Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 11

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= UM I!ROUS 'WiLMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 tI S4Las tte offices of lfill ~ the following home at 623 Linden'a~ to B. Morelli, a u.r., land in Lake Fortst to an acre tract in Lab "' Holeman of E~ 1ke Forest to Dr, Richard lmette. -sales·: l Robert 0. Berger Entertains at an Unique Golf Party onTBALL was not the only pasti m<.' to engage the int~:rest of Kenilworth folk over the weekt·ud . Robert 0. Berger, 306 Kenil1\'or tll avenue, took advantage of the thr tt' lovely October days to give hi, ,,u iquc annual golfing party. Accompanied hy Grant Ridgway, James H. f'rrntiss, Hugh Littell, Bentley ~I rl'ln ttd. Hug-h Foresman. Karl Korrad:·. Percy B. Eckhart, :\£ark Cresap and ~ idney Ball. the party left late Fri·l.· ' afternoon. motoring to Twin f.aJ..:·<. \\'isconsin, where they cooked th··"· 'l \\'11 supper in the Berger sum111 , r home. Early Sunday morn in~ tlu· 1.!aycrs droYe to Lake Geneva and pia' t·d o1·er its famous course until , 11 n.d!m n when a huge steak dinner at the clubhouse. The 11 a - -crHd "goli ll'idows" were consoled w~th a tlinn· r and theater party Saturday F lt eold !A.ay eaterb laJutr Lois McCallum of . 1331 Ch es t nut ' . {nter~amcd 16 of her little 5 ndn ~st atu_ r da)· at a. luncheon al moht~ .Pahty m celebration of her e event Hrt day. -o-' ~Irs. Sidney C. Eastman, 255 Ml'lrose aYenue, and her sister. Mrs. M. L. H. Walker, left Tuesday for the Gulf coast for a stay of ahottt two weeks. -oHerbert r.. Taylor o f :\hhot t:<ford ro_ a d returned Friday from a business trtp to Detroit . ~Irs . T;n·lor's mother ~lrs . \\'allace Sl' rrcll o.f ihe Evans~ ton hotd spcat the wel·k with her. £'.,ende · · mtlhotts o f l'tbiOmers has he-lped to lower the cost of that utility That was thl· g1st of th~: rcp~rt made to the hoard of directors of the Public Utilities Ad\'ertising association, which met with the American Gas association in its sixth annual coun-ntion, at Atlantic City, recently. The field for expansion in the gas industry, through advertising, is atmost unEmited, according to executives of the utility. Plans arc now under way hx leading gas companies for campaigns to extend the use of gas for house lll·ating. industrial heating and metal working, as well as domestic cooking and similar purposes. a cleaning and dyeing establishnlL'nt room hal'e been partitione~ o.ff at t:he on the north shore, giving good and !northeast corner of the buakhng wlth prompt service," stated J. Krauss, who the front entrance at 1215 Washingwill have personal charge of the new ton an~ntt(. The remainder of the plant and who has been associated huilding space will be devoted entirefor more than 20 years with some of ly to the cleaning and dyeing of laces, the largest cleaning and dyeing con- gown~. mits, oriental and other rugs. cern.s in Chicago and the Middle West. Richard Dix will be seen in his latFor the past three months the build- e ·t production, "Manhattan" at Mcing on Washington avenue has been \'ickers next week. starting Monday, undergoing changes to permit the in- October 27. R. H. B\\r~ide, who stallation of the newest and most staged all the hig Hippodrome .sP~.c modern apparatus used in the clean- tll.cles when that theater was 10 ats inlo{ and dyeing industry. Two office hey-day. directed "Manhattan." l -o~[r.; . Hu~h Forrsman and Miss Dor - adler ella oth,l' Fore!"man an' spl'nding a week at thr Lake Shorr Drin· hotel