Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 22

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22 \VILMETTE LIFE FRIDAY OCTOBER 1924 All ot the members of the Interfar as strength and tim~> will l"' rmlt mf>dlate department of the Sunday The catechetlcal class will meet at and may be reached at his stu·IY llur- school, anjl not as yf't In hl~h school. 4 o'clock Frida~· afternoon. lnK the mornings or b)' appointment. are tnvltt:d to attend th~> meetings ot ThP Holv Communion se1·vtce will he The church office In charge nf ,\{Iss th,. Tntt-rmerl tat.. ~hrlstla n F.nclea vor, Next Sunda.~·. October 26, will be the Badger, Is open 'daily from !1-5 and anfl thu~ ha,·e a plU't In and enjoy hdd Novernber 2. Nineteenth Sunda)· after Trinity, with from 9-12 on Satu·rday!f. Th!' f'hun·h the manv and ea1·1t·d activitil·s of ln-------Hervlct's as follows: Holy Communion tel~>phone Is \Vllmette 2235. t .. ,·es t " :hl<'h hnvf' l·t-~>11 plannc·rt for at 8 o'clock; Church schools at 9:45, that nri{Rilizatlon. and Morning Praypr and Sermon at Wilmette anrl Pa1·k Avenues, Wilmette Jl o'clock . Herman W. ~1eyer, M. A .. Pastor :\1iss Eth..I Colwell wlll lead tht> s .. nior f'hrlstlan Endt>ll\' 01' ser',·tces. Next Tuesday, October 28. being the 406 Prairie Ave. Telephone 1396 The Presb,·tet·ian chut·ch located at Tht· tOI)If· will bt>. "How WE Can Btottay set a >art by the church to honor Church telf'phone 3111 1 1 Gt·e .. nleat avenue and Ninth street, ex- tf' , Heltl Our Sunday ~chool." ~Iss the memory of St. l';tmon and St . .Jude, 19th Sunday after Trinity: tenus :t most corllfal lnYitation to all l'oJw .. ll ·h as J·lann t-<l to make th1s 11 there will b(' Holy Communion at St. !J :30 A. M . Sunday school and Bible to attend Its sen·lct>s. ~Jit'<'i:tl mf'etinK. it. the1·e fo1 't', heAugustine's at !l o'clock . class. Sunday school. 9:30 o'l'lock. hoo\'t'!! us all to att..-rHI. 9:45A.M. Fi1·s t service and sermon. Church serYice. 11 o'dock. Ae delega tlon !rom the chapter of 11:00 A . M Second service and sermon. lutt'J'mt>eliat.. l'ht·l~<tia n End ... a\'01', avenue. the Daughh:rs of thP King at St. Augustin e's attendt>d the diocesan as- Hnl~;l c~·'::Y~l~~~lon, Sunday, ::-<ov. 2 at 4 ~~~~~~~·k. \..'lll'lstian En·lea,·o ,·. ~.:30 u.,,. :.;,·o uts. TJ·oop Xu. ;,, will nu· .. t sembly mPetlng of the Daughters of MEETINGS: o'dock . :\fono;a~ c ·v.. nlng at i :30 o'dock. Thf' Tht> Junior Christian Endeavor the King ~t Gract> c hut·ch, Oak r·ark , Monday at Junio1· scuuts will mef't Friday fit lng will be Wednesday at a:ao In 4 : Chllclren's classes. 1 ) esterdar. 3 30 : 11r. :\lRKill "ho ht·toll on an t.>x"H1'ok..s" of tht- Womt'n's Mrs. N. F. \\".,bb of Rt. Aug·ustine's lng. tt>nsin· tt·iiJ through tlw we:<t will ,.,of'IHy will met't in tht· following lnJ<· that will be held. · was In chargl' of the Tag Day collec- Friday at 4: Children's classes. occupy the pulpit :cwd preach nf'xt homE's fot· sewing·, luncheon and tions In \'Vilmf'tt<' last ~lonfla~·. With Fl'ida~· at S: Sunday s<'hool starr, and dundar morning. mis·don study n .. xt Tuesdar. nc(Continued on page 23) the aid of ht>r band of hPlpt>rs a goodBiule class. .-;;;.;:~~~~~;,;,;,;.~~;,;,;,;,;,;,~, ~;,;,;,;,~;,;,~~~;;~;,;,;,::;,;,;.;:~;,:;,;.;,;,;,;.;,;.