Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 13

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WILMETTE 1924 Mr. and Mrs. W . I. Beam 819 Prairie avenue, are back from a ~otor trip to Lima, Ohio. Miss Helen Bower returned with them, and is their guest for a few weeks. n /)argain &zaar to Offer Unusual Features 'o untry Clvb I age are to reyel in tht perv.ade the Ouilmett committee ha: t. 1 he costun1e party f~ernoon from 3 u t:l 1 · ~·t Ill)e espectalh· entn d _last, but ne\·er le:; in ll b~ served at tables [ts , wttches and pum\}U\·en ~le -\!~CAIN Bazaar" is not a mis·,wnu·r for the attractive affair to he gi,·en at the Sovereign hotel, -:aturday. October ~5, under the : u,picc - of the Amertcan Opera So;\e.tY nt l'hicag<?· Inc., to r~ise _ money ior th : purchasmg of Davtd Btspham memori al medals for composers of There Will be no 111 aican opera. ·--:on cha rge . Fr:·lll 10 o'clock in the morning until ~ ..:n in the afternoon, more than 1.000 ;rrt icles donated by _or thr.ough 1he 60 111rmbers of the soctety wtll be 011 ,air at ex t~mely moderate prices. Tah le< with hats, glassware, lingerie, 111 i,c<·llancous articles, 150 of which wat· brought from abroad, with many irom [gypt, and a "Surprise Table" will offer their attractive wares in,· ~pcn ,i,·c l y. . 8 :n. Miss Elise Warner and Miss Virginia Moore are expected to spend the week-Pnd of Xovember 8 with Mr. and Mrs. H . E. Warner of 1115 Ashland avenue. They are coming from Champaign for the Chicago-llli- nois game. -oOn Monday afternoon of this week the Infant Welfare auxiliary held it~ Madame Bourdeau, formerlv a teachregular monthly meeting at the home er of French in the Stickney school of Mrs. Edwin J, Clampitt, 1029 Chest- is. opening classes in Wilmette at the nut. avenue, Mrs. Charles N. Evans home of Mrs. Hapeman, 1008 Ashactmg as assisting hostess. About SO land avenue. Conversational French member~ wer~ present, and because of and classes for beginners will be a two restgnatwns among the offict:rs specialty. -oMrs. Charles Bailey Blake and Mrs' Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Stover of 1004 C arl E. Widney were elected to fiti the vacancies of vice chairman and Ashland avenue have been visiting in publicity chairman. The members Troy, Ohio, for the last few weeks. wor_kcd on ba!JY garments during the Mr. Stover returned on Wednesday, busmess ~eetmg, ~nd played bridge and Mrs. Stover will be home the last of the week. and mah JOngg at 1ts conclusion. -oMr. and Mrs. John Ling, who motored to New York recently, have been the guests of Mrs. Guy L. Morrison of New York City, formerly of Wilmette. -oMr. and Mrs. F. Gray Waggett of 1604 Wilmette avenue, are being congratulated upon the birth of a son, Warren Withers, on October 5. -o- M iss Augusta Lehmann and Miss Amanda Kienitz of Chicago were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. ] . Anderson of 1530 Highland avenue. -a- . If c. Tl1ey will come in raders, will haye the' -oThe Frank H. Gathercoals of 1511 Highland avenue celebrated· their silver . wedding anniversary on Saturday ntght. Mrs. Gathercoal's parents. Mr. and Mrs. ]. R. Hewitt of Chicago were there, Florence came from the University of Wisconsin to attend the '\ffair, and james, from Champaign. A rt>ception and banquet was held at the house. ' · .dance. If they have til be on hand. mes to refreshments t, and hints at othe; 1\Irs. Harold Newton and Mrs. R. Tencher: e Card Party coming week will be ent of the Woman's tuditorium of the St. treet and Linden ave· 1e event which coma large attendance to k. Tickets may be Country Clubs or totnorrow evening rean lure to opposite at the North Shore tlance will take place thi~ occasion, one of air at the Ouilmette oth as to the dinner ~embers of the Young s1onary society of the rch. enjoyed a progrescedlllg the evening proroup gathered at the C. N. Stokes and drore f Mrs. Ralph Moulding purse. The guests then Vetch's cafeteria where e bea~tifttll;\· decorated potnon of th. --.