Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 23

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\\"lL~lETTE Ll FRlbAY OCTOBER 24, i924 ZJ EOPLE LIKE TO READ WANT-A EJ f.' OR REXT-ROOH!il II\ !UTl"A'IION WANTED--FEMALE EXCLL'SIVE DESIGNS OF GIRL'S dru11~s. sizes 5-16, made to order. Write Wilmette Lite, 350, tor ap!>ointment. 15LTN4-1tp PICRSO"AL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS advertlaementa' W'fll be oharaed ODl)' General N oticea-Clualfted to residents of tbe dlatrlct from Evanston to H;~, ./t~~~-~.~~~1H;.IthC~~~~nt~!'It s ide rnmlly. Less than 3 blka. to c. & K W . ; one to North Shore. Tel. Wllmette 995-R. 4LTN3-2to PICKET NIGHT and tng · · F(IR RENT~FURK HOUSEKEEP- 11 FOR ~ALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS ing su·lte ; also Curn. bedt·oom; hot Nights of terror will aoon be and cold running water. One blk. L · OR SALE-TWO BEAU. WALNUT, from C. & N. ,V. ; % blk. from cafehere. Wilmette property ownhall m· living room chairs. Marvelattl--10 cents per llnot in one paper. JO cents per line In &ll three tt!rla. 1021 Central Ave., Wilmette. ous bargain at $35 each . Can be papera. JIINIJIUII CHARGID Me. Average of ftve worde to en, desiring to move to obtain Tel. \VII. 2791. 4LTN4-ltc ~"' "n at the N. A. Hanna Hat Shop, tbe line. No black face type uaed. Ratea for Display ty11e on application. e vidence and prosecute to the 116 S \V llmette Av., Wilmette. limit vandals of any age, addreaa FOR RENT- NICELY 'FURN. FRONT 17LTN4-ltc lor naertiona-Claaalfted advertisements will be acroom In private home. Convenient Wllm .. tt .. Life. 348. A high clua cepted up to Wednesday U o'clook for to tran!!porta.tlon. Reas. Call at FUR SALE- LARGE 4 POSTER BED tbe WILMETTE LIFE or 1\ll three papers; Thuradav u o'clock for tbe det ..ctlve will do the work while H ' Park Ave. aftet· 6 p . m. . WINNETKA TALK and Friday 1Z o'clock for th4! GLENCOE NEWS box springs, brand new hair mathaving an e y e to eu-baerlber's 4L4-ltp TelephOnea: WILMETTE lU0-1&11 or WINNETKA J000-1001. . trt!ss ; night table and ' dres11er to property. ULt-ltc match. Rare bargain, $95. Can be CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT, OUTSIDE l'een at 1019 Sixth St., Wilmette. Tel. rooms ; Cor transle ntll and residents. Wll. 2282 . 17LTN4-ltc 629 Main St. T e l. Wll. 1080. REAL ESTATE 24 REAL E~TATE 4-L_T_._·_tf_o·l FOR ------------SALE - TWO BRASS BEDS,I·- ----L_o_s_T_A_N_D __ F_o_u_N_n_ _ __ ltllll'lngs and mattresses, complete, LOST-ON SATURDAY NOON. OCT. House . . . . . . . . . . . $15,600.00 FOR RENT - :"ICELY FURN. RM. $111. 114 Cent .. r St .. Winnetka. Tel. 18th. on car tracks a.t Greenleaf Furniture . . . . . . . . $10,600.00 suitable for 1 or 2; home privileges: T HIS WEEK'S LIST Wlnn. 2221 . 17LTN4-ltc Ave. and lOth St .. package oonta.tnLH·eakfast If delllred: reaa. Prot.aslng two hand-made towel·. ReTotal cost .. .. : . . $26,100.00 ta.nt. Tel . Glencoe 976. 