~~~~;,;,;,;,~~~~;;;;~; ~llllftlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllfl llllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll : tUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIII 11111111111111 ly sum was raisNl tor the Children's Benefit league. It Is hoped that a great many of The regular w e .. kly meeting of St. thP members of St. John ' s and their Augustine's Tt·oop :-<o. 4 of the Boy friend!! will turn out for the meeting Scouts ha11 been chang('d from :\fonday to be held at the church rooms on evening at 7:1f· to \\·.,flm·sdar evening Thu·rsday evening, October 30, at 8 o'clock. Through the -c ourtesy .and at 7 ;30 o'clo<'k . cnoppr·at I on of the Brunswick shops The usunl lnrgf' att<·rulanc .. s of boy~< or Winnetka antl Wilmette, a large and glr·Js tlll<·d th e I ':Irish House o! radio r·peelvlng s .. t will bP plact>d in St. Augustlnt·'s Yt'tltenlay to its full the hall, so that a ll who meet there capacity twic ... to ,., .., tht· moving pic- may J·ecel\'e the entire Luther Day ture "Dlnty" with the hoy \Vesley JH'Ogt·am to bf' l·t·oadcast b}' KYW. Barry as star. Tht· pletur·e was given All th ost· intt>uding to attt·ntl are r.,. by Mr. and l\11'!!. 1'. \' . 111·ight, 731 Ash- qu"stt>d to be on tlmt· and to ust.> the main entrance of th<' chut·ch, ln ord e r land an~ nue. to avoid any disturbance. Thl' pi<'tUJ't· to 1,.. shown nt·xt ThuJ·SI'astor William O:tllmann livf'd UJ> day at the l'hil·ln· n's Free movi··s In St. Augu><tint"s Pari!<h House nt 3:00 to his reputation as a powerful and :\11<1 I :J twill "" thP well-known story .. rr,·ctive BJ)eaker wht·n he addressed of Eskimo lifP. "Xanuok of the North." the audienc e of Waltht>J' Leaguers asThis Jlictun· i" gi\'t·n h~· Dr. and Mrs. sembled at St. John'>~ last Sunday. H e spokP on "The J'rincii>I··s of ProtesB . llf. Con It· ~·. II J:l CcutJ·al avenue. tantism," th1· l\fatt·rial Prlnclplt>, Formal principle anfl tht' ~octal Principle, f'n·paJ·atlou~ fot· the coming Mission for l\Tom PII nr.. being 1·apidly com- o·x,lainlng tht'se undH thf' ht>ading-R, pleted . .\fn<. BthPI E. J'atte1·son of Los Christ out· Priest, ( 'hrist out· Prophet, Angf'leR, who will cond u ct the .l\IIs- and C'hrlst our Kin,.;·. It was a tine, l!IOn, will speak in St. Augustine's en intt·rt'RtlnK and Nlifying· address, and Sunday mot·ning, ::-<on.·mbet· 2, at the thP young peopt .. are to IJt' congratu11 o'clo<'k se1·vtce on the · subjo>ct latt>d on ha,·ing lt>etUJ'··s of this kinu. "What Js llt>liglon '.'" There will be a corpontte communion for all women, ~t· xt Jo~ri·lay t'Vtottlng th .. n · will be specially nt this seJ·vice to pray ior a m('etlng of tht> Sunrlar school staff God's bleRsinl{ 011 the 's u ccess of the and th<· atlult Biblt~ class at 8 o'clock. Mission . Thet·e will be addresses In \Vc look for 1\ la1·ge attendl\nce. the chun·h eac h .week da.y mor:ting the following week at 9:30 o ' clocK. Tht> Lord's Supper will be adminlstt·rcd at St. John's as usual on the ftr~<t Still more workers are needed eac h Sunday ot the month, November 2 In Thu·rsday mot·ning and afternoon to tht' 11 o'clock se1·vice. All those 'dehelp prepare tor the Ba.zaat· to be giv- siJ·ing to receive the Sacrament are ,;alllfiiiiiiiiiiJIJIIIIIJJIJIIJIJIIIIIJIJIIlllllllllliiiiJIJllllllliiiiiiJIIIJIIIIliiiJIJliiiiiiiiiiJIIJIIIIIJliiiiiJIIIIIIJIJIJIJIIJliiiJIIIIJIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii11111UIIII en Decembe1· 3. Send your name to requested to make this known to the Mrs. H . Storms, 2:11 Wood court. Tele- pastor on th e .l<,t·lflay beto1·e. The phon e 948-J. ro>gu·lnt· lll't>paratory or confessional St't'vice begins at 10:45 o'clock. St. Augustine's Parish St. John's Lutheran Fitst Presbyterian Church ~;:~~8~ttats:~'fe~~~%·:mlonr"atf[~~e.meet- hat~ ~·h: · ~htlr'~~· tn:;;:~ie/fnni~~e ~~~e !