during the absence of l\liss Emily and ~Jr. Foresman. KRAUSS CLEANING PLANT ·tors ni~hl. tin· Co., Cb.ica10 naton Branch Maple Street VnivereitJ 7421 lllllllllllltllllllllltlltlltNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1tllli LBS Tulips, es, etc., ·~ i I f I LS I l IRIS i i i ii i plants. s. i ~ f1111lllftlllllltllllllllllttt iiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIk' :H~DL I -o-"\\ ,. Doz Lodge" is the approvriate na 111e o i a new and very active organizat ion comprising a dozen small daug-hters of Kenilworth. Loretta \\'hitc. Joan Sherritt, ~Iarjorie Skele. Ethelhclle Harland, Charlotte Hamilton . Elizabeth Kelly. Adelaide Brown, Ray Kriete, Shirley Ross, Jane Littell. Eleanor Berger and Betty ~elegar. Tht· headquarters of the club are in tht· , herritt cottage which the young iolk have converted into a playhouse. Here a candy sale took place Saturday. The proceeds of the sale, netting $17.05, ha\'e been nobly donated to the Destitute Cripple children. More acti,·itie> are expected soon from this lil'ely organization. -o-.\ ~filitary Euchre party was the choir,. oi the Kenilworth club this wed: fo r the second of the Tuesday r1·cning entertainments to continue t hrc·ughout the year. It pro,·ed to ht· a lively evening with Mrs. Edgar .-\. Stncns and Mrs. Fred L. Workmatt acting as assisting hostesses to the card committee. The prizes were charaderisticallv elaborate. The exciting "Game Flags" is always a popular pastime amotlg the club's mcmhcrs. -o:\ Hallowe'en dinner-dance will be gii'Cn at the Kenilworth club next T~1esday evening. The dance comllllttce, of which Mrs. Le~lie McArthur is chairman, is planning a number of interesting features for the affair. The Royal Purple orchestra from the Orrington will provide the music. All reservations must be made hy Saturday noon. -o-:\ score or more young people of the Church of the Holv Comforter were invited by Rev. Leland Danforth to motor to Oak Park Sunday to hear an addrt·ss by Bishop Charles P. Andero,on . Supper was served the visitf'r, .11 Grace church, Oak Park. -ot\lcxander W. Hannah. 256 Woodstock road, left Friday for Washington . D. C., where he spent the wet·k-end with his daughter, Mary, who is attending the Warrenden , chool of Virginia. ?.I r. Hannah will go on business from there to New F.ssex road. " accompanymg her \Vll.shington al'cnue. \:Vihnctte, on or father on a husine.-s trip to San An - ahout November 1. tonio. Texas. "Our company will fill the need of -o\\'altl:r L. Turlc oi Duluth, fiance Dr. Arthur H . Tuttle oi ~I iss Ekanor Eckhart. spent the Dr. Alice D. Tuttle weck-t·nd 1 ·isiting- the Eckharts at Oateopathic Ph7eiciane their home on Cumberland avenue. Residence and Office -o113 Central Annue Arthur Durham and Richard HorsPhone 300 well were among those who atte(lded the Illinois-Michigan game last weekend. ' ~[ rs . James 1-l. Prentiss, 201 Cum· berland aYcnue, entertained the Afternoon Bridge club at luncheon Tues· day. -o-~[ rs. Edward D. Parmelee entertained the mah jongg club at lunch· eon at the Orrington hotel Wednesday . -o:\fr. and Mrs. Leon Ellis, 207 Cumberland al'enuc, had as their guests last week-end, Mr. and ~Irs. Ralph Hughes of Rockford. -o~[r . and .Mrs. Grant Ridgw~y. 207 Cumhcrland avenue, entertained the E\'ening Bridge club at dinner Monday night. -o~r rs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, 312 Sheridan road, was hostess at the Guild luncheon at the Episcopal church Monday. -oCiaudc Burnham, 536 Roslyn road. has returned from a business trip to Xcw York. The Krauss company will open one ~lis~ Emih· Forc,;man, daughter of of the .largest cleaning and dyeing ~Jr . and ::\Irs. J:iugh ' A. Forest.nan, .515 plants on the north shore at 1215 Fint Church of BEGINS OPERATION SOON Christ, Scientist, W ilmette, IU. Tenth St. and Central A-.e. Servicu: Sunday at 11 A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Me-eting at 8 .P.M. