Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE FRIDAY OCTOBER 1924 M Miss Irene Cary of 1046 Elmwood Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pay avenue celebrated her birthday on the ]. Walter Nelsons Spinneys and Dr. and' October 18 by giving a house party for Bailey Blake motored HE regular mecti~g of the \\ inthe following out-of-town guests: for the game and netka \Voman's club took place Miss Margaret Duckworth, Miss bration at the University Thursday, October 16. After the Catherine Coney, Miss Constance -oreading of the minutes of the last sesCasey, Miss Ella Jeanette Venum, Mr. and M r.s. ] . N. Macalister sion, the meeting was opened by the Miss 'Dorothy Bossong and Miss Marpresident, Miss Matz, who made the garet Larson. Saturday evening Miss and Mrs. M1les McDonald 11' "U SE Your Citizenshi~ Vote!" is following announcments: Carey gave a dinner for her guests Mrs. David Park, Mr. tiiCI r the slogan that has been adopted A health conference is scheduled for at the Ouilmette Country cl ub, follow - Lester Wood, Mr. and Mrs by the \\'innetka League of and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Tuttlt Women Voters. It was selected from November 12 and 13 at Urbana, spon- Common Diseases .. \Voods Hutchinson ed by a theater party. Miss Venum, the past week-end at the Gagt Miss Duckworth and Miss Bossong many handed in during an informal sored by the Illinois Federatibn of on Crystal Lake. There haYe been numerou s requests slogan contest, and is the contribu- Woman's clubs. Mrs. Walling of Pri- for books on hygiene, and the library returned to t heir homt's Monday. but -otion of Harold DeLay. It is to be vate road is to give a bridge Wednes- has a very helpful and suggestive one the others are remaining for a week. ~Ir. and ~irs. J . T. Hanley and . -oprinted on all the League stationery. day afternoon, October 29, at 2 :30 bv Dr. Hutchinson. He writes in an and Mrs. F. W. Harvey Jr For, of all the purposes of the League. o'clock for the benefit of the endow- easy, genial style that is most attracMiss Dorothy Sittler of Three that of getting out the \"Ole is upper- ment fund for the Park Ridge School tive, and combined wit h excellent Oaks, Michigan, is visiting Mr. and panied a party of friends 'to the and week-end festivitie s at the most in the minds of league members for Girls. commonsense, makes the book a valu- Mrs. Carl Schweizer of 1704 Highland versity of Illinois. The returned now. The next meeting of the club tahs able one. Some of the subjects treat- avenue. day evenmg. No one in \Vinnetka \\'ill have the place October 30. It will be an open ed are "The passing (){ pi ll s a nd .,lightest opportunity to overlook :'llo- session held jointly by the civics and powders," "Home docto·ring," "Asthma vember 4. For those who do not philanthropy committee and the League and hay fever," "How we grow deaf" read the newspapers, there will be of \\'omen Voters. Mrs. James Porter . and "Foot faults." A cha pter on reminding placards placed by the give a report of the Fourth Congress "Insomnia" should prove especially league upon the delivery wagons. of the \\'oman's International League cheering to any who are suffering The merchants of \Vinnetka all gen- for Peace <~nd Freedom . Miss Jane with that most disagreeable affliction. MU8CLE DEVELOPING er?usl.r consented to cooperate in Addams will he the speaker of the afth1s: And as a still further percaution ternoon who will give a talk on "Ef- , FO~WB.AR FOR. aga!nst forgetfulness. the precinct forts toward, a Constructive Peace." Social Happeni.Dfl CHILDREN cha1rm~n have arranged to cover their Mrs. E. V. 1.. Brown introduced Miss respective di::.tricts o carefull.r that ·Elizabeth Garrett who spoke for the every home in the \'illage will have "Illinois Society for the Prevention of a "V.ote Tue!