~d 1 Fu NOW is the time to have your REPAIRED REMODELED or RELINED S Work Done Promptly at Reaaonable Pricea I H. A. ROPINSKI Manufacturer of Fine Furs 916 Chicago Ave. EVANSTON Eatabliabed since 1908 Telephone 3722 Rt . John'"' slnct·reh· welcomeR you . The Washington avenue circle, of to its house of worshi)> · whi ch Mrs. Williams Is chairman, will meet today with ~Irs. J. G. Wray, 618 Washington avenue. I .. uncheo.n will be served at 1 o'clock. The assisting Sunda~·.9:30 o'clock-The Sunc.lay hostesses are l\h·s. Williams and Mrs. school In all Its departments. F. B. Crossley. 11 :00 o'clock-Church Worship se1·v. Ice. Dr. Stansell will give the St'COnd Junior choir rehearsal Saturday eve- of his St'ries of sermons on "Some Inning at 7 o'clock, R. D. Burtner con- escapables In Life." This particular ducting. sermon Is entl tl!'<1, "You !\lust He Born from Above." The Cinlr<·h ··ch·wl llH'PtR nt );'~I) 5 o'clock-lntermedinto League in Sunday morning. The attendance Is an Interesting meeting lu the Parish creet>lng UJJ toward high water mark House. and many nt'w scholars are entering 6:00 o'clock-Epworth league. the classes. A 100% attenc.lance In Monday, 12:30- Monday Lunch club. Qlasses Is becoming more frequent 7:30 o'clock-Boy Scouts. and eac h department is on tip-toe to Wednesday, 4 o'clock-Girl Scouts do big things this 50th Anlversary Class work and Investiture plans. )'ear. 8 o'clock-Mid-wc>ek Service of Praypr, · At 10 :30 Sunday rno1·nlng the Junior Thursday, o'clock-Junlo1· Boy Congregation assembles for worship. Scouts. Muelc b~· th e Junior choir. Devotions 7 :40 o'clock-:.\llss Hawthorne's class led by llflss Dunshee. Dr. Lloyd will the Primary ~peak on th e subject, "Ready, Set, Go." ~hl;~~~e Psycholog~· of 8:00 o'clock-Senior Choir rehearsal. ~ S~n Is the great "Chinese Wa.U," 6:30 o'clock-Annual · Harwhich keeps us out of the land of true Thursday, Home Dlnnf'r at the church. l>lessedness. It stunts our moral vest Reservations must be made with Mrs growth nad renders Inefficient and In- Statrord, 703-R, not later than Tues~ operative most ot the plans tor human day, Octobet· 28. Dr. Fred D. Stone, progress. Hear what Dr. Lloyd has new pasto1· of thP Irving Park MethofjO say about "The Terrible Blight of dist church will be the speaker. Sin," at the morning service Sunday at ,11. o'clock. Don't forget the Rummage sale at Congregational Church Methodist Church Enjoy Better Horne Lighting · Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole speaks ln this th<· Economy Shop, November 13. church Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock IJnder th ... auspices of the Sunday Evening club. "Can Human Nature Be Changed?" . Mrs. Earl.. D. Lyon, 1504 Elmwood Mr. SUtler wlll speak on this theme the morning worship hour, 11 avenue, will entertain the North End at The Wilm e tte Circle on Monday. Mrs . .J. B. Whld· o'dock next Sunday. den and Mrs. C. P. Berg will assist In Baptist Choral society will sing, 11ervlng luncheon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. The Bible school with graded lnM. C. Hecht Is chairman of the Circle. I lltructlon tor all ages meets at 9:45, Roos~\'elt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts the adull classes convening at 10 ot America wlll meet at headquarters o'dock. In the church Tuesday evening at 7:30 The .Juniors and lnt('rmetllates will o'clock. met't nt 3:30 o'clock. A Congregational meeting is called The High school and Cha1·ter B. Y . tor the consideration ot the Church Budget tor 1925 on Wednesday eve- P. U.'s meet at 5:30 o'clock. The topic nlns at 8 o'clock. All members anc.l tor the Charter B . Y. P. U. Is "The Tax,.. with Grace contributors