4LTN4-ltc possibly contains wanl . ·Tel. WIJ. 1585. ULt-ltp All new In June. Owner has m e t FOR SALE- DAVENPORT, CHAIRS. Sl l~IETHING FOR YOU r:ri~~~\~:;e~jf al!c~~e"i ~~I ~~!;~~ FOR RENT-ATTRACTIVE ROOM IN tll'f't!St"r and beds. Tel . Wlnn. 1292. LOST- ON OCT. 4TH, BOSTON TER17LTN4-ltc rier, mah. brindle, crooked tall. St. , \Vinnetka. near Skokie schooL l'holce east side location. Convenient clipJH·(J eat·s, white face. Finder This ill a bargain to 1· someon~ who to trans. Tel. Glencoe 71. 1_tc J<OR SALE-ROOMY. THREE COM4_L_T_N_·_-_ J>lealle call 915 Elm St .· or Tel. Wlnwants a beautifully furnished home. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ netkft 91i7. Rt"ward. 24LTN4-ltp WINNETKA Will sell on best offer r eceived by 1 pn :· tmt"nt oak bookcase; cheap. Tel. Xov. 1st. D . Dunn. agt>nt, 13411 l\Iorse FOR RBNT- TWO ROOMS AND \\'Inn. 2251. 17LTN4-1tc LOST-TORTOISE SHELL RIM iS i t. lot east, one block to Ave., Chicago. · 1LT:'ol4-ltc lutl'h .. ut!ltt', Jlartly furnished. ~29 glass~tt between village and 1 J th and L".-utral An·. , Y¥1lm e tte. H.TN~ - ltc ·> Ut of town owner will take Elmwood . Needed badly. If found 18 W ANTED--HOUSEHOLU GOODS !':lt;L;; t-;t.:SSY ROO~! FOR RENT, 1607 11lease Tel. Wll. 763-M. UL4-ltp $100 per ft. if sold at once. We~t ~:t~h\\· ll:>\';;~1l - ri':entlemen t·re.r;:r~~tc WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND FOUND-CHILD'S TOE-DANCING Neighborhood of new OW:NEH MUST SELL HIS ATTHACfurniture and other household goods. slippers . Inquire Lloyd Hollister, Call Local Office - 564 tlve, well built house In east 'VII- FOR REST- Ft:R!':. ROO!.\l. GENTLEHlghellt price paid for same. Croat Inc., 1222 Central Ave. and pay ad. mettc convenient to .. L.. and steam man only. T .. l. \Yinnetk·l 404. Furniture Store, 1004-8 Emerson St., 24L4-1tp Ave. Winn. 314. roads ; sun and !'!lp. pot·ch e s; water 4LTN4-ltc Evanston, Jll. Phone 181. GLENCOE h~L Boa ~~~q~~="~d-l:~~~==~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~s;L;T;N~2;4;~;f;c~~~R-~~ roR ~~ 00~ ~ ance of shrubbery and several finele FOR RENT--GARAOES Saturday between Indian Hill and I00 it. wooded lot overlooking trees. Exceptional value at $18,500. It WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS Winnetka. Reward. Tel. Wll. Ul. !lOS Oakwood Avenue. Tel. Wilmette FOR REST- SPACE 1:-.l DOUBLE ULT4-lto the Skokie Golf Club grounds. 2066 Cor appointment. brlek garage at 1534 St1encer Ave. P. WEISS & CO. u CONTRACTORS AND .roBBIDRI For quick sale owner will accept 1LTN4-1tc T.-1. \\'ilmt'tte 993-W. 6L4-1tc \Vli.METTE JUNK DEALERS: BUY oltl clothes ; papers, 50c per 100; HARRIS BROS. PRESTO-UP GAS90 pt!r ft . on terms. Call Local I"OH IU~ST-SPACE IN DOUBLE GA· \~ · ,allg.nz 1n e rages. North Shore Rep. Ralpll . s, 70c per 100; m e tLaTJ.N T-teflc. Office- 3Sl Park Ave. Glencoe rag.,, neat· 1 ith and \Valnut Ave. " Watt11, 1722 Greenwood Blvd., Ev3 19 6 36 T.