Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 3

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WILMETTE LI OCTOBER 1924 given. J Opera.Drama 1/"'_ _ f Club F N·-...._.. ~t or irat Offenn·g p rohably the largest attendance at any rehearsal evl.'r held hy the club occurred last Thurs<l... y when nearly 50 members and P_rospects a ssembled for the waekly ' pract1ce of the \Vilmette Opera and Gaina Drama club. ,, ever has the cluh exper ienced such wave of t . . earucs cn_ t1 lll~lasm as pre.a ls at the pr('~CIIt tnm·, it was said. Tht· play -writ ing c l'!-s~ .of E\·an ston, Prohably this Is caused by the fact ~1orga 11 d 'r t f 1 1 f h ac t 1\'1 t 1es o f N ort h - hat Mr · · a par t o 1 ec . t e · 1 ld · · · · ·1 11 appear · th, 1 d ' or o t 1c cub unn ·ers tt y, 1e 1ts llllttal · Ill c ea mg part of the in ;.: of th e seaso n , Tue sday morn - 1 . Ortolwr 14, w it h ma nv """ r ese nt - Clau In- ·n~g~fl~o~u~r~an~d~h~o~w~SSii~ii~~iiiiii~ii~~-~A~d~T; IIm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~m~p~lo~y~e~d~m~m~a~k~~ first o-ra to L' v·" 't.-. ~~~~: gt ~· tht's fall," -- 1 a a:nember. "Mr. M;organ has already thnlled the members with his voice and a real treat is assured to Wilmette in the above announcement." Miss Agnes Bcisemeier will sing opposite Mr. Morgan. To those who heard M' B · ·ss elseme:er sing over the radio rect·ntly, tlus is expected tu come as a .c ~y pleasant announcement . , 1n the cast, also, a rc such well known artists a s Chester l.awrrence, Warren Shaw, George Leal, Ed Winzell and Henderson, as \\'ell as Mrs. Warren Shaw-(nee Dorothy Challl ' nor) . The club feels assured that this will L- by ..- ... .... ( ar tne L.- fi · bas ·ever the various grades of flour are separnest per f romance It ated and plact'd in their respective The date bas not yet been. announced, sacks. be the latter pa; t o f According to Superintendent E. E. Nygaard, who, with Mr. Finnigan, accompanied the children on their trip, Kenilworth Pupils Tour frequent visits of that nature will be made hr the pupils during the school Flour Mills in Chica10 y ear. Th e purpo!le o f sueh m · pection Pupils of R. ] . Fin n iga n's :> eventh tours, the uperintendent added, is to grade science class o f the Joseph com~ i nc the practical knowledge of Sears school, Kenilworth, mad· an in- industries and arts with the classroom "' study. spection trip through the Eckhart flour mills in Chicago, last Friday. T he children were shown the process WE ARE II'OR A ....... v 111 .,.._ . WILMETTE OP'I'UIIIT CI.VB. · ~~v~~r,robably SMART APPAREL FOUNTAIN SQUARB A SPECIAL SELLING OF LUXURIOUS New Coats s6g.so Theodore B. Hinckley II\ t' north sho re women att ending . mong tho>c pre se nt wer e: Mrs. A . .trr I:nt . ~ Ir s. W alte r Dill Scott }ohn ~c hae ffer, Mrs. Carlos An ~ ·' · .-\ lict· C. D. Ril ey, Mrs. Tsa bell r :'If eel.: a . f.llanch Banni st er Arn s El t'a nor Perkin s a nd Mrs. Pi erce: pre, idt·n t of th e Eva n ston Dr am a lt' agnt' . Th t· oclore Ballou Hinckl ev now a n~e mher of the Nor thwes te rn ' fa cult y, dJrt'ct <; t hi s class, which is op en to all t he me n a nd wom en of th e north ·hort . i!lte res te<l in pla y- writing o r th e .c nt ·cal analysis of c urrent pro duc t 1 0ns before the public . . I t~ mee t in gs e very Tuesda y mo rn tng m th e l<.'c ture room of the Evan ston P ui>l ic library provid e a mental >tllllulus. to some fi{ty . enthusiastic mt·mhers a s well a s a means for ma rketing and producing their wares. Odd F ellowa and Rebekaha Plan Joint Open Meeting 29 head party ~- T . Sh erman lodge, No. 892, the W \lmette Rebekah lodge No. 610 and \V.ilevan s bro?~ Enc amp~ent , No: 177. w1\\ hold a JOtnt open m eetin g in the 1. 