OPPORTUNITY DAYS SECTION W ILMEITE LI FRIDAY OCTOBER 1924 3 Some of Our Newest Creations lt'a a Grand and Glorious Feeling to know that you have a nice, bi1 bank account. ~louse ~ For Special Order Work As <;:hristmas is fast · approachmg, now is the time to P.lace your order for resettmg your diamonds. Our special order department con~hined with our past expene nce has made us thousands of satisfied customers. Let us estimate on yo~r next order. For orders received we The IUI'elt Way to aet it ia to lf Hose :y tops = ~ Save Regularly. for on will ~portuaity Daye Ties 75c Telephone 311 1166 Wilmette Avenue Jeweler and Op~cian allow a 20% Reduction Your Golden Opportunity Day WILMETTE STATE BANK ! YOUR HOME BANK Dominic Pagliarulo Phone 1061 GOWNS ~YES WILMETTE SHOE STORE A DECIDED REDUCTION ·oN ALL SHOES FOR OPPORTUNITY DAYS 1150 Central Avenue Opportunity SpeCial NATIVE FLANK STEAK 5c 2 perlb EAST END CASH MARKET. 403Y2 Linden Ave., Wilmette Wilmette Paints! Paints·! Paints! 20% Reduction on All Paints, Varnishes and Enamels OPPORTUNITY DAYS at Lulias Bros. Two Stores Extra Fancy Jonathan Apples 53 lb box $2.99 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, by the case. , 12 bottles $2.49 Get Yours Now GEO. BALDWIN Hardware, China, Kitchen Utenaila, Phoae Glencoe IN Painb, Window Glua, Radio 1117 Greenleaf Avenue We give and redeem S. ~ Suppli~ Phone Wllmette Z7SZ H . Green Stamps. LuLIAS BROTHERS IllS CENTRAL AvE.# 637 MAIN ST. · ·· A. S. Van Deusen Central Avenue and 12th Street Opportunity Days At Opportunity Days October 28th and 29th Taylor's The SatilfattotfJ Stott · Plymouth Rock Tomatoes No. 2 Can, Doz., $1.60; Can, 14c Ladies Flannelette Gowns Regular and Extra Sizes Co. The jobber's price to me to-day on this article is $1 .50 per dozen. All wholesalers tell the same story. Canned fruits and vegetables are going to be scarce this winter. Buy now and buy all you want before we are compelled to raise the price. Special on These Days at ,1.25 each 1125-27 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 1914