Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 14

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14 WILMETTE LIFE Cpon the campuses of two of our Illinois universities we have (Formerly The L&ke Shore Ne··n) two notable examples of thi:' Eatabllahed lt12 sterling type of modesty. . . with which Ia combined THE WILIIETTE LOCAL NEWS Harold (Red) Grange, a JUlliOr Eatabllahed 18t8 at the CniversitY of Illinois, who ·sailED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK c,n a recent Saturday afternoon by ran so mam· circles around the LLOYD HOLLISTER. INC. UZJ Central Ave., Wllm~tte, Ill. entire ~~ ichigan eleven that he Tel······ ...... , . . . . wt~~aette tne left them all sick and dizzy, is the ·uascRtPTION e:z.oo A YEAR first example to come to mind. According to reputable report, All communication must be accomthe metropolitan sports panied by the name and address ot the when writer. Articles tor publication should ,nit er:-~ called at hi s fraternity reach the editor by Wedneaday noon to lnaure appearance In current Issue. house that night to interview Reaolutlona ot condolence. cil.rda ot him. they found that the fastest thanks, obituary, poetry, notlcea ot en- backfield "flash" in gridiron hi stertainment· or other atralrs where an admittance charge will be made or tory was celebrating his glorious · a collection taken, will be charged at victory over the ~[aize and Blue rea-ular advertising rates. b,· attending a local movie with Entered at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, aa mall matter ot the s;me of his fraternity pals! aecond class, under the act ot March And he plumb refused to tell I, 1879. the world how good he was, when FRIDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1924 inten·iewed later that evening . .\nother internationally known Separate the Grades. figure in the world of sports is, Enforce the Traffic Laws. Build the Throttgh Traffic Road. to .o ur personal knowledge, perSybil Widm the Busi11ess Thoroughfares haps even more mode st. Bauer, who has been breaking world's recerds with unfailing HOPE TIIOMPSON regularity for the past couple of \\'e believe that Hope Th omp - years and brought much fame to son ought to be elected state's her country and her Alma Mater, attorney at the Xovember elec- by clipping off world's swimming tion. records at the Olympic games Since his admission to the bar last summer. is the maiden we in 1905 he ha s handled many im- have in mind. portant cases in both State and :\ junior in the Northwestern Federal courts. School .of Speech. Miss Bauer will He is not a politician and has talk about anything in thi s world no political ambitions. except Sybil Bauer or her swi mHe is an honest able lawyer. ming abilities. We believe that if elect~d he Such notable example of exwill prosecute criminals· vig.or- treme. mode sty among nationally ously and fearlessly, thereby re- and internationally known sportducing materially the present ing heroes and heroines should menace to public safety. be noted and given plenty of Mr. Thompson is a Wilmette credit whether they ask for it citizen, living at 1219 Ashland or not. avenue. He has lived in WilCampus stars such as these mette for the past twelve years, might well be set R.as _>.xamples during which time he has been for the youths of ou~untry to an active, unselfish supporter of emulate. We almost feel as did all Yillage welfare movements. the youngster who exclaimed, "I'd rather be 'Red' Grange than A SIMPLE METHOD President." A Chinese general, Peng YuYieng, was recently executed beFACE-TO-FACE cause he was defeated. That, Frint George's band of Chicag.o evidently, is the simple cold- Radio Stars appeared in the blooded method of the Chinese. Ridge school auditorium recently If a militan· leader is defeated, and scored what in stage vernache is killed .' ular is enthusiastically characterThis putting to death of one ized as a "Wow." It is no exagwho fails is a shining example of geration to say that the .a udience the Biblical declaration: "From was on the eqge of its chairs him who hath not shall be taken throughout the performance, so away even that which he hath." thrilling and alt,ogether unique It also makes very clear the cen- was this foregathering of the tral truth in S\tCh phrases as people who, though frequently "Nothing succeeds like success." heard "on the air," have never beIt seems a severe method, fore appeared on a program be-· though simple. In America the hind the fo9tlights. defeated in war or in any other If one is seeking novelty in enterprise is either alLowed to try entertainment, nothing would be again or to live on in more or less more to the p.oint than an eveobscurity. He is usually given a ning with Frint George's Radio chance to retrieve his failure, an