Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 24

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24 \ ILL.-UoF. OF '",LJIET'I'ID l'roltf»>HI ortlh···ee for WILMETTE th~a~~e~~tt>r pipe shall be laid on a f·ra·····.. ... I 1\rm bed. Excavating shall be made ~-t Ire· ···· under the bell of each pipe that tile ESTIMATE 1924 aTnhde ltnhc,hocah IECTIO N 7, That all ordinances or .. , a parta of ordinances, In far as the er ahall be eight (8) lnche~ thl~- same conflict with the 80 provlsiona ot They shall be constructed ot b this ordinance, are hereby reJ)ealed ~uallty ot aewer brick laid In Am!~. 1 IECTIO N 8. Thia ordinance shall be t~~~ a~~tuarhaalllHryedartauollnc Cement mor- n force from and after Ita Passage a founctati PABSBID by the President and Board l·uiJt ot sewer brick laid In mortar on ot Truatees ot the VIllage or Wilmette aforesaid, which foundation shall :: on the day ot <S) lnchea In depth, cyllndriclll In A D 1U f orhm, and &ball meaaure etxtl· (SO) and depoalted and ftled in tbe' omc~ nc es In diameter. of the Vlllage Cl k t ld The waJJa of tbe v&lve <'ha b this er o sa VIllage sbobattll atarft biDe (t) lncbea belowmth6er A. Dday of om o the m ..n. · · 19.24. Each of aaid valve chambers ah:\11 Vlllage Clerk be equipped and ftttecl With a caat tr'on APPROVED by the Pre.ldent of the cover welchlnc tour buadf'ed and VIIJace ot Wilmette, this - - - - aeventy (t70) PGUda of ant QUalit day ot A. D. Ulf. for the u.. latelld... -.ootJa &ad fre! from defecta Ia t!aetl. ., It all&U " ot Wilmette. Mt so tbat tile top of Uae OOYer WU1 1--Virr;=:--;;;r=::;=----be tbre. lac·ea below tile aurtace of · ~~~~~~u~:: b To the Board of ~cal Impro\'emPnta ··,.··· · ·:r·ff'· of 110 ot the Village ot Wilmette: w·trr -PIIIIJ' Plltr I· errilll· Hetl-· t>ntlre length of the pipe shall lie on 1 herewith eubmlt an estimate of the 11 ,,.,... Wf'llt of ··· ee·tre ·· ·f the bottom ot the trench. All joints cost of laying a connected MyJ<tem ot Hld ..e -"·eaae, WilMette, ··..····· !!hall be close fttted and caulkeil. Said cast Iron main watt'r supply pipe with wit· t·· ·-··e·d·tloa of ··e caulking shall consist ot well rammed 111 nt>cessary: crosses. valvee, hydrants, a.-rd of LOC"al hn~tre,······· ··· untarred roe ~·n.rn of suffl··lent tJUan- 1\ttlngs and connections In each and ..aft··ted <Nt«ot. tlty so as to leave. aftt>r being every street of that part or the VII· -'~ OHDI~ .\XCE thoroughly rammed. a depth of two lage of Wilmette lying West of the JlrO\'Iding for the impron·ment of t>ach Inches for lead. Thereupon shall be Centre line or Rldgt' Avenue, except anrl en·r\' "trt>et In that J>art of the poured Into the two (2) Inch space a In Hrown Street and Clark Street In Village of Wilmette lying Weilt of sufflclent quantity of moulton lo~11d, so Segl'r's Subdivision, and Pine Stt·l'ct the centrt- lint' of Ridge Avenue, ex- that after caulking, as hereinafter In Pine Crest Subdivision. and except eept In Brown Stret>t and Clark Street speclfted, the lead shall stand llush In Melvin Street from 132 feet South In Seger's Subdivision and Pine Street with the end of the pipe. After pour- of North Avenue or Elmwood Avenue In Pine Crest Subdivision· and except lng the lt'IHI Into the joint, !t shall to the North line ot Kenilworth GarIn :Melvin Street from 132 feet Soutfi be compactt>d with a caulking nammer den's Subdivision, and except In Ridge It was natural that the Tllinoisof North A\·enue or Elmwood Avenue and shall he thoroughly caulked Avenue from Wilmette Avenue to to the North line of Kenilworth Gar- around the entire circumference of the Elmwood Ayenue, and of the cost of Michigan football game s hould attract den's Subdivision, and except In Ridge pipe. Said lead shall be ot the beRt making and collt><'tlng the aasessmt'nt the attention that it did, but the next Avenut' !rom ' \Vilmt>tte Avenue to ouallty of soft caulking lead, free therefor, In accordance with the plans big game in the Illinois stadium, many Elmwood Avenue. by furnishing and from antimony, tin or arsenic. The and specltlcatlons preparE'd by