Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1924, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LI FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2~. 1924 .1ble to have, and it can be ..:arried out 1 'n an entirelv different co'or ~chcme from that in -the living room; unk s, , perchance, tht; dining and liv ing ro?ms are connected with a large openmg. in which case th e furnishings do not need to he alike. but should be of schemes harmoniou s with each other. The Welsh dre sse r cupboards for cotor small apartment dining rooms Joys of Childhood in Modest tage are indeed a welcome change from the Home Are Moat Luting usua l buffet ·and servin~ tah le. . Bedroom· Eapecially lnTitintr Memories of Life The bedrooms of a cottage should not be slighted. either. They can be made so attractive that the~r . oc~uHAPPINESS IS THERE pa nt s will find complete s at1~tacnon in them for ·years to come, and probably will never envy the peop le who can sleep in tlw luxurious rooms seen SubJ·ect of Sinoer and Poet in the mo,·ies . li you want your cot · tage bedrooms to he a contrast · to For Age. vour living and dining rooms, you can choose bedroom suites of walnut or mahogany. made on. li ght~ eip-ht Col o nial lines, and fin1shed 10 the dull By ESTHER HUSE rubbed method. The beds with slender Of course love has always heen and post~ are very. ver.y charmi!lg and suita ble, and th e p1eccs wh1ch are always will be the subj ect enjoying the greatest favoritism among all the made to match the beds are fully as Some sets, made with poetic and literar~· mind s which mu st de si rab le. use up th eir energy recording their panels of lighter wood, perhaps m·a ple thought s on pap~r. But next to lovP. or birch, are very "different" looking Again you one of the most popular themes which and quite old-timish. have inspired th e .<;aid poet s is tlfe might select on e bedroom suite painted "old cottage of my childhood" or the in antique j,·ory or green, or some "cottage nestlirig on the hill side." So other color; and that color, together there must be somethinll of great with the chummy little flower decorwort h about the subject ·of cottages, ations applied to it, will form the basis or their praises woul<{ not . be sung so for the lovely color scheme for the often. The percentage of folks who equally as lovely room. Every stage, though, needs the remember havin g spent their childhood in cottag<' s is probably much proper setting. So don't forget the larger tha n those who were accustomed draperie s which must accompany the These to li vin g in mansion s, and the fact simple cottage furnishings . remain s that. with the high cost of need never to be made of expensive material s. but for the most part they buHaing home s, many more cottages are now being built than palatial resi- should be colorful and cheerful. If dences. The amount of money whcih the wall s, furniture and rugs of your a man formerly needed to construct cottage rooms do not contain much The Ideal Arloaqemeat for Kitcbea iD a Small Home an ~legant home. large enough to ac- figured design. there is nothing better commodate a family and a retinue of for th e clraperies than cretonne or servants will now cover the cost of chintz. with glass curtains of net or of the Old Testament, the original ney, Sarg~nt and many others Sometimes a only a six or seven room .house-SQ other thin material. of which, painted by Sargent, is in are outdoor scenes and i'rlterresltin~t mat eria l will be the material striped cott-a~es are the inevitable outcome of. the Boston Public library; cir the teriors, as well as imaginative which adds the right note, and again this down-hill slide of the dollat, and merry processional of the Chaucer rich in color and human interest. people no longer feel disgraced if they a fabric of plain color. pilgrims, making their way in a poly- these are to be found in excellent have to live in a cottage, but indeed glot throng to Canterbury. This last productions, and may be framed An over-mantel picture Is a very is full of color and of action, as well keepmg with the picture and its are very proud to be the owners of Blazes in Homes Bring good center of decorative interest, as dignity and pleasant lit<'rary as- roundings. such a "mere" domocile. Two Calla on Wednesday from which to begin as a basis, in sociation. The picture o\·er the mant . Living in. a cottag~ .most certainly planning the color harmonies of a If the space above the mantel is h~cau ~c of its central po:. ition Spontaneous combustion was the room. 1s not restr1cted to hvmg amidst the upright, or approaching the square, room. should be one of cause of a fire at the W. Y. Saunders sh~dy hand-~e-down furnishings then, choose the picture to there are portraits by da Vinci, Rem- and should he cho en with e wb1ch the county poor farm might residence, 1058 ·Linden avenue, Wed- goFirst, over the fireplace with reference have. Far from that. The stores are nesday noon. \Vater and fire damage to the size of the mantel, and the brandt, Gainsborough, Raeburn, Rom- care. so full of inexpensh·e and delightfuJiy was estimated at $5,000 by the fire tendency of the lines of the room. informal furniture of the "cottage" department. The blaze started in the If the space over the mantel is horitype that it is a fascinating- game attic of the house. The fire department was summoned zontally wide, and not very high, then ReJecting just the right things for your a long narrow picture will be good. own lit.t le home-and, in fact, many to extinguish a blaze Wednesday night There are many beautiful landscapes, housewwes who preside over large in the house at the east extremity of reproductions of great paintings, that residences find it difficult to pass un Greenleaf annue, occupied by "Big follow these lines; such a landscape the quaintly attractive pieces which