Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 10

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<COOIL WIE:A'f!HIE~ MAOCJE§ ~!&AlL JE'S'fA'lrlE §ll'flUA1rll({))N IEN\C(Q)lJJJRA<G~ij 10 WlL:\IETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 SHOULD FIT THE FAMILY TO HOME Real Estate Institute Gives Some Advice 10 \\Ork Hcow intelligent sale~manship goes to solve the human equation oi husband and wife plus or minus (;hildren, plus or minus an all-important X representing the family's com vlex tastes. hopes, amhitions, desires. needs and financial ahilitv, when the Pittsburg Realty Board an~wcr is the purchase o.f a home is Purchuea Ita Own Home put down in pamphlet form in a cur' rcnt publication of the Atneriran Real The Pithburg Real Estate board has E~tatc Institute, Chicago, !tent out to b~::come the ninth mcmher of the Nait s members as the fifth of its series tional Association of Real Estate of studies in real estate practice. boards to acquire its own home. The The institute, which has recently board has purchased an eight-story heen established !\}' the National As- buff hrick and stone fireproof buildsociation of Real Estate boards as a ing, the seventh and eighth floors of !i-cparate branch of the association, to which will be occupied as board headThe lower floors will be formulate and conduct a national quarters. standardized home study course in rented. The board will remodel the building extensively. It plans to ocrea I estate, has already issued lessons coverillg the work and equipment of cupy it s new quarters in about two a real estate dealer, hcst methods of months. listing property. for sale, and practical The Toledo, Ohio, Real Estate board methods of fitu.linK the pro~pect for has complct~· d its new home. The r~al c.~tate yurchast, including a ~pe huilding i~ a three-:.tory steel and ctal dtscusston of how to u~c ad\'ertis - stone strut·turc locatl·d on Court ing in finding prospcctin~ purcha~ers Hous~:: Square. The board will occupy of real estate. the ground floor and for the present Here arc some of the kinb of will rt·nt the two upper floors. l·uman nature out house-hunting that ~tock in the Toledo building is the competent real estate man has owned by the Toledo Real Estate found must hl' taken account of if ~oard Huilding company. The board 1 he family is to he fitted, like a pl~nt tm·ested $4,000 in stock. and the re-::onunK out of a pot. into a place where maining financing was done exclusiveH can take new root and be happy. ly through subscription of individual members. The board will pay rent Where Realty Man Com.. in There's likely to he something of a to the building company. It is exg-ap between what a familY needs and pected to make the building company what it wants. It's the u~cful hroker "tock a paying propo,ition through who se1>arates the wheat that will rc:rltab. atisfy real needs from the chaff of vl~~sant dreams .heyond the present New Residences Again :ahtltty of the famtly to finance. Lead Building Permits . Religious affiliations as well as general social affil~ations are a big Three huilding pamits for dwellfactor to he cons1dcred in making in!{, and one for a garage were isltappy family t ransplantings. suN! during the pa~t W('ek at the It takes a big clement of the un- Wilmette Village hall. Known out of the home equation when A. P. Ogih·ie was granted a perth~ family has children. "A place to mit to build a frame and !'tucco garJmng- up a family" is a phrase with age at 318 Grcenleai avenue for $540 · a universal meaning. C. R. Smith will .huild a one-story dwdlmg at 1728 Htghland avenue for Makin· Hou·e a Home There's much to hl' sold with a house :j:IO.OOO: .'\ ndrew S. Clark. two-story beside its rooftree and doorstep The framl.' dwl·lling, Kt·nilworth first ad1hing that makes a house into a. home dition, $7.000; Erne~t R. Ho,trom. onemay be in part the general atmo!>phere story frame and stucco dwelling. 134 <·f the town , the neighborhood, and ~anzig avenue, $5,000. the street which give it a setting. There's a center of decision in everr household. It may be the wiie. it ma}· he the husband, it may very J>ossibly 1'c . the dau~hter, particularly if she ~~ JUSt growmg Ul>, and has a social career opening before her. Good . alesmanship doesn't overlook the weight of opinion which growing sons and daughters ha,·c in determining where the family should make their l10me. When you're fitting a family into a home it's part of the service to help One or two :-mall , tores, ··~cc" just where the piano and the chaise lounge would be put. heated-Elm ~t. \Vinnetka, It's ea ier to sec how it would feel t.'~:o;t of tracks . .to live in a house if you take off your hat and coat and sit down comfortably in the rooms as you look at them. Mu·t be Hone·t In the art of f1tting families into 736 Elm Str-t homes thcn~· s no room for the salesman who doesn't know every detail Winnetka 142 about the houses, or who attempts in any way to conceal undesirable fea- tun:, of houses on his list. the a~~oci ation's study course emphasizes. Further topics which will be taken hy the institute for study in its course in real e~tate practice include planning the manner of sho"·ing property for ~ale, closing the sale. financing rl'al estate rran~actions. knowin~ property ,·aim.·~. appraisinl{ residential and commercial property. renting, managing real property, leases . suhdi\·iding. building construction. design and co, ts . and some important principles of real estate law ami of land rconomics. Memhcr~hip iu the itbtitutc is open to anyone interested in ae<J,Uinng a knowledl{e of real estatl' practice. Ask Boy Scouts to Help Realty Board Adopts · Keep Hallowe'en Orderly Multiple Listing Plan The Multiple Listing system is being prcpart.'