your critics believt>. will be one of the laying therein a system ot cast Iron spigots shall be concentrically placed board, which estimate Is as follows: closest and most spectacular battles ma.ln watEcr sua>ply r>ipe with all neres- In the cells ot said pipes so as to ad- 52.900 lineal feet of 6-lnch sary crosses. vah·es. h~·ctr·a nts, fittings mit of a uniform thickness of gasket ever wagt>d in the west. That game main water supply and connections. and lead. pipe, Including all fitis with the Uni,·er!'ity of Iowa on BE IT ORDAIKED BY THE PRF:SICast Iron caps or plugs shall be put tings at $2 .25 per November 1. DENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTii:ES In all unconnected ends of pipe, :tnd foot ...... _......... $ 119,025.00 OF THE YILLAGE OF WILMETTE: In all unconnected "crosses" and :.,320 lineal feet of 8-lnch The Hawkeyes have practically the !IIECTION 1. That a local Improve- "tees." main water supply same team which held Illinois to a ment shall be made In the Village ot The pipes and ftttlngs shall be coatpipe, Including all nt9 to 6 score last year at Iowa City. WIImete, County of Cook and State ed Inside and outside In a thorough tlngs at $2.75 per foot 14,630.00 Iowa was Big Ten champion in 1921 ot Illlnole, the nature, character, lo- manner with a coat of tar. 3, 780 lineal feet or 10-lnch callty and description of which local Tht' variations In weight ot the and shared first honors with Michigan main water supply lmprovt-ment Is as follows: pipes shall not exceed ftve per cent pipe, Including all ftt. in 1922. Thev have this traditio11 to That a system ot cast Iron main (5%) per length ot pipe. tlngs at $3.50 per foot 13,230.00 spur them on at Iowa City and they watt-r supply pipe with all necessary The ground shall be excavated In 60 six (6) Inch gate crosees, \'ah·l's, h~·drants, fittings and open trenches. The trench shall be think that they ha,·e a I{OOd chance to valves Installed In c-onne<.'llons Rhall bt' laid In each 11.nd six (6) teet below the grade ot the Alplate at $35.00 each . 2,100.00 finish at the top of the heap. f'verJ - street In that part of the VII- street. and or such width as to give 5 eight (8) Inch gate though Ohio held the Hawks to a tie, lage of "'llmE'tte lying West of the at least nine (9) lnchee clearance on valves Installed In centre line of Ridgf' Avenue, exce11t In each side ot the JJipe tor caulking the Iowa was far stronger and four times place at $50.00 each . 250.00 Brown StrePt ancl Clark Street In joints and setting special fittings. 'I'he threatened to score. The critics said 3 ten ()0) Inch gate Seger's Subdh·islon and Pine Street In contractor shall, at his own expPnse, valves Installed In that it was just a case of needing Pine Crest Rubdl\'lslon and except In keep the trenches clear of water durplace at $!10.00 each 240.00 Melvln Street from 132 feet South or lng the progress of the work. about two more weeks in which to 122 tire hydrants, with ~orth Avt'nue or Elmwood Avenue to The sides of the trenches shall be develop. auxiliary val\'e Inthe :-forth lhw of Kenilworth Gar- suported with suitable sheet pla.nkstalled In place and Illinois is taking unusual interest d~>n'l! l'5ubdl\'lslon. and except In H!dge lng and bracing wherever necessat·y, connected to the main Avenue from 'VIlmette Avenue to but no allowance will be made th .. rein the invasion of the Hawks hecause llt $120.00 each . . . . . 14,640.00 their coach i~ Burt Ingwersen, former El'lJwood Annue. for. In all cases the sheet piling connections to existThe wa ttor· main In Lake A venue shall be drawn as the back filling Illinois tackle and freshman coach. Ing main at $100.00 "hall be tt-n 110) Inches In Internal progresses, and In such a manner a!! has absorbed Zuppke's each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800.00 Ingwersen dlamt'tE'I'. ThP main In Greeley Ave- to prevent Injury to pipes by caving 68 brick valve chambers, nue from Lake Avenu-e to Kenilworth In the trenches. ideas anti tacti<'s for years. He eyliudrlcal In shape, l!hall b~> t·lght (8) Inches