Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 7

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 SET NEW TRIER P. T.A.DATES play. Come iu test vogues for g- seasons. BUSINESS LEAGUE BOWLING SCORES !iiVMMARJES 1 Vs. Neleoa LII···F7 Gus Haukner ........... 128 Hartnett ........ .. ...... 1H Gus Haukner ........... 128 Kelson .................. 100 Westergren ........... , . 123 Totals ................ 607 169 125 169 120 110 688 165 157 165 9J 117 697 tyle Shop lt.AL AVE. Z4U Superintendent Clerk Tella ·of Feuibility of Advisory Systeua HAS PERSONAL TOUCH Arrange Schedule of Yea'f'a Games 2 A.S. Va SELLER OF GOOD FOOD State Baall E. B. Schmidt .......... 152 160 156 Llppen ... .' ... , .......... 181 110 136 J . Thompson ........... 135 105 118 ~adsworth ............. 189 193 162 . W. Schmidt .......... 160 182 152 ................ 817 Vs. Me)'er Coal Co. G. Pettinger ........ 137 164 Larson .. . ....... .. ......... Totals 750 734 Goodwin's Bird League 1 CENTRAL AVE. AND 12TH ST. 3 Games 2 to read 1R ed Page May ................ 119 86 98 Kalmes ............. 126 U9 136 E. Simpson ............. 104 110 116 Meetint· J{~~~e~~ · ·:::::::::::::::~i Clara ........... 101 94 118 Beringer ....... .. ..... . 1'56 146 16-1 Helen Braun Braun ........... 131 104 177 Totals ................ 805 750 761 T 523 644 1 James White of Hubbard Woods Flret Natloaal Baall ota 8 · · · · · · · ·v·s: · · · · · 681 was elected chairman of the freshi~~ Wlllte Owl· man section of the Parent-Teacher ~~~~!~on' ··.·.::·.·.:·.:·.::·. ·.·.: ·.it~ 78 association of New Trier Township Schwall ................. 187 152 141 Mrs. Leis .............. 88 90 89 1U Coplan ................. 135 145 171 Helen Leis ............. high school at the first 1924-25 meet- Hill .................... 168 2BJ 160 Mrs. Lewis ........... .. 80 89 68 82 ing of that organization held at the - - - - - · IMrs. Ambler . ........ . ,.100 100 100 79 89 high school auditorium Tuesday Totals .... ........ .... 795 765 798 Mrs. Conrad .. . .. ....... 100 night. no!:~... Tbtals . " .. " ... "-.4_5_0_4-47-...-6 Superintendent F. E. Clerk made Mlll11 .... .. ........... .. 151 an introductory speech at the meeting Elsen 101 1110 brand .. , ..... , .... 124 in which he explained the advisory McGill 75 70 .................. 164 system as used at New Trier. It is Kuelzow ................ 157 69 91 55 54 virtually impossible for a principal in Bersch ................. J-69 67 78 ----a high school the size of New Trier, to Totals ................ 765 745 7Z8 know very many of the students very ............... 4U 367 411 Totals 8ell.. t· aad Nol'd well, he sai_d,_ and, therefore, the on.ly Rube Johnson ......... 179 138 168 Vs. means of gtvmg each student individ- H. Schultz . ........ .... 118 174 197 Cal'dlaale 170 172 ual personal advice and attention C. Johnaon .. .. .. ... .. . . 131 182 97 H5 2U M. May . ..... ...... ._. ,.lll F. Meyer ............... 157 as through the advisory system. Rick Johnson ..... .. ... 169 147 135 M. Thalman ... . ........ - -~6 83 78 54 !18 schedule of meetings for the year J. Schaefgen . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Totals ................ 754 811 885 J. Schwall ............. 105 58 105 drawn up which calls for the Kalmes ...... .... . .. 135 111 95 ~1 . Vs. st meeting of the entire association 8alder-Caeel Dra~ Co. on November 5 at the high school Cazel ................... Totals ..·.··......... 510 403 r.11 158 158 1 ~9 auditorium from 8:30 to 9 :30 o'clock Arns ....... .... ...... .. 17'9 137 154 Blue Bird· I i1_ 1 t_ he evening. Thjs meeting will be 73 64 Bell ................. 71 ~~h~~~n~on .. : :: : : :: :::::: ~~~ ~~~ a~ L. stm1lar to the Parents' night held last Scheiner ........ , . .. 100 100 100 Schur ................. . 184 137 224 E. Hughes ............. 63 55 27 year, when the parents came to school - - - - - J. . ............ 69 66 51 while the students were in their regTotals ................ 857 771 865 M. Burkett 68 62 Dusham ....... , .... 79 Prlatla~ Stadlo K. ular classes. According 'to an announcement ~:~~!~so'n' · '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ·. ·:. 1 ~7 1 ;~ \~~ Totals . . ... .... ...... 382 362 304 1 1 1 made at the school. a spectal Parents' Borre ..... ..... ......... 