<l for adoption by the North Shore Real Estate Board of Suburban Chicago. The forms and explanations oi the operation of the system are being prepared so that it may be put in u~e immediately. The idea of this system, according to \\'. G. Tracey, president of the I'\orth Shore board, is ' to give the best and most advantageous service to the propcrtv owners. A piece of property is listed with an exclusive agent. If the agent is a member of the real estate board the property is listed with all the members of the North Shore Real Estate Board of Suburban Chicago, automatically, under the Multiple Listing system. All the agents try to dispose of the property and in that way give the property owner more opportunities to make a <Iuick satisfactory sale, stated Mr. Tracey. In all cases, the property owner will deal only with the .company with which the original listing was made. Boy Scouts from the north shore villages have been asked to cooperate with the North Shore Real Estate Board of Suburban Chicago to prevent the destruction of property and the tearing down of signs on Hallowe'en. Letters were sent to the commanders of the various north shore troops by Lloyd C. Ayres, secretary of the real estate board. ltEPOitT NUMEROUS SALls The Wilmette offices of lfill Wheeler report the following salts·~ Lester PhiUips home at 623 I ,·nd-' ~ · a""'ft. 'lmette, to B~ Morelli, nue, W 1 thrtt. acre tract of land m Lake Fortst Ralph Wessel, an acre tract in ~ Forest to E. L. Holeman of Eva and a lot in Lake Forest to Dr Ri~~ Hanson of Wilmette. · ·~ Joseph Sears School to Have Ita Very Own Band The Joseph Sears school at Kenilworth is organizing a band. J. C. Schumacher. instructor and bandmaster at New Trier high school, is to supervise the organization. "There is sufficient musical talent among the children in the school to form an excellent band," said E. E. Nygaard. superintendent of the school, this week. Aa)' oUheaterb lood Ia duly buteold ~·ather l ('0111 H. ~ lr~ racl .1 and Lak Frid th c·l 111< r tlh' pia~ -1111 "a~ tells the8to17 Oil H-tin· Co., Cbica10 E.-aneton Branch 1571 Maple StNet Phone Univereity 7421 FACTS ABOUT THE TELEPHONE a~e " go I din1 I ll ): Frank J. Baker Residence Sold to Michigan Family 'l'he Frank 1. Baker home at 507 Lake avenue, Wilmette, has been sold to the A. R. Wilson family, which has moved to the north shore from Michigan. Ralph Moody has sold his home at 710 Linden avenue, \Vilmette, to F. ]. Selinger of St. Louis, Mo. The Moody family has moved into the Patterson home on Chestnut avenue, \Vilmette. · These sales were negotiated through the Hill and Stone real estate offices at Wilmette. There were more telephones in the United States ten years ago tha.n there today in all foreign countries comhmed. Rhode Island. the smallest State in the Union, has more telephones than the entire Republic of China, although China has over 3,400 times as much territory as Rhode Island and over 600 times as many inhabitants. Read tlae Want-Ada ATTENDS STATE MEETING I I ~ riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNIIIIUIII.-.; iiRI ----~~ HOLLAND BULBS Darwin Cottage, and Early Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissi, Crocuses, etc., of exceptionally fine quality. Order early while Q.SM)rtment is complete. I i i~ ~ H. H. Brown was the official delegate of the North Shore Real Estate Board ; I of Suburban Chicago at the annual conYCntion of the Illinois Association oi Real Estate boards, held in Galesburg, Octohcr 16, 17 and 18. JOINS HILL-WHEELER STAFF E. E. Thatcher. who has been active in the realty business on the north shore fur many years, has become associated with the Hill and Wheeler company at the Wilmette office. I I ~ ~ ~ PEONIES Best varieties in strong clumps. i J ·I I c Plant Now ~ Treea--Shruba--PerennUd. ! This is the right time to plant and buy trees, shrubs and perennials. Prices are lower now than in the spring. = 1 e ! ~ ~ ~ PERENNIALS 'f PHLOX and IRIS 1 in Vigorous, Field-Grown plants. New and choice sorts. It Is planting time now. Send to-day for our Catalogue. ~ Winnetka Store For Rent I I John Ostrowsky 1 = I i i \ 1 : 1487 Aabury Avenue Hubbard Wooda Phone Winnetka 546-J Phone Deerfield 241 ~ I I FRANKEN BROTHERS, Deerr.et.t, to. ~ ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ ! 1. HILL &: WHEELER, Inc. 11 Grates Cannot ·Be Burned Out by It We are. Making for Insurance Company of America ,~ First Mortgage Loans at SYz% interest with pr:vilegc of payment in part or in full at any time without notice and without charge for such prepayment privilege; and at 61{ in monthly payments with like privilege. Folder showing method of monthly payment loan in detail ~ent on request. Except Wlder the same conditions that other fuels will bum them out. This occurs with any fuel when you neglect to remove the ashes. Burning out Grates is the result of the operaton of your plant and is not a fault in any fuel. CALL LAWNDALE 7025 And our Service Man will explain this to you FOR SALE BY Edintrer lc Sona ................................ Phone Wilmette 141 Kutten Broa. .................................. . .. Phoae Wihnette 1 Meyer Coallc Material Co·................ Phone Wilmette 1733-1734 Central Coal & Material Co·...................... Univ. SZOO; WiL 333 Geo11e H. Ta,lor Real Estate Mortgage Co. JlZ S..tb Oark Street, ~0 TelspltoaeW....... lW

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