In Integral Provision tlhall be made lor th :- ttow coached Harold Grange and the rest 42 lncht>s In Internal dlamE'ter and the main In \Vilmette or sewers and drains during the proof the Illini when they were freshmen. Avt'nue shall be eight (8) inches In gress ot the work. diameter, with 8-lnch wall and cast Iron lutet·nal diam .. ter, and all othor shall The contractor shall take all risks It will he a meeting of master and cover and lid weighbe Rlx 16) Inches in Internal diameter. as to the quality of the ··xcavntlon; pupil and Ingwersen will strain every Ing 470 pounds at The pipe used shall be of the type also It conultlons as the pusence ot· effort to win. Nothing would be as known to thE' tt·ade as Bell and Spigot absence ot water. SliO.OO each . . . . . . . . . 5.440.00 pipe, made In twelve (12) foot lengths . The pipe shall be tested In half mile Engineering aet·vices. 8,500.00 big a plum to the young coach-he's straight c.rlitldrlcal in for·m, free t.-nm sedions as near as may b.'. the youngest Big Ten coach. this lad. cra1·ks, f:land holef:l and other fmpet·After said plpP Is lalrl art<l nil <'Oil· $178,855.00 Even while the . rush for Michigan For lawful costs and f~>ctions In casting of more than su- nections made and endH pluJ;·g,·d, the I'X)lenses ot making seats was on. there was a steady deP<'rftt'lal character ll.lld extent and watt'r shall bt> tur·ned on lltHl th<' and collE'ctlng the asrna~- be cast \'ertically or by the AO· whole section shall be :moject<'tl to mand for tickets for the Iowa game. callt'cl centrifugal process. Thl' pipe and succesHfully withstnnd fot· il. P<·riod st>ssment thE>refor . . 10,731.00 Now many persons who were unable UHf'd shnll bt> of the tlrst QUality for of thre!' hour·s a hydrlt:tlic Jll'<'><><ure to get tickets for Michigan intend to the li" Ps and PUI'JJOses intended and of ninety t 90) pounds per square iueh TOTAIJ ........ $189,586.00 !!hall he of Rtandard weight and thick- before any of the trenches art' fillt ·d And I het·l'by certify that in my see the Iowa battle. There is no limit nf'SR. and while tht' same arl' op·· n to ,.lew. O])inlon th" ahove estimate does not on the number of tickets to be purt'O~:\'E("I'IOXS After the work has be<'ll C'OillJJlt>tPd l'XCf't>d th e J)robable cost of the lmand orders are pouring iuto _T~<> system or water· mains hPr<'in tested and acc~>JHed b~· the Boar·<l of provt-nwnt pt·oposed and the lawful chased the football ticket office, Urbana. The Ill 0\ lded to bto laid shall be connected Local Impt·ovementR tht' t t·enchPs ~<hall cost~< atterHiing the same. Illini figure on a crowd of ahout 40,000 to th P exh<ting water mains 111 Ridge be backfille«l with tht- .,,IJ·t;l < 'Xl'Uvatt·«l EDWARD ZIPF, Avt-nue at Elmwood Avenue, Lake therefrom . l'rpslctent of the Board of the which means that there uill he seats ~venu.- a_nd \Vrlmette Av<'nue, Schiller All of said WOI'k shall ' b.:" don,, 111 11 VIllage ot ·wnmette. for everybody. Strt>et, Seger·t Street, Blum Street, workmanlike mann<-r, and all of the lll<;('fHUIJ~XD _"TION OF BOARD OJ·· DePauw university will invade IlliHighland Avenue and Central Ave- materials turnlsht>d and all of the wo ·k 1 LOt'.\L UI.PRO'"EMENT8 nut:. done shall be under the dil'ection, innois field Saturday, October 25. De LOCATION spectlon and supervision and to tho Pauw is also coached hy a former ThP main in Lake Avenue shall be satisfaction of the Board of Local 1m- ·ro t·t- l·r.-ooltlent and Ho·rd of Tru·tee· Illini, Jimmy Ashmore. The Greenlaid E'leven (11) teet North ot th Jlrovements of the Village ot Wll:nt'tt~>. of the ,. Ula~~re of \VIhnettet centre line of the street and In Rid e SECTION :.1. That the recomtn·' ndacastle lads hope to make a good showWe herewith submit an ordinance, ing and the Illini will not take the Avenut> ft·om Elmwood Avenue Nor~e tlon ot the · Board of Local Improvefor a local Improvement, as and from Wilmette Avenue South lt ments of said VIllage of WilmPtl..,., providing follows :-That game for granted by any means. shall he laid eleven (11) teet West ot pt·ovidlng !or such lmpr·ovem,.,nt , toA local lmpt·ov\lmtmt shall be made There will be no reserved seats for the centre line ot the street. gether with the estimate of the cost In all othe1· Flast and West Str,H·ts of '!aid lmpt·ovt>ment made by the In the VIllage of Wilmette, County ot this game. lt shall be laid seven (7) feet No,:th Prestdent of said Uoard (there b,.iug Cook, and State or Illinois, the naof the cPntre line of the str<>t~t and In no public F.nglneH of said Village or turt>, character, locality, and description of which local lmprovment Is as Dimitri Buchowetzki, who is directall other North and South -1'1treets :t Wilmette), both hereto attacherl, be follows: shall be laid seven <7) feet r~ast of the and the same are hereby approvl'cl. ing "The Swan," has added Dora Mills That each and every stt·eet In that centt·t' line of the street. The Jo.:atton SECTION 3. That said lmprovem,' nt Adams to the cast for the role oi of ~he mains, valves, hydrants and shall be made and the whole cost part or the Village of Wilmette lying con(\ectlons Is shown on attached map thereof paid !or b~· special asscl'ls- West of the centre line of Ridge Ave- Princess Dominica, the mother of the nue. except In Brown Street and Clark much sought after Prince Albert. !'uhrl~0hA~.~~ made a part hereof for that ment, In accordance with an Act ot Street In Seger's Subdivision and Q~ the General AssembJ)- of the Htat ~ ot Pine Street In Pine· Crest Subdivision HYDRANTS Illinois, entitled "An Act con~e ·utng 122 Eddy balanced val.-e tire hv- Local Improvements," approve<l 1 June and except In Melvin Street from 132 drants, or other balanced \'alve h)-. 14th, A . D. 1897, and the amendments teet South ot North Avenue or Elmdrants ot QUality, durability and tit- thereto; and that ot the amount of said wood Avt>nut> to the North line of ness equal thereto, shall be "'"~t In asse11sment to be collected as afore- K~;nilworth Garden's Subdivision, and place and connected with the ntnlns said, the sum of ten thousand seven except In Ridge Avenu-e trom wu. ht>reln provided to be laid, by a six hundred and thirty-one dollars ($10 _ mette Avenue to Elmwood Avenue, be (6) Inch cast Iron water supply 1, 1pe 731.00), which sum does not excee'd Improved by turntshlng and la.ylng a system ot cast Iron main of the kind and QUality herein epee~ six (6) per cent ot tht> amount of said therein lftt>d, Raid hydrants shall have a elx assessment, shall be applied to the water supply pipe with all neceesary crosses, valves. hydrants, ftttlngs and and one-quarter (6~) inch openln or payment of all lawful expense11 !lttoo!ndseat ring, and a &lx (6) Inch hub ~on- lng the pro<'eedlng·ll for making said connections. and otherwise Improving same In the manner set torth as Spenectlon to the main. They shall have Improvement and the cost of making cifications, attached to this Ordinance ~wo (2) two and one-half (2~) Inch and collecting the ass<'ssment there- all of which, together with the attach~ ose nozzles, With thread and nu·t for, In accordance with the lJroviE<fons ed estimate ot the w'hole cost ot aald opening to the left, of the slse now of said Act. Improvement, are expressly made a used on the tire hydrants In said vu. S~CTION 4. That the aggregate part of said Ordinance; and we recomlage ot Wilmette. amount assesst'd, and each Individual mend the passage ot said Ordinance f Said hydrante shall J;>t; six ( 6 ) teet assessment and also the assessment and the making ot the Improvement n length from ground line to bottom against said Village for public bene- thPreln contemplated. of connecting pipe, and the atand tits. If any, shall be divided Into ten Respectfully submitted, flpe or hydrant barren shall be not (10) equal Installments, except that ) Board of elle than six and one-halt ( 6 ~) Inches all tractional amounts shall be added S EDWARD ZIPF ) Local aid hydrant.s shall · be set In - th~ to the tlrst Installment, so ae to leave PAUL A. HOFFMAN ) Improvements ground to a depth ot six (6) teet and the remaining Installments ot the agALBERT N. PAGE )of