stars. But, regarded from the opportunity to make good. And viewpoint of novelty or a sheer if he does come back again, he is desire to witness arid hear a usually applauded for his de- superlatively good variety pro-. termination and success. If he gram, one cannot go amiss in a r.ever recovers fr.om the knock- "face-to-face" encounter with the out he may live on peacefully. unrivalled Jerry Sullivan and his But we don't like the oriental talented colleagues of micromode of dealing with failures. It phonic renown. It is wholesome reminds us too forcibly of the fun and a large evening. treatment commonly applied in schools and colleges to students LIGHTS FOR WILMETTE who fall below the passing grade. Blame for lack of electric lights Throw them out I Send them in Wilmette can not be justly back home! Anything to get rid laid on the Wilmette Board of of them. However, there's a Trustees. better way. Give them another It must be laid on th.ose propchance under different conditions. erty owners, notably owners of Keep on letting them try again the Gage estate, who by their oband again, but always under dif- jections are obstructing execution ferent conditions. of a fully formulated plan of Poor Peng Yu-Yieng! lighting Wilmette streets. These obstructors, taking adMODESTY vantage of legal technicalities, A much w.orshipped hero and which it is their privilege to ema modest one! What a rare com- ploy, are exposing Wilmette citbination, now-a-days! In fact, izens to all those dangers and infrom our campus observations conveniences that result from during the past several years, we miserably inadequate street lightsometimes feel that the excessive ing. hero worship heaped upon camThe Wilmette board has not pus celebrities has ruined more only secured the franchise to enyoung men and women than ter into a contract with the Sanicigarettes and liquor put to- tary District for electric current gether. but, because of this delay caused To be able to stand up under by obstructors, have been obliged the stress of such ardent and oft- to get a renewal of this franchise. times silly worship and remain When the small group forget a modest and genuine man or petty jealousies and stop obdenotes an unusual structing the course .of communof character, a quality ity improvement Wilmette's apn well for the future streets will be rendered safe after oC 11Ddercraduate. dark. WILMETTE LIFE Willing and Ready -to Ser'Jie You T North Shore Merchandise CJJespatch Over- night service for shippers between every important point on the North Shore Line. Mer· chandise received up to 6 p. m. delivered next morning. Through serv· Ice to Sheboygan, Bur· lington, Watertown and all points on the Mil· waukee Norrhern R. R. and T.M. E.R. & L For rate., deliveriea, etc, write Ot" telephone local North Shore agc:nr, or TrJtficDepartmenr: Chicago office, 72 W. Adam~ St, 'phones State 5723 and Central 8280; Milwauke'! otlice,403 Securitv B d~ .· 'phones Grand 990 and Grand 2762. HE North Shore ticket agent is the first representative of the North Shore Line you meet when you travel on the North Shore Line. The agent must be our ambassador - the personification of North Shore Service. That is why we are so careful to pick the right type of men and women to be our representatives. North Shore ticket agents are trained in their line of work like all other North Shore employees. They are on duty continuously selling tickets, answering questions, giving information and assistance on every imaginable subject. · It is part of their duty to be able to give mOTe than routine railroad information. To long-distance travelers, for example, they render a much appreciated service by making Pullman reservations on any railroad out of Chicago, to any point - a service they cheerfully render, without charge. The North Shore ticket agent is one of many Nort~ Shore represent&· tives who make the North Shore Line a pleasant road on which to travel. Chicago North Shore&. Milwaukee R.R. Co. Wilmette P.,.....er Station Telephone Wilmette %514 This gas and oiling station is just across the street from our garage, and is under our management. YOUR CAR DELIVERED CLEAN WHEN you have your car greased, oiled and washed by us you don't have to v. orry about getting into it and finding grease all over the wheel and on the upholstery. Our men use seat covers and clean the steering wheel, etc., when the work is completed. Vve recommend that you have your car greased thoroughly and the oil changed every 500 miles. ~o extra charge for calling for and delivering your car. Greuinc, $1.50 to $3.00. Day and Niaht Waahina, $2.00 to $2.50 HUBBARD WOODS. GARAGE 1010 Tower Road WINNETKA, ILLINOIS ··Service With A Smile." PHONES: W1NNETK.A 617-1834

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