·lit; C, WILMETTE OPTIMIST CLtTB. -Adv. increase in the income of the center iair or a\'trag-c work, t\\o quality had to he made to meet the expenses points for each quantity cn·dit: D, roor but pas,ahle work, orh· quality of a visiting doctor. Since Gross Point has hel'n atlnt>xed to the Villagt· points for each quantity ned it: ( · of \Vilmette,.the hoard of directors of failure, no qualit~· point or quantity the health cent a appl·a led to the credit. In ordt'r to graduatt·, the Village trustt'es for aid which was ~tudent mu~t do at least an an·rage given in the dirt·ction of an increase of C grade work. during the four of $25 a month to the village's contri- vean. · Superintendent Ckrk will give the bution to the center. Thr center recein·s donations irom reasons for the adoption of this <-ys,·arious organizations and indh·iduals tem and explain its advantages over and secures a fund frotH the annual the percentage grading as us<·d in the past. Chri~tmas Seals sale. Tht' officers of th,· New Trin hiKh A brief history of the health center. school Parent- Teacher association arc :ts given hy Mrs. John Clark Baker. SPE-CIAL Clarence MacNeille. Glencot·, pre~i ~hows that at tlrt· close of a sur\'ey of wei hts and rueasuremt·nts of babies drnt: Mrs. James F. Porter. Hu!Jbard in 1917 bv tht· Xational Council of \Voods. vice prt·sident; Mr,. Edgar Defense in Cook count\·. it was found Stevens. Kenilworth. secretary-treasthat thr highest awr.age of under- urer. Only one other meeting of the weight bahit·s was in New Trier town- rntire association is scheduled for the ~hip, especially in Gross Point. The current year. Alice Wood Child \\"dfare station was established on Ridg\· avenue and Give Demonstration on ~e of maintained h~- donations to pay a How to Mark the Ballot nurse. Dr. Hecht gal'c every Wednesday aftt-rnoon to th~ station over The sixth and final class session is a period of five years. on October .30. oi the series of lecThe villages of Gross Point and ture~ on citizenship conducted on in performWilmette, tht.> township. the women's Thursday morning~ at the Wilmdte ~~.u~s. the Economy shop and may in- Woman's cluh by ~Irs. Walter F. dtvtduals contriuuted to the health Dodd of Chicago. will he in the <:enter's funds to meet the upkeep ex- nature of a demonstration in markiug penses. But as the field work was en- the ballot. larged, attention had to be given Women in the village not absoluteadults as well as children, and the ly sure regardin~ the correct procedthe Chicago Tuberculosis institute joined ure in marking a ballot are urged to in the work at the center. For the attend this session. This demonstrapa. t three year~ the center has been tion is not for the purpose of telling lmown as the Grosse Point Health who to vot.c: for, but of how one must Center. Dod1eBro.. mark a billot so that it will not be Motor Velelel·· The board of directors of the cen- spoiled and thus rendered void, it is ter are Mrs. John Hoffmann, presi- explained. 1019 DAVIS"STREET TEL UNIVERSITY 224 dent; Mrs. W. ]. Seng. vice president· . The Dodd lectures are given under Evanston Mrs. Carl Widney, secretary; Mrs. A: auspices of the Civics and Legislation Vv. Boylston, treasurer: Mrs. Hope committee of the Woman's club. Thompson. Christmas Seal chairman; This committee, in conjunction with nnd Mrs. L. C. Ayres, Mrs. John Clark the Wilmette League of Women Baker, Mrs. W. Gillette, Mrs. Edward Voters, is putting forth every effort Hoffman, Mrs. C N. Hurlbut, Mrs. to f:('et out a tOO percent women's vote Thomas Kerwin, Mrs. D. M. Max- at the November 4 election. well. Mrs. Victor Sanborn, Magistrate n. M. Mickey, Mr. Milia and Mr. Mr. Sulzrr. Easter Lilies Thrive in DANCE CROUP MORE HELP FOR CALL PARENTS TUESDAY IN HALLOWE'EN PARTY HEALTH CENTER TO CLASSROOM The Finest Invites Your Patronage 'l i.t · t ( 1lP i:1 ..: -ch11·l : lonli DANIEL GANS D " D6E BROTHERS TYPE- -A 5 E-DAN A value that suggests itself on sight and proves itself in course years. The chassis so dependable and smooth operation, that ance soon takes precedence, even over beauty, in the estimation of owner. C. M. Me DONALD Motben-Dada-Scouta to Banquet at Sears. School Balmy Indian Summer Air The scramhled St'asons have Dame Naturt' ~Omt>what puzzled with regard to suitin-~t the fancr of the amateur g"a rdentr~ in these parts. . Ant.icipating a fine hloom of Easter lilie" next spriug . . Mrs. George E. Lowell. 900 Ashland avenue. only rec~:ntl.r !'et out some bulbs in strict accordance with the gardeners' manual. Irnagint her sur!)rise one day early thi week when. upon making the rounds of her .flower beds, she encountered two full blooms of Easter lilies. Beware, lest we have June roses at Christmas time and holly wreaths next The annual Mother and Dad Boy Scout banquet is to he held at the Jos{'ph Sears sch?OI Friday night, No' 'ember 7, at wh1ch time awards will he made to scout, ha,·ing achieved c:li. tinction iri Scouting effort during the past six month~ . '11ie Eagle patrol bart'ly no. cd out the Stag patrol in . the inter-patrol <:ontest held by tht' Kenilworth troop this week. Official mention and the presentatior: of the trophy to the winn'ers will bt' made at the November gathering. Jul~ . Awards will al o be made to Robert Sweet, Frank \\'att, "Pep" Farley Rohert Joslin and Carl Carlson. wh~ Gives Sermon on ntade the highest indi\'idual points in "Ineacapables of Life" the contest. Dr. Gi~rt Stanst'lt, pastor' of the \\'ilnwte Pari h Mtlhodist church is COMPLETE PAVINC PROJECTS \(;, ing a characterize<! series of se~ns PavinJr of Third street and portions on the ~teneral topic. "Some Inescapables of Wa)uuagton and Laurel avenues ir1 Life." Xext Sunday fae will give the ha been completed by the Foley Pav- second numher of the series entitled ina company_ at a total cost of approxi- "You .Must Be Born From Above:· ' mately $49.000. the Village board was Thest- messages are "straight-fromin~ormed at it meeting Tuetday of 1the-ht;art-to-the-heart-meuages," and tha week. a ~~k tull and honc t response. Series

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