the VIllage ahall be set on a toallng ot one-t))lrd gregate, equal In amount and <'ach a. FREDERICK TILT )of Wilmette 0-3) of a cubic yard ot crullhed lime- multiple ot one hundred dolla 1·s. All Wilmette, llllnota, September !'tone of the size known as medium Installments 11hall bear lnter':lst at the 23,Dated, 1924. VALVES · rate ot six (6) per <'ent per annum Salea Room a1H1 .S.nic:e Station L4-1tc th ThEeded ten 00) Inch gate valves, ot from the date ot the first voucher, ·ls1111-11 Chieap AYe., E Y. . .toa, JU. e Y Ol" Ludlow make or valves sued on account ot work done, ns JJI'Oequal In quality and fitness to said Vlded by law, and all Installments valvea shall be lnstaJJed In La'ke Av sbhyallal wb.e due and payable as pro\'ldt>d nue on the lfne ot the ten (10) ln:h main, one at the West line of Hid SE(,'TJON IS. That tor the llUrpose Avenue and one at the East Jfne ~~ of anticipating the colll·l!tio 11 ot the The \Vilmette fire department annelnwald Avenue, and one at the East llecond and eucceedlng installments ne ot Greeley Avenue. Two et ht aforesaid, bonds shall be lel.'ued, pav- swered two calls early this week the ~~) 1 1 rch valves shall be lnsU.Ilell "'on able out of said Installments, bearing first fire calls received in more 'than e ne of the elaht (8) Inch main In lntereAt at the rate of six (tl) per cent two months. one at the West Une per annum, payable annually, which Sunday the fire department was erly line ov,enRueeln!.nadldonAevaentu~he Eaat- bonds shalt be signed hy the Pt·elll· " ~ dent of aald VIllage of Wilmette and Three (I) eight (8) Inch val~es ehall countersigned by the Vlllag" Clerk called to the Chicago, North Shore b 1 e Installed on the eight (8) Inch main and attested by the corporate' seal of and Milwoukee railroad waiting room n Greeley Avenue. one at the 1\'orth said Village, and said bon<h shall be at Forest and Elmwood avenues. The ' the North Issued In accordance w lth and shnll damage was slight. Monday after"'venue d In all respects conto;·m to the pro- noon, an over-heated electrict iron was ot visions of the Act ot the General .Ae- the cause of a fire at the Thalmann \'alves aha!J be ln~talle(d48o)n stlxh llnlch sembly" ot 'the State of llllnoiM, enof the ab: (6) 1 h e ne titled An Act concerning Local 1m- home on Brown and Segar streets. pointe. nc Pipe at necessary provements," approved June lith A The damage was estimated by the E D. 1897, and the amendments thereto fire department at about $50. wlthfnh vvaalvlveeschashmabller he set 8E(;TfON .. That the VIllage h S ld torney of said VIllage be and he is c amber shall be cylfndrlcaJ In foa hereby directed to tile a petition In and forty-two (4.2) 1 h rm the Countv c t f c diameter at the bott nc es Internal J our o ook County, 1111th 1 om and upward to nols, tor Proceedlnge to asseu the ese owest header course, being di·awn timated cost ot said lmprovflment In :~ t-:'o <%) teet Internal dlametor at accordance with the provisions ot this op by mean twelve (1.2) er e , couraea. the ot diameter beinghead d · oedrdlbnyancleawa.nd In the manner prescrlt:.,. ,, IOWA NEXT BIG ILLINOIS GAME =and A Real Battle Foreseen for November 1 Gir Here's Good News The Better, Home Lighting Contest is extended to Nov. IS~ Send your essays in before that date. H you have not written an essay there's still time. Obtain Primer at your schooL NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC LEAGUE LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES Two Fire Calls in Week Are First in Two Months !';'~~:venue, 1~~~~~~. thFo~~~~!l ~~~e :J~! ~~ Jt:!~o Aovdenoure,Noonrtehu~ aotbr~ackld Kenllwo~·~h At~ Let Us Store Your Car ......... ~ale-Jh.,alott f~; t YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS CAREF UL LY COMPOUNDED AT T HE ;1.1: RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY Carl C. Renneckar Opposite St. Joseph's Church STOR.AGE General Auto Repairin·g WILMEm MACHIN£ AND AUTO WOW $10.00 Per Month at 1225 C...tnl Aftllue, Wilmette P . ... 311 .......,._.1.

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