>d~y. Xo\"Cmber 4," tag Blindness." ~1 rs. Frazer then introduced Edward Solomon, son of Mr. and Mrs. hangmg upon Its doorknob by Mon- the speaker, ~r. "Charles Kelley, who Joseph Solomon ·of 1025 Ashland aveday night. charmingly described ancient Chinese nue is convalescing from a severe case Alt~ough the . league is working painting~ ~howing these lovely works of of pneumonia. worktng har~ to 1ncr<:.ase the quantity art on a screen. Sizea 5 to a o_f the vote trom the 56% of last elecThe hnstt·~sb ior the afternoon were Praetit:l'l, dit!tinctive P I a y $5.00 tion, ~o 75%. it is not working for 9uant.Jty alont·. but also for greater Mrs. C. Donald Dallas, Mrs. Henry Shoea f o r Children. Built Sizea 8% to 12 ~nteiiJg:ence at the polls. lt is en- Gottlieb. )..frs. George S. Parker, Mrs. by with high arch, narrow heel dea vo~mg to . gi\·e enry potential John Vennema and Mrs. Willoughby $6.50 yoter m the nllage easy and interest- Walling. and flexible aolea. lllg access. to information on all the Family, wedding, school and men. part1es, a!1d iss ues concerned. such groups and indi\·idual porIt was for th1s purpose that the traits taken in one's own surleague members sold' the election roundings ; also interior and exnumber of the Illinois League bulletin terior of homes, work comthroughout \ :Vinnetka, and for this me~Jded hy the hest architects. purpose tl~at the big multi-partisan My Dear Cornelia .......... Sherman Christmas rush almost at hand !~lever were there more charming m ass m~etmg has heen called at the -make appointments now. Woman s club for .Monday evening. con\·ersations than these, between the Oa Washin&'to~ near MichipD Phone University 2523-M professor, from a mid-west university, October 27. Evanston Now arrangements have been com- and Cornelia. They discuss the tendpleted t~ have tht; League room in e"cy of modern novels, modern girls, Commun1ty Honse open all day, Mon- ~he eighteenth amendment, and modday, November 3, as an information ern marriage. The hook is filled with bureau for voters of all parties. Mrs. wit, philosoph:·, and a de lightfully Walter B~nson, president of the whimsical comment on life. league. ass1sted by various members of .the_ b~ard, will be there from 9 Walter De La Mare .......... )..1 cgroz Mr. De La Mare is most fortunate until ~ o clock to answer questions and gn·e out leaflets. She will also in having for his biographer a friend at once so appreciative and so sane, h!l"e sample ballots for all parties to gn·c to those who wish them. Any- as Mr. Megroz. He has tried to show one, .woman or man, who has any the poet in his relations to society, FOUNTAIN SQUARE, 1567 Sherman questiOns about voting, may take and there is not a single page of TeL fatuous adoration, or offensive personEVANSTON them t~ the League Information ality, in the hook. Mr. De La Mare Ave. h.ureau m. Com~un.ity House at this has been pronounced by competent Univ. 6300 "GOOD FURNITURE MAKES THE HOME" time. Th1s sen·1ce IS not restricte<J. to critics as the foremost English poet lea~ue f!1embers, hut is open · to ·the of childhood, and all those who have enure v11lage. The memb~rs of the board of di- enjoyed "Peacock Pic" will be both surprised and delighted with this ac re~tors ~f the 'Vinnetka league who w1ll. ass1st Mrs. Benson at the Infor- count of the man who wrote it. ma!Jon burea.u are: Miss Elizabeth Country People .............. Suckow Gemmell, cha1rman of elections· Mr's "It is remarkable that the four most H~rold DeLay, chairman of m:mber~ h1ps; Mrs. Austin Jenner, chairman prominent American novels of the past of . financt' .: Mrs. Charles Strong, year have been written by women; c.ha1rman ot child welfare; Mrs. Wil- devoted to the development of the h.am Hale, chairman of state and na- Middle West; and three of them, pritJOn.al problems; Mrs. Morris Greeley marily concerned with the soil. I do cha1rman of efficiency in government: not think this situation a coincidence." ¥~s. Dow Harvey, chairman of pub~ says Edward "Weeks in The Atlantic llc 1ty. and Mrs. John Vander Vries Monthly . "Country People," the first and Mrs. J. P. Yoder, representatives novel by Ru t h Suckow, has been described