-1. \\' llmette ~2~-W . 6L4-ltc anaton. Tel. Unlver~~lty 1707. In971. A f~trC:.~~ U~~~~!f' ~?a~~~~~dL ~~~!; FUll REST- GARAGE AT 1123 LIN- WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE ~~~~~~~tl~~v~::dly ~~~~ls~~d.termL RAVINIA plannE-d to give that home~· atmosden Ave. Tel. Wll. 1189. 6L4-ltp bU\'S and sella ruga, atovea. autos, I&LTN60-tfo phere: 8 rms.·, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. pianos, anything useCul. 104& Ashl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ 75 ft . wooded lot on Ashland Well landscaped lot 1 00xlSO: 2 -car 1 w . BI'l'ED TO RE~T-HOUSES Street. 19LTN-tfc !M GAR DIDNIIIIG .'h e., 3 blocks east of steam and ~::a:f:ta.IJ::elephone Wlnn~L~'l4:1~! Wf~~~~.o a. T~lut·~ .E~!~~yorR~~~~~!1~! WANTED TO BUY- SMALL SAFE. -:::===============::: elec. trans. Convenient to schools, with ·4 bt'<lroo 111 s or one with 3 bedTt>l. Winnetka 1055. 19LTN4-ltc CheAp labor meana cheap work. all improvements in. $47.50 per poorh· done. Have your trees t·oomH an·l sll>K"· porch; ft·om Nov,ft. nn reasonable terms. Call and sht·ubbery trimmed by ex.rune. Tl. \\'11 . 208 . 7L4-ltc WANTED TO BUY-CHILD'S MONKEY l:'age. Tel. Wlnn . 2251. 19LTN4-ltc perienced men. Let me lnapect H ig-hland Park Office. your treea and explain our DUTCH C() J,ONIAI, HOUSg; S RMS.; :I:.='==H=i:='L=P=="=·= ·":~:T=E=D=-=F=E=M=A=L=E==~ method. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, sip. porch. sun FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES HIGHLAND PARK room, breakfast rm. Beau. landClosing out estate. 200 ft. scaped lot. A 1·are buy at $22,500. WAS1'J':D Telephone Winnetka 1226. frontage on .Park Ave. east, with Tree Expert ~li·ldh· -ag· ,.,l or f'h.lt't 'lr wom.t.n, 1LTN4-ltc pretty ravine. Good livable bldg. We also do surgical 1JVOrk, K 'OOtl ('Ot>k ; hi.UIIdr}·; OWn OPEN AIR SALES spraying, fertlll·lng, planting. ,· 0 um iu ltunl(nlow. Tel. Glencould be remodeled. 4 blocks to Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Let us rearrange your shrub· ,.0., Hll. 12LTN4-ltc \VIIIys-Knlp;ht and Overland WE HAVE LOTS 52x165 AND 50xt50 bery for better effeote. main s ta ., one block to lake. Dealers ft. with sewer, water, gas and elec1230 Wilmette Avenue $-ll.SO J)Cr fn Local Office 382 Evanaton 140 tric power; $600 and $760. Terms. Phone Wll. 3183 20LTN24-tfc L'entral Ave:. Highland Park 268. W .-\NTEDSl'RRE, WHITE PROT26LN4-tfc & t-ltltllllt, J'e! .. to ('!11' .. for 4 yr. old T.,J. Northbrook 104 1LTN4-ltc bO\' !IJHl do upstairs work; two In DEERFIELD farnll~·. 2111 Pa.rk Ave., 1 block from 21 HOUSEHOLD 81DRVICE 550 ft. for $8,500 for investor c. & :-:. \V. Tel. Glenco\;l~Nf-ltc or builder. 