\. the long line of cars to \Vinnetka to the R . J . Burrows for the he pilot car next led to the home of Mrs. in \Vinnetka for the d the program of the f! ·A111 nng the outstanding features of !Ill' da,· will be the auction sale at 5:30 ,)'cloc k which will offer among other hargains, several beautiful white collie dol!, . " rdatives" of the much pictured anrl talked of White House Collie," that ar<' a rriving from Washington ior the ,·rent. ~I r· . Louis Boyson of Chicago (\\' in iin: d Lamh), will make some of her charmi ng charcoal sketches of a w cei<:lJ rities who will make their ranee during the afternoon. ween the hours of 2 and 4 memhcr" oi the Pathe Picture company will take moving pictures. ;\o large bazaar is complete without it.; tt·a room and during the afternoon thi> beverage will be served in the little room especially decorated for the Prince of Wales when he drank hi' cup of tea there recently. 'fhc appointments arc remaining as thev wHc until after the bazaar. A ·ical program will be given durthc tea hour, one number of which II be a Greek Dance played on two 10>. :O.fr,. Archibald Freer's own (OJIIJ!(hition. David Bispham calendar< and .iO of his Victrola records. a donation. will be on sale at the David Hi,pham table in charge of Mrs. Howard Tracy, of Winnetka, chairman of the m<·mbrrship committee. Mrs. P. ) . O'Sullh·an of Glencoe is vice chair!llatl of this committee. .\ dinner-dance with special entertaiJtment will conclude the day. Tickets for this affair may be procured at the hotel. :\mong the · prominent Chicago women who are members of the society are :\1 rs. Archibald Freer, president, Mrs. Rockefeller McCormick, n~>norary chairman, and Mrs. A. F. Ca llahan, Mrs. Howard Spaulding, .llrs. Levy Maher, Mrs. Jacob Bauer, and Mrs. Louis E. Yager, Mrs. C. F. Lynch and Mrs. Albert Auwaerter, chairmen of the hazaar. Membus of the board of the societv will be hostl'>,es, and all member's will officiate <luring the day. -o).\ iss Clementine Eastman 1027 Flmwood avenue, was one ~f the llride,maid, attending ~Iiss Elizabeth .\nn Bacon of Hig:hland Park, when ,he heca me the brtde of Harold Oshorne Barnes of Evanston last Saturdar en ning at the Highland Park Preshyterian church. A reception for the wedding party and intimate friends iollowed the ceremony at the Bacon home Highland Park. A iter November 1 1, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes will make their home in Evan~ ton. -o- Mrs. Leslie C. Perkins of 1507 High1and avenue entertained Miss Elsie Hinz of South Haven, Michigan, and 'he members of her sorority on Saturdav. Mis~ Hinz is to be married ~ orne time in November to Preston -oPox of Chicago. and Mrs. Perkins Mrs. Frank Irwin of Toronto and v'lve a luncheon and miscellaneous Mrs. R. Hicks of Edmonton . Alberta, shower in her honor. spent a few days last week as the -o~uests of Mrs. E. C. Pickard of 819 Mrs . . frank Irwin of Toronto and Fifteenth street. her mother. Mrs. R. Hicks of Edmon-aton. Alberta, were the £Uests of Mrs. Mrs. Lewis B. Springer of 430 Maple C. N. Hurburt of 715 Greenleaf ave- a venue had as her guest last week, nue part of last week. Mrs. Irwin. Mrs. F . M. Paul. formerly a resident who is associated with the board of of Wilmette. .M r. Springer is in education that is doing special work Florida on a short business trip. in schools for crippled children, has -o. heen making a study of Chicago Mrs. Charles Mack is !