182 178 163 Vs. night will b~ arranged outside Leis .................... 156 156 179 Oriole· of the schedule unless it seems Udell ................... 210 154 178 Mrs. Weeks ............ 75 107 105 1 1 1 ad1·isahle to have parents exclusivelv Totals ................ 896 829 887 ~~s~e~~~;~fe~":::::::::: ~~ ~~ g~ at an evening session on November ·s Clore-Badi:ser-SmJtll G. Punch ... . ....... ... 91 83 89 'lnd not have the parents and students t01rethcr. The teachers have been F. B. Smith . .......... _116 119 138 M. Schumer ... , ........ 85 100 80 Totals ..... . .......... 422 468 424 asked . to give their opinions in this W. W. Clore H. Orwig .. ..... .... .... 172 174 167 matter. Meadowlark· G. McKinney ........... 159 l34 139 143 124 L. Schopen ............. 75 69 105 The officers of the P. T. A. of New H. Board ............... 162 Stogner ............. 70 56 57 ~rier high school for this year are W. B. Clore . .... ....... 132 104 134 K. Margaret Schopen ..... 106 78 107 Clarence T. MacNielle. Glencoe, presi689 702 C. J.:::ckenberg .......... 54 47 61 Totals .... ·-· ......... 741 G. Schopcn ..... , ....... 73 84 5 dent; Mrs. James F. Porter, Hubbard Daaaemarll Woods, vice president; Mrs. Edgar Dannemark ............. 113 101 122 334 415 Totals ................ 378 Ste1·ens. Kenilworth, secretary-treas- Ewens .................. 118 119 155 Vs. ure~ . The other section chairmen in Terry ............ . .. ... 139 134 145 Friedlander ............ 1126 126 131> G. Hughes Bob-0-Liak· . . ........... 57 35 100 add.tion to Mr. \Vhite for the fre sh- Randlev .. .... .... ... . .. 253 168 148 H . Dusham . .. . .. . .. . .. 58 5o 41 man grouo. are ~frs. George Gordon, Totals .... ...... ...... 749 647 705 ~~lsH':ra~:nu:t ·: ·.:::::::: ~; ~~~ i~~ Hubbard Woods, senior section; }.· I rs. Vs. ~, hm Seibold. \Vi l··1ette. junor secLlo)'d Hollleter, I··· ; Mrs. George' Pope. Glencoe, G. Schaefer ............. U8 .. :: ·. ::: homore section. Saunders .... , .......... 106 The following is the complete E'ber .................... 1611 161 132 It takes only a little time for schedule of the meetings of the year. Cook ..... .... .. . ..... . . 175 2oa 186 West ................... 163 123 172 the tourist to become fed-up. His September 30-Freshmen parents. October 8-Sophomore parents. Totals ................ 738 793 so1 powers of appreciation are soon November S.....:..Entire · association. Oallmette K. of C. Parents in classes with teachers. G. White ............... 148 1 55 142 exhausted. Then he wants to go Meeting in auditorium 8 :30 to 9:30. H . Miller ..... ...... , ... 198 185 155 to sleep or go home. One catheF. Dolan ..... ...... .... 151 January 13--Junior parents. F. Kutten .............. 132 ~~~ ~;~I dral every four or five days is February 10-Senior parents. P. Goldbach ............ 221 175 163 s~fficient. Ruins easily become March 24-Joint Freshman and Totals ........ . ....... 840 751 805 ttresome. Sophomore parents. April 14-Joint Junior and Senior parents. May 4-Entire association . Election of officers. 1U 147 UJ U: 175 A. K. no EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE SALE October 3rd to 11th You ·Can Save Money On Canned Fruib and Veaetablea by purcbuina them now. Jobbers claim there will be a sharp advance Oil account of a larae percent of reduced production clue to weather conditions. SUGAR. The finest quality of Cane granu-lated. Not beet granulated. Lb. . ...... . NATIVE POT ROAST OF BEEF Lb ................................... . gi SHORT RIBS OF BEEF Lb ................................... . 22c Sic lOc LAMB PATTIES Lb ................................... . HOME-MADE PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT. Lb . . · ........................ . OYSTERS. Selects. Received daily. BUTTER. Fancy Elgin creamery. In bulk. For the table. Lb. . .......... . EGGS. Guaranteed fresh Dozen ................................ . 30c 30c 43c · COFFEE. My own blend. Equal to any coffee in cans which cost you SSe to 60c a lb. ----- TE~.. ~~1.~~~~ .~... ~~: .2.' .7.~~ ~,~~~1~ MAZOLA SALAD OIL. 3 lb., oz. in 3 c~~~~.' .. ~·o·a·s~. ~~~~~~-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ··········· 44c 44C 35c 48c ----- 62C QUAKER QUICK ROLLED OATS 26C 7 pkg. Cooks to minutes.. Made from corn, and on that account is now much higher... . 