4 blocks N. W. of Bt'IC'K 4-PASS. COUPE, LIKE NEW, ANTIQUE FlTRNITlTRE REPAIRING FOR SALE-IMPROVED LOT 40x180; and reftnlshlng. Upholatery. Matdriven 11,000 miles, newly painted, s. e. section near lakf' and Sheridan \\' A:"T.,;U--YLll":"fl WOMAN OVER 18 St. Paul Sta. on Hazel Ave. with tresllell renewed. Cabinet work. fr. and r. bumper11, motometer, clock, Rd., school, "L" station. golf Jinks. ~· r11. to t·art> !ot· boy 4'h yt·s., from Fred Nltto, 1!38 Central Ave .. 'W\1windshield clean e r, mirror. heater, two other street frontages . Gas, For full particulars write Wilmette 1 : 31!- ~· : tHl t·very afternoon; 50c per mette. Tel. Wll. 2430. 211..1-tfc wheel and door locks. 148 WoodLite, 346. 1LTN4-ltc !tout'. 7b!l ~tt('hil(an Ave., Wilmette, water, elcc., and sidewalks. Will land Ave .. Wlnn. Tel. 'XJ£!iN!~itc EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING: WINfout· hlncs!'l trotn cnrt of "L." Tel. sel\ on terms. Local Office DeerFOR SALE OR RENT-5 AND 6-RM. \\'11. IIi~ . 12L4-ltp rlow wa111hing; floor waxing; fu-rnl· houeea: new; big lot·; cloae to trans., lie\d Avc . Deerfield 270. ture polishing; odd painting and cal· lake, golf course: $10,000 to $21,000. \YAXTI-;u r:XP~IUENCED WHITE FOR SALEl - DETROIT ELECTRIC clmlnlng joba. Tel. Wlnni l;~~-tfc Al110 lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. mAlo! (t)l' ""n!'l'ai work, ~ttmall house, car In good condition; newly paint7 County Line Rd. 2 blks. west of ed: new slip covers. two new Urea, KOOll wai{,..S. Tel . \Vinn. :ti-Nt-ltc 1 Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. hatterles one yr. old. Price lnclud- 2H PIANO TUNUfO o 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc lng rectifier, $500. Tel. G2leOUncToNe8~27t3c. ----------~~~--::-=~~~ \L-\STEO- RESPONSLBLE GIRL FOR EXPERT PIANO TUNING: RIDPAlR· whol .. ot· \talC day by week; care of FOR SALE-196 FT. VACANT IN lng; old pll\nos made new. L. W. \VInnetka, suitable for three houses; t·hlldl"en . Tel. Wlnn. 401. 12LT4-1tc ESSEX TOURING 1922. 4-CYLINDER, Foster. Tel. Wlnn. 509-.J. eallt aide, convenient to transpot·taULTNU-tfo perfect condition, good paint and tlon. .Owners want property Im- WAXTED- IHRI, F<)R GES. HSWK. : no lt~-undJT; ><nJall house. Tel. WinUrea, peppy motoL Tel. University proved and will sell entire piE>ce at net ka 14 3 8. 12LTN 4-ltc 3760- R. 20LTN4 -ltp :.·:.__ _ _ _ _T_u_TO __ a_J_N_G _ _:--~~~:: $65 per toot. Phone Winneti<a lllO~. ~f a in Office 110 S. Dearborn St. lLTNI-ltp WA:'o:Tr:ll- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. ~I FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS MADAME BOURDEAU, Jo""ORMFlRLY Randolph 0112 1 Tel Glen 573 1:.;:.._...:..~:.....::...----------tf'n<'her of Fr('nch In Stickney BUY 5 ACRES IN SUNSET RIDGE hswk . Ot~ol wage!!. . 12I.TN4-lt~ FOR SALE- YELLOW GEORGETTE, ~chnol. mak e !! lnterelltlng offer for estates on Kotz Road. Tel. WI!. 3041. beaded eve. gown, slu 16, like new, beginning student cla811 In Wilmette. 