{iving a small schools. miscellaneous shower at her home. 707 -aCentral avenue, tomorrow afternoon The North Shore Wellesley circle for Miss Charlotte StJrin~er whose enwill hold its next meeting Monday gagement was announced last month. afternoon. November 3, at 2 :30 o'clock. -aat 1416 Elinor place, Evanston, with The alumnae of Alpha Chi Omega Mn. S. W. White and Mrs. A. C. sorority gave a luncheon at the OrGoodnow the hostesses. Mis s Grace rington hotel \Vednesday prior to the Boynton will give a talk on "Pol- musicale and style show at the \\'omitical Condit ions in China." an's club in the afternoon. ~liss Dorothy Yetter of 1427 Gregory avenue gave a luncheon on Tuesday in celebration of her eigllth birthday. The £Uests were Betty Paddock, Ellen Gertrude Widdiborg, Muriel Meyers. Genevieve Witt, Lillian and Josephine Baker, Alice Skelton, Elizabeth Radu, and Gertrude Widdicombe. Mrs. John Krema of 1630 WashingMr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer of Spring- ton avenue had as her guests Harvey field were guests of Mrs. E. R. Stone Spangel of Manitowoc, and Mrs. Fred · during part of last week. George Brown of Oklahoma. -aStone accompanied them to Urbana for Mrs. R. S. Udell of 1222 Central avethe Illinois-Michigan game. nue has returned from a week's visit -owith her children in Grand Rapids, ~. and Mrs. G. F. Johnstone of 220 Maple avenue who were driving through Michigan. -osouthern Illinois last week, stopped in Mrs. E. G. Hunter of 801 Fifteenth Urbana for the Illinois homecoming street has as her guest for a few game. weeks, Mrs. L. Brelsord of Toronto. -aMrs. W . D . Lawrence and 1\Irs. \Viiford DeBerard will be luncheon hestesses Wednesday at the Ouilmette Country club. They will entertain the members of their Reading club. -o- \\' e have received a large stock of rebuilt machines. All standard ,makes. $37.!iO and up A number of used Corona and Remington Portables$20.00 to $30.00 All machines purchased from us are guaranteed. Corona, Remington and Underwood Agents. 01andltar·s ~ ~&VAN · JfOuniW11o S9uo.N ·' BTON J: -o- -aMrs. Mary E. Varney who has been spending some time with her son, W. P . Varney of 1026 Greenwood avenue returned to her home in Washington, D. C., on Thursday. Mrs. Frank Martin of Detroit is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Forrey of 1610 Washington avenue. -o- 12 11linutes by Motur to J3artelmes ~ftlorthfitlO Inn ern WAUKEGAN 1\0AO a;t NOKTHBI\OOK 'fhc Eva·nston Country club will take on the atmosphere of a real French Market on November 7 and 8, when the First Presbyterian church, Evanston, wlil hold a large and interesting sale. Mrs . Martin Kent !\ortham is in charge of the affair. -o- -aThe Cozy Corner circle of the Congregational church will ha\'e an all-day mt·cting at the church, October 30. :\[rs . Edward L. Carlson is chairman of the luncheon arrangements. All members are urged to attend this important meeting. new members were Bean. Luella Burrows. Arax Boyajean, \hrr£. Leah Kinne. Ethel· !Edna Lackore. Dorothy relson, Mrs. Bella MacPeters. Ruth Peas~. n. The two honoran· d at this time wer'r g and Mr~ . Winkler. -orhore alumnae of the ergarten and Elemenntinue to hold their workshop each Mon1 6 o'clock with Mrs. ron. 1414 Hinman aveMost attractive artirearing apparel are bej s e are sold in the Colcated in the Courtesv aYis street. Evanston. the north shore alumor swelling the colle~e 1R.o~-~!!Perg 's 1 -oMr. and Mrs. E. A. Kracke and their children of 1010 Elmwood avenue sailed Saturday for Berlin. They will spend two months traveling abroad. -o:\f rs . Frank Austin and Mrs. Columbus Austin and their children of Woodstock are visiting Mrs. George Eaton of 852 Park avenue. ~ -o).