Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 20

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20 WILMETTE LIFE. FRIO.-\ Y. OCTOBER These trees grow in various parts of the t:nited States. This wax must he boiled, clarifie~i and strained before it can be <~ St-d fo·· candles. There is another kind known as the pine cone and corn candles which ar,· examples of fancy molded candler;. After removing from the molds the wax is colored in a characteristic manRer. The Italian antique is also a molded candle, the peculiar coloring being the result of mixing colored wax to give the appearance of age, the Japan e:.e i:- undoubtt·dly wi,.l' in the long run. hut it might haYe been Lro ught ahout " ith in·finitely more tact. for "e are not ahon' rl'proach. There are ~torie" in circulation here al:out a l'ertain le~is:atin~ Junket to the Oril·nt where the suppo>t·d sta.tesmen spent most oi their · time drm.king and carousing, much to the d1s · gust oi the orientals and to our discredit. I could wager that any group of dignitaries from China or Japan to America would conduct themselves with every decorum and prove welcome, intelligent, and inter esting guests in any educated household. "The western mind is not the oriental mind, and a.ssimilation is an impossibility. I doubt if exceptional instances where the intellects match prove entirely congenial or happy. But there is no reason at all why the most kindly feelings and courtesies cannot be maintained between the countries. War is preposterous except as print fodder for a string of yellow journals. Land of Beauty "Japan is IO\·cly. Her mountains pierce the clouds. and down their green sides tumule and sing hundreds of clear cascades and waterfalls. Lovely lakes mirror in their blue depths the tracery of tree and landscape, while the rivers gurgle and laugh over their stony courses. The great pines and hemlocks remind us of our northern woods while the tall majestic cryptomeria trees recall the redwoods of California. "f n the cities the orientals throng in their curious garments, clatter along, making a weird noise like none we have ever heard, while the small shops and a hundred other sights and sounds unknown in our hemisphere, make every day a new ·revelation and the journey worth the effort and cost. -]. M. Brown. 192~ HOME WIRING SALIENT ITEM Efficient Wiring Reduces Light Bills delightful fomt. They do HERE'S TIMELY HINT any one thing in a room to br' it color and interest and to=· FOR THE NEWLYWEDS They he1p to make of the ho~~~e .__ ~ -------~rn,.t new hou. es today arc planned with a view to ha,·i n!-! clectricit'y. lt is undoubtedly true. howe,·e r, that thr owner i~ frequently not familiar with the many modern applications oi r lt·ctrici ty for labor saving and comfort, and think s of it only in con(Continued from page 17) nt'Ction with lighting purposes for \\ h ich it wa~ first used. embroidery in one of these garments This results in insufficient outlets is staggering. <&IHI awkwardly placed switches, and Land of Templea i1 is only after he is living in the "There are wonderful temples. glorhouse that these errors become ap- ious in their mountain or hillside setparent. As always, the making of tings with great cryptomeria trees rischanReS or additions is then a more ing to he:n ·e n. ~[any of these temples troublesome and expensive proceeding especially at ~ikko, and Kyoto, conthan correct foresight and provision 'ain a w<·alth of detail in carved imin the first place would have cost. ·tge5. hea sb. hirds. snakes. and waterPerhaps no one thing )1a s mo.rc fowl.-. and guld lacquer work, that completely revolutionized modern life almost wearie., the eye. Most of the 1han the application of electricity to importallt citie, maintain palaces and our daily prohlems. The difference huge grounds. besides estates of shoguns. and the upper h~Lween the dim, flickering candle of priuces. o111'" grandfathers, and the steady, classes. "All of this great display must neccheerful light of the elt-ctric bulb is ~mt one example. And ju~t as one essarily be maintained by the peasvush of a button will do the work antry and workers at the bottom. that was once performed by the time- compelled to be content with a little l'Onsuming operation of lighting a dried fish, a few handfuls of rice, and candle, caring for its drippings and some tea or ~ake. "Popular education is comparatively replacing it at brief intervals, so, too, J1as electricity been made available as recent. and limited land s pace and an overwhelming population do not afan ever-ready servant-swift, untiring, efficient. willing, in every depart- ford opjJOrtunities offered in Ameriment of the household. Whether it ca. 1 watched a half dozen practihe cooking, cleaning, lighting, heat- cally naked coolies lenling a hillside ing, electricity can do it more quickly, hack of our hotel at Kyota. Their more safely, more simply than it par wao; ahout one yen or fortv cents a flay oi nine hour . One of our excould otherwise be accomplished. ca,·ating lllachines would have done Eflici-t Wirina Reclucea Billa in two day' what the c coolies have A common misunderstanding exists not fini-.hed in three