1LTN2-tfc WA~TEI WHITE ~lAID FOR GEN. $Hi · 2 prs. slippers, ah;e 4'h AA, f'All Wll . 1799. 30L4-1tc UY FOR SALE-280 ACRES NEAR LAKE hswk . AJ)!llY 1101 Gt·eenwood Ave., cheap; four 4x6 Wilton rugs, $ 7 ea.: VILLAGE OF WILMETTE odu chairs and 11ilver tea services. T TA OUR OPI:NION THAT BAR· rt~.r;:r!n~n ,.:,~t~lt~a~~l.fin\L*'N:~~~ Wilnwtt t-. 12LTN4-ltc verY reas .. ; 2 gl rl'e bicycles, full PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given ~mins can be picked up now which \\' ASTED- I~IRL TO ASSIST WITH size. $10 ea. 1332 Forest Ave .. Wll- that a public hearinpc will be held be\\"ill command a much higher price :a FOR RENT-HOUSES t·hlldrton anti huu!!eworl<. Tel. Ken 2 lLTNt-ltc fore th£' undPrslgned. originally apmette. ::~~~h~pr~~~ f~a~p:z~esPO~~E~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ilworth 1021. 12LTN4-ltc nointed n.s thf' Zoning Commission to ltol!l said public hearing. at 8 o'clock s ion and rented to pre10ent owner 1a u ..:LP WANTEit-MALE AND P. M . on thf' 19th dny of November. or other desirable tenant. SIX HOOM BRICK RESIDENCE. MODFEltlALE MY CHINESE SHOPPE Chains, Necklaces, Table Linens, A. D. 1924. at the Vlllapce Hall In the ern. just completed, h. w. heat, $100 \\"A NT ~; u _ COllP'ETENT WHITE Mandarin Coats and Skirts. DlVillage oC Wilmette. Illinois, for the X . E. Winnetka-New tapestry Five room brick bungalow, modt·out·le abl e to tak e charge of home purpoaf' o! considering a proposed ··ect Jmportations. 75 hri c k: 6 rms. ; tile bath: excellent ern. h . w . heat: 2 -car garage, $ tor ma 11 and wlft! . Man must be amendmt"nt to the ·onlng ordinance of ANTIQUES to nstructlon . Lot 7Gx150 with oak Four room npartm E' nt . · · · · · · · $aO comvetent chautreut· and gardener; thf' VIllage o! Wilmette. being Ordl· Antique Furniture & Brlc-a-Brac nance No. 1281, passed by the PrealtreE' s . Pric!' $20,000. St>£' this and JJo JHio ~_..n_ <.ZIIIZl'l.teiZI\tP .!Q)_ fFO tl't\ wife goo·l l'fiOk. St ead~· employment LOUISE B . PANUSHKA dPnt and Board of Trustees of the Vltco mpare with others. ~illl(SI.lol.l:illfl.l:ii.U ~ ~IW 0 and good hom f' to couple willing to Phone 676 lage of Wilmette, on, to-wit. the Urd H. E . WlnnE'tka-Six t·m. !t·ame work. Addr.ess "'ilm e tte LLITfeN. ~t3f4c . 929 13th Street Wilmette 2 13 day of February, A. D. 19%2, said proith encl. Cront porch; In fine con- 90!1 Ridge Ave., 'Vilm e tte Tel. 364 posed amendment providing for the dition . Deep lot ; lge. garage; good 2LT~4-ltc location . $3.000 will handlf'. Price \\" .\XTEU YOl:Xn llA!': OR 'VOMAN FOR SALE-EXTRA QUALITY SPLIT changing of Lots Seven (7) and Eight $ 14 ,000. FOR RENT- OLE:-IC'OE. SIX-ROOM (' U(HI.h\,.. of hat·dllng cost records oak and ash wood IIUitab\e for f\re- (M) \n Block N\ne (a) \n Dlna\e anc.