by her publisher as 'a simple on the Cook County council. and poignant chronicle of the dull and monotonous lives of a small comFine Reading Announced munity of farmers in Iowa.' The only word in that careful statement to adf or the Catholic Club mit questioning is 'poignant,' but to A.RY Louise Etten McWorter remove it u~conditionally, is to destr.oy 1s furnishing the program at the attraction for most. pros~ecttve . the Woman's Catholic club of readers. The beok .has tts potgnant Wtlmette . on Friday afternoon, Oc-~ moments. Its. story ts the career ,of a tober .24, m the auditorium of the St. German AJ?lencan f~rmer, Au~ust KaetFrancls Xavier school at 2 o'clock. terhen~y. m the m!dst of .h1s twent~ Cos.tumed appropriately for the oc- four s1sters an~ ~ts cousms and h1s ~as1on,. she will give a very fine read- brothers and ht.s m-laws (ther~ we:e m en.~Jtled ."The First Lady of the no aunts) and h1s pa:ents and ~IS chdL~nd. Inc1dental music will be sup- dren. The wonder IS that M1ss Sueplied by Mazie Odell Cordy. Mrs. Clarence C. Weiland and Mrs ]. E. Dunn will be the hostesses fo; The beat fumiture for a airl'a room ia the kind which the afternoon. Winnetka League Is Making All Effort to 'Get-Out-the- Vote Club and League Hold Open Meeting October 30 T kow has been able to invigorate so comprehensive a chronicle. This she has done powerfully ; the novel is direct, beautiful in its simplicity, and alive even when monotonous. In the book there is no. wit , but a grim humor that stirs pity .. .... "Country People" is the story of our awakening soil, a record of the past, told with all the sensitive observance of a native woman. Ben '---------------...1 Home Photography I RUBYS "' \\' SHOGI OSATO THE LIBRARY ./l!fredj·RUBY Inc "Quaint American" Furniture Columbia Muaic School Plana Kiddiea' Program TWOUGUT W K ATHERINE P. Hedglin, a member of the piano faculty of the local branch of the Columbia Sch?ol of M~sic, i,s an important factor the chtldren s work in the Main school where she is supervisor of the child~en's classes held on Saturday morn1~g t~roughout the year. Miss Hediflm w11l have charge of a childre~ s J>rogram t? be given in the Mam School Recttal l.~a on Saturda~. November 1. Kathleen Air, principal of the Winnetka branch, will also have charge ?f one of the children's programs later 111 the season. rn expreaaea moat of the joyoua apirit of dainty youth. Delicate linea in the cleaip of the pieeea, fuc:inatina color and beautiful decoration, comhined with utility and de._ pendable coaatruction are incliapenaible requisites. "Quaint American" furniture auppliea all these needa and more, includina the opportuni'ty to select aroupa of pieces which meet any individual cleaire and neceaaity. And thea too, when your airl baa arown up or aooe away to school, her bed room will serve aa a moat dainty and attractive guest chamber. · . Wilmette Girl Honored H£ list of newly elected officers for the sen.ior class at Welles. ley college mcluded the name of . )1111 Jean Dubbs of Wilmette h been e a member of the ~x~ T at Wellealey College .t::. gtve caretul and intelligent thought to every situation. \Ve cherish the honor of serving at a time when service means so much. We attend to every single detail. W t Understalld · The pieces aketchecl above may be bad in jade areesa, Chinese blue, poppy red, black lacquer decorated, or antique walnut. .. The prices in the antique waiDat are u follows: Vanaty ........................................... $61.00 Bench ........................................... 8.00 Chifforobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.50 Rocker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.85 Nite Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.50 ··~~ EYanaton llitWz ~~Good I>reaaer (not ahown) ............................. 56.00 Any piece may be bouaht separately. ==k~~ ~ ~ ~ .: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Funziture Makes The Home"

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