0 .0 . F: building, Wilmette avenue and .~l am street , Wilm ette , Thursday <'l ' t' ll l n g-, Octobe r 30. "The fellowship and e nthusia sm ' how n by the variou s lodges along th e north shore is increasing each wee k," write s a member of the WileYansbrook Encampment. " Two weeks ago a 'Surpri se Visit' was made at \Y~ u.kegan with an attendance of 181 vts1tmg lodge members. Northbrook lodge visited A . T. Sherman lodJ;Ce and put on the [nitiatory degre e. In ret urn, the members of A . T . Sherman lodge visite<l Northbrook lodge ~nd gave their candidates the work 111 the firs t degree. The Steel City lo?g e .of Gary, Ind., is expected to bnng 1ts second degree team to Wilm ~.tte at an early date." . Odd Fellowship in Illinois" con h_ n ues the writer, " has made a' splen dtd record, not only in regard to it s steady growth in membership but for work well performed. It has been a leader i!l practical fraternity. It ha s approximately 135,000 members in he s t.at~ and stands third among the tct1ons under the Sovereign _ nd lodge. In the establishment 1ts Old Folks' Home at Mattoon ~nd its Orphans' Home at Lincoln' 1t demonstrated its ability to conduct the ~ e large institutions in a manner whtch has not only been a credit to the order, but to the state of Illinois." -~oo JU9 ---- Kenilworth Gridclen to Meet · Winnetka Elevens The Joseph Sears school football teams are looking forward to their ~ame~ with aggregations from the kokte. school, Winnetka, next week. Athlet1c Director Robert Townley has been putting the Kenilworth slhool boys in shape, giving them regu a~ formations and plays used by vanous colleges. Th~ heavyweights will meet the Skok1e school heavyweights Tuesday a,fternoon, October 28, starting at 4 0 clock.. The middleweights will line T~ agamst the Skokie middleweights ursday afternoon, October .30. ERHAPS you have delayed buying your winter Coat until the cool, crisp days of late Autumn have warned you that winter is no longer far away, but close upon your heels. ff so, you will welcome this timel y showing of cloth and fur-trimn1ed winter wraps which unite style, beauty, and cotnfort with excellent value. Whether they achieve their smartness by the new cape-back or muff.sleeve effects, whether it is due to pleating, braid or luxurious fur trimming, certai_ n it is that these new coats are invariably correct, sn1art and becoming. The newest fabrics-including the popular suede cloth, velva.laine, block lustrosa and cut velgallia-are to be found in this group in the rich, new colorings of Fall and Winter. P Style No. 194 A very new silhouette in Velvalaine with a suggested flare in the skirt, Bay seal or Beaverette is uaed for the collar, cuffs and edging. Lined with soft crepe. Slyle No. 7237 Supple grace accommodates itself to the whim of fashion in this lovely Furlaine coat. The bias side inserts keep the silhouette slender and add adistinctive note. Trimmed in Ringtail Opossum, and silk lined. Style No. 1259 This very successful coat is typical of the smartest Fall tendencies in its Jf&cious use of eide trimm·ng and Ringtail Opossum fur. It come· in Chamovette or Velpl· lia, with crepe linin&'. Style No. 193 Coats, which smart wo· r.1en wear this seasoo, in· variably have st1aight linea. So, too, this Vel· valaine coat with ita simulated flounce and effective Bay Seal co11ar and cuffs. It is crepe lined. · Co. CALLED BY DEATH Ella Eggleston, sister of Mrs. M . E. n, 900 Ashland avenue, died · The funeral services were at her late residence in Rogers Wednesday and burial was at G a Iesburg, 111. Lovely New Dresses at $24.50 and $39.50 Al1o oc .lt mo.J ~oor

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