\ \'a t· ant-~lany good values in be~t furn . bungalow : larg e lot ; rt!aS. and Ht!ltl!!tkal Information. Some plac£'. $10 per ton delivered but not McDaniel's Rf'lmbdlv\slon of Blocke 1·><· ations, varticularly 62x180 In S. 3 6 9 10 and the South Half of Block price. For long l!'ase 01· winter ··XJH·rit"lll'l' in ~ent-ral ~il\t't! · work 1 1 1 T 1 Wl 2090 E. Winnetka at $80 per ft. mos. Call Sunday, 540 Jackson, ll<'Cto'>'S>I.l' ' '· Apvly ~lr. :-lot>, 'Yillage can f'< n . e · nn. 21LTN4-1tc Joilght ' ( 8), together with the Fifty teet adJoining same on the East In the VIl~ ~(1. TQ) !Zl'l- TI(I. corner of ~ef>nwood . Tel. :fr.j.~ !ft8~ Hall . Winn.,tka. 13LTN4-ltc lage of Wilmette. a.ll of whlcl\ DrOll· oJ..C:..J 0 r:;:;t)u.{!J] ~~~lt1!J.1U.W\~(O)< \\~A!':TELI .\.T O!':CE- SALES PEOPLE FOR SALE- SEVERAL LARGE t>rty Is now zoned a11 "Use District A, ~ ron RENT PART OR \VHOLE OF to takt ordrs !or embossed Christ- n.qunrlums IIUitllble for tropical ftsh. Residence District" to "Use Dlatrlct B, 1800 Winnetka 1 226 ' small turn~ houae. Suitable for <·mmas cat·<ts. Hvlendid OPtJortunltY ~:~~h g~~~n .;'N~e~~~h aquarl~~'i.3-il~ Commercial District," ao that upon the 1LTN4-1tc . ployed couple or two ladles. 973 to makf> mollt!Y hetot·e Chri,tmae. adoption of aa1d proposed amendment. 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~c~·~h!e~rr~y~S~t~·~·-W~i~n~n~e~t!k!a~.-~2!L~T~~~-!4:·1~t~c:I~~T~P~I1~ . ~W~It~>t~l.~6§9~7~~¥V~.~=~~~~aL~T=~·~lt~c FOR SALE~ECOND HAND~MBER said propE-rty wiiJ thereafter be ·oned nnd flreweek at Wersted Motor Co .. as "Use Dllltrlct B, Commercial Dla~ :J LN' A\' '. FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOl"SE H. W. t4 SITt:ATION WA~TED-MALE 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. trlct." naterl, the 22nd day of October. 19U. l·: w E:'o:GLISH BRICK AND STUCCO heat. Convenl<'nt to trans. Immed. ~================; 21LTN4-1tc Elmer D. Becker, hom e ; 7 rms. ; 2 baths, glazed and poss. Tel. \VInnt>tka 2193. 0 . T. Hellmuth. h_r-:\terl sun porch, heated garage at2LT='4-ttc ~ 0 FOR SALE-THRJo~E TUBE RADIO F . C. Huffman, IMhm nt. Exceptional lnteresltng ~0\ffi\/101Zl'l nn~n~ Ret ; W .D.-11 tubE', batterlu and Frt>der!ck .J. Newey, <l t· talla and antique fixtures. Make :1 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS .l.l.b'(SI.lo.U.U~\9 1).1..1 loud speaker. Tel. Ken-1~. ~.J:l4-ttc Robf'rt Atoddard. ~our I)Wn terms. I will be on prem- -F~-o-R--R-E-NT--~_-H_R_E_E--R-~-~.--F-U~R~N~.l ]... \)) Occast'(>llS ZONING COMMISSION. ISE< s l:lundny, 2-5 p. m. Telephone · Or -~ ~wn L r, Univ. 4631 or my agents. apartment: complete ~.-lth light, FOR SALF..-AIREDALE MALE PUPIl D heat etc ·In cholc northPa~t locaE . 1-:. BIIH':I.OW Tel. Wll . 3035 pl~ 8 !rom pcdlgreed ami regl11tered I & tion. nea~· Rhl'rldan Rd. . t<tock, $15 . Tel. J . A. Reagan. WIJ~ Lin c·o in Ave. Tel. Wlnn. 314 P . COLEMAN BURROrGHS & CO. HLT!':I-tfp mettP 886-Y-2. Z1LTN4-ltc 1LTN4-ltc I 157 Wilmette Ave. Pha£.