to the church work are Divlnt· Income a .. ld'a group leading. ~·l~ed. Baptist Church Wire Your Home for Complete Convenience The Bedroom 1 On Thursday the Cozy Corner Circle. of which Mrs. J. C. A. Anderson Is chairman, will hold an all-day meetIng at the church. Mrs. E. C. Ca.rlson and her committee will serve luncheon at 1 o'clock. . Last year our Church school held a Hallowe'en party and expected about 160 boys and girls to attend. Over 300 actually did come and the committee was swamped. That did not 1poll the good time, however, and this year preparation Is being made tor the larger number. The party will be held on Friday evening, October 31, and the Ghost will be at the door to welcome all at 7:30. Wear your old 4uda and be prepared to play all the Hallowe'en games. This church cooperates with the Sunday Evening club meeting at the Congregational church at 7:30. Fuller announccmt·nt of next Sunday's program Is given elsewhere. \VIlmette Chu-rch Council, evening at 8 o'clock. Monday 2. 3. 5. Switch lighting sidewall brackets. e Ivory finished plate decorated with rosebuds. Drop light fixture over dresser for Jilht when you're doing Y-our hair. Wired dresser with handy outlet for curling iron, vibrator, etc. Electric candlesticks, attached to 4e convenience outlet behind. dresser. Bed readin& lamp, wired from outlet behind bed. outlet in baseboard 6e Convenience near side of bed. The heating pad, milk bottle warmer, electric: fan, etc., can be detached without arising from bed. ' Electric clock on bedside table, at7 · tached to convenience outlet. Electric sewing machine in period 8· design console cabinet. outlet under windows 9· Convenience for lamps, the vacuum cleaner, etc. The second meeting or the Men's club will b'e h e ld Tuesday evening. Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock. William Hoskins, of Mariner and Hoekine, will speak on the wonders ot chemiRtry In modtorn life. I Every year more electrical appliances are in use. You may not equip your bedroom at once as completely as above picture sugle&ts but should you receive some of these appliances as gifts complete wiring will permit you to attach and enjoy them immediately. ~e ~~t~rr~~o~~ 3 :30 The Oklhl Camp Fire meets at the o'clock, 'Wednesdrll.y willlladly advise liVith you on the better lithfint for your home. English Lutheran Orchestra. practice under the direction of Mrs. S. P. Watkins at 7 o'clock. Greenleaf and Seventh Kid-week meetln;- of the church In William Guise, Paator. Children'· hall at 8 o'clock. Service· tor October 26. Wonhtp at 11 o'clock. The 1ermon The Junior Camp Fire Girls will will be d e livered by Rev. George w. Nicely, D. D., of Hanover, Pa. Dr. Nice- ~~~~o~t :re :~~u~'=~.~~. Thursday atly I· a delegate from the Weat PennThe Wolf Cubs ;;-eet Thursday eve:,!v~!~te:YL~th!~a~h~h~~:~e~~l:n b~! nln8' from 7-9 at headquarters. held In Cblcaao. Choir practice, Thursday evening at L&1t Sunday 7:46 o'clock. in every way. Let u1 next Sunday! Both The Wilmette B~tlat church Ia loare urced to keep ca~d at Wilmette and Forest avenues bandr plaee. The an t welcomes all to Ita aervlcea. The or, Jley, Francia C . Stifter, Ia here ~..,.--··th . . ne the community u Wolll · · - - -.. ut e memMn of hla conarecatlon 80 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS S....U.. 6,000 MJfltlrfl mil·-202 citN. anti lounu-IRI/a Ga. and Electriciq JNO. S. REESMAN, District Maaa·er Ill Church Stnet PhoDe Univer.ity 3111 EVANSTON Phoae Wilmette Zl5t .. 3 aa. · ... ---.-., · :.:Wu:'a! '!:It r:- ·

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