weeks. This is in the feeling that the possession of one hig difference hetween America numerous outlets for electric current and the Orient. increases the cost of current con"Small shop~ abound e\·erywhere, ~umed. But the fact that the house and we finger beautiiul and expensiYC is properly wired for future use of object~ many minutes before the prolabor-saving devices dol'S not in any prietor appears, perhaps the wife with way affect the monthly hill. Elec- a small blinking baby tied to her back. tricity is only charged for when it At night when the flimsY shutters are i~ consumed. It is onh· consumed put up the family cat- their frugal when current runs throug·h the wires. meal on the spotlesi floor of the one Outlets themselves cost only their room back of the little shop and 1ater value as wire when they are orig- sleep in the ~arne place. Simplicity inally installed, and this cost is trifl- and economy are essential to the ing. narrowest detail where wages and Many electrical appliances are them- profit.; are so small. selves o expensive in the buying, and A Tactleaa Procedure !'O trifling in the cost of upkeep that ··se,·c ral days ago we were trotted it is entire ly reasonable to huy more about fCir two hours in the hot sun and more of them from time to time for forty cents, and the poor rickshaw as opportunity occurs and share the man has not had a fare since. Y~t he 1· -- n~'fits of their constant use. The always smiles cheerfully as we pass "eckly cost of electric power in the his corner. The exclusion act against average family is about 5(l cents. FINDS JAPAN NATION FRIENDLY AND HONEST "-and we do solemnly promise to set aside something in our yearly budget that will bring beauty into our lives." If every bride and groom would make this silent vow, realizing the great impetus toward continut;d happiness afforded by a comm~n mterest in the beautiful, then any mvestment in beautifying the home would have returns in married contentment and harmony. . . Pictures represent art 111 1ts most t h.at 15 P easma to come bati "Ptctures well chosen improve th pearance of the furniture, the dra::: and the rugs in a house, and '"make it the more livable. ..,. to happmess than mat . hfe, s~ there should be a definite tnal set astd~ each year .for developing~: finer stde, and p1ctures should bt am~ng ttie regular purchases of the famtly. ~ortant . I . ap~ As the life o.f t~e spirit is more i~~~o I ............ __ .,.. .. ,...,...... , ... . . ..... ,.. ...... , .. .................. Circamstanu· . . . . . . . .*7 . . . . . Whatn·r tu -.. .......... c...,e· ......... t,_ ....... ._ .......... HARVEST HOME DINNER The annual Harvest Home dinner of the \Vilmette Parish Methodist church w:ill be held Thursday e\·ening, Octoher JO, in the church parlor. Dr. Fred D. Stone. newly appointed pastnr of thP Irvin~ Park Methodist church, Chicago, will be the speaker. l124 Central Ave. Wilmett.. Candles Can be Secured In Interesting Variety Candles are made {rom wax, paraffin, tallow, palm oil and various other substances. They are ctiher dipped, rolled or molded in order to form the desired size and shape. Candles were made by dippiug long before the molding process was invented. The wicks which hang from a supporting rod are dipped into a large vat, containing the melted substance. The saturated wicks are then cooled and again dipped and cooled, repeating the process until the desired size is obtained. These candles resemble the bayberry candle and may be colored any desired !'hade. True bayberry candle comes only in the characteristic greenish shade. Bayberry candles arc made from a wax which forms the outside coating (lfl the berries of the bayberry tree. REO ~ The Reo Line .1875 8eclua · .. 1985 Brousham · %235 Bellooa 'Ilnl T-6 Special TOIIriaa Reo .. 1~95 TOUJ'iq Reo .. 133~ REO EVANSTON CO. 1111 Chicap AYe., EYaaaton Phone UaiYenit,. liM llandard ..... .......... · The man who just passed you tn his CHRYSLER SIX: Geta 20 to 22 milea to a pllon of guoline; Can beat 70 miles per hour in high gear; Can ~t 41 milea per hour in second gear;Can drive over the rougheat road in comfort; Can atop hia car in 14 feet at 35 miles per hour; Can maneuver hia car better in traffic jama than you can; WHEN YOU WANT EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON YOUR PAINTING AND DECORATING CALL I THE NORTH SHORE CO-OPERATIVE PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 556 CENTER STREET, WINNETKA Phones Winaetka 1188 or 1782 and you are sure to get QUALITY and DURABILITY at lower cost because it is the CO-OPERATIVE SYSTEM. UIIWMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIINIIIIII. .I I I - YET ·AND Valuable Rugs and Carpets restored to their original color, cleanliness and condition by Native skilled labor. Efficient processes and sanitary fireproof workrooms . .\ guarantee of satisfaction. his maintenance costs are lower than yours his resale value if . and when he sells will be greater than yours - Make Us PrOtJe it John ' Nuarian Founded 1915 571 Lincoln A·-WINNETKA PhonP.s EVANSTON MOTOR SALES 1015-17 Ilavia Street Tel. Univ. 2277 = } 727

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