~-t~~ (Continued from page 22) FOR SALF:-THREE CHILD'S COATS. The tenth chapter of Acta. "The Hlze 12 yrs. ; drE'sSf'll, aiel' 36. Tel . --------------~::-:-:~ t"i'i\':·in'UA'I'IO~ Wo\.NTED-FE" "LE Wlnn. 311. 21LTN4-ltc Vll!lons of Corn<'llus and P tE>r," Ia FOR HENT-FlVE RM. APART~1ENT, th£' subject for the Midweek Service h . w . heat: 2 !~ blks. to station, llh WANTED - WASHINGS Tl I TAKE t1 tk'l. to stores. Tel. Mt·. Drum, homt·; ftniKilt'll work and rough dry: Jo'OR SAJ,E- SWITCHIO:S AND Pt. F'Jo""S Wednesday nt o'clock . 1 made from cut hair and comblnga. w .. ncoe !l7l or 819. 3LTN4-ttc 3~1f~- ;:"\ :'~;~iri~'1!. . ~~\~ Jr~r ,;~\~ Tel . Winn. 1306. 21LTN4-ltc The ftrst dinnf'r of the ·eaeon of X R~f . FRAME AND STPCCO. MOD- FOR the I'resb)·terlan Union will be Oclto· RENT- LOWER PART OF 15LTN1-tfc t-rn; Just painted and decorated at house ; 4 rms . and bath, hf'a~:c:: \~-~~ REFINED OIRL \V'A!"TS POSITION FOR HALE-GOOD WINTER APPLES b r 30 at 6:30 o'clock In the Audlto~ost ot $1.500; 2-car garage. Lot 1 lum hotel. The honored ~rueat aDCl · Ox 120 zoned tor 2 J'esldences. A ~;~.;,~nt~. poss. Dec. lst. 3L4-1tc a8 moth.·t· ' s hdpf't' . AddrRs Wll- ~~~· .;~re;v,~~7:t~~ 1 1k;~ Lin~\"~Tt~~P IPt>a.ker of the evening will be Dr. plendld valuE" at $15,000 . Terms. m;otlf· Lift>. 349. UiL4-lt~ John H. Flnh·Y of Nt>w York City. Hla aubj ct will be "Christian Ideals ln FOR RENT-6%5-UTH ST. 4-ROOM O FINAI'fCIA.L & n.partment : steam heat; ln-a-dor RITe ATIO:" , \ \' Arood"TEDf MATml, KN :1:::::...__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:--:~=:-:- Educatlo~ . " 7 '"llmettc Ave. Phone 640 bert In dining room. .Janitor service. la.unclr,· co 1ot·e · t' E' · E' · en- WANTED-FULL PAID CO-OPERA· 1LTN4-ltc Triangle No. 1. Girl Rea rvea. wlll Tel. Wilmette 2199. 3LTN2-tfc wood hli51S . laLTC-ltp uve Society of America. Pay UO 11hare. Mr. L. .J. Mather. 1807 SO. meet Frld y at 4 o'clock. The Junior COR. WIN· FOR RENT-APARTMENTS AND OF- EXPERIEX 'EO , rtTRSE WANTS POGirl Re E"r" ml' t on Tu llday at Union Ave., Chicago. Tel. Enale. verv ftne. t'('e rooms. G . F. G<>nsalves. Tel. sltlon on Sot·th Shore. TE'I. Glf'n01 7 after 7 P . M. ULTNI-Itp 3:30 o'clock . lLTN2 - tfc Winnetka 62. 3LT::OO:U-ttc c·>P !1!!3. 15LTS4-1tc Glencoe lnolualve wb011e nam.. appear In the telephone director or "bO are regular aubaerlber.a to either WILMETTE LIFE, "WINNJlTKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. HALLOWE'EN R Deadline I 1----------------- I----------------- Robert G. Bolinger Used Cars - All Makes Northbrook Bargains vVYATT COONS WILMETTE BARGAIN Giilllbxeir1t [J) J©Jhll~(O)IID & Jffilf@o Exclusive Agents BEFORE ELECTION FOR RENT THREE GOOD BUYS l ll(l."" frJ 4 6s .. LINCO £ 1--------------:::--=-:-:=: 1 )ert . Johnson Bro. First Presbyterian Church FOR SALE .\ COMPLETE HOME .. 1 Coleman Burroughs Cn.

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