Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 19

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\\t.ILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 llg i~str~tions a,tl, . res1de m lllinoi· ·gan, Indiana, ~ ota, and many othef tar lawS' permitti ~ it, although these~ ~ t in details from bsent-vo!ers . from tblet se no t·me m writq I their city or county for an applicatiOil b~ Is. n, Jet me urge absent ltes as well as those frtll$ 19 tions of political mach inuy, by a who is closely connect ed with U. system. George Pattison, Praalt W att, Tom Copdand, Bob Bur rows. L~on W are, Char les Roth, Bob Nelson. Dick Joh nston, and Don W ilber wu e in charg e. .o; \r CALLS PLAYERS ~onnel, whtle emb~acing many favor- several pop.ular productions. The per- Hi.Y Cub Geta Tip on U::. GENUINE ASSET C: Wilmette Writer Laucla North Shore Group By ALBE RT A. McKEIGHAN In t ~ is material and t>r~ctical d ay . when 1deals are taken w1th a gram oi ,a It and a It ruism is in s pected nn<kr a microscope, it is refreshing to c n cc~unte r a group of individuals han ded together in a spirit of helpiul nl'>S to gi,·e aid and succor to cau ses. And especially re11·onhy in·,hi ng when those making up such a grou!J a re of our own neighbors and · fri l'IHis, for whose sincerity of purpo,e none need hesitate to vouch. In t he North Shore Players, the vil la"< " a nd town s of the north shore h~·l' a n asset of inestimable value"a \'try present help in time of .(finanrial l trouble." This company of ron ng- Thespian s, possessed of talent oi a high order and a laudable ambition to achieve fame by way of t he im>llig ht s, offer their services to worthy c ~aritahle and civic organization' " wtthout money and without price.. in the replenishing of exu,; tl'd exchequers, requiring only rhat fi xed expenses such as director's ier~. rovaltics, etc., he horne In- their hl'ndicii~ries . · Toil " Without Pr!ce" Dur in g pa st sea sons the players. han· appeared in all north · shore , uhnrbs, presentinlo{ many deli~htful and who les ome theatrical production s that ha\'e won favor on Broadway and in Chicago. And in every instance th t· Player s have given of their time and talent s without a cent of re· numeration , the proceeds always going to some loca l club, library, or ··th er needy institution. This writer wonders if the work of th ese ta knted young people is fully appreci ated, or if their effort s arc meas ured at their true worth . The neerh of local organization s arc usua ll ~· greater than the receipt s, and opportunitie s for gi,·ing come frequently. Through the cooperation of the North Shore players direct appeal may often he avoided . "Our Own Children" \\'e a ll require entertainment. and none satis fies quite so fully as the >poken drama . How can an even inll' h~ more pleasantly spent than in wuness ing a clean. uplifting play, produced in a home auditodum by local talent that has so far progressed as to be semi-professional, rather t ha n amateur, in character? An d the pleasure is heightened by the knowledge that the wigs and grease paint are but disguises hiding t he fine feat ures of our own boys and girls who, through sheer lo,·e of the art and a de sire to be helpful in t heir comm unities. are gi,· in~ excellent entertainment in return for the support that ·Oml' !\e<;en-ing local organization ites who ha,·e deltghted audiences in Operation of Politics past appearances, has been strengthAntony Czarnecki, representing the ened by the acquisition of several YO~!lg men and women of exceptional election committee of Chicago, gave abthty, some of wryom have already attracted the attentton of professional the members of the ~ew Trier high scouts. school Hi- Y club iMide information on politics and the present campaign, at a dinner and meeting held thi Thursday at the school. The largest attendance of the season appeared at Thursday's meet ing to hea r a n explanation of the opera- Vote as you Plta.rt-b! HOMER RECITAL GENUINE TREAT Reveals Versatae Talent of 21 Main Street. Great Artist By M USIC CRIT IC mu~ i ('al affairs art· w e privileged to How ~ ddom in th e hi ~ ton· of 'OMOBILE ber 1st orage stalls ~ nter. iVanDeusen 'S tore" hea r and thorouj.!'l, h· enioy recital s of · on gs h y arti st ;: like Madame Louise Homer. who appeared at '!'