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Subject of the Lesson Sermon , Oct. zt, .. Probation after Death Christian Science Reading Room 1113 Wilmette An. Hours: Daily (except Wednesday anct Saturday) 9 A. ~L to 5:30 P. M. ',Vedne~day: Q A. M. to 7:45 P. M. ~:~ttJI'd~v: 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Ch rletlan may be read, chaeed. ll:ed Baker Eddy and all ot ber autborScience The Bible an d W onca b 7 ltlarJ' Literature borrowed or DW'· The Puhlic ie cortlial17 in-rited to a~....l the Church Senlcee aa4 .iait the Readin·a Room. -o- Happy Birthday to You! "I used to crow about mine too, But I don't any more." Just a sample of the sentiments on our eards for every occasion. Beautifully engraved and colored. Just received from the publishen. Birthday Cards Sympathy Carda Everyday Carda Wedding Congratulations Thank-You Carda Illness Cards Wedding Annivenaries General Gift Carda of :\Irs. Calvin S. Case, 536 Warwick road. entertained at bridge last Tuesday afternoon. -o~frs. Sidney Ball, 207 Woodstock a'enue. entertained her bridge clubl \\' edncsday. -oMrs. W . J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road. spent the preceding week-end in De Kat h. --o- These cards, \\'it h t'll\'elopes, are all ready to send out. Come in and sec how suitable they are. Also. a new line of Tally Cards. S_ aya Advertising Lowers the Cost of Gas Service Charges for gas service are lower, hecause of newspaper advertising. Saying it with newspaper type has tau~ht the public new uses a1. 1d new com·eniences brought about by gas and the increased consumption by York. Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones 400- 401 Wilmette and Central Avenue -oThe Neighbors held an open l)leeting at the club Thursday evening. The speaker of the evening was the Honorable Woodbridge N. Ferris, l'nitcd States senator from Michigan. who gave an address on "The Restoration of American Homes.·· DR. C. E. GEISSE Osteopathic Phy1ician Village Theatre Bldg. Phone Wil. 2052 -oInvitations have been issued tht's I01MM!WAVJ!W)IMIMMJM!M!MIM!+-q~AJ$VJIWJIM!MIMM!M!M!M!MMJM!MMM ~------------week for a tea to be given on the afternoon of November 4 by :\lrs. Alexander W. Hannah. 256 Woodstock road, for Miss Elizabeth and iss Constance Hannah. -oM rs. Leslie McArthur, 200 Oxford . and her mother, Mrs. N. E. Olson, and :\<Irs. James C. Baker of Glencoe have returned from a motor trip to Beloit. -ol[r . W. Irving \Voodward i~ expected to visit Kenilworth in the near future. Remodeling of Ladies' Garments Our expert ·tailors will make over your garments into the new Fall and Winter Styles. Delicious Goodies CAKES FOR Prompt and Courteous Service ALL Ml ~tte Occasions SCHULTZ & NORD PRESSING W\A¥ \&1 d mette 1 I THE NORTH SHORE'S LEADING TAILORS I 1152 Central Ave. REPAIRING fl 733-1734 ~iL 333 .Dutch Oven 1129 Central Avenue Phone 320 G&t\ilii\Wi\iiiffilf6i&i @ Mi iii &i A \ii Uititii\i&i ,M \¥ U&t\W WIW A 4 6 \II \IIIJ Uifbmrnrrrn!f"ltr/Wl"\'WJ'\l" WI! urrrn, >m , .· .., Gltfli!f&fl&ti1\1tiffilfffiiU __

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