5 u~ g~ R::~al:a~;l~~ ·.-:2-:-:-3-::-4-~-1 AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP .. 80 large bars in box, $5.00. 10 bars ..... . ·SUPERIOR FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP 100 large bars in .box, $4.75. 10 bars . . . . . .T IDY, EASY WRINGING MOP A~;~~~~~~.~~~. ~~~~~ ...... ...... 14¢ A~~:.~~~~ .~~~~~ ~~~~ .~~~~~. 52c 48C ~~~~~~~~c!~~~~~~ ...................... &Sc 64c ':. ..... Chamber Concert Tickets Are Now Nearly All Sold .The first concert of the series to be JZWen under the auspices of the North Shore Chamber Music association will take place on Sunday afternoon. Octoher 26, at 4 o'clock in the Kenilworth assemhlv hall. The artists on this occasion w-ill be the Gordon string o!-lar_tet assisted by Howard Wells. p1an1st. The memhers of this quartet ;~.re Jacques Gordon, first violin con~'ertmeister of the Chicago Symphony ~rchesta. H~ry Selinger, second viol·n. Clarence Evans, viola, and Alfred Wallenstein, cello, first cellist of the Chicago Symphony orchestra. According tQ the committee on arrangements the tickets for the four s in the series are selling _____ . _,._, onlv a limited number now ng available. The above-mentioned I'Ommittce consists of Mrs. Albert 0. ()Json and Mrs. Maurice F. Miller for r.lencoe; Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat and Dr. Harrison Mettler for Winnetka; Mrs. ~. E. Pattison Kline and Howard \Veils for Wilmette; Mrs. Percv Eck"art. Miss Helen Sears. and Mrs. A. B. Spach for Kenilworth: Mrs. Homer r.. Cotton for New Trier high school· Villiam H. Barnes and Edward \Yheeler for Evanston. Orders for t1ckets should be sent to the treasurer, \Vatter M,arx, 522 Essex road, Kenilworth. ~~:~~;~/nolia~~ a. ~~~~-1~ ·. ~i~~. ~~~~~t.... JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX Liquid pint, SOc; solid 1 Jb. can . . . . . . . . . . C SCOTCH BELLE TISSUE TOILET PAPER. Large roll. Dozen . . . . . . . . · · REINA OLIVE OIL Splendid quality. One of Sprague, Warner & Co's best ~ gal. . . . . . . . . . . . . s1.00 57 sI I0 $} · 10 Rl~~~-~~~~. ~~~~~-~. ~.~~~~~. . . . . . . . . 01 ~~~~~i~~Y~a~~~ -~~.~~- . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRUNES. Sweet. ANNOUNCING the OPENING of n: The FLEUR-DE-LIS Gift Shop Linden at Fifth Tuesday, Octot",er Seventh 15c 17C A~~~ C.~~~· .. ~·a·n·c·y· ·~l.e~·h·e·i~1~ ~~\~. ~~~~. 32c s~~B~~~r ~-~~~~ .~~~~~·.·.~i~~. ~~~~~~. 45c SUNBEAM FANCY SWEET CORN 19C $2.15. Santa CJara 40-50 size. Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Finest quality, sweet, tender. Dozen, Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z8c PLYMOUTH ROCK SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAS Splendid quality. Very reasonable. Dozen, $2.15. Can .................... . MONSOON TOMATOES.. Extra fancy N o. 2 can. D ozen, $1 ·90 · Can ......... . Larg·c No. 3 can. doz. $2.60. Can 23c. Wilmette Children's Movies Will Reaume Here October 16 ~lucted Is)_ , ATTRACTIVE GIFTS with rare charm of beauty and utility. The Children's Free Movies, confor. several years in the ParHous~ of St. Augustine' church. OF SPECIAL INTEREST w11l hegm the 1924-25 season on Thursday, October 16, it was anThe Fifty Cent Table nounced this week. The Dollar Table The pictures are open to all children of the village, absolutely free Gifta for Children tdhef cosdt obf exhhibiting_ the films heing ~ rave y t e pubhc spirited indi ,.lduals and organizations in the viiMiss Jane Hamburger ge. Popular pictures. including feaMiss Marian Kawin ture films and comedies adapted to the understanding of the children, are shown. I~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::==::==::==:=:=:=::=ID 18c 16c PLYMOUTH ROCK YELLOW CLING PEACHES 20 29C $3.45. BEAUTY HAWAllAN PINEAPPLE 271C $3.25. ~ Fancy. heavy syrup. Large No. can Dozen, Can · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · l\Tatchcd ·lices. No. 2 can Dozen, Can . , . , ...· ........ , ... FORT DEARBORN RED RASPBERRIES Pf>rfcct quality. Heavy syrup. To. 2 can. " Dozen, $4.10. Can .................... . 3St .................................................

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