[iss ).[aud Miner will conduct a class in Diction and the Technique of Speech at the home of Mrs. J. A. Burrill. beginning Tuesday, October 28, at 9 :30 o'clock. These classes will he welcomed by any who wish instruc - ~ tion in enunciation. pronounciation, 'oice placing, and the other elements that combine to make good speech. . :.r rs. Burrill will gi \'e further part 1rulars . The first meeting of the Entre Nous > taking place October 29, has been ated as "Hallowe'en Guest The members will meet for at Ia Petite Gourmet, 615 h ).Iichigan avenue. Tn the afternoon the party will sec "White Cargo" at the Cort theater. Mrs. Holland Fa_ nkboner is president of the club th1s year. -o),f r. aud Mr . Duane Goodland Bartlett of 1603 Lake avenue are home ir_om a week's sojourn at Battle l rcek, Michigan. I /n Forty-One i 41st Anniversary Sales Years No Sale Like This! -o- ~ ~ is made of the mar. Engels to Enuna Cis· Missouri. on Wednes~ The ceremony took I the morning at the Sr. fith a reception at the 1. Segar street. were Miss Clarissa Beulla Macauley. The groom were Edward sel. and Clarence Cisding trip to various ri, the young couple orne in Winnetka. r:--o-s. 1010 Chestnut avefrom Europe, where st two months. They cotland and W'ales by their time, however. ance. On their way topped at Hanover to urtis. They have as Fred Pitney of Pa aranied the Birds home ELEANOR BRAND BIRD SEED A MDI' i g 1=======- I Introducing the BARGAIN -o- in every seecL At all A story in every packqe. Leadinl' Dealers Packed by B~~oo~:~~T Lustrous Satin Dresses $12.75 $5.50 All-\Vool Sports Skirts \Vomen's Silk Hose, Seconds 59c: \Vomen's Wool Hose, Seconds 69c: Women's Union Suits, Seconds 89c Fibre Silk Vests 79c: Flannelette Sleepers 79c Men's Madras Shirts ~ Wilmette Bird Hoqse Featured During the Anniwrsary Sales Expert Designers Of Sp· e ctacles And Eyeglasses Luxurious Fur Trimmed Coats $65 $45 The ~ea~on's smartest coats at two appealing prices. Truly wonderful materials. The most exquisite linings, l{org<'om collar~ and cuffs and the most startling values we have ever offered at these prices. Lo- $1.29 :\[en's Work Trousers has arriYed in New ome in South Amer~ to Wilmette within 1 to join his wife and \Vilford De Rrrard ~ aYenue. The Parish 'l with the DeB erards l mas. $2.95 :\len's Flannel Shirts Burrough'a Carel Tables $1.95 Foldin~ card tables, rigidly braced. HATTSTROM & SANDERS Sci-tific A Maaufachlria· OptJclaaa 7tZ Claarcla Street EVANSTON Oppoeite Orriaatoa Hotel Plaoae UaiY-.it,. 1141 ()pea Tlaun. A Sat. £ye. tiD I P.M. ~ $1.65 Ro\'s' Two-Pant· Suit· · $7.95 An exceptional value. -o- t Jones, 821 Fifteent6 I 14 guests at dinner occasion of her hus- I - Wool Mixed Blankets $5.50 Fu II size warm blankets patterns. Spt>cial $5.50. in pretty block-over-plaid IIIU~I I I I I al l l l lftUIUI IUI I I I IUI I I I I I I I I I MI I Iinl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l li i UI Itltl ltni i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i- 1-HI I I I I UIHI ti i i i i i i UI I I IMIH_IU _ _ _ _ _·

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