John" Fisher. According to a report hung within a few inches of the manare hardly appropriate for the rooms from the fire department, the house tel, will be like a charming outlook was partially torn down and set on which they have t-o furnish. will opea ber tbop at fire after the furniture was removed. leading the imagination out into Chanaiar Cottar· Room· The damage was estimated at $1,000. woods or fields. A marine would be appropriate there, with its far-reachThe cottage living room can be ing view, and long lines of rolling made charming in a number of ways AMERICAN MADE RUCS -so charming that you'll have loads Yankee ingenuity has caused Amer- billows. A frieze would be excellent in this of fun serving tea there on lazy after- ican rug manufacturers to duplicate, where she has assembled a well selected assortnoons, and the youthful members of through human-like machinery, many place, such as a photograph of a ment of articles suitable for the home and gifts !he family will. like to do their study- of the handsomest of handwrought sculptured frieze of some old temfor all occasions. Ing there e\·enmJls, and Dad will find patterns found in oriental rugs of ple ; or that of the twelve prophets it just as comfortable and far more great value. The rugs are produced WE ARE FOR A lM'lfo VO'I'ID. Telephone Winnetka 2272 homelike than the club. I wonder if in domestic brussels and velvets, afWILIIIETTE OPTIIIIIST CL11B. you have seen the davenports with fording excellent floor coverings. Such -A4v. the painted wooden frames and backs, a rug is more regular, more perfect the latter not overstuffed and cov- and lies Ratter on the ftoor. ered, but constructed of painted spindles with thick cushions propped up BUILDS $Z8,1M HOME against them. Sometimes they have a R. L. Hurlburt was granted a pertwo-tone finish and again they may be mit by the Village of Kenilworth, this of natural maple or other wood. which week, build a residence at 310 flJves them quite the saYor of Colonial Raleigh to road to cost $28,000. things. For the very unpretentious living room which is large enough to Aurelio Coccia, well known on the support a da'venport one of the kind!! vaudeville in this country and just mentioned is \'ery suitable. Wind- in Europe stagt> as the originator of the 5or chairs are of course the type which Apache dance, has been signed by should be seen in this room. Some people rather shy away from the idea Allan Dwan for a role in "Argentine Love," featuring Bebe Daniels and of usimr all Windsor chairs because Ricardo Cortez. they think that such chair; are not comfortable to lo.unge in. But~if Mrs. M . Hoffman of Kankakee visityou'll take a careful inspection of the Windsors that the best furniture stores ed Mrs. James B. Hoffman of 1510 are carrying, you'll see the most in- Wa shington avenue over last weekSELECTED MEATS AT LOWEST PRICES vitin~ of models with the regulation end. -ospindle l.acks. but with arms and Mrs. John H. Dyon of Wilmette has Make thia store popular with shoppen who think. Look at these specials padded. back and seat cushions, fullv as des1rable as any overstuffed chair returned from Rockford where she visited her son for two weeks. you could possibly want. They are on Sale-FRIDAY and SATURDAY_:QCTOBER 24-ZS. -omade somewhat on the lines of the L. F. English, 1007 Greenwood avealdtUa. miuion Yorris chair, but \ad~ altogether the ugly anflularity and nue, left Sunday evening for a short Fancy Spriq Cbicken.--fresh killed sort of bald appearance that the Mis- trip to Oklahoma. sion5 had. With one or two of the~e Lb·...................................................... comfortable Windsor arm-chairs the other chairs needed can be chosen Read the Want-Ad. from the uncushioned kind. of which there are thirty or more styles to choose from. And their prices-well tt!ey come surprisingly low. · Po~ Loin Rout, half or whole COITAGE HOME POPULAR mEME Few Steps Wasted in This Kitchen iou n col k te n · ~I i ~I i-'1 oi li child :l pi 1ll0\ ('St in ;tl "Th HOW TO DECORATE ABOVE THE MANTEL ON MONDAY OCTOBER 27th I ELIZABETH DUNCAN 812 ELM ST. WINNETKA 627 MAIN ST. WHOLESALE CITY MARKET CO. MEATS -:- PHONE WILMETTE 1870 R E TAlL 37!c M-t Hawe R-di·r Tahle Radio Corporation's famous No living room. no matter how small 2 tube set is complete without a reading tabl~ of some kind. You've probably already guessed the type I want to reccomplete with Tubes, Batommend-yes, it is the gateleg, which teries and Head Phones somehow or other is an ideal table for any living room. You know how It can be extended or folded a~rainst Cl C 1S · the wall, and when open or partially ear tone rysta et Wtth open. it form~r an excellent setting Pair Head Phones for the reading lamp which can have SSM a fairly broad shade so that its wlow Anything ean spread for several feet. There are 1atelegs in every style of finishpainted, lacoaered. decorated-and they recommends as being good, are unusually attractm when made i. ~ of the light maple wood. 1516 Sherman Avenue Dining tOOnat, too. co be just as Evanston, Illinois FOUR DAILY DELIVERIES-I A. M. -11 A. M.-Z P. M. --4 P. M. channln8' as tbow fn 1areer homes, if Phone University 1500 dtey are furnished in the very informal Open evenings until 10 o'clock. 'cottapy' manner.· Here, a .. in, Everything cuaranteed to be \VILMETIE, GLENCOE, paillted or Ia fantltaft or of rillht or money refundecl 1i6t-c01orf'd w it tiM 1801t suit-1.,._ _ _ _ _ _.__ _ _ __, I .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ RADJOLA JII $30.00 27c ~u;,; ;.:e,':.,~ ...... 27lc I ~~·s~ !:e, n.. 36ic Lb... : . ........................................ · ......... . "Lb.u~·~.~~~~~.~~~r _4lc I s~~.~.~~.~~s.. SOc 3!jc WILUAMS cen~ ~~~-~.~~···················· ················· M~.F~-~~-~ ......... KENILWORTH, 32c I "it~·.~~.~20c: WINNETKA

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