Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 4

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\VIL~IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 LOCAL PASTOR NAMED BISHOP Mgr. Kelley Consecrated on October Z He's Here from Movie Town on a Novel Jaunt d' f F mou · Play~rs L'oa st stu lOS o ·a ~. II recel\'l l.a ~ ky where Mr. Sykes \\'1 ordLrs for his return trip . Women Urged to Attend Third Citizenship Talk People Pay the Bills." .is th~ illten:st-laden subject for the t~lrd ot a series of popular lectures. g1ven b.y ~1rs . Walter F. Dodd, authonty <;'n go\ ~ ernmenta l problems_, u~der ausp!ces o~ the Civics and LegtslatJOn committee ot the Wilmette \Voman's club. The. thirtl lecture is scheduled for Thursday morning, Octo~~r 9. a1_1d the enthusiastic interest mam tested Ill the first two lectures augers well for a large attendance. . More than 100 women oi the v11lage heard Mrs. Dodd speak on · the subjec~; "Popular or 'Cnpopular Go\·ernment Thursday of this week, but the Woman's cluh committee feels that many more women, will want to hear these exce llent discussions of vital governmental affairs. The topic, "The People Pay the Hills " obviously pertains to the matter uf t~xation, a subject that intimately a~ fccts every householder. Mrs. Dodd IS sa id to present the matter in a clear and collcise for m that is within the grasp of the average person not thoroughly familiar with the purposes and methods of collection and d'istribution of taxes. 11rs. Dodd is the wife of the \~ell know1~ L'niversity of Chicago authonty, and has collaborated with her husband in the authorship of recognized texthonks on political economy and kindred subjects. "Th< "Bill" Syke ~. better known to iricnd s ill thi · community a s ~herman M. Sykes, has arrived at ht~ home ill vVilmette enroute to New \ ork on a publicity tour for Famous Players Lasky West Coa·a studios of HollyThe con, ecration of Bishop Francis wood, Cal. This tour is spoll sorcd also hy the 1 ·. Kell ey, who was pastor ?f St. Franc i, Xavier 's church of W1lmette Hollywood Chamber of Comme,rc~ , outhern Calij 01 -. ~· \' t· n years. took place Thursday Automobile Cluh of morn inR a t l..h(' Cathedral of the Ho!y fornia, and the Marmon Motor con~ X ame Cardinal George Mundelein pany. The purpo e of the tour IS fourfold . :\I r. SYk e~ will bring a greeting from the . \\'c ' t Coa st studios to near h· 150 Par a mount theaters, thereby e·. tahli shing- a closer relationship he tween producer and di_stribut~r . He will al sQ j:!"i,·e informatiOn d~ s tred on the moving picture indu stry 111 Hollywood. Addre ses will he made by 'M r. Svkes before Chamhcrs of Commerce along the route of the tour on t.h c subject, "Hollywood a s an Indus trtal Center and Place to Lh·e." For the Automobile cluh he is reporting on road conditions and checking up on garage s and hotels recommended hy that organization. He brings an invitation to all eastern touri sts who contemplate an overland trip to California to communic~te with the Automobile cluh for any miormation de s ired. :\fr. Sykc" drive'> a ~[armon 36 . ~pccd~tcr and is making sneral te sts Jap Exclusion Act to oi new appliances for that company. Be Subject of Debate He is accompanied by his wife, A dehate on the Japan ese Exclu ·ion who has done considerable mo\·ie Act will comprise the feature oi the work in Hollywood along with her October meeting of the \\"om an's Bishop F. C. Kelley hushand. She is known on the screen societv of the Wilmette Baptist '\a.; the con s<'crator. Visiting bishops as Glad O'Day. church today. {rom ~texico and Canada participated Last, hut not least, is the movie dog, Luncheon will be served at 12 :30 "Cac tu s." who rides in state in a o'clock and the debate will begin at in the consecration. Bishop Kelley will celebrate his specially built dog limousine fastened 2 o'clock. The ques t ion of debate is. l1igh pontificial mass at St. Franci~ to the running board of the Marmon . "Resolved: That the present JapXavier's church Sunday October 5. He receiYe . more attention than any- anese Exclusion Act will conserve the The Guilmette Council of the Knights one else. best interests of the American peooi Columbus will hold a banquet in The tour will terminate at the East ple." honor of the prelate Thursday e\·ening. October 9, at the Orrington hotel. The hi~hop will lea\·c for Oklahoma, {)ctoht·r 14. Bishop Kelley was horn in Vernon J~i\·er, Prince Edward Island, Canada, October 23, 1870 and was educated at ~t. Dunstan's college Char lott etown, Prince Edward Island and Nicolet Wilmette, Ill. 1163 Wilmette AYe. Seminary, Quebec, institutions of the Tenth St. and Central AYe. Hours: University of Laval. He was ordained Services : Daily (except Wednesday and priest on October 23 1893 for the DioSunday at 11 A. M. Saturday) 9 A. M . to 5:30 P. M . cese of Detroit, and was pastor for Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 'Nedn esday: 9 A. M. to 7 :45 P. M. 12 years of the Parish of Lapeer and 'i'lt·Jrd.av: 9 A. M. to 6:00 P . M. missions in the Detroit diocese. Ocat 8 P . M . The Bible and Woncs by Kary Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. Baker Eddy and all other authortob er 18, 1905 he founded