~lew Trier audit orium, \\' ednc sday , October 15. :\ program g iHn entirely by one singer is likely to grow tiresome, because ton es and interpretations are pretty certain to he the same in all nttmbers. Rut thi s is not so in the case of ~[adame Hom er. An attractive .program, classical enough to s ati~fy thl' most exacting classicist and yet light and pleasing enough to attract and hold the interest of those who are not of the musical elect, served to rcv<.'al the \'ersatile . talent of thi s most gracious artist . ' Espt·l·ia lly !lifted to s' ng effectinh· th·· diPnified scores of the grand old or a tnrio~. h1·1 · n ·ndition <lf " He Shall Feed Hi s Flock !.ilea a Shepherd" from the " ~[es ~ iah " was particularly hr:- 11tiful. Her natural- dramatic abilit y was hest shown in her presen tation of three operatic arias. To th e<;e slw aclderl onr more as an enco r e -th e majln ificent rontralto solo, " My Heart at Thv Sweet Voice ," from "~ampson and- Delilah ." Anotht·r s<'llll which dt·mandl·d all thr dramatic r "~ nu~ c es of th " , : n ~ er wa s s,·dnt·,· Home r ' ~ "\Vhc rr's Mv Bm· , .. - To· oht;>: n ··11ch thrill'n~ effects a s Mme. Homrr obtained in this n11mhrr there m11 ~ t of nrce ~ ~ i tY he lllOfl' than a lwautifnl and ·well placed ,·oice. The se tht>r c must he , but these C1ualitic~ in Mmr . Homer sern·d men·lv a s the means of expressinR the tender lo\'ing ~ott! of a dc\'Oted mother. To the writer the ~ infTing of this ~on~, composed by her husband. was the prak of the recital. Mme. Homer also merl ~ffl'ctivch· that o ld hut beaut iful ~ong, Bohm"s -"Still as the night," for one of her ma ny encores. Too much praise cannot be g iven Miss Ruth Emerson, w ho in q uiet, u nassuming. but very efficient, and sa tisfying manner, supplied the piano accompani m ents. T he MacDowell cluh is to be congratulated on its accurate appreciation of the musical taste of the north ~hore anct for its succe~sful carrying lll't'!"' throul!h of thi s recital , the fir t of a Tho: Players will this season present remarkably fine series. .. ~1/~L . 'T,.,., ,· , . The Logical Choice ol the Carelul Buyer .295 The Tourlna Car The Ford car delivers more ~ care-free. economical eervice per dollar invested than any other car. Ita sturdy, ricid conetruction is atrikinc evidence of enduring materials. Every minute operation is scientifically tested and accurately checlc.ed. Control of natural reM>urcea and complete manufacture in large volume have -m.de paeeible value that is the one standard by which every motor car must necessarily be iudced. The Ford car is the logical and necestarJ choice of the buyer who wants to get the utmost from every motoring dollar. 8&& TB& N&Aa&8T AUYBOaiZ&D ' ·oaD D&AL&a Wilmette 1114 The Power of the· Spoken WOrd of Mouth" is ® 'T'HE demand for additional teleJJhon!JS continues un· abated. This means that we must keep adding to our plant at present day costs, which are greatly in excess of those of ten years ago, thus constatttly increasing our average invest· ment ~ telephone. Unless the reven·es derived /rom our business keep pace with this condition, we cannot hofte to meet tile demanthfor exwnsion and moin· lain'llle IJUII/ity ofour service to the public. .l "WORD always more effective than the written message. Correspondence is often longdrawn-out and futile. How much better to turn to your telephone, call the party by long distance and settle the matter in a friendly talk! Station-to-station service saves you about 20 ·per cent on the long distance charges. Even1ng and night rates for station-tostation calls are still lower. · 't~itt.bUIM4 T.Ul CJriuro~ ~~.MrwJW. REID. MURDOCH fl CO. ... ··Our Trade Demand~ Moaarcb" " We thillk enouth of Monarch Coftiee to haDdle only oueod.. brmd(a cbaper pade~ Our trade demmde Monarch Co!lee. It ia a JllOI'Dinc'· p&e..we and - eveaiac·· delicJu." C. F. WINTERBERC, Wyar~et, lD ® One Policy ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One System Uniwnaf Semce

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