the Catho lic Subject of the Lesson Sermon lzed Christian Science Literature C hurch Extension society of the October S, "Unreality" ~~~ed~e read, borrowed or purt nited States in Chicago under the 1·atronage of Archbishop Quigley. The· Public ia cordially inYitecl to attend the Church Senicea aad Six months later he founded the ExYiait the Readina Room. tension magazine. Bishop Kelley was captain and chaplain in the Spanish war, and later in the Michigan national guard. He was aide-de-camp with the rank of <"olonel to the commander-in-chief of the Spanish American War Veterans and for 10 years was vice commander~eneral of the Military Order of Foreign Wars. At various times he GARDENER has hrrn chaplain of th e Illinois <:ommandery of the Naval and Mili436 Woodlawn Avenue, Corner Randolph Street, tary Orc.Jer of the Spanish-American War. Bishop Kelley has published Glencoe, Phone 555 five hooks. The ' bishop has had diplomatic exI have a nice group of Perennial Flowers, Large Choice Phlox, perience as a special negotiator, on hehalf of the Holy See, on the quesFoxglove, Larkspur, etc., at very reasonable prices. tion of German and Austrian missions, Hardy flowers must be planted 3 weeks before frost if you desire and had charge of the interests of Mexican exiles on behalf of the good results next year. ~ atholic church of the United States during th · Carranza reYolution in that country. This past June he was ap?Ointed Bishop of Oklahoma. f h The Xorth Shore Zone o t e \\"alther league is to hold its quarterly convention in St. John':; Lutheran church, \V ilmette and Park avenues, \ Vilmette. Sunday afternoon and evening, October 19. About 200 memhers of the league are expected to be guests of the local parish on that occasion. Convention speakers wi ll include Rev. William Dallmann author and lecturer, of Milwaukee, and Rev. M. Tennis, of Trinity Lutheran church. Oak Park. Lutheran Young People · H. to Hold Convention ere Super-Succeaa GU~\ranteed New method shows you exactly how to build your own Super-Hetel'ody- with absolute guarantee of results. So simple you ct«not fail, even if you have never built any kind of a set before. Exact location of every part, exact length and position of every, wire so clearly pictured you cannot make a mistake, Service and installation by experts at reasonable prices. Invi L Koncrea Radio Senice Phone or write Central 3111 City Hall Square Buildin1 Cbicaao Lo Be as careful in choosin~ your Optometrist as you would be in choosing your physician or denti st. The eye is too delicate and complicated an organ to experiment with. Examining- ryes, making new and repairing broken glasses is all we do. hut we do that well. Our rapidly ~rowing clientele is the hest prooi of the type of sen-ice we are rendering. and at tli Pare scho Octo! th,c l ten de apd l s_pea :seve FOR SAI,.E BY YOUR LOCAL DEALER or from 14 Years of Sw:cusful Practice E. B. MOORE &CO. Since 1878 Fine Hardwood Floors Laid Scraped, Cleaned, Finished Dr. 0. H. Bersch Optometrist . F"wur Mtr . Op~ic.U Dt-1. C. D. PtGcoclt, bat . _.. 1177 Wilmette Ave. A.. I Eatimatea Free I 218 South Wabuh A-ve. Chicago, lllinoia Telephone Wabaab 2020 For A~tpolat·eat P·oae WIL 21'. . or Realdeaee Wllaette 1707 Hoan dal17 froa 813e 5a30 P.M. lh·e'· .. ,. ···vtaaae.t. 11. to First Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Reading Room Announcing the Opening of a Sales and Service Branch for the Jos. Herzig at 1311 Chicago Avenue Evanston Under the Management of UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllltllllllllllilllllllllltlllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllll Read All the Want-Adt 111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Parent-Teacher's dancing cla ses begin ~1onday, October 6th at the New Prices on Wilmette Women's Club Edwina Martine Weckler, Teacher Ball Room Claaaea Monday 1st. 2nd. and Jrd grade pupils .... . . 3 :00 4th and 5th grades ................ 4:00 6th grade ......................... 5 :00 7th grade ......................... 6 :30 ~th grade ........................ 7:30 High ~chool ...................... 8:30 Adults ............................ 9:30 to to to to to to to -1- :00 p, l\1. Mr. Harry F. Thompson Tel. University 8841 Rug Cleaning modern methods and k v price make Big Sa-vina· and give our hundreds of customers better cleaning. Repeat orders from almost every customer i proQf of thi s statement. hlZ Domeatic Ruga, cleaned O~tr $3.%4 ht O....tie Rqa, deaned .1.75 5:00 6:00 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 P. P. P. P. P. P. l\1. l\1. This Office will serve the North Shore Towns CalJ and Witness a demonstration; ask for a list of users and be convinced of A-B-C superiority. M. M. M. l\1. Aeatbetic Claaaea Tueaday Afternoon Very mall children ................ 3:00 to 4:00 P. M. Beginner ........................ .4:00 to 5 :00 P. M. ·\d\·anced ...· ....................... 5:00 to 6:00P.M. Tl'ITION, one term of 12 le ons, $8.00; 2 term, $15.00; 2 children in family, 2 terms for $25.00 John Nazarian 571 LiDcola A··ae WINNETKA PhonP. Cold weather is here! Do not delay! A-8-C Oil Burner Co. 221 N. Michigan Ave. Chica1o =}727

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